
Board of Governors - APPENDIX III - January 25, 2001



The Campus and Community Affairs Committee held a public meeting on Thursday, January 11, 2001. [The December 11, 2000, meeting was cancelled due to weather conditions].

In advance of the meeting, members of the University and London community were informed, through advertisements and direct mailing, that they were invited to make recommendations, proposals, or submissions to the Committee on any matter under the purview of the Board. Information was also posted on the Internet at

There was only one presentation scheduled for this meeting: Code of Student Conduct prepared by the Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee. The speakers were: Dr. Peter Mercer, Vice-President (Administration) & General Counsel, presenting on behalf of the Vice-Provost, and Dr. Brian Timney, Chair of the Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee on a Code of Student Conduct.

Following the presentation, there was an opportunity for questions from the Committee and informal discussion. No decision will be taken on the Code until CCAC meets on April 5th. This will allow time for the recently established ad hoc Senate Committee to Review the Code of Student Conduct to carry out its review and report to the Senate on March 16th. The April 5th meeting will be a public meeting where members of the University and general communities may make presentations upon prior application to the CCAC. The deadline for filing applications with the University Secretariat is 4:30 p.m. on March 22, 2001.

CCAC will submit its report and recommendations to the Board on May 3, 2001.

The Draft Code of Student Conduct prepared by the Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee can be viewed at http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/board/code.html