
Board of Governors - APPENDIX VI - April 27, 2000



1. 2000-01 University Operating and Capital Budget

On April 14, 2000, the Senate of the University considered the 2000-01 University Operating and Capital Budgets as recommended by the Senate Committee on University Planning.

Senate's debate focussed on the proposed 4.8% increase in graduate student fees. As a result, the main motion was amended to increase graduate tuition rates only 2%. Senate's advice to the Board is, therefore:

The Senate has approved and recommends to the Board of Governors, though the Vice-Chancellor, the 2000-01 University Operating and Capital Budgets as shown (blue cover document) except that in Table 10a, Lines 33-37, 40-41, and 43-50, "4.8%" [and "5.0%" in the case of line 44] be struck and replaced by "2.0%".

[Secretary's Note: This Senate resolution, as well as revised Table 10a and other tables affected, were submitted to and considered by the Property & Finance Committee on April 17. The budget and tuition recommendations of the Property & Finance Committee are contained in Appendix II for this meeting.]

2. Academic Development Fund - Guidelines for Small Grant Competition

This year the Senate Subcommittee on Priorities in Academic Development (SUPAD) approved a recommendation to establish an ADF grant competition to support projects that total a maximum of $7,500 each year. This allocation from the ADF budget will provide funding opportunities for worthy but less costly proposals that were previously not included in the ADF Terms of Reference. On April 14, 2000, the Senate approved Guidelines for the Small Grant Competition.

3. Report of the Survey of Student Finances: Undergraduate Direct-Entry Faculties

The Report of the SCUP Working Group on Student Financial Data for direct-entry Faculties is attached as Annex 1. Yet to be published are the results of similar surveys of undergraduate second-entry Faculties and Graduate Studies.

4. New Programs

Faculties of Arts and Social Science: Inter-Faculty Programs in Linguistics

Effective September 1, 2000, the following inter-faculty programs in Linguistics will be introduced in the Faculties of Arts and Social Science: Combined Honors Program in Linguistics, Honors Linguistics and Psychology program, and a Minor in Linguistics.

Concurrent Degree Program: Bachelor of Arts in Honors Kinesiology and Bachelor of Laws

Effective September 1, 2000, a concurrent degree program leading to a Bachelor of Arts in Honors Kinesiology and a Bachelor of Laws will be introduced in the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Law.

5. Structure of the Academic Year

Senate, at its meeting of March 24, 2000, approved a recommendation to shorten the Fall and Winter terms to12 weeks each (i.e., 60 teaching days), with the result that lectures would begin on the Monday following Labour Day in the Fall Term. Subsequent to that meeting of Senate, it became apparent that the shortening of the academic year would have significant implications for some individual members of faculty, programs, and Faculties. No opportunity was provided before the Senate vote for effective consultations with Deans, Chairs, and other members of the community on these matters. As well, the change to the class start date raised significant issues regarding the fall orientation period and residence move-in dates that require substantial consultation and time to resolve.

At the Senate meeting on April 14, 2000, Senate rescinded the resolution that had been passed on March 24 with respect to the structure of the academic year. As a result, the previously established pattern will be followed, with classes beginning on Thursday, September 7.

The Provost has announced that students will move into residences on Sunday, September 3, and Monday, September 4, which allows Orientation to proceed as in Fall 1999.

6. Huron College Theological Convocation

The Huron College Theological Convocation will take place on Tuesday, May 2, 2000. The honorary Doctor of Divinity degree recipient will be the Reverend Canon T. Herbert O'Driscoll.