Board of Governors - APPENDIX III - April 22, 1999 [Appendix IV is also included below.]
Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve:
(a) The 1999-2000 University Operating and Capital Budgets (), including the University's Quality Improvement Plan and the tuition fees as summarized on page 12 (and detailed in Tables 10a and 10b) of the operating budget, and
(b) Other Fee Schedules and Tuition Deposits shown in Annex 2.
Additional Information:
Supplemental Fees and Other Charges, shown on page 4 of Annex 2, are approved by the President throughout the year, as authorized under the Student Fee Policy (Policy 2.4). These are reported for information.
The Campus & Community Affairs Committee Report to the Board in March (Appendix V, March 25 agenda) included reports on presentations made to the Committee with respect to tuition fees for medical students and medical residents' fees.
Recommended: That the Property & Finance Committee approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the 1999-2000 budgets for Student Fee Funded Units, Ancillaries, and Academic Support Units, and related Activity Fee Rates, as summarized in Annex 3.
Additional Information:
• Student Activity Fees [Refer to Annex 3, Table 2, lines 1-8.]
See Appendix V in this Board agenda package -- the Report of the CCAC-- which comments on student activity fees which have been proposed by the University Students' Council, the Society of Graduate Students, and the MBA Association.
• Non-Tuition-Related Ancillary Fees [Refer to Annex 3, Table 2, lines 9-21.]
The Student Services Committee Protocol was approved by the Board of Governors and the student government representatives in 1995. According to the Protocol, any "fee increase or new fee [that is] instituted without the agreement of the SSC ... will be considered to be contrary to the provisions outlined in the Ministry guidelines." [SSC Protocol, Article 3.00]
In March, the Campus & Community Affairs Committee received the annual report of the Student Services Committee on Non-Tuition-Related Ancillary Fee Levels. [The details of the SSC report and presentation were included in the CCAC report to the Board in March (Appendix V, March 25 agenda).] One issue raised was that of the mandate of the SSC, specifically, its ability to propose fee reductions.
The terms of the SSC Protocol provide that the SSC makes annual "submissions ... on changes or increases to fees" relating to a number of ancillary operations detailed in the Protocol, any user fees collected as a pre-condition for use of a student service, any new fee or service, and the direction and scope of student services. The SSC report stated that its interpretation of "change" includes decreases, and that involvement of a third party should be sought if the Board of Governors disagrees. The SSC requested "an external interpretation of certain sections of the Student Services Committee Protocol, specifically whether the SSC Protocol prohibits recommendations to reduce ancillary fees."
In response to this, at the Property & Finance Committee meeting on April 12, 1999, the Board Chair provided the following statement about the well-established procedures for considering student ancillary fees, with which the Committee agreed:
The formal recommendation on student ancillary fees which comes to the Property & Finance Committee is from the University Administration, under the direction of the President. In formulating its recommendation, the Administration will consider the suggestions submitted by the Student Services Committee (SSC), as presented by students at a meeting of the Campus & Community Affairs Committee of the Board. As well, written documents summarizing the SSC suggestions will be distributed to Property & Finance and to the full Board. Property & Finance makes a recommendation to the Board with regard to ancillary fees, and the Board makes a final decision. Management of the ancillary units is clearly the responsibility of the Administration, subject to policy directions of the Board. The SSC is not involved in the management of University ancillary units.
In response to a question which arose in the current year with regard to the SSC Protocol, I consider, and the Administration agrees, that the SSC may suggest both increases and decreases to particular ancillary fees. I believe there is no reason for an outside ruling on this matter.
The Campus & Community Affairs Committee reported to Property & Finance that CCAC met with representatives of the University Students' Council, the Society of Graduate Students, and the MBA Association on April 5, 1999, to discuss 1999-2000 fee levels as proposed by the respective student associations.
In the case of the USC and MBAA fees, the proposals were received by the administration on March 31, 1999. Because increases were proposed by all three organizations, with minimal explanation for those increases available, on April 1 it was determined that the Presidents of the USC, SOGS, and MBAA would be invited to make a presentation to CCAC on April 5 and respond to questions.
All students who register at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ are required to pay student activity fees, including USC, SOGS, or MBAA fees which are assessed by the associations and collected on their behalf by the University. Section 19(i) of the University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario Act makes it clear that Board approval of such fees is mandatory:
19. ...the Board may ...(i) fix the fees to be paid for instruction under the control of the University, for all ancillary activities and for examinations, degrees, diplomas and certificates, and of any fee, charge or fine the payment of which is made mandatory by the Board upon a student to register or to remain registered in the University.
The CCAC respects the corporate autonomy of the student organizations and their desire to represent the best interests of the students in setting the activity fees. The Committee believes, however, that the Board has a positive duty, in fixing student activity fees and making their payment mandatory, to ensure that they are doing so in the best interests of all students and indeed the public interest. The Board of Governors has designated the CCAC to be the Committee that receives direct representation from campus and other groups on matters within the purview of the Board, and in the case of financial matters, to make recommendations to the Property & Finance Committee.
The USC, SOGS, and MBAA representatives who addressed CCAC on April 5 welcomed the opportunity to do so, and expressed an interest in making a presentation annually. The following recommendation was proposed to Property & Finance by CCAC with the intention of facilitating an annual review of student organization fees, while at the same time ensuring that there is adequate time between the submission of the proposals and the April meeting of CCAC to review the fees and request further information where necessary.
Property & Finance has approved and recommends for Board approval:
That the Board of Governors consider collection of fees for other organizations with the provision of the following information, submitted to the Secretary of the Board of Governors by March 20 each year: (1) a copy of the organization's audited financial statements for the immediately preceding fiscal year; (2) a copy of the budget for the fiscal year to which the fees relate, including a projected balance sheet; and (3) a fee proposal to be considered at the April meeting of the Campus and Community Affairs Committee. If the annual budget of the organization is less than $1,000,000, a review engagement report from an external accountant will be acceptable in lieu of item (1) above. If these conditions cannot be met by the stated deadline, the proposed fees will not be considered for implementation in the forthcoming academic year.
The suggested date (March 20, which would be extended to the next following Monday when March 20 falls in a weekend) is consistent with the CCAC's rules for public meetings where submissions are required "at least two weeks prior to a scheduled open meeting".
Annex 1 1999-2000 activity fees proposed by the University Students' Council for undergraduate students and the 1999-2000 USC budget and a history of USC Fees from 1993-94 to 1999-2000.
Annex 2 1999-2000 activity fees proposed by the Society of Graduate Students for graduate students (except MBA students) and a history of SOGS Fees from 1992-93 to 1999-2000.
Annex 3 MBAA presentation to CCAC regarding 1999-2000 activity fees for MBA students and a history of MBAA fees from 1994-95 to 1999-2000.
Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the project priorities and Faculty/unit goals for inclusion in The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario's 125th anniversary fund raising campaign as detailed in Annex 4.
See covering memorandum in Annex 4.
The Property & Finance Committee is authorized to approve individual construction and maintenance projects, including any changes to buildings or building systems with a total estimated project budget of $1 million to $5 million, under the terms of Policy 2.15 - Approval Authorities for Construction and Maintenance Projects.
At its meeting of April 12, 1999, the Committee approved the construction of an addition and renovations to the Dental Sciences Building at a cost of up to $5 million.
In part as a result of the options for Dentistry described in the document Looking Forward, discussions began almost two years ago regarding the operations of the School of Dentistry. The object of these discussions was to identify a plan that would ensure the quality and competitiveness of our educational and research programs within a diminished financial situation that called for the development of alternative sources of revenue generation. This plan ultimately called for elements that included a modest increase in enrollment and associated student clinic activities, a program for international dental students, the establishment of a qualifying program for dentists trained outside Canada, and a substantial intramural dental clinic. These discussions occurred within the context of the need to remain competitive for the best students while charging substantially higher domestic tuition fees. It quickly became clear that a plan involving these elements would require expanded and improved physical facilities.
Extended negotiations were carried out with St. Joseph's Health Centre regarding the possibility of moving the School to the Hospital's Richmond Street Campus. This option ultimately proved to be financially unfeasible, although the School and Hospital remain committed to substantially increased clinical and educational collaboration. The attention of the planning group then turned to on-campus options.
A preliminary space program has been completed for the School of Dentistry. Based on the preliminary program, the project will involve the construction of a two storey extension to the building of approximately 15,000 square feet and the renovation of up to 10,000 square feet of space within the existing building.
Attached as Annex 5 is a preliminary conceptual set of sketches showing an addition to the Dental Sciences Building that could provide a prominent entrance for patients. Some adjustments to parking may be required. This plan will be refined by a Design Team that will be selected in the near future. A preliminary estimate follows.
Construct Addition @ $225/square foot | $ 3,400,000 |
Carrying Costs @ ½ Construction Cost x 7% (1 year) | $ 120,000 |
Building Permit @ .09% | $ 32,000 |
Development Levy | $ 82,000 |
Project Management @ 2% | $ 72,000 |
Functional Program | $ 50,000 |
Commissioning | $ 50,000 |
Testing and Inspections | $ 15,000 |
Information Technology Cabling | $ 250,000 |
Contingencies (4%) | $ 150,000 |
$ 4,221,000 |
Renovations to the present building to upgrade the existing facilities: 10K sq. ft. x $78/ sq. ft. | $ 779,000 |
TOTAL | $ 5,000,000 |
The Property & Finance Committee reviewed a set of tables containing the revised Dentistry budget plan that the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry has agreed on. The main items in the plan are:
The Year 2001-2002 is the year in which critical new initiatives begin. Increases in enrolments and the operation of the intramural clinic are planned for 2001-2002 - both of which require additional space.
The budget model will be reviewed and a more detailed design will be presented prior to the calling of tenders and award of a construction contract.
Under authority assigned to it by Policy 2.15 (Approval Authorities for Construction and Maintenance Projects), the Property and Finance Committee has approved renovations to Saugeen-Maitland Hall at a cost of up to $1.35 million. The renovations will be funded from the Housing Budget.
Saugeen-Maitland Hall, which is the largest residence on campus, provides 1,252 bed spaces for students and was built in the early '70s. In order to improve the marketability of this facility as a student residence, it is necessary to replace much of the furniture within the facility and to carry out renovations to the rooms. As a start to this project, last year 72 single rooms and 45 double rooms were renovated and new furniture was installed. This second phase of this project is to carry out renovations to 276 two-bed units and 42 one-bed units.
The scope of work includes the removal of the existing furniture, repair of some furniture, and the installation of custom-made desks and beds (the dressers will be refinished and a new top will be installed). In addition, the original flooring will be removed and replaced with carpeting and the walls and ceilings will be painted once the electrical work and masonry repairs to the fire walls and the enclosing of the plumbing piping are completed.
This project will be broken into two contracts: one for the provision of custom-made furniture and furniture repair; and the other will involve a general contract related to repairs, carpeting, and painting. It is proposed that this project be completed for September 1999 and that Phase 3 will be implemented in the summer of 2000 so that the facilities will be ready for the Canada Games in 2001.
The breakdown of the $1.35 million project is approximately 55% for furnishings and 45% for renovations.
See Annex 6.
April 22, 1999 Annex 6
1. Scholarships/Prize/Award/Conditions
On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property and Finance Committee has approved the following Terms of Reference for new scholarships, bursaries and awards.
3M Canada Company MBA Bursaries (2) (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences Division/Business)
Awarded to full-time MBA students at the Richard Ivey School of Business based on financial need. Applications can be obtained from the Richard Ivey School of Business and must be returned by April 1. These bursaries are made possible by the generosity of 3M Canada Company.
Value: 2 at $1,000 annually Effective: May 1998
William C. Heine Fellowship for International Media Studies (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences Division/Information & Media Studies)
Awarded to a student who is pursuing a graduate program (part-time or full-time) or the undergraduate program in Media, Information & Technoculture (full-time), to work or study in a country of the Third World (Asia, Africa and Latin America) for a period of no less than a semester. The recipient will be selected by a faculty committee consisting of undergraduate as well as graduate faculty. The criteria for selection will include academic achievement (minimum 78% for the last 5 full courses), country-specific language skills and on the quality of the applicant's proposed program of study.
Applications can be obtained from the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Information & Media Studies and must be submitted by December 1. For further details and application materials contact the Dean's Office in FIMS. This fellowship was established through Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ by a bequest from William C. Heine (BA '49).
Value: up to $13,000 will be available annually, but the award value can be increased as funds
permit if the fellowship is offered biennially or two out of every three years.
Effective Date: May 1999
Malcolm Ferguson Award in Life Sciences (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Biosciences Division/Plant Sciences and Zoology)
Awarded to a full-time graduate student enrolled in a MSc or PhD degree program in Zoology or Plant Biology within Plant Sciences based on academic performance over the previous two years (minimum 78%) and overall research contributions. Applicants are requested to provide an up-to-date curriculum vitae, academic transcripts and a reference letter from their graduate supervisor by September 30. Selection will be made by the Department Chair based on applications ranked by the appropriate departmental Graduate Education Committee.
This award was established through Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ in memory of Malcolm Ferguson by his wife Ruth to recognize his lifetime interest in Life Sciences and to reward excellence in the studies and research of graduate students in this field.
Value: $1,000 annually (to alternate between Zoology and Plant Sciences)
Effective: May 1999 (for Zoology)
The Robert V. Brouillard MBA Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences Division/Business)
Awarded to a Canadian student entering the first year of the MBA program based on demonstrated financial need and demonstrated interest in international business (through background, experience, course selection and declared career interest.
The award will be renewed for year two of the program provided that the recipient maintains a standing in the top third of the class in MBA 1 and continues to satisfy the above criteria. If the first year recipient does not meet these requirements for second year, other students in MBA 2 will have an opportunity to apply for this award.
Application forms for these awards are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business. Award recipients will be selected by the MBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business.
This award is made possible through a generous donation from alumnus Robert V. Brouillard, FCMC (MBA 1966).
Value: $10,000 Effective May 1999
Barrett Family Scholarship (Faculty of Information & Media Studies)
Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student in the Faculty of Information & Media Studies, in any year beyond year one, based on academic achievement (minimum 80% average) and demonstrated financial need. Applications are available at the Office of the Registrar and must be returned by October 31. The scholarships committee of the Faculty of Information & Media Studies will select the recipient in conjunction with Financial Aid Services. This scholarship was established through Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ by William, David and Kathie Barrett.
Value: $500 Effective May 1999
This scholarship will receive matched funding through OSOTF
Rix Family OSOTF Bursary (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)
Available to a student in the second, third or fourth phase of Medicine on the basis of financial need and consideration of academic standing. This bursary was established through Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ by Dr. & Mrs. Donald B. Rix.
Value: 2 at $750
Effective May 1999
This bursary will receive matched funding through OSOTF.
Meds Class of 1952 Bursaries (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)
Awarded to full-time undergraduate students in medicine on the basis of financial need. These bursaries were made possible by the generosity of graduates of the Faculty of Medicine, Class of 1952, to assist medical students in financial need. Established through Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾.
Value: 1 at $1,100 effective May 1999
2 at $1,100 effective May 2000
These bursaries will receive matched funding through OSOTF
Anne Sale Porte Scholarship (Faculty of Science, Plant Sciences, Zoology)
Awarded annually to an undergraduate student in year 4 who is enrolled in Honors Biology, Ecology and Evolution or Zoology and has achieved a minimum average of 80% in year 3 of the BSc Biology Program. The recipient will be selected jointly by the Chair of Plant Sciences and the Chair of Zoology. This scholarship was made possible by a bequest from the late Anne Sale Porte (BA'50) through Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾.
Value: $1,100 annually
Effective May 1999
2. Scholarship/Prize/Award/Revisions
On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property and Finance Committee has approved the following revisions to the Terms of Reference of scholarships,bursaries, awards and prizes.
Dusseldorf Exchange Travelling Fellowship (3) (Faculty of Arts)
Revision in terms from: For students from the University of Dusseldorf attending The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario on an exchange basis.
Value of tuition, including any ancillary and supplementary fee
To: For ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ students approved to attend the University of Dusseldorf on an exchange program.
Value of tuition, including any ancillary and supplementary fees.
Background: This revision brings the Dusseldorf program in line with all other exchange programs. Under the terms of exchange programs ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ students are responsible for all tuition, ancillary, and supplemental fees. No fees are assessed visiting students from Dusseldorf as it is assumed that they have paid their tuition fees to their home university.
Lisa Gilmer Memorial Award (Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Social Science)
Change in criteria from: Awarded annually to a student registered in the Faculty of Arts, entering third or fourth year in an honors or three-year BA program in English or English in combination with another subject. The applicant will be involved in resident life or off-campus life. The applicant should be an active participant in the University Students' Council as a counsellor, commissioner, committee member, or a writer for one of the campus newspapers (The Gazette or The ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ News). However, students who have demonstrated a strong desire or willingness to get involved with student life may also be considered. Applications are available in the Office of the Registrar, Room 190 Stevenson-Lawson Building and the deadline to apply is March 29th.
To: Awarded annually, on a non-academic basis, to an undergraduate student entering third or fourth year in Arts or Social Science who demonstrates involvement with student life either on or off campus. Preference will be given to applicants who are active participants in the University Students' Council as a counselor, commissioner, committee member, or a writer for one of the campus newspapers (The Gazette or The ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ News). However, students who have demonstrated a strong desire and willingness to get involved in student life will also be considered. Applications are available in the Office of the Registrar, and must be submitted by February 28. Nominations for appropriate candidates are also encouraged. Lisa's friends and family established this award through Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ as a tribute to her warmth, humour and breadth of character.
Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) - London Club Award (Any Faculty)
Increase number from 1 to 2 effective May 1999
James Emerson Miles Bursary in Engineering (Faculty of Engineering Science)
Change in title and criteria to: James Emerson Miles Award in Engineering
Change in terms (added text shown in italics) to: Awarded annually to a student in the Faculty of Engineering Science who can demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to students who are sons and daughters of building trade artisans or laborers. Students must apply for this award. Applications can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar and must be submitted by September 30 along with a short essay describing the student's parent's relationship to the building trade industry. This award was established to honor the memory of James Emerson Miles, a mason who worked on the erection and repair of the fabric of the University from 1914 to 1973. It was his proud boast that every building at the University, including Brescia Hall, St. Peter's Seminary and Huron College had benefitted from his skill as a mason during that time.
Commcorp Award (Faculty of Law)
Change in title to Newcourt Credit Group Award
Rix Family Award in Pathology (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)
Increase in value from $500 to $700 effective May 1999
Archie and Alma Etherington Family Scholarship (Any Faculty)
Increase in value from: $2,000 to $2,500 effective May 1999
Wesanne McKellar Award (Faculty of Music)
Increase in value from $500 to $800 effective May 1999
Midland Walwyn Entrance Scholarship (Any Faculty)
Change in title to Merrill Lynch Canada Entrance Scholarship effective May 1999
John H. Sharpe Memorial Bursary (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Increase in value from $250 to $300 effective May 1999
3. Discontinued Awards
Discontinued, effective May 1999:
Rona Hickson Award in Russian History (Faculty of Social Science, History)