
Board of Governors - APPENDIX VI - June 28, 2001



1. President's Priorities for 2001-02

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the President's priorities for 2001-02 as detailed in Annex 1.

Each June, the Senior Operations Committee and the President meet to discuss and reach agreement about the priorities for the year to come. The attached letter from Dr. Davenport to the Committee contains the priorities that the Committee has approved and recommends to the Board.

In September, the President will address the Senate and Board of Governors to outline the goals and anticipated activities for the year ahead in a way that reflects the priorities approved by the Board in June.

2. University Commissioner for Access to Information and Protection of Privacy

Recommended: That the Board of Governors appoint Mr. Robin Keirstead, University Archivist, as University Commissioner for Access to Information and Protection of Privacy for a five-year term (renewable) commencing in June 2001 and ending in June 2006.


ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s guidelines provide that the University Commissioner will "receive, investigate and report on complaints" filed under section 28 of the guidelines. If the Commissioner finds that the complaint is well-founded, the Commissioner shall file with the President a report on the investigation and the recommendation. The President (or designate) will decide whether and to what extent the recommendation is to be followed. The President has named Dr. Peter Mercer, General Counsel, as his designate relative to the Guidelines for Access to Information and Protection of Privacy.

In addition to dealing with complaints under section 28, the University Commissioner has various educational, policy, and reporting duties that are set out in section 30 of the guidelines. The mandate of the University Archivist, a new position at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾, is very compatible with the role of University Commissioner.

Mr. Keirstead is ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s first University Archivist. He joined the University on June 4, 2001.

3. Appointments to the University Discipline Appeal Committee (UDAC)

The Code of Student Conduct provides for a University Discipline Appeal Committee as follows:

The Board of Governors shall appoint a Chair and 12 members: 7 members of faculty and 5 students (3 undergraduates and 2 graduate students).

(a) No more than two of the faculty members shall be from the same Faculty. Each of the undergraduate students shall be from a different Faculty and each of the graduate students shall be from a different program.

(b) The Chair shall be appointed by the Board of Governors annually.

(c) The terms of appointment shall be: faculty, three years; students, one year. Members are eligible for reappointment to a maximum of six continuous years (excluding therefrom a partial term served under (d) and (e) below), but shall be eligible for reappointment after a lapse of two years.

(d) Appointments for shorter terms may be made initially upon creation of the Committee in order to allow for staggered terms.

(e) Members may be appointed for shorter terms in order to fill vacated positions.

Required: A Chair and 12 members: 7 members of faculty and 5 students (3 undergraduates and 2 graduate students). It is desirable to stagger the terms of the members of faculty at this time of initial appointment.

The University Secretariat has invited nominations from faculty and students, has advised the nominees of the nature of the work of UDAC, and has asked that they confirm whether or not they are willing to serve. Those listed below are recommended for appointment; each has confirmed willingness to serve.

Nominee for Chair:
Mark Speechley (Term to July 1, 2002)

Faculty Nominees:
David Lloyd Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (Term to July 1, 2004)
Mel Usselman Faculty of Science (Term to July 1, 2004)
Lynne Zarbatani Faculty of Social Science (Term to July 1, 2004)
John Doerksen Faculty of Music (Term to July 1, 2003)
Dan Shrubsole Faculty of Social Science (Term to July 1, 2003)
Bob Bryan Faculty of Science (Term to July 1, 2002)
Sara Galsworthy Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (Term to July 1, 2002)

Graduate Student Nominees:
Alan Chan Graduate program in Psychology (Term to July 1, 2002)
Tom Urbaniak Graduate program in Political Science (Term to July 1, 2002

Undergraduate Student Nominees:
Duane Baxter Undergraduate, Social Science (Term to July 1, 2002)
Yuri Chumak Undergraduate, Law (Term to July 1, 2002)
George Kim Undergraduate, Medicine (Term to July 1, 2002)


1. Ivey Advisory Board

On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Senior Operations Committee has appointed the following new members to the Ivey Advisory Board: Timothy D. Dattels, Kirsten J. Feldman, David J. Kassie, Terrance A. Lyons, Jacques Menard, Stephen M. McDonald, Douglas E. Speers, and Barbara G. Stymiest.

In addition, the following former members have become Honorary Members: Paul G. Desmarais, Geno Francolini, Kenneth W. Harrigan, Grant Reuber, and Richard C. Sharpe.

2. Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging

Dr. Ted Hewitt, Associate Vice-President (Research) has been named to replace Dr. Bill Bridger as a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging.

3. Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Board of Directors

The Senior Operations Committee has nominated Dr. Jim Good for reappointment to the Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Board of Directors for a second three-year term as one of the University's representatives.

Board of Governors, June 28, 2001 - APPENDIX VI, Annex 1

From: Dr. Paul Davenport

Date: June 13, 2001

Subject: President's Priorities for 2001-2002

Each year in year in the spring I submit for approval to the Board my priorities for the coming year, which are considered by the Board in June and then discussed with Senate in the fall. My overall priorities for the coming year will be set by ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s 1995 Strategic Plan, Leadership in Learning, which was approved by the Senate and Board in the fall of 1995, as well as by Senate and Board resolutions which have been approved in the subsequent four years. In late June we will distribute the draft report of the 2001 Strategic Planning Task Force for consideration by ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s community. My priorities will be respond to those initiatives endorsed by the Senate and Board when the Task Force Report receives formal consideration in the fall of 2001.

In setting out priorities for 2001-02, I use the same broad categories as in previous years: Setting Directions; Keeping Academic Priorities First; Ensuring Open Administration and Effective Communication; and Strengthening Ties with the External Community. Most of the specific priorities were also contained in last year's report: for example, faculty, staff, and student recruitment will undoubtedly be priorities throughout my term as President, although the specific actions taken in support of those priorities will vary from year to year. While I present these as presidential priorities, accomplishing them will require effort by all in our campus community, as well as determined leadership by Vice-Presidents, Deans, Chairs, and Directors.

Once again this year, I wish to preface my priorities with a reference to the constraints which arise from a shortage of operating funds. In recent years our Province and the federal government have provided significant increases in research and capital funding, for which the University is grateful. Nonetheless, the chronic public underfunding of operating funds has been the greatest barrier to realizing our objectives as a leading university. While some progress was made in the May 9, 2001, Provincial Budget, which provided funding for future enrolment increases, even with that announcement we remain significantly below other Canadian Provinces in public funding per student and above the other Provinces in our student-faculty ratio. The gaps in this regard between Ontario and the average of US public universities is even greater.

As in years past, my foremost hope for ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ is that we can maintain the sense of common purpose and the commitment to excellence so evident in our successful student and faculty recruitment efforts of recent years. A broadly held spirit of cooperation among our faculty, staff, and students has kept our academic community whole and healthy despite the onerous external budget cuts we have experienced. Our top priority must be to work together in solidarity to preserve and enhance the achievements and values that define ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾.

1. Setting Directions: Leadership in Learning

· completing the review of our strategic directions begun last November, with a draft Report of the Task Force in June 2001, and formal consideration of the Report by Senate and Board in the fall of 2001.

· developing unit-level Academic Plans and Support Unit Plans through consultation in the Faculties, Departments, and Support Units, and using those Plans to identify areas of strength and priority

· recruiting a new Vice-President (Research) who will build on the research achievements of all Faculties in recent years

· maintaining flexibility in planning so the University can respond quickly to changes in the external environment and new opportunities, such as those afforded by the Canada Research Chairs, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund, and the Ontario Investment Trust.

· leading a cohesive, mutually supportive senior team, consisting of the President, four Vice-Presidents, and the Vice-Provost, who work together effectively to carry out the Strategic Plan and other University priorities

· building a sense of common purpose in difficult times among PVP, Deans, Chairs, Associate Vice-Presidents, Directors, and faculty, staff and students

· encouraging strong, effective leadership in support of the Strategic Plan and other University priorities at all levels of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s administration

2. Putting Academic Priorities First: Supporting Excellence in Teaching and Research

· strengthening our recruitment of undergraduate students and the quality of undergraduate education while continuing the upward trend in the average grades of entering students

· meeting the targets for undergraduate enrolments from 2001 to 2005 approved by Board and Senate in an increasingly competitive environment

· meeting the targets for graduate enrolments from 2001 to 2005 approved by Board and Senate, while seeking to ensure that full Provincial operating funding is available for these students

· beginning construction on our first major SuperBuild building adjacent to Engineering Sciences and on a new residence on ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Road near Althouse College and completing those buildings by 2003

· carrying out the entire SuperBuild construction program on time and on budget in a manner that best supports our academic objectives and maintains the beauty of our campus

· continuing to improve the volume and delivery of student support on campus, matching the size and form of support -- bursaries, loans, and employment opportunities -- to each student's circumstances

· expanding student options with regard to four-year undergraduate programs, summer courses, interdisciplinary programs, web-based courses, and collaborative programs with Fanshawe College and other institutions

· maintaining a productive and mutually supportive relationship with the Affiliated Colleges

· working with the Vice-Presidents and Deans to ensure effective responses to the opportunities afforded by the Canada Research Chairs and the growing volume of external research funding

· encouraging collaborative and multi-disciplinary research and teaching among Departments and Faculties at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾, and with other institutions.

· maintaining strong, collegial, and mutually supportive relations with our faculty, staff, and student associations

· improving development opportunities for our staff, so they can make their full contribution to the University at a time of restructuring and changing career patterns

· strengthening the recruitment and retention of outstanding faculty and staff

· building our reputation in technology transfer and supporting the Research Park in its efforts to increase private sector involvement in the Park and to resolve its financial difficulties

· protecting our academic future by increasing annual expenditure on deferred maintenance as set out in Leadership in Learning

3. Ensuring Open Administration and Effective Communication

· continuing to visit academic and support units, and holding informal celebrations of excellence in my office, to meet our faculty and staff and to learn first hand of their aspirations

· working to ensure that the University community understands that we in senior administration recognize that it is only through the efforts of individuals in the academic and support units that we can achieve our Mission of excellence.

· developing performance indicators in order to discuss University progress toward specific goals with Board, Senate, and other groups

· celebrating ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s achievements in teaching and research, with such programs as the Pleva Awards and the Hellmuth Prizes

· meeting on regular occasions with the leadership of the faculty, staff, and student associations, to discuss strategic issues and promote mutual understanding

· maintaining an open approach to the budget process and selective decision-making during a period of severe fiscal restraint

· continuing to report to Senate and Board on a regular basis on the major issues facing ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾

· holding open meetings on campus at appropriate times to discuss key issues and options at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾

· improving our communication, both internally and externally, with regard to ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s aspirations and the achievements of our faculty, staff, and students

4. Strengthening Ties with the External Community

· keeping Campaign ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ ahead of the Board-approved schedule which foresees $270 million in gifts and pledges by April 30, 2004: on April 30, 2001, we had a total of $192 in gifts and pledges, $37 million above the target of $155 million.

· building on our relations with alumni in Canada and abroad, and helping alumni take a greater role in such activities as government relations and student recruitment

· obtaining better information from alumni and the general community on their views of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ and using it to improve our academic programs and student recruitment

· raising external funding for the renovation of the Medical Sciences Building

· exercising leadership on the provincial and national levels with regard to such issues as the need for broadly based increases in operating funding, as President of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾, past Chair of AUCC, and past Chair of COU

· working with COU, MTCU, and the Province to ensure that quality improvement--in particular, reductions in the student-faculty and student-staff ratios--plays a central role in future public funding decisions

· making the case with the provincial and national governments of the importance of university teaching and research to our knowledge-based society

· expanding media coverage of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s academic excellence and community involvement while we continue to strive to be a visible part of the community of London

· working with the Vice-Presidents Research and External, and the Director of Government Relations, to establish a better knowledge of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ among cabinet ministers in the provincial and federal governments

· building on our strong relationships with the City of London, the London Economic Development Corporation, the Chamber of Commerce, the members of City Council, and the Mayor

· working with faculty, staff, and students to host the best Canada Summer Games ever

· increasing opportunities for the external community to take advantage of campus facilities and to participate in campus activities

· maintaining ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s traditional close ties with local and regional MPs and MPPs, and involving them on a regular basis in University projects and events