
Board of Governors - APPENDIX II - October 28, 1999



1. PeopleSoft Consulting Services

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the acquisition of consulting services from Ciber of Canada not to exceed $840,000 (Cdn.) for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2000.


In January 1997, a Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued as required by Board of Governors financial policy 2.8, for consultation, assessment and assistance with the implementation of the PeopleSoft suite of applications. Upon conclusion of the review and evaluation of responses, the University chose Business Information Technology of Canada (BIT) as the successful supplier. This company has since changed their name to Ciber of Canada. Approved purchases of services from this company for the fiscal year 1999-2000 currently total $532,742; however, further services are required from this supplier for the completion of the implementation of the PeopleSoft student record system (HE). It is now estimated the total costs for 1999-2000 will be $840,000 comprised of $750,000 for consulting and $90,000 for travel and accommodation to be funded from the PeopleSoft Implementation Fund.


Policy 2.8, Purchase of Materials and Services, requires Board approval for expenditures that exceed authority delegated to the President in Special Resolution No. 2 to approve expenditures not greater than $550,000.

2. NMR Spectrometers

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the purchase of a suite of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometers from Varian NMR for a price not to exceed $3,200,000 Canadian dollars.


Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) is the most powerful technique for studying structure and dynamics of molecules in solution and it is also a powerful method for studying structure of solid materials. It is planned to purchase a new suite of NMR spectrometers to be located in the departments of chemistry and biochemistry, which will allow new, advanced lines of research to be pursued. By combining four grants, comprising funds from CFI New Opportunities fund, two CFI awards and the associated matching funds from ORDCF and from generous donations through the university fund-raising campaign, and an NSERC major installation grant, it has been possible to negotiate a very attractive suite of NMR spectrometers from Varian NMR. A new 600 Mz NMR spectrometer will be added as a component of the ABRC in the department of biochemistry, and will be used primarily for studies of proteins and other biological materials in solution. A second 600 MHz NMR spectrometer will be located in the department of chemistry, and will be used by chemists and chemical engineers to study the structures and properties of polymers, bioinorganic compounds, and other large organic and organometallic molecules. Three new 400 MHz NMR spectrometers will also be installed in the department of chemistry. Two will be dedicated to NMR studies in solution, providing hands-on experience in modern NMR techniques to many graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and even advanced undergraduate students at a much higher level than was possible with the older equipment. The third 400 MHz spectrometer will be used for new solid state NMR research, allowing studies of solid state catalysts such as zeolites, solid state reagents used for pharmaceutical synthesis and other purposes, as well as a wide variety of polymers and other solid state materials to be carried out at 深夜福利站 for the first time.

A request for proposals was posted on the electronic bulletin board (Merx) in compliance with the Interprovincial trade Agreement for a Suite of NMR Spectrometers. Only Varian NMR responded with a proposal, though detailed appraisals of Bruker NMR equipment were also made prior to the Merx posting..

The selection was made based on a predetermined and published selection criteria consisting of specifications (50%), price (40%) and warranty(10%).


Policy 2.8, Purchase of Materials and Services, requires Board approval for expenditures that exceed authority delegated to the President in Special Resolution No. 2 to approve expenditures not greater than $550,000.

3. Investment Committee Composition


From the September 1999 Report of the Investment Committee:

The University's total endowments are administered by Foundation 深夜福利站 (approximately $49 million) and by the University's Investment Committee (approximately $88 million). Each year, we combine the portfolios and the investment returns to report 深夜福利站's total endowment activity for the University Investment Survey, prepared by the Canadian Association of University Business Officers.
In order to improve the communication of information between the Investment Committees of Foundation 深夜福利站 and the University, with the intent of improving the overall investment process at the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, the following recommendations were approved by the University's Investment Committee:
That, subject to the approval of the Board of Governors of the University and the Board of Directors of Foundation 深夜福利站,
the composition of the Investment Committee of the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario be amended by adding:
A member of the Investment Committee of Foundation 深夜福利站, appointed thereby, may attend all meetings as an Observer, with full floor privileges but to be excluded from moving/seconding motions and voting.
and that
the composition of the Investment Committee of Foundation 深夜福利站 be amended by adding:
A member of the Investment Committee of the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, appointed thereby, may attend all meetings as an Observer, with full floor privileges but to be excluded from moving/seconding motions and voting.
and that
these arrangements be reviewed by each organizations after 12 months time.

The Investment Committee of Foundation 深夜福利站 and the Board of Directors of Foundation 深夜福利站 have agreed to the reciprocal arrangements described above.

(Investment Committee, September 13, 1999; and Board of Directors, October 4, 1999)

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve that a new section 4 be inserted into Special Resolution No. 1-N (Investment Committee) as shown below:

3. The Committee shall consist of ten members as follows:

Vice-President (Administration)
Senior Director, Financial Services Division
Two current or former members of the Board, appointed by the Property and Finance Committee
Five members, appointed by the Property and Finance Committee on the recommendation of the Investment Committee

4. One member of the Investment Committee of Foundation 深夜福利站, appointed thereby, may attend all meetings as an Observer, with full floor privileges except that the Observer may not move/second motions or vote.

[Subsequent sections of the Resolution will be renumbered.]


1. 2000-01 Budget Outlook, Planning Issues, and Guidelines

See Annex 1.

[Not available in electronic format. A copy may be obtained from the Secretariat.]

2. Annual Report on Fund Raising

The results of fund raising activities for the 1998/99 fiscal year ending on April 30, 1999, are attached on Annex 2. Key highlights include:

3. Scholarships/Bursaries/Awards/Prizes

See Annex 3 (below)

Board of Governors, October 28, 1999 - APPENDIX II, Annex 3



Scholarship/Prize/Award Conditions

On behalf of the Board of Governors, Property and Finance Committee has approved following terms of reference for new scholarships, bursaries and awards:

The Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University Award (Any Faculty)

Awarded to undergraduate students in any year or any program wishing to study abroad at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for full-year or summer courses, based on demonstrated financial need and academic achievement. Students attending full-year courses are to be given preference over those attending summer courses. Application forms and details regarding the application process can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar. The deadline date for submissions is March 1. Award recipients will be announced by May 1 of each year, but receipt of the award is dependent on acceptance of the student by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Value: Awards will be granted, as funds permit, up to a total of $30,000 annually. A parallel award for graduate students (1 at $15,000) is being proposed. Distribution may change subject to an annual review by the donor:

1 @ up to $10,000 for undergraduate student awards
5 @ up to $1,000 for undergraduate summer study
Effective: May 2000

This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program.

Zindart HBA Entrance Scholarship (Richard Ivey School of Business)

This first year award for HBA students is targeted at recruiting top students into the program by providing financial assistance to a student with demonstrated financial need and academic excellence. Students must apply through the HBA program services office at the Richard Ivey School of Business. The HBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review applications and select the award recipient. This award is made possible through funding provided by the Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals (Ontario) Education Foundation.

Value: $1,000
Effective: May 1999

Award For Excellence in French Second Language Education (Faculty of Education)

Awarded to a student graduating with a Bachelor of Education degree who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in the elementary or secondary French as a Second Language Teacher Education program, and has given evidence that he/she will further the development of French as a second language in schools during his/her career. Selection of the recipient will be made by the Associate Dean (Program) of the Faculty of Education in consultation with the faculty members involved in teaching French as a Second Language courses. This award is made possible by the generosity of donors from the Faculty of Education and the graduates of the French as a Second Language Teacher Education program.

Value: $250
Effective: May 1999-2000

Gonder Continuing OSOTF Award (Faculty of Engineering Science)

Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student in year 2 or higher of Engineering Science who demonstrates financial need and maintains a minimum 75% average. This award will continue until the recipient completes his or her undergraduate program as long as the student meets the stated criteria each year. Applications can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar and must be submitted by September 30. Final selection will be made by the Scholarships Committee in the Faculty of Engineering Science. A new recipient will be selected when the current recipient no longer qualifies. This award was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by the generosity of John and Katharine (nee Burdick) Gonder in recognition of the contribution of Russell (BESc '58) and Leota Gonder to the profession of engineering and The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario.

Value: $2,000
Effective: May 2000

This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program.

Government of Ontario - Charles Drake Graduate Research Scholarships [Faculty of Graduate Studies]

Awarded annually to graduate students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who are engaged in Science or Technology research. Preference will be given to students conducting research in graduate programs in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. These scholarships are based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A-(80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee. These scholarships were made possible by a generous donation from John and Mary Beth Drake in memory of Dr. Charles Drake, a medical pioneer who revolutionized neurological surgery.

Students must apply for these scholarships. Application forms are available from eligible Graduate Program Offices or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Complete applications are to be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by Graduate Programs no later than April 1.

Value: 5 at $15,000 for 9 years
Effective: 1999-2000 to 2007-2008

MBA '83 Award [Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Science Division (Business)]

A continuing award for MBA students at the Richard Ivey School of Business. This award is targeted at recruiting top students into the program. Criteria include financial need and demonstrated success academically and professionally. Students must apply through the MBA Program Services office at Ivey by May 1. Awarded to a student entering the first year of the program, the award will be renewed for year two upon successful completion of year one. If a student does not meet this requirement, year two students will have an opportunity to apply for this award.

Value: Up to $10,000 annually
Effective: May 1999

Packianathan Chelladurai Award [Faculty of Graduate Studies]

Awarded to a full-time graduate student in a Masters or Doctoral program in Kinesiology, with a Sociocultural area of specialization, who demonstrates financial need and has maintained a minimum 78% academic average. Preference will be given to a student focusing on Sport Management. Applications may be obtained from the School of Kinesiology and must be returned by October 31. Selection of the recipient will be made by a committee of faculty members in consultation with the Graduate Chair of Kinesiology.

Value: $600
Effective: May 2000

Hudson's Bay Company MBA 2 Award [Faculty of Graduate Studies, Social Sciences Division/Business]

A second year award for MBA students targeted at recruiting top students into the program. Awarded on the basis of financial need and demonstrated success academically. Preference will be given to students interested in pursuing a career in the retail environment. The recipient will have the opportunity to undertake a paid work term with the Hudson's Bay Company. Applications can be obtained from the MBA Program Services office at the Richard Ivey Business School of Business. The application deadline is May 1. The MBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review and select each award recipient. Applicants are required to submit a short essay outlining their reasons for pursuing a career in the retail industry with particular emphasis on their strengths that will make their career path a successful one.

Value: $5,000
Effective: May 1999

The Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University Award [Faculty of Graduate Studies]

Awarded to graduate students in any year or any program wishing to study abroad at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, for full-year or summer courses, based on demonstrated financial need and academic achievement. Students attending full-year courses are to be given preference over those attending summer courses. Application forms and details regarding the application process can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar or the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The deadline date for submissions is March 1. Award recipients will be announced by May 1 of each year, but receipt of the award is dependent on acceptance of the student by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Value: Awards will be granted, as funds permit, up to a total of $30,000 annually. A parallel award will be introduced for undergraduate students (1 at up to $10,000). Distribution may change subject to an annual review by the donor:

1 at up to $15,000 for graduate student awards
1 at up to $1,000 for graduate or undergraduate summer study
Effective: May 2000

This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program.

Charles Drake International Medical Outreach Program Assistance (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Medicine)

To assist medical, nursing and dentistry students with expenses incurred in the operation and delivery of the International Medical Outreach program. Assistance to the International Medical Outreach program is made possible by the generosity of John and Mary Beth Drake in memory of Dr. Charles Drake, a medical pioneer who revolutionized neurological surgery.

Value: $10,000
Effective: May 1999-2008

Charles Drake Rural Elective Experience Placements (3) (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Medicine)

To assist fourth year Medical students with expenses incurred in Rural Elective Experience Placements including travel, accommodation and fees for supervision in the field. These rural elective experience placements are made possible by the generosity of John and Mary Beth Drake in memory of Dr. Charles Drake, a medical pioneer who revolutionized neurological surgery.

Value: 3 at $4,000
Effective: May 1999 to 2004

Charles Drake Rural Summer Studentships (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Medicine)

To assist Medical students with expenses incurred in Rural Summer Studentships including travel, accommodation and fees for supervision in the field. The studentships will also provide a modest $3,500 salary. These summer studentships are made possible by the generosity of John and Mary Beth Drake in memory of Dr. Charles Drake, a medical pioneer who revolutionized neurological surgery.

Value: 3 at $6,667 annually
Effective: May 1999-2003

Charles Drake Undergraduate Student Awards in Medicine (40) (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Medicine)

Awarded to undergraduate students in Medicine based on outstanding academic achievement and demonstrated financial need. Applications can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar and must be submitted by October 31. Final selection of the recipients will be made by a committee of Medical faculty. These awards are made possible by the generosity of John and Mary Beth Drake in memory of Dr. Charles Drake, a medical pioneer who revolutionized neurological surgery.

Value: 40 awards annually for five years ranging in value from $3,000 to $10,000:

3 at $10,000; 3 at $9,000; 3 at $8,000; 5 at $7,000; 5 at $6,000; 6 at $5,000; 7 at $4,000 and 8 at $3,000.

Effective: From May 2000 to 2005