As approved at the March 30th, 2000, meeting of the Board of Governors. The "in camera" portion of the minutes have not been included herein. Copies of Appendices not included herein are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.
The meeting was held at 3:30 p.m. in Room 330, Stevenson-Lawson Building
PRESENT: Ms. C. McAulay-Weldon, Chair; Ms. J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary
Mr. J. Adams, Mr. S. Adams, Dr. W.A. Bridger, Dr. P. Davenport, Mr. J. Etherington, Mr. T. Garrard, Mr. W. Gibson, Ms. S. Grindrod, Ms. R. Ivey Thom, Prof. M. Lennon
Dr. P.P. Mercer, Dr. G. Moran, Prof. H. Murray, Dr. P. Neary, Mr. W.W. Peel, Mr. M. Rubinoff, Mr. H. Taylor, Dr. A. Weedon, Mr. M. Weyers, Ms. L. Whittaker
The Board met initially in closed session to receive and discuss the recommendations of the Selection Committees for the Vice-Provost & Registrar and the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Science.
The Board approved the following appointments (details contained in the confidential minutes of this meeting):
Dr. Roma Harris, Vice-Provost & Registrar, September 1, 2000 - August 31, 2005
Dr. Franco Berruti, Dean of Engineering Science, July 1, 2000 - June 30, 2005
The minutes of the meetings of November 11 and 25, 1999, were approved as circulated.
Dr. Davenport reported that ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ submitted four projects to the SuperBuild Growth Fund: the Accessibility and Quality Project, the Biomedical Sciences Project, and two joint projects with Fanshawe College, in nursing and communications. The announcements concerning the funding are expected to be made in February and March.
Dr. Davenport advised that during his February 3 breakfast meeting with Minister Cunningham discussion included the importance of the SuperBuild Growth Fund initiatives to ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾, student aid, operating fund grant, and deferred maintenance.
Dr. Davenport gave a presentation on ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s three-year degrees and entering grades. He highlighted his presentation with the use of slides, copies of which are attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes.
The report detailing the preliminary budget recommendations for Faculties for 2000-2001 was distributed at the meeting.
Dr. Moran gave a presentation on the preliminary budget recommendations for Faculties. He highlighted his presentation with the use of slides, copies of which are attached as Appendix 2. The University's preliminary budget planning is in progress despite the fact that the government has not released its announcement about operating grants or allowable tuition levels for 2000-2001. The budget plan includes assumptions that there will be a modest operating grant increase and that higher tuition levels will be allowed. He advised that the preliminary budget figures could change depending on the government announcement. The base budgets of all Faculties face an initial 2% budget cut, but a substantial series of additional selective reallocations will result in an overall funding level to Faculties that is nearly the same as in 1999-2000. Support units have been hit hard by past budget cuts, and therefore, selective reinvestment will be required in certain areas.
The budget continues to experience pressure from rising expenses associated with higher fuel costs, more funds directed to student aid, increased employee salaries and benefits (especially a significant rise in long-term disability costs), deferred maintenance, and library acquisitions.
The administration's recommendations for tuition levels next year will not be announced until after the government releases guidelines on what universities will be allowed to charge. Dr. Moran stated that a significant tuition increase is being considered for the Faculty of Law, but a portion of the revenue will be reinvested in the Faculty.
A list of activities of the President during the months of December 1999 and January 2000 were provided for the information of the Board (Appendix I).
On behalf of the Property & Finance Committee, it was moved by W.W. Peel, seconded by S. Adams,
That the Board of Governors approve an increase in the square footage of the Dental Sciences Addition from 15,000 gross square feet to 25,500 gross square feet. The expansion and internal renovations will not exceed $8 million.
It was moved by W.W. Peel, seconded by L. Whittaker,
That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the following designated Chairs and Faculty Fellowships as detailed in Appendix II:
The Donald K. Jackson Chair in Entrepreneurship in the Richard Ivey School of Business
The George and Mary Turnbull Faculty Fellowship in the Richard Ivey School of Business
Nortel Networks Director, Asian Management Institute [a term-funded Chair]
Earl H. Orser/London Life Faculty Fellowship in the Richard Ivey School of Business
Louis Lagassé Family Faculty Fellowship in the Richard Ivey School of Business
It was moved by W.W. Peel, seconded by M. Lennon,
That the Board approve a four (4) year contract commencing May 1, 2000 (+1 one year extension at the option of the University) for the rental of the Canon administrative photocopiers from OE London Inc.
The Board received for information the siting and design of the large new classroom project, detailed in Appendix II, page 6, and Annex 2.
Dr. Moran stated that the design of the classroom originally involved a 450 seat main floor and 250 seat balcony. In response to numerous concerns expressed to him about the design over the last two weeks, he held a meeting to provide an opportunity for further consultation. The meeting involved the design team, including the acoustic consultant, and faculty members who wished to raise their concerns about the design. As a result of the meeting the classroom will be redesigned to a single floor classroom. This project will be funded from the capital budget or from the SuperBuild Fund.
Details about renovations to the Saugeen-Maitland kitchen (Appendix II, page 7), were received for information. The design is well underway, and the project will be completed between the end of classes in April 2000 and the start of classes in September 2000. The project will be funded from the Housing and Food Services budget.
The Quarterly Financial Report - Operating and Ancillary Budgets, detailed in Appendix II, Annex 3, was received for information.
With reference to Annex 3 of Appendix II, 1999/2000 Operating Budget Summary, Ms. Ivey Thom observed that the operating reserve target of $2.5 million appears to be in jeopardy. Dr. Davenport explained that expenses increased but there was no change in revenues. The increased expenses include utility costs, increases in the cost of oil and gas, and a significant increase in benefits costs, particularly Long Term Disability (LTD). Traditionally the operating reserve is used as the cushion because it is very difficult to enact reductions to unit budgets mid-year without causing damage.
The Report of the Investment Committee, detailed in Appendix II, Annex 4, was provided for information.
The Board received the Report on Scholarships, detailed in Appendix II, Annex 5.
The Board received a report on a Bunker C fuel oil spill incident, details of which are contained in Appendix II, page 7.
A report on the pubic meeting held on December 6, 1999, was provided for information. Two presentations were made: Students Against Sweatshops - Canada/UWO, and Society of Graduate Students: ACCESS 2000 Campaign. Appendix III includes a summary of each presentation and the conclusions reached by CCAC.
On behalf of the Senior Operations Committee, it was moved by W.W. Peel, seconded by P. Neary,
That the following be appointed to serve as committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs in 2000:
Property & Finance
Chair Don McDougall
Vice-Chair Bob Colcleugh
Campus & Community Affairs
Chair Jim Etherington
Vice-Chair Stephen Adams
Chair Howard Taylor
Vice-Chair Lin Whittaker
The Chair stated that Mr. M. Pickard's name should be added to the membership of the Property & Finance Committee. With that correction, it was moved by M. Rubinoff, seconded by J. Adams,
That the membership of the standing committees of the Board for the period February 2000, through January 2001, be approved as shown in Appendix IV, Annex 1.
The proposed schedule of meetings of the Campus and Community Affairs Committee in 2001 was withdrawn pending further consideration. It was moved by S, Grindrod, seconded by J. Etherington,
That the Board of Governors approve the 2001 meeting dates for the Board of Governors, the Audit Committee, the Senior Operations Committee, and the Property & Finance Committee as detailed on Appendix IV, Annex 2.
The Board was informed that Mr. Terry O'Neil has been reappointed to the Board by the City of London, for a term ending December 3, 2003.
The following Strategic Issues meetings have been scheduled:
February 3, 2000: Administering Student Financial Aid - Roma Harris, Vice-Provost & Registrar
March 30, 2000: Board Member Campaign Training - Ted Garrard, Vice-President (External); Rosamond Ivey Thom, Chair, Development & Fund Raising Committee; Kevin Goldthorp, Campaign Director; and Kate Wiggins, Associate Director (Faculty Campaigns). [This session includes follow-up on topics that were discussed at the September 10 Board of Governors retreat.]
The following topics will be scheduled for the Spring or Fall:
• ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ in the Future (optimum size, increased cohort, etc.)
• Industrial Relations, Commercialization of University Research, and Intellectual Property
• ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾'s Relationship with the Community
On behalf of Senate, it was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by L. Whittaker,
That the revised Affiliation Agreement between the Board of Governors of The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario, Brescia College, Huron College, and King's College, as shown in Appendix V, Annex 1, be approved as recommended by the Senate.
The report from Senate, Appendix 5, contained information on the following matters:
• Faculty Appointments by Gender, Appendix V, Annex 2
• Proposal for Reform of the Undergraduate Program, Appendix V, Annex 3
• The Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee on a Student Code of Conduct
• Report of the 248th Meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities, Appendix V, Annex 4
• University Council on Animal Care Annual Report, Appendix V, Annex 5
• Mandated Review of Faculty of Health Sciences P&T Procedures
• Academic Program: Four-Year BSc Program in Human Ecology (Foods and Nutrition)
• Selection Committee for Vice-President (Research) - Membership
• Senior Administration Academic Appointments
Mr. Etherington asked if the Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee on a Student Code of Conduct will be involved in the Faculty of Engineering Science review. Dr. Moran advised that there will be no direct interaction between the two groups, but the Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee will take into consideration the report of the Faculty of Engineering Science Review Team.
Mr. Taylor asked if inaccurate disclosure of personal financial information will be covered under the Student Code of Conduct. Dr. Moran stated that this concern will be conveyed to the Advisory Committee.
Signed by:
C. McAulay-Weldon, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary of the Board