
Board of Governors - APPENDIX IV - October 28, 1999



1. Audited Financial Statements: The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the audited financial statements for the University for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1999 (Annex 1, tab 1).


1. Supplementary Financial Statements: The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario

The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, supplementary financial statements for the year ended April 30, 1999, are available on request.

2. Related Companies and Other Organizations

The financial statements for the following related companies and other organizations of The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1999, are provided for the information of the Audit Committee (Annex 1, tabs 2-15).

3. UWO Y2K Project Committee Report

The Audit Committee received the following Y2K Project Committee report on October 6, 1999.


Merger of Plans A & B

Creation of UWO 4 Month Plan - version 3.0

Formation of Dedicated Teams

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry

Implementation of Phases I, II, III & Contingency Worksheets

Spot Review of Researcher Contracts

  • PeopleSoft Administrative Application Software

    Status of Implementations

    Human Resources System (HRIS)
    The HR system has continued to function well and improvements in the operation of the system and production processes has continued. The HRIS was upgraded to version 7.5 Public Sector in June.

    Financial System
    The Financial System was successfully used to carry out year-end processing in May. Work over the summer has focused on increasing the stability of the system and resolving many of the minor problems. Speed codes, short forms for account numbers, were implemented during the summer and have begun to be used throughout the campus.

    Student Administration System (SAS)
    The Student Administration System was successfully used to admit first year and senior students this summer, and to generate schedules and fees for students. Though there were some delays in some of the processes, the SAS team worked through and were able to resolve them in a timely fashion. Historical student records for inactive students were also successfully converted from the legacy mainframe to the new Student System over the summer; over 225,000 inactive records were converted.

    Plans are underway to upgrade the Student System to version 7.6 to take advantage of web-based facilities that are provided by that version.

    Advancement System (AS)
    The Advancement System became operational in May 1999 and has been used over the summer. Ongoing work in improving the reporting available from the system continues.

    Production Environment

    The PeopleSoft Resource Group will be moving to a process oriented organization from the current system oriented organization.

    The Advisory Team consisting of R. Harris (Registrar), E. Del Maestro (Finance), K. Gee (Human Resources), R. Chelladurai (IPB) and M. Bauer (ITS) continues to work with G. Growden on the priorities of the Resource Group.

    Legacy Mainframe Environment

    Decommissioning the legacy mainframe, originally planned for August 31, 1999, has been delayed until October 31, 1999. September is being used as a buffer month to ensure that any remaining conversions, typically of historical data, can be completed. Backups of the system and data will stop at the end of September as plans are put into place for decommissioning at the end of October.


    Plans are underway for a Y2K compliance test for the administrative systems in October and November. While PeopleSoft has confirmed the Y2K compliance of their applications, there have been a number of customizations and modifications made during the implementation and these tests are to ensure that there are no unexpected problems.

    Expenditures for PeopleSoft Implementation

    The following summarizes expenditures to date for the PeopleSoft implementation; figures are in millions.

    1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000
    Budget 1.00 2.38 2.90
    Expenditures 1.37 3.63 1.90
    Surplus/(Deficit) (0.37) (1.25) 1.00
    Cumulative Surplus/(Deficit) (0.37) (1.62) (0.62)

    <a> 1999-2000 are preliminary estimates