
Board of Governors - APPENDIX II - May 25, 2000



New Scholarship and Award Conditions

On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property and Finance Committee has approved the following terms of reference for new scholarships, bursaries and awards:

Norma Heather Fletcher Undergraduate Student Awards in Medicine (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)
Awarded to undergraduate students in Medicine based on outstanding academic achievement and demonstrated financial need. Applications can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar and must be submitted by October 31. Final selection of the recipients will be made by a committee of Medical faculty. These awards are made possible by a generous donation from an anonymous donor in loving memory of Norma Heather Fletcher.

Value: Up to 10 annual awards of $1,000 each
Effective: May 2000 and continuing until fund is depleted.

Szilard Award in Theoretical Computer Science (Faculty of Science, Computer Science)
Awarded to a full-time 4th Year Honors student in the Department of Computer Science whose honors thesis in theoretical computer science is deemed most meritorious in the opinion of the Chair, the Curriculum Chair, and the Thesis Administrator for Computer Science 490 in the Department of Computer Science. This scholarship was established by Dr. Andrew Szilard, Professor Emeritus (Computer Science), BA '62, MA '68, Ph.D. '74 (Mathematics), who has taught in the Department of Computer Science since 1965, and the Department of Computer Science to encourage an outstanding theoretical computer science student to pursue graduate education in the field.

Value: 1 at $300 for a period of seven years. In the last year, the award value will exceed $300 and will be based on funds remaining in the award account
Effective: May 1999 to April 2006

Law Society of Upper Canada Education Equity Awards (Faculty of Law)
Awarded to an undergraduate student in second or third year Law based primarily on financial need with due consideration being given to academic achievement and/or devotion and commitment to community and/or university service. To be eligible students must be members of a visible minority group, an aboriginal person, or a person with a disability, or gay or lesbian. Applications must be completed by October 31, and students should contact the Faculty of Law for information. Final selection will be made by the Dean of Law or designate. These awards are made possible by the Law Society of Upper Canada and are funded by Butterworths Canada Ltd. to encourage diversity and the attainment of equity in legal education and practice.

Value: award numbers and values to vary - total must not exceed annual gift from donor.
Effective Date: May 1999
Funding: Donor sends annual gift and then Law chooses recipients based on funds available.

Hobson Award for Studies in Gerontic Occupational Therapy (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Biosciences Division, Occupational Therapy)
Awarded annually to a full-time graduate student in second year of their MClSc degree program in Occupational Therapy based on academic achievement (minimum 78% average) and the evaluation of the student's proposal for an Independent Study in Evidence Based Practice (ISEBP) in the field of Gerontic Occupational Therapy. Under extenuating circumstances, such as medical conditions preventing full-time status, part-time students may be considered. Eligible students must be taking the ISEBP course starting in the first term. The best ISEBP proposal will be selected based on the quality of the submission, the scholarly integrity of the proposed study, the clinical relevance of the foreseeable findings, and adherence to the core values of the profession.

Applicants for this award must submit a proposal describing their ISEBP project to the Awards Coordinator for the School of Occupational Therapy by October 15. Further details regarding the application process can be obtained from the Awards Coordinator in the School of Occupational Therapy. The recipient will be selected by a committee consisting of a graduate faculty member, a consumer, and an occupational therapy clinician all with interest in and knowledge about older adults. If no suitable proposal is received, the award will not be given. This award is made possible by a generous donation from Professor Sandra Hobson.

Value: 1 at $250 annually for five years
Funding: Term funded. $1,315 expendable paid in full.
Effective: May 2000 to May 2004

Government of Ontario - Louis Simmons Graduate Research Scholarships (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to graduate students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who are engaged in Science or Technology research. These scholarships are based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. These scholarships were made possible by a generous bequest from the estate of Louis Simmons.

Students must apply for these scholarships. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.

Value: 10 at $15,000, effective in May 1999 only

Government of Ontario - Science Class of 1973 Graduate Research Scholarship (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to a graduate student who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who is engaged in Science or Technology research. The scholarship is based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. This scholarship was made possible by generous donations from the Science Class of 1973.

Students must apply for this scholarship. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.

Value: 1 at $15,000, effective May 1999 only

Government of Ontario - Muriel Askin Graduate Research Scholarship (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to a graduate student who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who is engaged in Science or Technology research in the area of Biological and Life Sciences. Preference will be given to a student focusing on research in Occupational Therapy or another Health Science. The scholarship is based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. This scholarship was made possible by a generous donation from Muriel Askin.

Students must apply for this scholarship. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.

Value: 1 at $15,000, effective May 1999 only

Government of Ontario - Psychology Faculty and Staff Graduate Research Scholarship (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to a graduate student who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who is engaged in Science or Technology research. Preference in the first instance will be given to a student doing research in Psychology. The scholarship is based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. This scholarship was made possible by a generous donation from 深夜福利站's Psychology faculty and staff.

Students must apply for this scholarship. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.

Value: 1 at $15,000, effective May 1999 only

Government of Ontario - 深夜福利站 Alumni Graduate Research Scholarships (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to a graduate student who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who is engaged in Science or Technology research. The scholarship is based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. This scholarship was made possible by the generosity of an anonymous donor.

Students must apply for this scholarship. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.

Value: 6 at $15,000, effective May 1999 only

Government of Ontario - Bill Etherington Graduate Research Scholarships (4) (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to graduate students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who are engaged in Science or Technology research. Preference will be given to students conducting research in graduate programs in the Faculty of Engineering Science. These scholarships are based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. These scholarships were made possible by a generous donation from Bill Etherington.

Students must apply for these scholarships. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.

Value: 4 at $15,000, effective May 1999 only

Government of Ontario - John Thompson Graduate Research Scholarships (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to graduate students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who are engaged in Science or Technology research. Preference will be given to students conducting research in graduate programs in the Faculty of Engineering Science. These scholarships are based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. These scholarships were made possible by a generous donation from John Thompson.

Students must apply for these scholarships. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.

Value: 1 at $15,000 effective May 1999 only
6 at $15,000 effective May 2000 only

Government of Ontario - Dorothy Emery Graduate Research Scholarships (2) (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to a graduate student who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who is engaged in Science or Technology research. The scholarship is based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. This scholarship was made possible by a generous donation from Miss Dorothy Emery.

Students must apply for this scholarship. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.

Value: 2 at $15,000, effective May 1999 only.

Scholarship and Award Revisions

On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property and Finance Committee has approved the following revisions to the terms of reference of scholarships, awards, bursaries and prizes:

Delcan Corporation Scholarship (Faculty of Engineering Science)
Add to the criteria, "This scholarship is dedicated to William J. Malone, Past President of Delcan Corporation."

J. C. Hawlik Award (Faculty of Health Sciences, Kinesiology)
Change in criteria and value from: Awarded annually to a returning full-time student in any program of studies at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario who is currently participating in the interuniversity football program. This award is based on high academic achievement of a minimum 80% average in the previous year of full-time enrolment (minimum of three and one-half courses) at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, financial need, and demonstrated leadership in the interuniversity football program. Application forms are available at the Office of the Registrar (Rm. 190), Stevenson-Lawson Building and the Athletics Office (Rm. 120), Thames Hall. Deadline to apply is October 31. Established by Joseph C. Hawlik in memory of his father, J.C. Hawlik.

Value: 1 at $500

To: Awarded annually to a returning full-time student in any program of studies at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario who is currently participating in the interuniversity football program. This award is based on good academic achievement of a minimum 70% average in the previous year of full-time enrolment (minimum of three and one-half courses) at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, financial need, and demonstrated leadership in the interuniversity football program. Application forms are available at the Office of the Registrar (Rm. 190), Stevenson-Lawson Building and the Athletics Office (Rm. 120), Thames Hall. Deadline to apply is October 31. This award was made possible by a generous donation from Joseph C. Hawlik, in memory of his father, J.C. Hawlik.

Change in number from 1 to 2. Value is remains unchanged.
Effective: May 1999

Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University Awards (Any Faculty/Faculty of Graduate Studies)

[In October 1999, these awards were initially approved separately for graduate and undergraduate students. Since the funding comes from one account, the terms have been integrated below to suit both the graduate and undergraduate awards.]

Change in name to: Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Awards (Any Undergraduate Faculty/Faculty of Graduate Studies)

Change criteria from: Awarded to graduate or undergraduate students in any year or any program wishing to study abroad at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for full-year or summer courses, based on demonstrated financial need and academic achievement. Students attending full-year courses are to be given preference over those attending summer courses. Application forms and details regarding the application process can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The deadline date for submissions is March 1. Award recipients will be announced by May 1 of each year, but receipt of the award is dependent on acceptance of the student by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

To: Awarded to graduate or undergraduate students in any year or any program wishing to study abroad at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for full-year, semester or summer courses, based on demonstrated financial need and academic achievement. Students attending full-year courses or semester courses are to be given preference over those attending summer courses. These awards are open to students in affiliated colleges as well as students at the constituent university. Application forms and details regarding the application process can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The deadline date for submissions is April 30. Award recipients will be announced in May of each year, but receipt of the award is dependent on acceptance of the student by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Change in value from:

[Undergrad.] Awards will be granted, as funds permit, up to a total of $30,000 annually. A parallel award will be introduced for undergraduate students (1 at up to $10,000). Distribution may change subject to an annual review by the donor: 1 at up to $15,000 for graduate student awards, 1 at up to $1,000 for graduate or undergraduate summer study [OSOTF]

[Grad.] Awards will be granted, as funds permit, up to a total of $30,000 annually. A parallel award for graduate students (1 at $15,000) is being proposed. Distribution may change subject to an annual review by the donor: 1 @ up to $10,000 for undergraduate student awards, 5 @ up to $1,000 for undergraduate summer study

To: Awards will be granted as funds permit, and based on applications received up to a total of $30,000 annually. Distribution may change subject to an annual review by the donor:

Up to $15,000 for full-time graduate study abroad
Up to $10,000 for full-time undergraduate study abroad
Up to $5,000 for one semester of graduate or undergraduate study abroad
Up to $1,500 for summer undergraduate study
Effective: May 2000

Jessie and Tom Archibald OSOTF Awards (Ivey School of Business)
Increase from 3 to 4. Value is unchanged at $1,000
Effective: May 2000

James Edward Melborne Flin Award in Kinesiology (Faculty of Health Sciences, Kinesiology)
Change in number from 1 at $3,000.
To: 1 or more, total not to exceed $3,000 annually

Marguerite R. Dow Heritage Award for Creative Writing (Faculty of Arts)
Increase value from $250 to $750, effective May 2000

3M Canada Clinical Award in Restorative Dentistry (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Dentistry)
Increase in value from $500 to $1,000, effective May 2000

Harry & Gudrun Sharma Award in Pharmacology & Toxicology (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Biosciences Division)
Change in value from 1 at $2,000 to 1 at up to $2,000, effective May 1999

Government of Ontario - Faculty of Science Alumni Graduate Research Scholarships (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Increase in number from 10 at $15,000 to 12 at $15,000, effective May 1999

Government of Ontario - The Birks Family Foundation Graduate Research Scholarships (Faculty of Graduate Studies)

Change in effective dates from: May 2000, May 2001, May 2002
To: May 1999, May 2001, May 2002

Government of Ontario - A.M. Cuddy Graduate Research Scholarships (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Change in number from: 4 at $15,000
To: 7 at $15,000 effective May 1999 only

Government of Ontario - Charles Drake Graduate Research Scholarships (Faculty of Graduate Studies)

Change in criteria from: Awarded annually to graduate students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who are engaged in Science or Technology research. These scholarships are based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. These scholarships were made possible by a generous donation from John and Mary Beth Drake in memory of Dr. Charles Drake, a medical pioneer who revolutionized neurological surgery.

Students must apply for these scholarships. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.

To: Awarded annually to graduate students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who are engaged in Science or Technology research. Preference will be given to students conducting research in graduate programs in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and who are engaged in diabetes, neurology or ophthalmology research. These scholarships are based on overall academic excellence.... [No change to the remaining criteria.]

Laurene Paterson Estate Scholarships (Faculty of Science)
Change in criteria from: Awarded to full-time students in the Faculty of Science who have demonstrated financial need and have achieved a minimum 'A' average. Of the 44 scholarships available, 30 will be for second year students, 10 for third year students and 4 for fourth year students...

To: Awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science who have demonstrated financial need and have achieved a minimum 'A' average. These scholarships were established by a generous bequest from Laurene Paterson.