
Board of Governors - APPENDIX III - April 27, 2000



The Campus & Community Affairs Committee met on April 3, 2000, to receive the recommendations of student government organizations for Non-Tuition-Related Ancillary Fees for 2000-01 which do not fall under the Student Services Committee Protocol. These submissions are required under section 2.00 (c) of Board policy 2.4 - Student Fees - as amended in 1999.

1. Student Activity Fees for 2000-01 Proposed by the USC and SOGS

On April 3, 2000, the Campus & Community Affairs Committee met with representatives of the University Students' Council and the Society of Graduate Students to discuss 2000-01 fee levels as proposed by the respective student associations.

In both cases, the CCAC supported the recommendations of the student association and, in keeping with the terms of reference of CCAC with respect to matters that are within the purview of the Property & Finance Committee, the report and recommendation of CCAC were forwarded to the Property & Finance Committee.

2. Student Activity Fees for 2000-01 for the MBA Association and PhD Business Students

The Committee was advised that neither the MBA Association, nor the PhD Business students proposed to raise their fees from 1999-2000 levels. Those organizations were therefore not required to make a presentation to CCAC with respect to fee levels for 2000-01.