As approved at the November 22, 2001, meeting of the Board of Governors. The "in camera" portion of the minutes have not been included herein. Copies of Appendices not included herein are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.The meeting was held at 1:30 p.m. in Room 330, Stevenson-Lawson Building.
PRESENT: Ms. C. McAulay-Weldon, Chair, Ms. J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary
Mr. J. Adams, Mr. S. Adams, Dr. R. Colcleugh, Ms. H. Connell, Dr. P. Davenport, Mayor A.M. DeCicco, Ms. G. Dybenko, Mr. T. Garrard, Ms. S. Grindrod, Mr. H. Kelly, Ms. R. Ivey, Mr. D. McDougall, Mr. R. McFeetors, Dr. K. McQuillan, Dr. P. Mercer, Dr. G. Moran, Dr. P. Neary, Ms. M. Parker, Mr. W. Peel, Mr. T. Vine, Dr. A. Weedon, Mr. R. Yamada
By Invitation: Mr. R. Del Maestro, Mr. D. Riddell
The President reported on the following issues: Statement to Senate on the tragedies in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania on September 11; 2001 Canada Summer Games; Visit to St. Andrews; Ivey Hong Kong Executive MBA Convocation; an d Activities of the President. Copies of slides summarizing his presentation are attached as Appendix 1 to these Minutes.
Dr. Davenport provided an overview of the draft report of the Strategic Planning Task Force, provided in Appendix II. The Draft Report was circulated at the end of June and posted on the University's website. The Committee has discussed the Draft Report with Senate and requested written submissions from the University community. At this meeting, members of the Board were asked to provide comments on the Draft Report; the substance of the discuss ion will be conveyed to the Strategic Planning Task Force for consideration as the final report is prepared. The Task Force will prepare its final report, integrating concerns brought forward during the consultations with Senate, the Board and the Univers ity community. Approval of the final Report of the Strategic Planning Task Force will be sought from Senate on October 19 and from the Board on November 22, 2001.
Dr. Davenport highlighted key issues of the text of the Draft Plan, including 深夜福利站's response to the challenges of a new environment for higher education, characterised by increasing enrolmen t pressures, growing competition in the recruitment of top faculty, staff and students, changes in the ways university research is supported by both federal and provincial governments, the growing importance of collaborative activities and private giving, and the rapidly changing world of technology.
Discussion on the Strategic Plan
The Board commended the Task Force on the development of the draft report. A full and frank discussion ensued, providing the Task Force with numerous comments to be considered during the preparation of the final report. Comments inc luded: the provision of cost and budgetary assumptions; an operational review to improve processes; goals and objectives relating to fiscal responsibility; the University's plans to position itself within the comm unity at large; development of performance indicators; and reporting the achievement of goals and objectives.
Dr. Davenport welcomed the Board's input and responded to members' concerns. He stressed that 深夜福利站 must make strategic decisions about where and how it will invest resources to achieve the goal of being a national and international research university; however, financial circumstances faced by the University introduce a level of uncertainty. Financial modeling is ongoing, dependent upon projected stud ent enrolment and assumptions about revenue.
The University is required by the Board to deliver a balanced budget and maintain an operating reserve of $2.5 million. The Strategic Plan, once approved, will affect resource allocations, given that priorities are identified in the exp ectation that money will flow to support them. The President agreed to bring to the Task Force the suggestion that the administration review operational processes with the view of eliminating waste, noting, however, that over the last 15 years, 20% of the jobs have been eliminated, even in the face of increasing enrolments. Performance indicators will be developed that attach more directly to the Strategic Plan than those currently provided annually to the Board.
Consideration will also be given to stronger language to reflect the importance of the City of London to the University and 深夜福利站's desire to be involved in collaborative endeavours with the c ity.
On behalf of the Task Force, Dr. Davenport thanked those Board members who served on the Strategic Planning Task Force for their time and efforts in the preparation of the draft report, and he agreed to make every effort to address the concerns raised by the Board.
The Chair reviewed the procedures involving the unanimous consent agenda detailed in Appendix III.
It was moved by A.M. DeCicco, seconded by S. Adams,
That the items listed in the Unanimous Consent Motion, detailed on Appendix III, be approved and/or received for information by the Board of Governors.
BG.01-133 Appointment of Design Team for the North Campus Building
At its meeting of September 10, 2001, the Property and Finance Committee approved the award of the Consultant Contract for the North Campus Building to the design team led by architects Tillman Ruth Mocellin. The commission includes the development of a concept and siting plan at a cost of $55,000 and design services for the project at 7.5% of the total construction cost. Details are provided in Appendix IV.
BG.01-134 Proposed Expansion of the Robarts Research Institute
Dr. Mercer and Mr. Riddell provided an oral report about the proposed expansion of the Robarts Research Institute (RRI). The expansion involves the construction of a three-storey building adjacent to the existing site. RRI resid es on land owned by the University but leased to RRI on a long-term basis. The expansion will house the Centre for Brain and Mind. Construction could include a total of eight storeys if RRI can obtain total funding.
Mr. Peel asked if any university funding is involved. Mr. Riddell explained that funding currently in place for three storeys is through a CFI grant awarded jointly to 深夜福利站 and RRI, plus a provision of about $1 million from RRI. Roba rts will be responsible for any cost over-rides and obligated to provide space to UWO as identified in the CFI application. 深夜福利站's only financial contribution toward this project is through its share of the CFI grant.
Mr. Adams asked about parking. Mr. Riddell advised that RRI will obtain parking from the London Health Sciences Centre (University Campus).
BG.01-135 Review of Four Budgetary Indicators
Each spring the University's annual Operating Budget contains references to four important indicators: the Carryforward Reserve, the Operating Reserve, Operating Revenue, and Student Aid , along with preliminary estimates of those figures for the fiscal year just ending. Appendix IV, Annex 1, shows the final values for these indicators for 2000-01, and historical data back to 1983-84. Additional details are found in Appendix IV.
BG.01-136 Quarterly Financial Report (Operating and Ancillary Budgets)
The Quarterly Financial Report (Operating and Ancillary Budgets), detailed in Appendix IV, Annex 2, was received for information.
BG.01-137 Report on Investments
The Report on Investments, detailed in Appendix IV, Annex 3, was received for information.
BG.01-138 Report on Environmental Incidents and/or Safety Incidents
The environmental incidents and/or safety incidents report contained information on a mercury spill at Engineering Sciences Room 2015. Complete details are found in Appendix IV.
BG.01-139 Report on Scholarships
The Report on Scholarships, detailed in Appendix IV, Annex 4, was provided for information.
BG.01-140 Audited Financial Statements: The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario
On behalf of the Audit Committee, it was moved by S. Adams, seconded by W.W. Peel,
That the Board of Governors approve the audited financial statements for the University for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2001 (Appendix V, Annex 1, tab 1).
BG.01-141 Supplementary Financial Statements: The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario
The Board was informed that The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario supplementary financial statements for the year ended April 30, 2001, are available on request.
BG.01-142 Related Companies and Other Organizations
The Board received for information the financial statements for related companies and other organizations of The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2000, detailed in Appendix V, Annex 1, tab 2-14.
BG.01-143 Radiation Safety Program
At the September 11, 2001, meeting of the Audit Committee, the Associate Vice-President (Human Resources), Ms. Jane O=Brien, presented a report on the radiation safety program. The presentat ion is summarized in Appendix V, Annex 2.
BG.01-144 Record Retention and Access - Board of Governors and Committees of the Board
It was moved by A.M. DeCicco, seconded by S. Adams,
That the 1994 Board policy on Record Retention and Access relating to Board and Board Committee Minutes and tape recordings of meetings be rescinded and replaced by the following:
Record Retention and Access - Board of Governors and Committees of the Board
1. The Official Minute Books of the Board of Governors and Board committees shall be retained in a safe place in perpetuity. Copies (microfiche, CD, etc.) will be made of Board Minutes and maintained off site.
2. Board and Board Committee meetings will be tape recorded, when reasonable and feasible.
3. Access to tape recordings will be as follows:
a Any member of the Board shall have the opportunity to listen to the tape of the open session of a Board meeting within the University Secretariat;
b. A Board member who was a member of the Board at the time of the meeting in question shall have the opportunity to listen to the tape of the closed session of a Board meeting within the University Secretariat;
c. The Secretary, at her discretion, may respond to reasonable requests from Board members (at the time of the meeting in question) for a copy of a specific portion of the tape of the proceedings during the open session.
d. In keeping with Board By-Law No. 1, persons other than Board members shall not have access to tape recordings of meetings.
4. Tape recordings will be kept for two years in a safe location, then erased or destroyed.
BG.01-145 Development & Fund Raising Committee
The By-Laws Committee reported that it has approved, on behalf of the Board, changes to the composition of the Development & Fund Raising Committee (Special Resolution No. 1-C) as follows:
The Chair of the Board
The Vice-Chair of the Board
The Chancellor
The President
The Vice-President (External)
The Director of Development and University Campaign
The Director of Alumni Relations and Development
The Secretary of the Board (non-voting)
Up to three members of the Board, appointed by the Board
Up to five other members, appointed by the Board
Two members of the Board of Foundation 深夜福利站, appointed thereby
The President of The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Alumni Association
BG.01-146 Board Membership
It was moved by A.M. DeCicco, seconded by S. Adams,
That the Board of Governors reappoint Don McDougall and Rosamond Ivey to the Board of Governors for a second four-year term (ending December 31, 2005).
CARRIED by unanimous consent
BG.01-147 Vice-Chair of the Audit Committee
It was moved by A.M. DeCicco, seconded by S. Adams,
That Bill Peel be appointed Vice-Chair of the Audit Committee to complete the term of Wally Gibson (term to January 30, 2002).
CARRIED by unanimous consent
BG.01-148 Appointments to Committees of the Board
On behalf of the Board, the Senior Operations Committee has appointed new Board members to the following Committees.
Property & Finance: Ginny Dybenko
Campus & Community Affairs: Helen Connell and Halfdan Kelly
Development & Fund Raising: Halfdan Kelly
The term of appointment in each case is to January 30, 2002, but those appointed may be reappointed at the January 2002 Board meeting.
BG.01-149 Appointments to Other Committees
The Board was informed of appointments made by the Senior Operations Committee on behalf of the Board of Governors to external boards and committees. Details are provided on pages 1-2 of Appendix VII.
BG.01-150 Appointment of Members -at-Large to the McIntosh Gallery Committee
It was moved by A.M. DeCicco, seconded by S. Adams,
That Marilyn Kertoy be appointed and that Dalin Jameson, Ian Tripp and Dino Bidinosti be reappointed to the McIntosh Gallery Committee for terms ending October 31, 2002.
CARRIED by unanimous consent
BG.01-151 Purchase of Art
There were no purchases of art during the 2000/01 fiscal year, although the Gallery did accept donations of works of art. For the year ended April 30, 2001, $4,400 was allocated for the purchase of art from the McIntosh Estate funds for "pictures". Of this, $2,301 was used for upkeep of the McIntosh Gallery building, as permitted under the terms of the McIntosh will. The unexpended amount will be carried forward for use in the 2001/02 fiscal year. Complete details are found in Appendix VIII, Annex 1.
BG.01-152 Appropriations for the Year Ending April 30, 2002
The McIntosh Gallery Committee has approved appropriations from the McIntosh Estate funds for the purchase of art objects for the year ending April 30, 2002, shown below. These funds shall be administered in accordance with the terms of reference governing such funds. Details are found in Appendix VIII, Annex 1.
I. Prizes and Scholarships
- Geography $815
- Business Administration $825
- Public Speaking $1,190
II. Promotion of Music $9,260
Pictures $5,595
TOTAL $17,685
BG.01-153 Size and Value of the University Art Collection
The size and value of the University Art Collection as of December 31, 2000, is as follows:
Number of works in the Collection 2,675
Appraised value for insurance $9,065,689
A list of works acquired in 2000/01 is available on file in the McIntosh Gallery offices.
BG.01-154 Report of the Director
The Director of the McIntosh Gallery presented her report to the McIntosh Gallery Committee in July 2001. A copy may be obtained on request.
BG.01-155 Appointment Procedures for Senior Academic and Administrative Officers of the University -AmendmentsIt was moved by A.M. DeCicco, seconded by S. Adams,
That the Board of Governors approve the following changes to the composition of the Selection Committees for vice-presidents as set out in Appointment Procedures for Senior Academic and Administrative Officers of the University:
SECTION F: Provost & VP (Academic)
A committee to select a Provost & Vice-President (Academic) shall consist of:
(a) the President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chair
(b) a Vice-President, Dean, or member of Faculty appointed by the President & Vice-Chancellor (c) 5 persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student(d) 1 person elected by the Board of Governors
SECTION G: Vice-President (Administration)
A committee to select a Vice-President (Administration) shall consist of:
(a) The President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chair
(b) a Vice-President, Dean, or member of Faculty appointed by the President & Vice-Chancellor (c) 4 persons elected by the Board of Governors, one of whom shall be a member of the administrative staff (d) 4 persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student. Of those elected, no two members of faculty may be from the same Faculty.SECTION H: Vice-President (Research)
A committee to select a Vice-President (Research) shall consist of:
(a) the President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chair
(b) a Vice-President, Dean, or member of Faculty appointed by the President & Vice-Chancellor (c) 5 persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student(d) 1 person elected by the Board of Governors
SECTION I: Vice-President (External)
A committee to select a Vice-President (External) shall consist of:
(a) the President & Vice-Chancellor, who shall be Chair
(b) a Vice-President, Dean, or member of Faculty appointed by the President & Vice-Chancellor(c) 4 persons elected by the Board of Governors, two of whom will be alumni
(d) 4 persons elected by the Senate, one of whom shall be a student. Of those elected, no two members of faculty may be from the same Faculty.CARRIED by unanimous consent
BG.01-156 Rescinding of Appointment Procedures for Clinical Faculty
It was moved by A.M. DeCicco, seconded by S. Adams,
That the Board of Governors rescind that the following appointment procedure policies:
CARRIED by unanimous consent
BG.01-157 Senate Information Items The Items Referred by Senate, detailed in Appendix IX, contained the following items of information:
BG.01-158 Consent Agenda Format Dr. Colcleugh commended the move to use the consent agenda format. He observed that this change could free up time during Board meetings which would provide an opportunity to discuss matters that are not so routine. Ms. McAulay-Weldon agreed and suggested that this matter be addressed during the Report of the Senior Operations Committee in the closed session. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.C. McAulay-Weldon, Chair