
Board of Governors, September 28, 2000 - APPENDIX II



1. Establishment of New Chairs

The following are proposed under the guidelines provided in Policy 2.22 - Funding of Academic Chairs and Professorships.

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the following Chairs:

The Novartis-Calvin Stiller Chair in Xenotransplantation, tenable at the Robarts Research Institute, as detailed in .

The CIBC Chair in Human Capital and Productivity in the Department of Economics, as detailed in .

2. Faculty Fellowships

The following are proposed under the guidelines provided in Policy 2.26 - Funding of Designated Faculty Fellowships

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the following Faculty Fellowship:

CIBC Faculty Fellowships in Human Capital and Productivity in the Department of Economics, as detailed in

and a revision to the following Faculty Fellowship:

George and Mary Turnbull Faculty Fellowship in the Richard Ivey School of Business, as detailed in .

3. Post-Doctoral Fellowship

The following are governed by the Policies and Procedures for Post-Doctoral Fellows, Policy 7.6

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the following Post-Doctoral Fellowship:

Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Human Capital and Productivity in the Department of Economics, as detailed in


1. South Substation Replacement

On September 18, 2000, the Property and Finance Committee approved the replacement of the South Electrical Substation. The total project was approved at $2.5 million; funding was approved in April 2000 as part of the Capital Plan.

In January of 1991, a 4,160 volt feeder cable failed, and the failure has some very serious and far-reaching effects on electrical equipment all over campus. The total cost of the damage exceeded $500,000.

A complete study of the UWO Campus Electrical Distribution System was commissioned to examine all aspects of the electrical infrastructure. An $8 million repair program to upgrade the system was recommended. The University began implementing the report's recommendations in the fall of 1991, and has continued since then at a total cost of $5 million to date.

The next major component is replacement of the South Substation at a cost of $2.5 million. This outdated system is incapable of carrying sufficient load and cannot be modified. During periods of hot weather and heavy loads the transformers needed to be sprayed with water to prevent overheating.

A preliminary set of requirements has been developed for the South Substation replacement. Based on the preliminary assessment, the project will involve the construction of a new 27.6kV (London Hydro feed) and a 4.16kV (UWO distribution) substation on a site behind Alumni Hall near the Power Plant, approximately 100 feet from the existing substation. The new substation will accommodate expansion on both the 27.6kV and 4.16kV- sides (to provide power to the new SuperBuild academic/research buildings) and will include a provision for connection to a cogeneration facility if necessary.

Consultants have been selected to carry out the design which is underway. Completion is anticipated for Spring of 2001, but is dependant on the long lead time delivery of the transformers and switchgear.

2. Medical Sciences Project - Installation of New Chiller

At its meeting of September 18,2000, the Property and Finance Committee approved the installation of a new chiller in the Taylor Library as part of the Medical Sciences renovation project at a cost of $1.9 million.

At the February 3, 2000, Board meeting the Dental Sciences Addition, the Medical Sciences Renovation projects and the need to increase chiller capacity for air conditioning of the building was discussed. This project is part of the larger $32 million Medicine project. It is needed to support the increased cooling requirement of the Renovated Medical Sciences Building as well as other facilities in the North end of campus. Funding for the chiller was set aside as part of the 2000-2001 Capital Plan.

Chilled water for air conditioning is supplied to the Medical Sciences Building from the North Chiller Plant. The present capacity of this plant is 2740 tons. During the 1999 cooling season, there were times when the plant was unable to meet the cooling demands of the various buildings connected to the system. Additional plant capacity is needed.

Additional loads which are planned to be connected to this plant consist of:

Medical Sciences Building Upgrade 350 tons
Dental Sciences Building Addition 100 tons
Natural Sciences Building Classroom 50 tons
B & G Building Upgrade (future) 175 tons
Anticipated Additional Load 675 tons

In the future, other loads in addition to those listed above will almost certainly be connected to the system. Taylor Library for instance, was constructed to accommodate two future floors. Ventilation and cooling systems are likely to be upgraded in other buildings already connected to the North Chiller Plant. These upgrades almost always result in increase chilled water demands.

The North Chiller Plant was originally designed in the early 1960's for an ultimate capacity of 2,400 tons. This was increased to its present 2,740 tons in 1997. However, it was realized in the late 1980's that the cooling demand on this plant would eventually exceed its maximum planned capacity. To address this situation, space was provided in the basement of Taylor Library to accommodate a fifth chiller. It was determined the largest sized chiller which can be installed in this space would have a capacity of about 1,000 tons. This would increase the total plant capacity to 3,740 tons. This would be the absolute maximum plant capacity for this location. The capacity is capped by both available physical space and the capacity of the existing chilled water distribution system which radiates out from the plant.

It is prudent to maximize the plant capacity with the installation of a 1,000 ton electric centrifugal chiller now. The total construction cost estimate to do this is $1.9 million. This part of the project would include:

- 1,000 ton electric centrifugal chiller in the Taylor Library Basement;
- dedicated cooling tower installed on the Taylor Library roof;
- variable speed drive chilled water distribution pumps to replace existing constant speed pumps installed in the North Chiller Plant; and
- new 5kV feeder from East Substation to North Chiller Plant.

The Taylor Library roof is the only viable location for the required new cooling towers. Using the Taylor Library roof the new condenser water piping would be architecturally concealed. The remainder of the condenser water piping would be exposed on the Taylor Library roof. If future floors are added to Taylor Library, both the condenser water piping and the cooling towers would need to be relocated to the new higher roof location.

Also considered is the possible use of a steam absorption refrigeration machine in lieu of an electric centrifugal machine. Using 1999 energy rates, it was estimated that energy costs for the absorption machine would be close to $300,000 per year more than the energy costs for an electric centrifugal machine. A cost comparison was made on the basis of both new 1,000 ton machines being used as base load machines. It was also found the absorption machine would be very much larger than the centrifugal machine and could not be located in the available Taylor Library basement space. An absorption machine would also need much larger cooling towers than the electric centrifugal machine.

The design of project is covered as part of the Medical Sciences renovation project. Implementation is planned for winter 2000 and completion is expected by March 2001.

3. Expenditure Report - Capital Projects Over $1 million

The Expenditure Report for Capital Projects over $1 million (shown on Annex 2 unavailable in electronic format for the Internet), for projects completed during the period of 1997-98 to 2000-2001, provides a summary of original budgets and final costs of projects. Projects which required approval for a revised budget and additional funding were re-submitted to the Property and Finance Committee in accordance with Policy 2.15 (Approval Authorities for Construction and Maintenance Projects). The ratio of final cost to budget is also identified.

Project budgets and final costs reflect all costs against the projects including: design fees, consultants, advertising, tendered contract costs, project management and commissioning costs. The initial budgets were approved by P&F and the Board of Governors as part of the capital portion of the annual University Budget.

In recent months there has been considerable volatility in the cost of construction and costs have increased. This volatility is expected to continue throughout the years during which SuperBuild projects will be implemented and consequently, development of reliable estimates and budgets may be difficult. Cost estimates and budgets will be reviewed and approvals from the Property & Finance Committee will be sought in accordance with Policy 2.15 to consider budget adjustments or if the scope of a project requires amendment to meet the budgets.

4. Annual Report on Fundraising

The following are highlights of the Annual Report on Fundraising.

Further information will be given as part of the Development & Fundraising Report to the Board by the Vice-President (External).

5. Report of the Investment Committee

See Annex 3.

6. Quarterly Ratio Report on Non Endowed Funds

See Annex 4.[Unavailable in electronic format for the Web.]

7. Quarterly Financial Report (Operating and Ancillary Budgets)

See Annex 5.[Unavailable in electronic format for the Web.]

8. Budget Indicators for Previous Fiscal Year

See Annex 6.

9. Report on Scholarships

See Annex 7.