Board of Governors, May 3, 2001 - APPENDIX VII
Recommended: That the Board of Governors authorize the deaccessioning of the art objects listed in Annex 1
from the McIntosh Gallery Collection, and
other art objects now residing as part of the responsibility of the McIntosh Gallery, including the Campus Collection and Study Collection
in accordance with the intention and procedures established in the Collections Policy of The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario approved by the Board of Governors in 1994.
In April 1994, the Board of Governors approved a new Collections Policy, written by the McIntosh Gallery Acquisition Committee, which was intended to ensure the Collection's continued development towards a body of art objects with specific interrelationships that would provide new insights into our local and national cultural heritage. This Policy makes provision for the deaccession (removal and disposition) of art objects which are no longer integral to the defined intention.
The Collections Policy can be seen at (much of it is repeated or summarized in Annex 1).
The above-noted recommendation was approved at a joint meeting of the Mcintosh Gallery Committee and the McIntosh Gallery Acquisitions Committee on February 8, 2001. Public notice of the intention to deaccession art objects from the Collection was provided in January, followed by two public meetings on February 26 and 27 and an article in 深夜福利站 News on March 8.