
Board of Governors, June 24, 1999 - APPENDIX VI



SCUP Working Group on Student Financial Data


Increasing tuition fees across all of 深夜福利站's undergraduate and graduate programs have given rise to concerns about student access, recruitment, financial aid, retention, and debt load upon graduation. The University strives to ensure that these increased tuition costs do not prevent academically qualified students from gaining entrance to our programs or completing their studies because of limited financial wherewithal. The SCUP Working Group on Student Financial Data has been established to examine available information relevant to these issues and to report annually, through SCUP to Senate and the Board of Governors. The information provided through SCUP will contribute to our objective that in all financial matters affecting students at 深夜福利站, the University's policies are fair and reasonable.

The issues that prompt the creation of this working group apply equally to graduate and undergraduate students even though the relevant circumstances of the two groups of students differ substantially. Graduate student financial support is a key responsibility of the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) who maintain a comprehensive database on the amount and sources of student support in all of 深夜福利站's programs. To avoid conflicting with the data-gathering processes already in place in FGS, while at the same time ensuring that parallel information is available on graduate and undergraduate students, the Dean of Graduate Studies (or designate) will serve on the Working Group and FGS staff will work closely with the Working Group and IPB.


1. With the support of the Office of Institutional Planning and Budgeting (IPB), to examine information relevant to issues of access, recruitment, retention, and debt in all of 深夜福利站's undergraduate and graduate programs.

2. To review the following information:

Wherever possible data should span the recent period of unusual increases in tuition fees.

3. To advise the Provost, through SCUP, regarding the need to gather additional information relevant to student financial issues.

4. To report annually to SCUP on student financial information in the spring term. SCUP will prepare a report to Senate and the Board of Governors on student financial issues especially as such issues might relate to matters of tuition fees and student financial aid in the annual planning process.

Preliminary Activity

1. To advise the Provost, the Registrar, the Dean of Graduate Studies, and the Director of IPB on the construction of University-wide surveys of Student Financial Issues to be conducted annually beginning in the fall of 1999.

2. To examine available information relevant to student financial issues in a selected subset of 深夜福利站's programs as a pilot project intended to shape the annual reporting process. The pilot project should focus on the undergraduate and Category 1 graduate programs in the Faculties of Arts and Social Science, the HBA, MD, and DDS programs, and Category 2 graduate programs in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies and the Faculty of Health Sciences.


2. Report on the 246th Meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities

See Annex 1 (shown below).

Report on the 246th Meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities

D.M.R. Bentley, Academic Colleague

At the meetings of the Academic Colleagues and the Council of Ontario Universities at the University of Waterloo on May 27 and 28, several matters of interest and importance to Senate were decided and discussed: