


Terms of Reference

1. The Property and Finance Committee is a standing committee of the Board constituted for the formulation of policy in respect to the management and control of the property and financial resources of the University.

2. The Committee's areas of concern include recommendations regarding the following:

(a) campus planning and development, including: the use of land, buildings and facilities; the acquisition or disposal of land or property; and the siting of new buildings and roads;

(b) construction and maintenance projects and associated activities in accordance with Board policy [Policy 2.15];

(c) the planning and budgeting of all funds, in keeping with the University's needs and purposes, and supplementary appropriations;

(d) general investment policy, and the management of the University's investments;

(e) insurance;

(f) the fixing of fees in accordance with Board policy [Policy 2.4];

(g) patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade-names, or similar rights of interest;

(h) the establishment of designated chairs, professorships, and faculty fellowships as may be recommended by the Senate, and the acceptance of gifts, grants, bequests, etc..

3. On behalf of the Board, the Committee may:

(a) authorize the expenditure of funds and/or approve contracts for operating purposes in accordance with Board policies;

(b) exercise authority delegated to it by the Board with regard to approval of individual construction and maintenance projects, appointment of architects and consultants, approval of designs, award of contracts, and approval of cost overruns;

(c) approve the establishment of scholarships, fellowships, prizes, bursaries and other awards, as may be recommended by the Senate; and

(d) in months when a regular meeting of the Board is not scheduled, approve the establishment of designated chairs, professorships, and faculty fellowships, as may be recommended by the Senate, and the acceptance of gifts, grants, bequests, etc.

Membership and Procedure

4. The Committee shall consist of:

The Chair of the Board
The Vice-Chair of the Board
The Chair of the Audit Committee
The President
The Provost & Vice-President (Academic) (non-voting)
The Vice-President (Administration) (non-voting)
The Vice-President (Research) (non-voting)
The Vice-President (External) (non-voting)
The Secretary of the Board (non-voting)

and at least six Board members appointed by the Board.

Resource persons (non-voting):

Senior Director, Physical Plant and Capital Planning Services
Senior Director, Financial Services
Director, Institutional Planning and Budgeting

5. The Committee shall have a Chair and a Vice-Chair, appointed annually by the Board. The Secretary of the Board shall be Secretary of the Committee.

6. The Chair of the Senate Committee on University Planning may attend all meetings as an Observer, with full floor privileges but to be excluded from moving/seconding motions and voting.

7. The Committee shall normally meet ten days in advance of a regular meeting of the Board, or at the call of the Chair, or in the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair.

Amended 1997.03.27