
Board of Governors, June 28, 2000 - APPENDIX VII, Annex 6

Report on the 251st Meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities Held at the University of Toronto Friday, June 1st and 2nd, 2000

D.M.R. Bentley, Academic Colleague

At the meetings of the Academic Colleagues there were extended discussions of the relationship between the Council of Ontario Universities and the present provincial government and, more specifically, of what issue or issues COU should emphasize in its dealings with the government. On the first matter there was general agreement that COU should adopt neither an oppositional nor an acquiescent posture but, rather, strive to achieve a working relationship with the government without abandoning such core values of the university as the interdependence of teaching and research. On the second matter, there was consensus among the Academic Colleagues that faculty renewal should receive top priority in COU's representations to the government.

At the meeting of Council, several items were presented for information, discussion, or action, most notably:

In honour of the late David C. Smith, Council established the David C. Smith Award for Significant Contribution to Scholarship and Policy on Higher Education in Canada.