
Board of Governors - APPENDIX V - April 27, 2000



Supervisory Board - Student Disciplinary Code

Recommended: That the Board of Governors appoint the Vice-Provost & Registrar to serve as Chair pro tem of the Supervisory Board of the Student Disciplinary Code, in place of the Commissioner for Undergraduate Student Life.


The Student Disciplinary Code a policy of the Board of Governors. The terms of reference and composition of the Supervisory Board are set out in the Code:


1. There shall be a Supervisory Board which will be concerned with the general administration of the Code.

2. The Supervisory Board shall consist of the following six members: the Commissioner for Undergraduate Student Life, who shall be Chair; the respective Presidents of the University Students' Council and the MBA Association (or designates); the Director of the University Police Department (or designate); a member of the Board of Governors appointed annually by the Board; and the President and Vice-Chancellor (or designate).

3. The Supervisory Board shall receive an annual report from the Commissioner of Justice and make any recommendations judged appropriate to the Board of Governors, through the President, including recommendations for amendment to the Code.

The position of Commissioner for Undergraduate Student Life has not existed since 1995, and therefore the Supervisory Board is without a Chair. The adoption of a Student Code of Conduct (currently in the final stages of drafting) will undoubtedly have some implications for the Student Disciplinary Code. It is therefore important that the Supervisory Board be able to convene a meeting to consider any necessary changes to the Student Disciplinary Code.


Appointments to Committees and Boards Other than Standing Committees

Supervisory Board: Student Disciplinary Code: Michael Rubinoff (term to February 1, 2001)

Strategic Issues Meeting - May

There is no Strategic Issues meeting planned for May 25.