Board of Governors, May 3, 2001 - APPENDIX IV, Annex 1
I. Scope of Code
- The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario is a community of students,
faculty and support staff involved in
learning, teaching, research, and other activities. The University seeks to provide an environment of free
and creative inquiry within which critical thinking, humane values, and practical skills are cultivated and
sustained.(1) In order to foster and maintain this environment, all members of the University community
are responsible for ensuring that their conduct does not jeopardize the good order and proper
functioning of the academic and non-academic programs and activities of the University or its faculties,
schools or departments, nor endanger the health, safety, rights or property of the University or its
members or visitors.
- Upon registration at the University, students assume the
responsibilities that such registration entails.
The academic and social privileges granted to each student are conditional upon the fulfillment of these
responsibilities and students must familiarize themselves with the University regulations and the conduct
expected of them while studying at the University.
- The University does not stand in loco parentis to its
student members: that is, it has no general
responsibility for the moral and social behavior of its students, as if they were its wards. In the exercise
of its disciplinary authority and responsibility, the University treats students as free to organize their own
personal lives, behavior and associations subject to the law and to University regulations that are
necessary to protect the integrity of University activities, the peaceful and safe enjoyment of University
housing and facilities by other members of the University and public, the freedom of members of the
University to participate reasonably in the programs of the University and in activities on the University's
premises, or to protect the property of the University or its members. Strict regulation of such activities
by the University is otherwise neither necessary nor appropriate.
The University encourages students to set for themselves the highest standards of behavior off-campus,
including behavior conducive to the peaceful and safe enjoyment of housing by both students and
neighbors. The University does not condone behavior that infringes upon the rights of the University's
neighbors or that brings the University's good name into disrepute.
- The purpose of this Code of Student Conduct is to define
the general standard of conduct expected of
students, provide examples of conduct that may be subject to disciplinary action by the University,
provide examples of sanctions that may be imposed, and set out the disciplinary procedures that the
University will follow.
- Nothing in this Code shall be construed to prohibit peaceful
assemblies and demonstrations, lawful
picketing, or to inhibit free speech as guaranteed by law.
- This Code applies to:
(a) conduct that occurs on the premises of the University or its affiliated colleges;
(b) off-campus conduct when the individual is acting as a designated representative of the University or
a student organization recognized by the Board of Governors as representing parts of the student body
(USC, SOGS, MBAA) or when the individual holds out that he or she is a representative of the
University or a representative or member of a student group or organization at the University; and
(c) off-campus conduct that has, or might reasonably be seen to have an adverse effect on the proper
functioning of the University or the rights of a member of the University community to use and enjoy the
University's learning and working environments.
- Any student found responsible for misconduct is subject to the
disciplinary sanctions of this Code,
regardless of the action or inaction of civil authorities. Nothing in this Code precludes the University
from referring an individual matter to the appropriate law enforcement agency either before, during or
after disciplinary action is taken by the University under this Code. A student may be subject to criminal
prosecution and/or civil proceedings notwithstanding, and in addition to, disciplinary action taken by the
University against the student under this Code.
- Graduate students, when acting in their capacity as Graduate
Teaching Assistants, are not subject to
the provisions of this Code.
II. Definitions
In this Code:
- "Student" refers to an individual registered at the constituent
University in a credit course or
program of studies.
- "Dean" and "Vice-Provost" shall be interpreted as "Dean or
designate" and "Vice-Provost or
- "Premises of the University or its affiliated colleges" includes
lands, buildings and grounds of the
University and its affiliated colleges and other places or facilities used for the provision of the
University's courses, programs or services or for University approved or sponsored events or activities.
III. Students of Affiliated Colleges
Subject to the provisions of the Affiliation Agreement between the University and its affiliated colleges,
students registered in the affiliated colleges are expected to conform to the standards of this Code while
on University property. Only the Principal of the affiliated college may impose discipline for conduct by
such a student which would constitute a violation of this Code; however, where extraordinary
circumstances warrant, the University may also take measures to restrict such a student's entry onto
University property or use of University facilities.
IV. Relationship To Other University Policies and Codes
- Conduct that is deemed by the University to be a Scholastic Offence
is not subject to this Code but is
subject to the disciplinary procedures and sanctions for Scholastic Offences as approved by Senate.
- Conduct that is proscribed under the Policy and Procedures for
the Conduct of Research, the Race
Relations Policy or the Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures is subject to disciplinary procedures
and sanctions under those policies and is not subject to disciplinary action under this Code, except that
the President (or designate) may impose an interim prohibition pursuant to Part VII of this Code pending
disposition of a complaint under those policies.
- With the exception of the policies described in 1. and 2. above,
no disciplinary action taken pursuant
to any other policies, rules, codes, or regulations of the University (e.g., regulations relating to use of
computing resources, regulations established by various units of the University including Intercollegiate
Athletics, the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Libraries, the Division of Housing and Food Services
[Residents' Understandings], and 深夜福利站 Campus Recreation) shall bar or prevent the University from
instituting disciplinary proceedings and imposing sanctions under this Code. Where other such
disciplinary action is proposed to be taken, discussions must be held between the University and the unit
head before other such disciplinary proceedings are initiated.
V. Student Conduct - Rules
Membership in the University community implies acceptance by every student of the principle of mutual
respect for the rights, responsibilities, dignity and well-being of others and a readiness to support an
environment conducive to the intellectual and personal growth of all who study, work and live within it.
Any conduct on the part of a student that has, or might reasonably be seen to have, an adverse effect on
the reputation or the proper functioning of the University, or the health, safety, rights or property of the
University, its members or visitors, is subject to discipline under this Code. Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, the following list sets out specific examples of prohibited conduct. This list
is illustrative only and is not intended to define misconduct in exhaustive or exclusive terms.
- Disruption
By action, threat, written material, or by any means whatsoever, disrupting or obstructing any University
or affiliated college activities, or other authorized activities on premises of the University or its affiliated
colleges, or the right of another person to carry on his/her legitimate activities, or to speak or to
associate with others. University or affiliated college activities include, but are not limited to, teaching,
research, studying, administration and meetings.
- Misconduct Against Persons and Dangerous
(a) Any assault, harassment, intimidation, threats or coercion, and/or other conduct that threatens or
endangers the health or safety of any person.
(b) Knowingly (which includes when one should reasonably have known) creating a condition that
endangers the health, safety, or well-being of any person.
(c) Coercing, enticing or inciting a person to commit an act that is humiliating or demeaning to that
person or to others.
- Misconduct Involving Property
(a) Entry and/or presence on any premises of the University or its affiliated colleges contrary to
University or affiliated college regulations, or without express or implied authority, or contrary to an
express instruction or direction from an authorized University or affiliated college official.
(b) Misappropriation, damage, unauthorized possession, defacement and/or destruction of premises or
property of the University or its affiliated colleges, or the property of others.
(c) Use of University or affiliated college facilities, equipment or services contrary to express instruction
or without proper authority.
(d) Misuse of University or affiliated college supplies and documents, including equipment, library and
computer resources, keys, records, transcripts and permits.
(e) Tampering with emergency telephones, fire protection equipment or emergency facilities (e.g., fire
bells, fire extinguishers, fire hoses); disconnecting or blocking fire alarms; setting unauthorized fires, or
raising a false fire alarm; blocking or wedging open fire and smoke doors on corridors or stairways.
- False Information, I.D. Cards, Meal Cards,
(a) Furnishing false information to any person or office acting on behalf of the University or affiliated
(b) Forging, altering or misusing any document, record, card or instrument of identification.
- Alcohol and Drug Use
(a) Illegal use, possession or distribution of a controlled or restricted substance.
(b) Contravention of provincial liquor laws or the policies of the University or affiliated college
governing the possession, distribution and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises of the
University or its affiliated colleges.
- Improper Use of Dangerous Objects and
Storage, possession or use of firearms, explosives, or other weapons, flammable solvents, biohazardous,
volatile or poisonous materials, except in areas formally designated for that purpose by authorized
University personnel.
- Contravention of University Regulations
Violation of published University policies, rules or regulations.
- Contravention of Other Laws
Contravention of any provision of the Criminal Code or any other federal or provincial statute or
municipal by-law.
- Other
(a) Aiding or encouraging others in the commission of an act prohibited under this Code or attempting
to commit an act prohibited under this Code.
(b) Failure to comply with any sanction imposed by the University for misconduct under this Code.
(c) Any other conduct that has, or might reasonably be seen to have, an adverse effect on the reputation
or the proper functioning of the University, or the health, safety, rights or property of the University, its
members or visitors.
VI. Sanctions
The University may impose one or more sanctions for misconduct, of which those listed below are
- Verbal Warning from the instructor or other
person in
- Exclusion from a class, examination room, or other
area. (Note: In this context, "class" refers to a
period of instruction such as a lecture, seminar, tutorial, laboratory session, recital, concert or exhibition
of visual arts or sports event.).
- Formal Reprimand.
- Removal, either temporarily or permanently, from
a course in which the student is registered.
- Prohibition or limitation of
access to any academic facility.
- Prohibition or limitation of employment at the
- Prohibition or limitation on entering University
premises or specific parts thereof and/or restriction
on contact with specified person(s).
- Restitution. Compensation for loss, damage, or
injury to the appropriate party in the form of
service, money, or material replacement.
- Forfeiture of University awards or financial
- Disciplinary Probation. A designated period of
time during which the student is not in good
standing with the University. The terms of probation may involve restrictions of student privileges
and/or set behavioral expectations, violation of which will result in the imposition of further sanctions.
- Deregistration. Removal from some or all courses
for one or two terms.
- Suspension from the University for a specified
time period.
- Expulsion from the University.
The sanctions imposed should be proportional to the type of misconduct. The most serious types of
misconduct will merit the most serious sanctions: deregistration, suspension and expulsion.
VII. Interim Prohibition
The President, or such other officials as he/she may designate from time to time, may impose an interim
prohibition pending an investigation and disposition of a complaint of misconduct. Interim prohibition
may be imposed only: (a) if needed to ensure the safety and well-being of members of the University
community or preservation of University property; (b) if needed to ensure the student's own physical or
emotional safety and well-being; or (c) if there is a reasonable apprehension that the student poses a
threat of disruption or of interference with the normal operations of the University.
During a period of interim prohibition, a student may be denied access to specified campus facilities
(including classes) and/or any other University activities or privileges for which the student might
otherwise be eligible, as the President (or designate) may determine to be appropriate. Within two
working days following the imposition of interim prohibition, the student shall be informed in writing of
the reasons for the prohibition. The student shall be afforded the opportunity to respond to the
allegations being made against him or her. If the student responds, the President (or designate) will
reassess the prohibition and either revoke or continue it pending formal disposition of the matter.
VIII. Procedures
- Whenever possible and appropriate,
disciplinary matters under this Code shall be dealt with informally
before resort is made to the more formal disciplinary procedures set out herein. Minor misconduct will
normally be dealt with informally within the area or department where it occurs.
In the case of an incident that has arisen in a classroom or related setting, this may be achieved through
discussion with the Instructor and/or Chair of the Department (Director of School) offering the class. In
the case of an incident that has arisen elsewhere, the matter may be dealt with through discussions with
the director or supervisor of a unit, or his/her designate.
- (a) Disruption of Instructional Activities
Disruption of instructional activities, including examinations, may be dealt with by the appropriate
instructor or proctor, as a matter of classroom discipline, and may include the exclusion of a student for
the remainder of the particular class or examination. Any disruption that results in the removal of a
student shall be reported to the Chair of the Department or Director of the School and, where
appropriate, to the Dean of the Faculty in which the course is held. If the disruption persists and/or if it
is deemed to be serious in nature, the incident will ordinarily be reported immediately to the University
Police Department and to the Chair (Director), the Dean of the Faculty, and the Vice-Provost. The
President (or a designate) may impose an interim prohibition on the student pending a full review of the
matter (see "Interim Prohibition" above).
(b) Temporary Exclusions from Other Areas
Academic or administrative unit heads (or designates) may ban a student from their area of jurisdiction if
the unit head (or designate) believes on reasonable grounds that the student's continued presence in that
area will be detrimental to good order or will constitute a threat to the safety of others. Such initial
exclusion shall be for 48 hours and shall be reported immediately to the appropriate Dean or to the Vice-Provost. The President (or a designate) may impose an interim prohibition on the student pending a full
review of the matter (see "Interim Prohibition" above).
- Any person may submit a complaint of misconduct to a Dean or to
the Vice-Provost. The complaint
shall be referred or dealt with as follows:
(a) Incidents that occur within the home Faculty of the student against whom a complaint is made, with
the exception of incidents falling within (b) below, shall be referred to the Dean of the home Faculty for
(b) Incidents that involve an academic or administrative unit outside the home Faculty, University
Police, an external police force, outside institutions, or persons outside the University community shall
be referred to the Vice-Provost. The Vice-Provost may dispose of the complaint him/herself or refer it
to the Dean of the home Faculty for disposition.
(c) All other incidents occurring outside the home Faculty shall be referred to the Vice-Provost who may
dispose of the complaint him/herself or refer the complaint to the Dean of the home Faculty for
- The Dean (Vice-Provost) shall not make a finding of misconduct nor
impose a sanction or sanctions
against a student unless the student has been informed, in writing, of the nature of the complaint, the
facts alleged against him/her, and has been given a reasonable opportunity to respond to them, and to
submit evidence. The student shall also be given a reasonable opportunity to meet personally with the
Dean (Vice-Provost) to discuss the matter. It is the responsibility of the student to provide all materials
that will support his/her position and to produce his/her own witnesses.
- If the Dean (Vice-Provost) finds that there has been misconduct,
he/she may impose an appropriate
sanction or sanctions.
- If the student does not respond to the allegation or does not
meet with the Dean (Vice-Provost) after
having been given a reasonable opportunity to do so, the Dean (Vice-Provost) may proceed to dispose
of the complaint without such a response or meeting.
- At all meetings with the Dean (Vice-Provost), the student may be
accompanied by a colleague of his
or her choosing. Legal representation is not permitted at this stage; it is permitted at the appeal stage.
- In determining an appropriate sanction or sanctions, the Dean
(Vice-Provost) may take into account
any previous findings of misconduct. The Dean (Vice-Provost) may direct that a sanction be held in
abeyance if a student's registration at the University is interrupted for any reason.
- The decision of the Dean (Vice-Provost), with reasons, shall be
communicated in writing to the
student. If there is a finding of misconduct, a copy of the decision will be retained in the student's home
Faculty and in the Office of the Vice-Provost. A copy of the decision shall be provided on a need-to-know basis to administrative units (e.g., Office of the Registrar, University Police). The relevant Dean
and/or the Vice-Provost is responsible for the implementation of any decision made under the Code.
- All notices and other communications from the Dean, Vice-Provost,
or the University Discipline
Appeals Committee (see below) to the student or any other member of the University community, shall
be by personal delivery, regular mail, campus mail, priority post, courier, or registered mail. If sent by
regular mail, service will be deemed effective on the fifth day after the documents are mailed. In the case
of students, all documents will be sent to the primary address recorded in the student's electronic record
at the University, unless the student requests in writing that they be sent to another address.
- Complaints of misconduct shall be reported, investigated, and
decided in a timely manner.
- The Vice-Provost shall compile all findings of misconduct and
report annually to the Campus &
Community Affairs Committee of the Board of Governors. The report shall include the nature of the
misconduct and the sanction, if any, with students' names removed. The report will be forwarded to the
Board by the Campus & Community Affairs Committee for information.
- While under investigation for misconduct, a student shall not be
permitted to withdraw formally
from the University. Where a student's conduct comes to light after a student has left the University, the
University may decide to proceed with the review and disposition of a complaint, if the seriousness of
the allegation warrants such action.
IX. Transcripts and Registration
- Permanent notations on the official transcript are recorded for
suspension or expulsion.
- While under investigation for serious misconduct that may result
in suspension or expulsion, the
student will not be issued transcripts directly, but, at the student's request, transcripts will be sent to
institutions or potential employers. If the student is subsequently suspended or expelled, the recipients
of the transcript will be issued a revised transcript.
- Courses taken elsewhere during a period of suspension shall not
be eligible for credit toward a degree
at the University.
X. Appeals
- Where the sanction(s) imposed by the Dean (Vice-Provost) is
forfeiture of University awards or
financial assistance, deregistration, suspension or expulsion, a student may appeal the finding of
misconduct and/or the sanction(s) to the University Discipline Appeal Committee (UDAC) on the
ground that the decision and/or sanction was unreasonable or unsupportable on the evidence before the
Dean (Vice-Provost).
- A student may appeal a Dean's (Vice-Provost's) finding of
misconduct to UDAC on one or more of
the following grounds:
(a) that there was a serious procedural error(s) in the hearing of the complaint by the Dean (Vice-Provost) which was prejudicial to the appellant;
(b) that new evidence, not available at the time of the earlier decision, has been discovered, which casts
doubt on the correctness of the decision;
(c) that the Dean (Vice-Provost) did not have the authority under this Code to reach the decision or
impose the sanctions he/she did.
- Filing an Appeal Application will not stay the implementation of
any sanctions imposed except where
the Chair of UDAC otherwise orders upon application of the appellant.
- UDAC may:
a) Deny the appeal
b) In the case of an appeal under section 1, grant the appeal and quash or vary the original decision or
grant the appeal and vary the sanction
c) In the case of an appeal under section 2(a) or (b), grant the appeal and direct the previous decision
maker to re-hear the matter or reconsider some pertinent aspect of its decision, and may include
recommendations relating to the conduct of any re-hearing.
d) In the case of an appeal under section 2(c), grant the appeal and quash the original decision..
- The right to be represented by counsel will be accorded to the
principal parties to the appeal only at
this level of appeal. The UDAC also reserves the right to retain counsel.
- The parties must bear all their own legal expenses, if any. UDAC
will not order the University to pay
all or part of the appellant's costs nor will it order the appellant to pay all or part of the University's
- The Board of Governors shall appoint a Chair and 12 members: 7
members of faculty and 5 students
(3 undergraduates and 2 graduate students).
(a) No more than two of the faculty members shall be from the same Faculty. Each of the
undergraduate students shall be from a different Faculty and each of the graduate students shall be from
a different program.
(b) The Chair shall be appointed by the Board of Governors annually.
(c) The terms of appointment shall be: faculty, three years; students, one year. Members are eligible for
reappointment to a maximum of six continuous years (excluding therefrom a partial term served under
(d) and (e) below), but shall be eligible for reappointment after a lapse of two years.
(d) Appointments for shorter terms may be made initially upon creation of the Committee in order to
allow for staggered terms.
(e) Members may be appointed for shorter terms in order to fill vacated positions.
(f) Three voting members (including at least one student and at least one faculty member) plus the Chair
shall constitute a quorum.
(g) In instances where the Chair is unable to act, a Vice-Chair, appointed by the Chair from among the
members, shall exercise the same functions as the Chair.
(h) When a duly constituted panel of UDAC commences to hear a matter, the membership terms of
those members present at the commencement of the hearing are automatically extended until UDAC
renders its final decision in the case in question.
- An Appeal Application must be filed with the Secretary of the
Board of Governors within two weeks
after a decision has been issued by the Dean (Vice-Provost). The Application must contain a copy of the
decision, the grounds for the appeal, the outcome sought, a full statement supporting the grounds for the
appeal, the name of legal counsel or agent, if any, and any relevant documentation in support of the
appeal. Where the basis of the appeal is new evidence, such new evidence shall be described clearly and
the names of any witnesses shall be provided.
- An Appeal Application will not be accepted by the Secretary of the
Board of Governors if incomplete
or not filed within the time period specified in section 5 above. Exceptions to the time limit for filing an
appeal are at the discretion of the Chair of UDAC upon written application of the student. Appeal
Application forms and further details on hearing procedures may be obtained from the University
Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.
- Parties to an appeal are the student against whom the decision
has been made (Appellant) and the
Dean (Vice-Provost) (Respondent).
- The Secretary of the Board of Governors shall provide the
Respondent with a copy of the Appeal
Application and attachments. The Respondent shall file a concise written reply to the Appeal
Application with the University Secretariat within ten days of receiving the documents. A copy of the
reply shall be provided to the Appellant.
- Upon receipt of an Appeal Application, the Secretary of the Board
of Governors shall:
(a) notify the Chair of UDAC;
(b) constitute a Panel of at least 3 members, plus the Chair; and
(c) convene the initial meeting of the Panel.
- Subject to the requirements set out herein, the Panel shall
determine its own procedures and
practices in any appeal and make such rules and orders as it deems necessary and proper to ensure a fair
and expeditious proceeding. It is bound by neither strict legal procedures nor strict rules of evidence.
The tribunal shall proceed fairly in its disposition of the appeal, ensuring that both parties are aware of
the evidence to be considered, are given copies of all documents considered by the Panel, and are given
an opportunity to be heard during the process.
- The Panel may summarily dismiss an appeal if the Appeal
Application does not, in the judgment of
the Panel, raise a valid ground of appeal or does not assert evidence capable of supporting a valid
- The Panel may, in its discretion, hold an oral hearing or make its
decision solely on the basis of
written submissions, provided that it shall hold an oral hearing if a party satisfies it that there is good
reason for doing so.
- The Panel shall determine whether an oral hearing shall be open
to the public or held in camera. At
the discretion of the Chair, other members of UDAC may attend the in camera meetings as observers.
- While an attempt shall be made to schedule an oral hearing at a
time convenient to the Panel and the
parties, a request by a party for a lengthy delay in the scheduling of the hearing, or a postponement of a
scheduled hearing, will be granted by the Chair only in exceptional circumstances. Oral hearings will
ordinarily be held within six weeks of filing of the Appeal Application.
In the case of an oral hearing, if the Secretary of the Board of Governors is unable to contact the
Appellant within a reasonable time to schedule a hearing, the Appellant will be notified by registered mail
at the address on the Appeal Application of the deadline by which he/she must contact the Secretary of
the Board of Governors to arrange a hearing. If the Appellant has not contacted the Secretary of the
Board of Governors by the specified deadline, the appeal will be deemed to be abandoned and may not
be resubmitted.
- Each party to an oral hearing shall be sent a Notice of Hearing
setting out the time, place and
purpose of the hearing. If a party does not attend, the Panel may proceed in the party's absence.
- Each member of a Panel shall vote. There shall be no
abstentions. A majority of positive votes is
required to grant an appeal. The Chair shall vote only in the event of a tie.
- The Chair of a Panel may waive any time limits specified herein
or in any procedures adopted by a
Panel in a given proceeding.
- The Secretary of the Board of Governors, or the Secretary's
designate, shall provide administrative
support and procedural advice to Panels.
- The decision, with reasons, shall be filed with the Secretary of
the Board of Governors and copies
shall be sent to the parties to the proceedings as well as to others with a legitimate need to know (e.g.,
Office of the Registrar, University Police). If the appeal is denied, or if the sanction is varied, a copy of
the decision shall be retained in the student's home Faculty and in the Office of the Vice-Provost.
- The Secretary of the Board of Governors shall report annually to
the Board of Governors, through
the Campus & Community Affairs Committee, setting out the number of appeals, the nature of the
appeals and the disposition, with students' names removed.
Further Appeal
- Within two weeks of the decision of UDAC, either party may appeal
to the President (or the
President's designate) on the grounds that UDAC had no power to reach the decision that it did, or that
there was a serious procedural error by UDAC that was prejudicial to the party.
- The appeal must state the full grounds upon which the party
relies and all arguments in support
thereof. After inviting written submissions from the parties, the President (or designate) may dismiss the
appeal, grant the appeal and order that the matter be re-heard, or make such other disposition of the
matter as he/she deems appropriate. The President's (or designate's) decision is final.
XI. Review of Code
The Board of Governors shall review the Code within three years of initial implementation.
1. Excerpt from the University's Mission Statement.