
Board of Governors, June 28, 2000 - APPENDIX VII, Annex 1



To be placed in the Interfaculty Programs (see page 89 of the 2000 Academic Calendar)


Room C112, Molecular Biology Laboratory Building (MBL), Tel: (519) 661-3362.

Medical Sciences is an interdisciplinary program administered and sponsored by the Faculties of Medicine & Dentistry and Science. The Honors Medical Sciences program differs from the Four-Year BMSc program by requiring more 400 level courses, one of which must be the 4th year research project.

Program Counselling

Room C111, Molecular Biology Laboratory Building (MBL), Tel: (519) 661-3094

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Students with problems or concerns about academic or other matters, as indicated in the Academic Counselling segment of the Academic Information chapter, should consult an Academic Counsellor in the Office of the Dean of Science or the BMSc Program Counsellor.

Program Structure - Four-Year Degree

The course requirements for first and second years are outlined below. Students are admitted to the BMSc program at the completion of second year (normally in the Biology program). In third year, students admitted to the BMSc program choose a minimum of five full 300 and 400 level courses from one, two or three of the Principal Disciplines (see below). After third year, if students have the appropriate prerequisites and an average of at least 70%, they can apply to one of the existing Honors programs in Medical Sciences or Science. While the program is not designed to provide requirements for Graduate School (the honors degree being the normal route), students with high academic standing may meet these requirements with the appropriate course selection. This program also provides the opportunity for students to gain expertise in a non-Science discipline.

Students may switch from one program to another, provided they have the appropriate prerequisites. In order for students to keep their options open, it is recommended that they include required courses for other programs as electives in the second and/or third year.

First Year Requirements

Students must complete Biology 022 or 023 and Chemistry 020 or 023 with a mark of at least 60% in each. It is to a student's advantage to include the Mathematics requirement in the first year (Mathematics 030 or any two of the following: Calculus 050a/b, 051a/b, 081a/b, Mathematics 028a/b, Linear Algebra 040a/b, Statistical Sciences 024a/b). The Mathematics requirement must be completed successfully by the end of the second year. Students are advised to consider including one Physics course (Physics 020, 022, 024 or 025) in their program. Physics 022 is recommended. At least one course from the Faculties of Arts or Social Science must be included in the program.

Note: Some of the combinations of mathematics courses which meet the requirements of the three year BSc program in Biology are not sufficient for entry to Honors Programs in Biochemistry, Biophysics, Pharmacology & Toxicology and Physiology. Check the Mathematics requirements of the individual programs.

Second Year

Principal Courses

Biology 280a, 281b, 282b, 283a*, 290a/b

Chemistry 213a plus 223b

One of: Biology 244a, Statistical Sciences 135, 222a/b, 241a/b, 255 or Psychology 281.

One or one and a half full optional course from any faculty

* may be left until third year

Note: Students who wish to keep the Honors Biochemistry option open should take Chemistry 254 or Chemistry 224a plus 234b.

Progression into Third Year

To proceed to the third year of the program requires successful completion of second year plus an average of at least 60% in Biology 280a, 281b, 282b, 290a/b and Chemistry 213a plus 223b.

Third Year

Three full honors level courses from one, two or three of the following Principal Disciplines, no more than one of which may be at the 200 level: Anatomy and Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Microbiology and Immunology, Pathology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Physiology.

Two full course options from any Faculty** (see below)

Note: 1) Two 200 or 300 level course equivalents with laboratories from Chemistry or Biology or the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry are required.

2) Before choosing courses for third year, students should note prerequisites for courses they wish to include in fourth year.

Progression into Fourth Year

To proceed to the fourth year of this program requires successful completion of third year plus an average of at least 60% in the three full courses from the above Principal Disciplines.

Fourth Year

Two full 400 level courses from one, two or three of the Principal Disciplines

One full course chosen from :

Medical Sciences 400*

Any full 300 or 400 level course from the Faculty of Science or the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry with approval of the program co-ordinator. **

Two full 200, 300 or 400 level courses from any Faculty. One of these must be from a Faculty other than the Faculties of Science and Medicine & Dentistry.

It is highly recommended that students take a course in Bioethics.

* Priority will be given to students registered in fourth year of the BMSc General program.

NOTE: Special permission is required for students to take more than two full 400 level courses from any one Department.

** See Graduation Requirements e)

Graduation Requirements

The requirement for graduation from this program is completion of twenty courses as outlined above, subject to the following conditions: