
Official UWO Web Site Agreement

This document must be signed by the person responsible for an Official UWO Web Site as defined in the Policy for the World Wide Web at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario.

As an Information Provider:

  1. I agree that the content of my site relates to research, teaching, administrative work, or academic student life at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario.

  2. I realize that I am responsible for the content and format of all information which I place on the UWO Web.

  3. I understand that the material I post on the UWO Web is visible to anyone on the Internet, and that the quality, accuracy, and timeliness of my documents reflect on myself, my unit, and the University. I agree to keep the information on my Web site up-to-date and accurate.

  4. I agree that it is important that my pages are accessible to as many people as possible and can be read by as large a variety of browsers as possible.

  5. I agree that my Web pages will comply as far as possible with the HTML tags recommended by the UWO Web Working Group.

  6. I agree to maintain a site map and to keep documentation/records required to ensure continuity of the site maintenance in the event of staff turnover.

  7. I agree to include the following information on each page in my Web page collection:

  8. I agree to read my electronic mail on a regular basis and promptly respond to any questions from or problems reported by, users of the UWO Web.

  9. I will not post copyrighted materials or personal or confidential information without permission. I will not post any illegal materials.

  10. I agree to comply with all UWO policies and guidelines established by the SCITS and its Subcommittees. I understand that failure to comply with these policies may result in my site no longer being listed among official sites of the University and links to my site removed.

  11. I agree to keep my information on the UWO Web server or other Web server that meets the following requirements:

Please resubmit this form when the responsibility for this Web site or Unit head changes.

Official Site Name:


Information Provider Name:

E-mail Address:

Signature: Date:

Sponsoring Unit Approval:

Unit Name:

Unit Head Name:

E-mail Address:

PeopleSoft Account No:
[required by sites on www.uwo.ca]

Signature: Date:

If NOT running on the central server (www.uwo.ca):

Technical Support Person's Name:

E-mail Address:

Telephone (day): (after hours):

Received by: (ITS use only)

Return to:

UWO Web Manager,
c/o Information Technology Services,
Natural Sciences Centre.