

As approved at the January 25, 2001, meeting of the Board of Governors. The "in camera" portion of the minutes have not been included. Copies of Appendices not included herein are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.

The meeting was held at 3:00 p.m. in Room 330, Stevenson-Lawson Building.

PRESENT: Ms. C. McAulay-Weldon, Chair, Ms. J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary

Mr. J. Adams, Mr. S. Adams, Dr. W.A. Bridger, Dr. R. Colcleugh, Dr. P. Davenport, Mr. J. Etherington, Mr. T. Garrard, Mr. W. Gibson, Ms. S. Grindrod, Ms. R. Ivey, Mr. D. McDougall, Mr. R. McFeetors, Dr. K. McQuillan, Dr. P. Mercer, Dr. G. Moran, Dr. P. Neary, Mr. T. O'Neil, Mr. W.W. Peel, Mr. M.Pickard, Dr. R.J.Rylett, Mr. H.W. Taylor, Mr. T. Vine, Mr. M. Weyers, Ms. L. Whittaker, Mr. R. Yamada

BG.00-220 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT [Appendix 1]

The President reported on the following:

Overheads used to highlight his presentation are attached as Appendix 2 to these minutes. Details of his report appear in Appendix I, distributed with the agenda for the meeting.


BG.00-221 SuperBuild Facilities Expansion: Space Allocation in New Buildings

It was moved by D. McDougall, seconded by J. Adams,

That the Board of Governors approve the proposed space allocation in new buildings as set out in "SuperBuild Facilities at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾: Space Allocation in New Buildings" (Appendix II, Annex 1).

Mr. Etherington asked for further clarification of the plan to discontinue teaching large classes in Alumni Hall. Dr. Moran replied that the Alumni Hall auditorium is needed for the rapidly expanding activity-based programs in the Faculty of Health Sciences. These programs are degree-credit courses. Teaching currently done in Alumni Hall will be transferred to the new 700 and 800 seat classrooms. Teaching in Alumni Hall requires a special skill because of the design of the auditorium; using the auditorium as a classroom is not an efficient use of the building. Consultation with the deans revealed that an 800 seat classroom is the largest size classroom that is needed.

Mr. Taylor voiced concern that the Board is asked to approve a proposal without receiving all the details and could this proposal be "accepted." Mr. McDougall stated that the Property & Finance Committee did review the proposal in detail. The Chair stated that the Board is responsible for approving the construction of new buildings and is responsible for approving the allocation of space within the buildings.

The question was called and CARRIED

BG.00-222 Enrolment Projection and Institutional Enrolment Plan

It was moved by D. McDougall, seconded by R. McFeetors,

That the Board of Governors approve:

• The projected enrolment for the University to the year 2004-05, as shown in Appendix II, Annex 2; and
• The University's enrolment plan as described in a letter from President Paul Davenport to the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities dated September 28, 2000, shown in Appendix II, Annex 3.

BG.00-223 Purchase of Compaq Systems for SHARC-Net

It was moved by D. McDougall, seconded by W. Gibson,

That the Board of Governors authorize the purchase of 48 Compaq systems to be manufactured and assembled for delivery in April 2001 at a cost of $4.8 million, upon final CFI approval.

BG.00-224 Vicky Blair Fellowship in Vascular Surgery

It was moved by D. McDougall, seconded by R. Yamada,

That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the Vicky Blair Fellowship in Vascular Surgery, under the terms of reference detailed in Appendix II, for a period of ten years, based on a generous expendable gift from Mr. William Blair.

BG.00-225 2001-2002 Planning Guidelines

The Board received for information the 2001-2002 Planning Guidelines (Appendix II, Annex 4) that are issued to academic and administrative units. Dr. Moran stated that the budget planning process is well underway with the goal that preliminary budget recommendations will be presented to the Board in January 2001.

Dr. Mercer stated that ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s defined contribution pension plan means that a surplus is not available for the University's use. He explained that other universities have been on permanent contribution holidays for sometime. If ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s situation were similar to McMaster University or Guelph University with respect to a pension surplus, using the calculations provided by those universities, ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ would have another $10 million in the operating budget. Queen's University's pension situation is similar to ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s and Queen's faces the same difficulties in balancing the budget.

BG.00-226 Quarterly Financial Report: Operating and Ancillary Budgets

The Quarterly Financial Reports: Operating and Ancillary Budgets, detailed in Appendix II, Annex 5, was provided for information.

BG.00-227 Report on Scholarships

The Report on Scholarships, detailed in Appendix II, Annex 6, was provided for information.

BG.00-228 Report on Environmental Incidents and/or Safety Incidents

Information on the critical injury accident detailed in the Report on Environmental Incidents and/or Safety Incidents, contained in Appendix II, page 4, was received for information.

Dr. Mercer reported that for several years complaints have been received about the air quality at Althouse Faculty of Education Building. Investigations revealed that the culprit is a mold on the ceiling tiles. Plans are in place to correct this situation.


BG.00-229 CCAC Public Meeting - October 2, 2000

The Board received a report on the public meeting of the Campus and Community Affairs Committee held on October 2, 2000. At this meeting representatives of the Hippocratic Council of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry made a presentation about tuition fees and financial assistance for medical students. Details are found in Appendix III.


BG.00-230 Amendments to By-Law No. 1

It was moved by R. McFeetors, seconded by W. Gibson,

That the Board of Governors approve amendments to By-Law No. 1, as detailed in Appendix IV, Annex 1.

BG.00-231 Property & Finance Committee (Special Resolution No. 1-B)

It was moved by R. McFeetors, seconded by W. Gibson,

That the terms of reference of the Property & Finance Committee (Special Resolution No. 1-B) be amended as shown in Appendix IV, Annex 2.

BG.00-232 Campus & Community Affairs Committee (Special Resolution No. 1-D)

It was moved by R. McFeetors, seconded by W. Gibson,

That the terms of reference of the Campus & Community Affairs Committee (Special Resolution No. 1-D) be amended as shown in Appendix IV, Annex 3.

BG.00-233 Redesignation of Administrative Titles

At the Board meeting of September 28, 2000, a number of administrative titles were changed by resolution. Accordingly, the By-Laws Committee has authorized the Secretary of the Board to amend university policies to reflect those changes. The affected former and new titles are listed in Appendix IV.


BG.00-234 Campus & Community Affairs Committee - Meeting Schedule for 2001

It was moved by J. Etherington, seconded by S. Adams,

That the Board of Governors approve the following meeting schedule for the Campus & Community Affairs Committee for 2001:
Thursday, January 11 (if needed)
Thursday, March 8 - Public Meeting
Thursday, April 5 - Public Meeting (including Code of Student Conduct)
Thursday, June 14 (if needed)
Thursday, October 11 - Public Meeting (focus on budgetary issues)
Thursday, December 6 - Public Meeting
(All meetings begin at 5:00 p.m.)

An exhibit detailing the schedule of the Code of Student Conduct was distributed at the meeting. The Chair explained that Senate, at its meeting of November 17, referred the Code of Student Conduct to an ad hoc Committee. The Code of Student Conduct, in its current form, will be presented to CCAC at an open meeting on December 11, 2000. CCAC will delay its deliberations concerning a Code until the April 5th meeting. This schedule allows the ad hoc committee to provide any advisory report or commentary to Senate and CCAC before the Board considers the Code of Student Conduct at its meeting of May 3, 2001.

BG.00-235 Property & Finance Committee - Schedule Change, May 2001

It was moved by J. Adams, seconded by S. Grindrod,

That the May 2001 meeting of the Property & Finance Committee be held on May 14 (not on May 7 as earlier scheduled).

BG.00-236 Board Members

The Board received brief biographical information on newly elected Board members Dr. Jane Rylett, Dr. Kevin McQuillan, and Ms. Melissa Parker, and re-elected Board member Susan Grindrod (Appendix V, page 1).

BG.00-237 New Format for Board Meetings [BG.00-147]

At the September 28, 2000, meeting, the Board implemented the new format for Board meetings, as approved on June 28. Based on that experience, the following minor adjustments will be made:

BG.00-238 Strategic Planning Task Force

At its meeting on September 28, the Board of Governors delegated to the Senior Operations Committee the responsibility for naming the staff member to the Strategic Planning Task Force. The Senior Operations Committee, at its meeting of October 23, 2000, ratified the appointment of Sue Desmond to the Strategic Planning Task Force, as recommended by the Presidents of the non-faculty employee groups. Sue Desmond is the President of the UWO Staff Association.

BG.00-239 London Museum of Archaeology

The Board was informed of appointments made by the Senior Operations Committee on behalf of the Board to the London Museum of Archaeology, as recommended by the Directors of the Museum.

BG.00-240 Standing Committee on Campus Recreation

The membership of Tom Vine on the Standing Committee on Campus Recreation has been extended from February 2001 to November 2001.


BG.00-241 The ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Fund

It was moved by R. Ivey, seconded by J. Adams,

That the Board of Governors approve the terms of reference of The ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Fund as detailed in Appendix VI.


BG.00-242 Pension Improvements for Retirees under the Administrative Staff Pension Plan

It was moved by J. Etherington, seconded by W. Gibson,

That the Board of Governors authorize an ad hoc improvement, effective January 1, 2001, to all retirees under the Administrative Staff Pension Plan who retired on or before December 31, 1985, as Special Members of the Pension Plan, and surviving spouses, to be funded from the surplus funds in the Administrative Staff Pension Plan. The schedule for the increases would be:
Maintain 70% Purchasing Power:
For those who retired in 1984 or earlier, 4.65%
For those who retired in 1985, 2.71%

The projected costs for these improvements total $65,000.

The Administrative Staff Pension Board has approved the funding of these improvements by use of surplus funds in the Administrative Staff Pension Plan.

BG.00-243 Pension Improvements for Retirees under the Academic Staff Pension Plan

It was moved by W.W. Peel, seconded by W. Gibson,

That the Board of Governors authorize an ad hoc improvement, effective January 1, 2001, to all retirees under the Academic Staff Pension Plan who retired on or before December 31, 1985, as Special Members of the Pension Plan, and surviving spouses, to be funded from the surplus funds in the Academic Staff Pension Plan. The schedule for the increases would be:
Maintain 70% Purchasing Power:
For those who retired in 1984 or earlier, 4.65%
For those who retired in 1985, 2.71%

The projected costs for these improvements total $270,000.

The Academic Pension Board has approved the funding of these improvements by using the surplus funds in the Academic Staff Pension Plan.


BG.00-244 Standardized Training in Animal Care and Use

It was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by J. Rylett,

That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of a policy on the Standardized Training in Animal Care and Use as shown in Appendix VIII, Annex 1, to come into effect January 1, 2001.

BG.00-245 Academic Programs

Senate reported the establishment of the following programs:

BG.00-246 Academic Development Fund - Small Grants Competition: 2000-01 Spring Awards

The report of the Academic Development Fund - Small Grants Competition: 2000-01 Spring Awards, contained in Appendix VIII, Annex 2, was received for information.

BG.00-247 Academic Colleague Report on the 252nd Meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities

The report of the Academic Colleague on the 252nd meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities, detailed in Appendix VIII, Annex 3, was provided for information.

BG.00-248 Annual Report of the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I

The annual report of the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I, detailed in Appendix VIII, Annex 4, was received for information.

BG.00-249 Annual Report of the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II

The annual report of the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II, detailed in Appendix VIII, Annex 5, was received for information.

BG.00-250 Annual Report of the Senate Committee on Appeals

There were no appeals to the Senate Committee on Appeals in 1999-2000 and therefore no Annual Report from the Committee.

BG.00-251 Appointments

The Board was informed of recent appointments to academic administrative positions within the University. These are listed in Appendix VIII, page 3.

BG.00-252 Establishment of an ad hoc Committee re Code of Student Conduct

[Exhibit distributed at the meeting]

An exhibit detailing the establishment of an ad hoc Committee re Code of Student Conduct was distributed at the meeting.

BG.00-253 Selected Clippings [Appendix IX]

The Board received selected media clippings, detailed in Appendix IX, about Dr. Davenport.


BG.00-254 Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ - Reporting

Mr. Etherington asked that Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ be complimented on their provision of a friendly, thorough report recently received on a family funded scholarship. Mr. Garrard advised that as part of the agreement with Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾, the reporting process is outsourced to the University and is produced by the Alumni Relations and Development staff. He agreed to convey the commendation.

BG.00-255 Government Relations Officer

Responding to Dr. Colcleugh request, Dr. Davenport stated that Mr. Asad Wali, ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s Government Relations Officer, will be invited to address the Board in the new year.


The meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

Signed by:

C. McAulay-Weldon, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary