
Board of Governors, September 28, 2000 - APPENDIX VI (REVISED)



1. Strategic Planning Task Force

The following slate of nominees for membership on the Strategic Planning Task Force is presented in anticipation of approval by the Board of the terms of reference and composition of the Strategic Planning Task Force as recommended by the Senate (see Items Referred by Senate, Appendix VIII in the Board agenda package).

Required: Four persons named by the Board, including an alumna or alumnus of the University.

Nominees: Carol McAulay-Weldon

Bob Colcleugh

Ron Yamada

Stephen Adams

Recommended: That the Board of Governors delegate to the Senior Operations Committee, the responsibility for naming the staff member to the Strategic Planning Task Force on recommendation of the Presidents of the non-faculty employee groups.


The proposed membership of the Strategic Planning Task Force includes, "One staff member named by the Board of Governors on recommendation of the Presidents of the non-faculty employee groups". The Presidents of the non-faculty employee groups have met but have not as yet put forward a nomination to the Board. They have asked to nominate a representative in early October. Since the first planned meeting of the Strategic Planning Task Force will be held prior to the next meeting of the Board in November, Board members are asked to delegate authority to the Senior Operations Committee with regard to naming the staff member to the Task Force.

2. Property & Finance Meeting Date, April 2001

Recommended: That the April 2001 meeting of the Property & Finance Committee be changed from April 16 to April 30, 2001.


Each year the Operating and Capital Budget is considered by four bodies: SCUP, Senate, Property & Finance, and the Board (for final approval). It is desirable to have Senate's advice on the budget before convening the Property & Finance Committee. That would suggest that the meeting of P&F should be shifted to follow the Senate meeting, i.e., to change the meeting date from April 16 to April 30, providing the following meeting sequence:


1. Appointments to Boards and Committees

The following have been named by the Senior Operations Committee, on behalf of the Board of Governors, to serve on external Boards and committees.

London Biotechnology Incubator Board of Directors

Mr. Don McDougall

Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging

Dr. W.A. Bridger, Vice-President (Research), ex officio (voting)

Dr. Angelo Belcastro, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, or his representative, (term to March 31, 2002)

Dr. A.W. Taylor (term to March 31, 2001)

Mr. D. McDougall (term to March 31, 2001)

Ms. Maureen Morton (term to March 31, 2002)

The CCAA Board of Directors has 17 members: 5 members named by UWO, 5 members named by St. Joseph's Health Centre, and 7 members named by the Board of CCAA (5 regional/national members and 2 others). The suggested structure of the UWO representation is:

The Vice-President (Research)

The Dean of Health Sciences (or the Dean's representative), alternating with the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (or the Dean's representative)

Three others, at least two of whom are not employees of the University.

The Board's membership year is April 1 - March 31, and the standard term of appointment is two years, renewable. Initially some members are appointed for one-year terms to ensure staggered terms.

Thames Valley Children's Centre - Liaison Committee

Dr. Jayne Garland, Director, School of Physical Therapy (replacing Dr. John Kramer)

Foundation 深夜福利站 Board of Directors

The Senior Operations Committee has nominated Ms. Joan Francolini (HBA '55) for appointment to the Foundation 深夜福利站 Board of Directors for a three-year term ending September 2003.

There are four representatives of the University on the Board of Directors of Foundation 深夜福利站, appointed by the Board of the Foundation on the recommendation of the Senior Operations Committee (acting on behalf of the Board). Currently the University representatives are: Larry Oehm (term to September 2000), Jim Good (first three-year term ends September 2001), and David Thompson and Laurie Lashbrook (first three-year terms end September 2002).

Dr. Oehm has now completed two three-year terms and is ineligible for re-election. It is recommended that Ms. Francolini be appointed in his place. Joan is currently serving as President of the Foundation 深夜福利站 Board of Directors although her term ends on October 18, 2000. As Past President she is eligible for re-election for one additional three-year term.

In her professional life, Joan is Executive Director of the Lawson Foundation. She is a member of the Campaign 深夜福利站 Chair's Circle and a member of the Community Advisory Committee to the Dean of Medicine & Dentistry.

2. Schedule: Annual Review of the President

The schedule of the Annual Review of the President has been revised, as shown below. The Annual Review of the President protocol was established by the Senior Operations Committee in January 1995, and reported to the Board. Since then, the review process has been used every year successfully. The proposed change relates to the reduction in the number of Board meetings from eight to five, where it is expected that there will be no Board meeting in May. Therefore, although the Senior Operations Committee will perform the review in May as in the past, the resulting report will not be presented to the Board until closed session of the June meeting. The Committee will continue to review and approve the President's proposed priorities for the next year in June, and those will be recommended for Board approval in June, as has been the practice.

3. Appointments to Student Court

The Student Disciplinary Code provides for the appointment of up to 15 Magistrates (one of whom shall be a student registered in the MBA program) and Prosecutors (who must be Law students). Nominations from these positions come from the Legal Affairs Officer of the University Students' Counsel. Fourteen Magistrates are named below. The position to be held by an MBA student is currently vacant. Amy Finch is the Justice Commissioner, Michael Mahoney has been named Prosecutor, Eleni Kassaris has been named Defence Counsel and Jason Wadden is Chief Magistrate.

The Senior Operations Committee, on behalf of the Board, has appointed the following Magistrates:




Proposed Amendments:



Early March: The Chair of the Board asks the President to reflect on the priorities set for the previous year and to make a written submission to the Senior Operations Committee by May 1. The submission should also suggest the President's priorities for the next year.

March Board Meeting: The Chair of the Board informs Board members during closed session of the Board and in a letter that the annual review of the President is scheduled for May. March: The Chair of the Board writes to each Board member to advise that the annual review of the President is scheduled for May. This advice will include a reminder of the priorities previously set for this annual review [i.e., as endorsed by the Board the June prior] and should provide some focus for this review. The Chair will invite members to make written or oral submissions to her/him, in confidence, prior to May 1. Board members should understand that their comments, without attribution, will be shared with the President during the review process.


Early May: The Senior Operations Committee meets to review the President's priorities as agreed upon a year prior, the President's written submission, and submissions from Board members.

(a) The Committee may meet in camera to review the information before them.

(b) The President will be invited into the meeting to discuss the past year's achievements. The President will be advised of Board members' comments (without attribution) and will be given the opportunity to respond to them.

(c) Following their discussion with the President, the Committee will meet in camera to formulate their report to the Board. The President will be informed, in a letter from the Board Chair, of the conclusions of the Committee.

May Board Meeting: In closed session, the Senior Operations Committee will report to the Board on their assessment of the President's achievements and performance during the previous year.


Early June: The Senior Operations Committee and the President will meet to discuss and reach agreement about the priorities for the year to come.

June Board Meeting: In closed session, the Senior Operations Committee will report to the Board on their assessment of the President's achievements and performance during the previous year.

June Board Meeting: In open session, the Senior Operations Committee will recommend, for Board approval, the President's priorities for the forthcoming year.