
Board of Governors - APPENDIX V - April 22, 1999



The Campus & Community Affairs Committee met on April 5, 1999, in public meeting mode, where the following issues were discussed.

1. Student Activity Fees for 1999-2000 Proposed by the USC, SOGS, and MBAA

The Campus & Community Affairs Committee met with representatives of the University Students' Council, the Society of Graduate Students, and the MBA Association to discuss 1999-2000 fee levels as proposed by the respective student associations.

In keeping with the terms of reference of CCAC with respect to matters that are within the purview of the Property & Finance Committee, the report and recommendation of CCAC were forwarded to the Property & Finance Committee. [See the Report of the Property & Finance Committee to the Board, Appendix IV.]

2. USC Annual Report on Activities Within the University Community Centre

The University Students' Council filed its annual report on activities within the UCC. That appears in Annex 1 to this report.

Board of Governors - APPENDIX V, Annex 1 - April 22, 1999


31 March 1999


The current Operating Agreement Memorandum and Restated Occupancy Agreement regarding the University Community Centre were signed in mid-summer of 1995 and retroactive to May 1, 1995. In accordance with Section 3.9 of the Restated Occupancy Agreement, the USC is required to report annually to the Board of Governors, through the Campus and Community Affairs Committee, with respect to the management of the UCC common space and the USC designated space.


All retail spaces in the UCC are filled and there are continuing requests from outside businesses to locate in the UCC. Requests for transient retailers and service agencies to temporarily set up outlets in the UCC common space also continue to grow. To this end, the USC intends to incorporate an optical service into the UCC in the summer of 1999 through the relocation of existing USC operations. We intend to also propose some modest changes to the Atrium area in the summer of 1999 to better accommodate transient retailers and the myriad of requests for public events and expositions in this area. The Atrium remains the area of highest demand for community group access. We have also held very preliminary discussions with the University administration over future Concrete Beach renovations and our possible involvement in the beautification aspects of this area in accordance with the Campus Master Plan. It is understood that this project is now deferred until the summer of 2000.


Routine monthly meetings with Dr. Peter Mercer and his Executive Assistant, Ms. Bev Greene, continue. These meetings are instrumental to promote an ongoing exchange of information and resolution of those minimal issues that are bound to arise in an operation of this scope and complexity.

Enclosure 1 is a report of the USC Building Support and Reservations Section providing select statistics on community usage of the UCC. Of note is 深夜福利站 Film, where attendance has increased more than four-fold in two years. This operation continues to attract large numbers from the north London community, thereby encouraging access to the University by the general



The USC continues to support academic use of the McKellar Room for any hours in which this room is not in demand by community groups. The McKellar Room was particularly highly used in the fall academic term due to delay in the completion of construction of Conron Hall. We invested approximately $15,000 in computer and video support because of the specific requirements of the Engineering Faculty lectures. This equipment will continue to provide an enhanced support capability in the future. It is worthy to note that we also provide free technician support for this function.

As in previous years, we continued to open the UCC on a 24/7 basis during exam periods to provide study space for a significant number of students who seem to require this service. Typical silent hour use of the UCC for this purpose is approximately 100 students each day of the two months that this service is provided.


In our view, the operation of the UCC continues to fully meet the expectations of the community when the expansion of the building was undertaken. Continuing routine development of the Centre will hopefully provide for changing requirements and continue to optimize the potential of the Centre as the "living room" of the University and a vital centre for campus life.

Ian Armour

President, University Students' Council

Enclosure 1


Room 301, UCC Building
The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario
London, Ontario
N6A 3K7

March 30, 1999.

UCC Building Reservations Highlights:

UCC Reservations:

Total Number of Bookings in the UCC from Apr 98 - Mar 99: 6,553

Total Number of UCC Bookings Attendees: 90,131

Total Number of Hours of Bookings: 28,281

Total Number of events requiring Audio-Visual equipment: 399

Total Number of bookings requiring Staging or Furnishings: 859

深夜福利站 Film:

Total Attendance:

Apr 98 - Mar 99 Apr 97 - Mar 98 Apr 96 - Mar 97

55,466 36,657 12,200

Average 深夜福利站 Film Attendance per show: 77

Average 深夜福利站 Film Attendance on Tuesdays: 191

Other McKellar Room Stats:

Senior Alumni Attendance (April 97 through March 98): 5,460

McKellar Room Classes Attendance: 33,345

McKellar Room Class Hours (First and Second Term) 351

USC Speakers Lecture Attendance (over 13 lectures) 1,750

Other Notable UCC Events...

54 40 at the McKellar Room

London Jazz Festival at the McKellar Room (1 night)

Expo '98 during Orientation Week

Maestro Fresh Wes at the Spoke

Big Sugar at the Wave

The New Meanies at the Spoke

Big Wreck at the Wave

Spice Girls (tribute) at the Spoke

Rockin' Highliners at the Spoke

Just For Laughs Festival at the Wave

Kings, Huron WRBC, AOpi, Saugeen and Brescia Fashion Shows

Fine Arts Festival

Cultural Caravan

Revolution 99 Battle of the Bands (featuring Bands from 6 other

Colleges and Universities) at the Wave

20 Weeks of Free Friday Funnies at the Spoke

Wide Mouth Mason at the Wave

Corporate Events...

Marketsource - Campusfest

Craven A - Just for Laughs festival

Sony Music - 54 40 album launch

Campus Canada Magazine - Tour '99

Bell Canada - Wide Mouth Mason tour

CANJAC - Junior Achievers Conference

TOC Alpha - Youth Group Conference