

Effective Date: 10SEP99
Supersedes: 19MAY78

1.00 University College Flagstaff
1.01 The Canadian Flag shall be flown daily from the University College flagstaff.
1.02 Any one of the following other flags may be flown below the Canadian Flag on the University College flagstaff under certain circumstances outlined in this policy, or as authorized by the President. These other flags are:
  • The University Flag
  • The United Way of London & Middlesex Flag
  • The flag for a current major University fundraising campaign (e.g., Campaign 深夜福利站)
  • The flag of a major externally sponsored event taking place on the University campus and in which the University is a partner (e.g., 2001 Canada Summer Games)
1.03 During a visit to the campus by Royalty, the Sovereign's personal Canadian Flag shall be flown from the University College flagstaff day and night for the duration of the visit, or according to Royal wishes, at any building involved in Royal functions during the visit. The same procedure shall govern the flying of the personal flags of the Governor General of Canada and the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.
2.00 Alumni Circle Flagstaffs
2.01 Flags may be flown daily from the three flagstaffs on the Alumni Circle as follows (as viewed from the entrance of Alumni Hall):
  • Right: The Canadian Flag
  • Centre: The University Flag
  • Left: The Flag of the Province of Ontario
2.02 The University Flag may be replaced by the flag for a current major University fundraising campaign (e.g., Campaign 深夜福利站) by permission of the President.
2.03 The University Flag may be replaced by the flag of a major externally sponsored event taking place on the University campus and in which the University is a partner (e.g., 2001 Canada Summer Games) by permission of the President.
3.00 University Community Centre Flagstaff
3.01 The Canadian Flag may be flown daily from a flagstaff on the area outside the front entrance of the University Community Centre.
4.00 The University Flag
4.01 The University Flag shall be a 5' by 8' purple nylon flag with the University's Coat of Arms silk-screened in white.
5.00 Use of Banners on Campus
5.01 During major University fundraising campaigns (e.g., Campaign 深夜福利站), Campaign banners may be hung on the exterior walls of designated buildings for the duration of, or portions of, the active phase of the Campaign by authority of the President.
5.02 Banners may be hung from the following buildings:
  • Main entrance to Alumni Hall
  • South-facing wall of the Social Science Centre (facing the University Community Centre and The D.B. Weldon Library)
  • South-facing wall of the Music Building (facing northbound traffic on Huron Drive)
  • University College tower
  • South-facing wall above the main entrance to the Medical Sciences Building
  • North wall of the Thompson Recreation and Athletic Centre
  • East wall of the Bank of Montreal Alumni 深夜福利站 Centre
  • Walls of the Richard Ivey School of Business
  • Gated entrances to campus
5.03 During major University fundraising campaigns (e.g., Campaign 深夜福利站), Campaign banners may be hung from street posts or light standards on campus streets for the duration of, or portions of, the active phase of the Campaign.
6.00 Raising and Lowering of Flags and Banners
6.01 The hoisting and lowering of all flags and banners is the responsibility of the Division of Physical Plant and Capital Planning Services.
6.02 The flag(s) on the University College flagstaff shall be lowered to half-mast in accordance with the University's (Deaths).