Table of Contents
A Introduction
B General
Selection Committees
Academic Tenure and Senior Appointments
C Rules for the Operation of Selection Committees
The Committee
Review of the Incumbent
Advertisement of Vacancies
D Study Leave and Modified Alternative Workload
Selection Committees
E President & Vice-Chancellor
F Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
G Vice-President (Administration)
H Vice-President (Research)
I Vice-President (External)
J Vice-Provost & Registrar
K Dean of Graduate Studies
L Deans of Other Faculties
M Associate Deans
N University Librarian
O Secretary of Senate
P Associate Vice-President (Research)
Q Associate Vice-President (Information Technology)
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The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Act (1982) empowers the Board of Governors, on the recommendation of the President, to appoint senior academic and administrative officers to the University, provided that all such appointments are in accordance with the policies and procedures established by Senate and recommended to the Board.
Selection Committees
The composition and terms of reference for Selection Committees, as determined by the Senate and Board of Governors, are set out in these Appointment Procedures for Senior Academic and Administrative Officers of the University.
Academic Tenure and Senior Appointments
1. Where appropriate, a person appointed to a senior administrative position shall also be accorded an academic appointment. The Selection Committee shall recommend the appointment of the successful candidate at an appropriate rank with tenure in an appropriate academic unit.
2. A person appointed to an administrative position with an academic appointment shall retain the privileges of tenure and academic freedom.
3. Where a person holding an academic appointment with tenure relinquishes his/her administrative duties, he/she may assume duties in the academic unit on a full-time basis following Study Leave (where relevant).
The Committee
1. Wherever possible, the appropriate Selection Committee shall be established at least twelve months, but no more than twenty months, prior to the end of any term of office.
2. Where a body, such as the Board of Governors, Senate, Faculty, or Department is responsible for the election of persons to a Selection Committee, that body shall determine the method of electing its representatives.
3. Following the first meeting of the Selection Committee, the Chair shall notify the Secretary of Senate of the names of the members of the Committee for the information of Senate.
4. The incumbent shall not be a member of the Selection Committee for any office, but this restriction in no way precludes a selection Committee from seeking the advice of the person retiring from the office in question.
5. The composition of a Selection Committee in no way precludes the appointment of a person not associated with the University as a full voting member of any Selection Committee. If such a person is not appointed to a Selection Committee, it is strongly urged that the Committee seek outside advice.
6. Where a member of a Selection Committee consents to be a candidate for the position under consideration, he/she shall cease to be a member of the Committee.
7. Where a member of a Selection Committee ceases to be a member of the Committee for any reason, a successor shall be chosen in the same manner as the person withdrawing, unless in the judgment of the Committee Chair the selection process is so far advanced that a new appointment to the Committee would be dysfunctional, in which case the seat shall remain vacant.
8. A member of a Selection Committee by virtue of his/her office shall remain a member of that Committee until such time as the task of the Committee is completed, provided that he/she remains a member of the University. In instances where an ex officio member is unable to act, Senate shall appoint an alternate member to exercise the same functions, unless in the judgment of the Committee Chair the selection process is so far advanced that a new appointment to the Committee would be dysfunctional, in which case the seat shall remain vacant.
9. All Selection Committees shall meet in camera and their deliberations shall be strictly confidential.
10. One-half of the membership of the Committees shall constitute a quorum, except at a meeting when a final decision is reached, in which case at least two-thirds of the members must be present.
11. All members of the Selection Committee shall have one vote, including the Chair and ex officio members, but the Chair shall not have a second or casting vote.
12. The Selection Committee may seek nominations by whatever means it considers appropriate.
13. The Selection Committee may consult with any person who is not a member of the Committee and, where appropriate, with special groups of faculty, alumni, and students.
14. The Selection Committee may invite to the University for formal consultation eminent persons not associated with the University but who, in the opinion of the Selection Committee, are in a position to offer wise, expert advice on the appointment in question.
Review of the Incumbent
15. The Committee will assume the incumbent to be a candidate unless the Selection Committee is informed otherwise.
16. When the incumbent has indicated willingness to be a candidate, the Selection Committee will first review the incumbent's performance, with a view to possible reappointment.
a. In the case of selection of Deans, this review shall involve an assessment by external consultants.
b. The Selection Committee will inform the University community that a review of the incumbent will be conducted and invite submissions, as the Committee shall deem appropriate.
17. After it reviews the performance of the incumbent, the Committee will determine whether it will recommend reappointment of the incumbent or conduct a search and interview other candidates.
Advertisement of Vacancies
18. Except when the Selection Committee recommends reappointment of the incumbent, all senior administrative openings must be advertised internally and externally unless the Selection Committee concerned deems that external advertising is unnecessary and obtains approval from the President to that effect. In those instances where advertising is required, placement of external advertising in "University Affairs" and /or "CAUT Bulletin" will be the responsibility of the Chair of the Selection Committee following the approval of the Provost & Vice-President (Academic). Internal advertising will be the responsibility of the Office of the Provost & Vice-President (Academic). A short version of the ad will appear in 深夜福利站 News and the complete ad will be available on the University's Website.
19.The decision of the Selection Committee shall be determined by a majority vote of the whole Committee.
20. The University officer negotiating with the prospective appointee shall make known to him/her any policy with respect to the term of the appointment and any collective agreement which may apply to the successful candidate. At the time a formal offer of appointment is made, the University officer shall inform the candidate of the term of the appointment and relevant policies, in writing.
21. The Selection Committee shall recommend one name to the President & Vice-Chancellor. Where the Selection Committee fails to reach a decision, it shall report to Senate for further instructions.
1. The purpose of Study Leave and Modified Alternative Workload is to re-establish a faculty member's abilities as a scholar and teacher following a period of administrative service which has been of such length and intensity that his/her scholarship and teaching might have suffered.
a. Study Leave may be taken while holding a senior administrative appointment, subject to the provisions of this Section D.
b. Modified Alternative Workload, consistent with the UWOFA Collective Agreement, may be agreed to at the conclusion of administrative service.
2. Only those senior administrators holding academic appointments are eligible for Study Leave.
3. Study Leave/Modified Alternative Workload shall be negotiated with the selected candidate at the time of the appointment. The duration and terms of the Study Leave shall be included in the letter of appointment.
4. In no circumstances may the Study Leave/Modified Alternative Workload be more than twelve months duration.
Composition of Selection Committee
Pursuant to Section 19(a) of the UWO Act, a committee to select a President & Vice-Chancellor shall consist of:
(a) 5 members of the Board of Governors, named by the Board
(b) 5 persons named by the Senate, at least one of whom must be a student
1. The Chair of the Board of Governors shall convene the Committee.
2. The Committee shall select its own Chair.
3. The Committee shall determine its own procedure.
4. The Chair shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates.
5. Any recommendation of the Committee shall be made in writing signed by at least eight members and delivered to the Board within nine months of the date on which the Board names five members to the committee or the date on which the Board requests the Senate to name five persons to the committee, whichever date is later, and, failing a recommendation within that period, the Board may appoint the President.
Composition of Selection Committee
A committee to select a Provost & Vice-President (Academic) shall consist of:
(a) the President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chair
(b) a Vice-President, Dean, or member of Faculty appointed by the President & Vice-Chancellor
(c) 5 persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student, and only one of whom may be a Dean.
(d) 1 person elected by the Board of Governors
1. The Chair shall convene the Committee
2. The Chair shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates.
3. The Chair shall report to Senate.
The term for the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) is five years and may be renewed
Composition of Selection Committee
A committee to select a Vice-President (Administration) shall consist of:
(a) The President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chair
(b) a Vice-President, Dean, or member of Faculty appointed by the President & Vice-Chancellor
(c) 4 persons elected by the Board of Governors, one of whom shall be a member of the administrative staff
(d) 4 persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student
1. The Chair shall convene the Committee.
2. The Chair shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates.
3. The Chair shall report to Senate.
1. If the appointee to this office has an academic appointment with tenure, the term shall be five years and may be renewed.
2. If the appointee is not an academic person with tenure, the Selection Committee may recommend appointment for a term, or may recommend appointment for an indefinite period, the termination of which shall be subject to the discretion of the Board.
Composition of Selection Committee
A committee to select a Vice-President (Research) shall consist of:
(a) the President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chair
(b) a Vice-President, Dean, or member of Faculty appointed by the President & Vice-Chancellor
(c) 5 persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student and only one of whom may be a Dean
(d) 1 person elected by the Board of Governors
1. The Chair shall convene the Committee.
2. The Chair shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates.
3. The Chair shall report to Senate.
The term for the Vice-President (Research) is five years and may be renewed.
Composition of Selection Committee
A committee to select a Vice-President (External) shall consist of:
(a) the President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chair
(b) a Vice-President, Dean, or member of Faculty appointed by the President & Vice-Chancellor
(c) 4 persons elected by the Board of Governors, two of whom will be alumni
(d) 4 persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student
1. The Chair shall convene the Committee.
2. The Chair shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates.
3. The Chair shall report to Senate.
1. If the appointee to this office has an academic appointment with tenure, the term shall be five years and may be renewed.
2. If the appointee is not an academic person with tenure, the Selection Committee may recommend appointment for a term, or may recommend appointment for an indefinite period, the termination of which shall be subject to the discretion of the Board.
Composition of Selection Committee
A committee to select an Vice-Provost & Registrar shall consist of:
(a) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic), who shall be Chair
(b) Vice-President (Administration)
(c) 6 persons elected by Senate, one of whom shall be a student, and only one of whom may be a Dean. The Presidents of the University Students' Council and the Society of Graduate Students shall qualify as students for this purpose.
1. The Chair shall convene the Committee.
2. The Chair shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates.
3. The Chair shall report to Senate through the President & Vice-Chancellor.
The term of the Vice-Provost & Registrar is five years and may be renewed.
Composition of Selection Committee
A committee to select a Dean of Graduate Studies shall consist of:
(a) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic), who shall be Chair
(b) the Vice-President (Research)
(c) 5 persons elected by the Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies: one from each of the four Divisions of the Faculty and one graduate student
(d) 3 persons elected by the Senate, only one of whom may be a Dean
1. The Chair shall convene the Committee.
2. The Chair shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates.
3. The Chair shall report to Senate through the President & Vice-Chancellor.
The term for the Dean of Graduate Studies is five years, renewable. In the case of renewal of an appointment where the incumbent takes a Study Leave at the end of the first term, the term of reappointment will be six years.
Composition of Selection Committee
A committee to select a Dean of a Faculty other than Graduate Studies shall consist of:
(a) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic), who shall be Chair
(b) the Vice-President (Research)
(c) 5 persons, one of whom shall be a student from the relevant Faculty, elected by the Council of the Faculty concerned
(d) 3 persons elected by Senate, who are not faculty, staff or students of the Faculty concerned, and only one of whom may be a Dean,
(e) for Medicine & Dentistry, one President of a London teaching hospital affiliated with the University, named by the Hospital Presidents;
for Engineering Science, one member of the Engineering Science Advisory Council, named by the Advisory Council;
for Business, two members of the Ivey Advisory Board, named by the Advisory Board;
for Law, one member of the Law Alumni Association, named by the Association.
1. The Chair shall convene the Committee.
2. The Chair shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates.
3. The Chair shall report to Senate through the President & Vice-Chancellor.
The term for Deans of Faculties is five years, renewable. In the case of renewal of an appointment where the incumbent takes a Study Leave at the end of the first term, the term of reappointment will be six years.
1. Each Faculty Council shall determine the procedure for the selection of an Associate Dean in that Faculty. The selection of a suitable candidate may be by a standing Appointments Committee or by an ad hoc Selection Committee.
2. The position of Associate Dean requires the incumbent to devote more than half time to decanal duties and to be involved in setting policy, and to have management responsibilities.
3. Associate Deans shall be appointed for a specified term. In general it is not anticipated that persons will serve in these positions for long periods of time.
4. The Dean shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates.
5. Initial appointments and changes in title shall be reported to Senate by the Dean through the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) and the President & Vice-Chancellor.
Composition of Selection Committee
A committee to select a University Librarian shall consist of:
(a) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic), who shall be Chair
(b) the Vice-President (Research)
(c) the Dean of Graduate Studies
(d) the Chair of the University Library Council
(e) 2 members of the full-time library staff, one of whom must be a professional librarian, elected by the full-time library staff
(f) 2 members of faculty and 1 student, elected by Senate
1. The Chair shall convene the Committee.
2. The Chair shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates.
3. The Chair shall report to Senate through the President & Vice-Chancellor.
1. The term for the University Librarian is seven years and may be renewed.
2. The University Librarian may or may not come from the academic ranks. If the appointee is not an academic person with tenure, the Selection Committee may recommend appointment for an indefinite period, the termination of which shall be subject to the discretion of the Board.
Composition of Selection Committee
A committee to select a Secretary of Senate shall consist of:
(a) the President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chair
(b) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
(c) the Vice-President (Administration)
(d) 4 members of Senate elected by Senate
(e) 2 members of the Board elected by the Board
1. The Chair shall convene the Committee.
2. The Chair shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates.
3. The Chair shall report to Senate.
Composition of Selection Committee
A committee to select an Associate Vice-President (Research) shall consist of:
(a) the Vice-President (Research), who shall be Chair
(b) 4 persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a graduate student
(c) 2 persons elected by the Board of Governors
1. The Chair shall convene the Committee.
2. The Chair shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates.
3. The Chair shall report to Senate through the President & Vice-Chancellor.
The term for the Associate Vice-President (Research) is five years, renewable. In the case of renewal of an appointment where the incumbent takes a Study Leave at the end of the first term, the term of reappointment will be six years.
Composition of Selection Committee
A committee to select an Associate Vice-President (Information Technology) shall consist of:
(a) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic), who shall be Chair
(b) the Vice-President (Administration)
(c) the Vice-President (Research)
(d) the Chair of the Senate Committee on Information Technology and Services
(e) 4 persons elected by Senate, one of whom shall be a student
1. The Chair of the Committee shall convene the Committee.
2. The Chair of the Committee shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates.
3. The Chair of the Committee shall report to Senate through the President & Vice-Chancellor.
1. If the appointee to this office has an academic appointment with tenure, the term for the Associate Vice-President (Information Technology) is five years, and may be renewed. In the case of renewal of an appointment where the incumbent takes a Study Leave at the end of the first term, the term of reappointment will be six years.
2. If the appointee is not an academic person with tenure, the Selection Committee may recommend appointment for a term, or may recommend appointment for an indefinite period, the termination of which shall be subject to the discretion of the Board.