Board of Governors, May 3, 2001 - APPENDIX VI (Addendum Included)
Recommended: That Howard Taylor be re-appointed to the Development & Fund Raising Committee effective June 1, 2001, in the membership category that does not require concurrent membership on the Board of Governors.
There are a number of categories of membership on the Development & Fund Raising Committee, including "up to three members of the Board, appointed by the Board" and "Up to five other members, appointed by the Board". Currently Mr. Taylor is a member of the Development & Fund Raising Committee in his capacity as a member of the Board of Governors, but his term on the Board ends on May 30, 2001, at which time his membership on the Committee ends. It is therefore recommended that he become a member in the second category, effective June 1, 2001.
The Senior Operations Committee has made the following appointments on behalf of the Board of Governors.
Two new members will be welcomed to their first UWO Board meeting on May 3:
Dr. Albert Taylor (School of Kinesiology) has been reappointed for a one-year term (to March 31, 2002) and Mr. Bill Peel has been appointed for a two-year term (to March 31, 2003) to the Board of Directors of the Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging (CCAA). The other representatives of the University on the CCAA Board are: Dr. Bill Bridger, Vice-President (Research) [ex officio]; Dr. Angelo Belcastro, Dean of Health Sciences; and Ms. Maureen Morton.
Mr. Wally Gibson has been reappointed as the Board's representative on the Student Services Committee (term to April 1, 2003).
Mr. Wally Gibson and Mr. Bill Peel have been reappointed to the Senate Committee on University Planning (SCUP).
Dr. Wesley J. Dunn has been appointed to the Standing Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics (to March 1, 2003).
The University representatives on the Joint Committee (Health Services Restructuring) have been reappointed for terms ending December 31, 2002, as follows:
Dr. Carol Herbert, Dean of Medicine & Dentistry - Member
Mr. Bill Peel - Member
Dr. Angelo Belcastro, Dean of Health Sciences - Alternate
Officers of the Student Court - Student Disciplinary Code
New appointments are highlighted below (terms to April 30, 2001).
Commissioner of Justice: Amy Finch
Chief Magistrate: Alasdair Federico
Magistrates: | Prosecutors: |
Nick Chiera
Genny Na Joe Belissimo Mike Wolfe Nelson DasNeves Rob Fonn Paul Rand Mariane Kerba Jim Bunting Wes Jackson Chris McCarthy |
Michael Mahoney
Iain Peck Kim Gribble Franka Fargione Prem Rawal Aaron Platt Raija Pulkinnen Jeffrey B. Fitzpatrick |
Supervisory Board - Student Disciplinary Code
Susan Grindrod has been appointed to the Supervisory Board, Student Disciplinary Code (term to September 30, 2003) as the Board's representative.
Appeal Board - Student Disciplinary Code
The following have been appointed to the Appeal Board, Student Disciplinary Code:
Roma Harris ex officio - for Commissioner for Undergraduate Student Life(1)
Stephen Pitel (term to 30 September 2003) Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law
Karen McCulloch (term to 30 September 2001) Nominated by the USC Commissioner of Justice
The statement of the responsibilities and expectations of deans (Annex 1) has been developed by the Provost in consultation with the Deans. It is provided for the information of the Board of Governors.
The annual Board Retreat will be held in 2002 in conjunction with the Board meeting that has been scheduled for September 26th:
Board meeting Thursday, September 26
Pre-Retreat Dinner at Gibbons Lodge Thursday, September 26 (evening)
Retreat at Windermere Manor Friday, September 27 (all day)
Dr. Tom Freeman (Acting Chair, Department of Family Medicine) has been reappointed as Member of the Board of Directors of the Southwest Middlesex Health Care Centre and Dr. Stanley Kogon (Associate Dean, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry and Director of the School of Dentistry) has been reappointed as Alternate.
May 3, 2001 Annex 1
Responsibilities and Expectations
Deans of Faculties at The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario are central to the achievement of the Mission and Vision of the University.
Mission of the University:
The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario is dedicated to the advancement of learning through teaching and research and to the discovery and application of knowledge. The University seeks to provide an environment of free and creative inquiry within which critical thinking, humane values, and practical skills are cultivated and sustained. By pursuing these objectives, the University endeavours to serve the interests of society.
Vision of the University:
By supporting academic distinction, ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ will achieve a place in the first rank of major Canadian universities and, in selected areas, be the leader.(2)
Fulfilling this Mission and attaining the Vision require strong academic leadership at the Faculty level. Although Deans have a variety of specific responsibilities, the unifying feature of their work is the promotion of excellence in teaching and research. In support of this primary objective, all Deans strive to facilitate the effective operations of the University as a whole.
Success for a Dean is achieved when
• the Faculty has students who are taught well and are successful in programs that are intellectually rigorous
• the Faculty is a vibrant research community
• everyone who learns and works here is treated with respect
• the organization functions well-- i.e., administrative procedures are efficient and decision-making processes and structures are clear and effective
Decanal positions are complex, involving a wide range of activities and responsibilities. The expectations ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ has for Deans can be grouped under five general headings.
1. Academic
The Dean is responsible for the development, coordination and implementation of the educational and research plans of the Faculty. While most academic initiatives will arise in departments or among groups of faculty, the dean is expected to set the academic priorities of the unit, and provide leadership in the establishment of plans that achieve those priorities. The dean works with chairs, directors and individual faculty members in the scholarly development of departments, schools and faculty. Deans also have overall responsibility for the academic programs of students, including the right to waive any academic regulation and to impose sanctions on students who have committed either academic or non-academic offenses.
2. Administrative
The Dean is the "budget unit head" and so has responsibilities for developing an annual plan, setting the Faculty budget, overseeing the operation of the Faculty, and making recommendations on faculty and staff complement. The Dean assists the central administration in the application of the Collective Agreement within the Faculty.
3. Professional
The Dean represents the discipline(s) of the Faculty to the University and to the community. The Dean may be called upon to speak about the work of the Faculty or to speak on behalf of the discipline(s) or profession represented in the Faculty. As a respected scholar in the field, the Dean is an ambassador by example to the community of the mission of the Faculty.
4. University
The Dean is part of the senior administration of the University. Working through Senate and its committees and with the President and Vice-Presidents, the Dean
• is involved in setting the academic and strategic direction of the University
• represents the needs and interests of the Faculty to the University and senior administration
• represents the University to the Faculty and helps to implement University policy in the Faculty context
• working with the Vice-President (External), is the leader in raising funds for the Faculty and University
• presents the work of the Faculty to alumni, foundations, government and other potential donors
• ensures that a respectful, productive work culture is established and maintained within the faculty
• contributes to building an integrated University-wide organizational system, and
• contributes to decision-making processes focussed on the good of the whole.
5. Professorial
The Dean is an academic who maintains significant involvement in research and teaching. Although having wide-ranging administrative commitments, the dean remains a colleague in the Faculty, active in his or her own scholarly work.
April 15, 2001
1. The Commissioner for Undergraduate Student Life was an administrative position that at one time reported to the Registrar.
The position was eliminated in 1994.
2. 1. From the University