
Board of Governors - APPENDIX IV - January 25, 2001


Amendment to Special Resolution 1-M - Senior Operations Committee

Recommended: That the composition of the Senior Operations Committee (Section 4 of Special Resolution 1-M) be amended as highlighted below:

Membership and Procedure
4. The membership of the Committee shall be:

Chair of the Board, who shall be Chair of the Committee

Vice-Chair of the Board, who shall be Vice-Chair of the Committee

Chair of the Audit Committee

Chair of the Campus & Community Affairs Committee

Chair of the Property & Finance Committee

Immediate Past Chair of the Board

Notwithstanding the ex officio membership of the Committee, in light of the mandate of the Committee with respect to personnel, employee contract and remuneration issues, all members of the Committee must be external members of the Board


Currently there are four members of Senior Operations: the Chair of the Board, who chairs the committee; the Vice-Chair of the Board, who is Vice-Chair of the committee; the Chair of the Property & Finance Committee; and one member of the Board elected by the Board. [While the President and Vice-Presidents usually attend meetings of the Senior Operations Committee, they are resource persons to the Committee and not members per se. The Secretary of the Board serves as Secretary to the Committee, but is not a member.]

It is proposed that the Committee be expanded by the addition of Chairs of two other standing committees of the Board and the Immediate Past Chair of the Board, if available. If the individuals holding those positions are not available, the seat(s) will not be filled. Note, for example, that if the Immediate Past Chair of the Board is no longer a member of the Board, then he/she cannot serve according to the Board's By-Law No. 1, Sec. G.5.(b).(1)

The terms of reference of the Senior Operations Committee (Special Resolution 1-M, sections 1-3) are attached as Annex 1. It is not proposed that these be changed.

The Senior Operations Committee (formerly named the "Senior Salary Committee") is principally a senior personnel committee which deals with collective agreements and the annual performance review and assignment of salaries to the statutory senior salary group [see the list at 2.(a)(iii) in the terms of reference] and the Senior Administrative Staff Group [2.(a)(iv)].

Board of Governors, January 25, 2001 - EXHIBIT IV, Annex 1


Terms of Reference

1. The Senior Operations Committee is a standing committee of the Board with the duties, responsibilities and authorities as set out below.

2. The Committee's principal responsibilities are:

(a) personnel issues, including:

(i) to review and make recommendations to the Board regarding negotiated collective agreements

(ii) to negotiate and approve on behalf of the Board the terms of the contract with the President

(iii) to fix and provide for the remuneration, retirement and superannuation of the following employees of the University:

President and Vice-Chancellor
University Librarian
Secretary of the Senate
Secretary of the Board

(iv) to fix, on the recommendation of the President, the salary of those occupying positions in the Senior Administrative Staff Group, numbering not more than 20, as identified by the Board on the recommendation of the President.

(v) when not so determined by approved policies, group plans or collective agreements, to authorize expenditures of such sums as may be required to establish funds for the payment of gratuities, retirement allowances, pensions, life insurance or other insurance (including health insurance) for the benefit of employees

(vi) to review recommendations from the President in personnel matters which fall outside existing University policies

(vii) to review annually the performance of the President and to receive from the President and Provost the performance appraisals of the other employees listed in (iii) and (iv) above;

(viii) to receive from the President the President's proposed priorities for each forthcoming academic year and to make a recommendation thereon to the Board

In all of the foregoing, the Committee shall have due regard for collective agreements which have been approved by the Board.

(b) to advise the Board or the President in matters concerning compensation, and to report and make recommendations to the Board on matters of policy as the Chair deems advisable

(c) to act as the Nominating Committee of the Board for the purpose of making recommendations to the Board

- for the appointment of external members to the Board in accordance with Guidelines for the Identification and Appointment of External Board Members as may be approved by the Board from time to time
- for the appointment of members to standing committees of the Board
- for the appointment of members to other bodies as may be appropriate in the judgment of the Committee

(d) to plan initial and ongoing orientation activities for Board members

3. On behalf of the Board, the Committee may approve and authorize actions noted in 2.(a)(ii), (iii), and (iv) above and may report thereon to the Board in summary form.

1. "Membership on committees and subcommittees of the Board shall expire when the member ceases to be a member of the Board. Continuing membership on committees and organizations external to the Board (where a member was appointed by the Board), will be at the pleasure of the Board."