Board of Governors, March 25, 1999 - APPENDIX III
Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of The Scotiabank Professorship in Research on Violence Against Women and Children funded by a gift of $1,000,000 from the Bank of Nova Scotia. The Professorship will be funded for 10 years, at which time the gift will be fully expended.
The Bank of Nova Scotia has announced a gift of $1.5 million, payable over five years commencing October 1999 (i.e., $300,000 per annum until 2004) directed to activities of the Centre for Research on Violence Against Women and Children. The Professorship is one of four components to be supported by this generous gift. The other three include:
• $75,000 to the Scotiabank Student Research Internship in Studies in Violence Against Women and Children
• $75,000 to the Scotiabank Scholarships for Studies in Violence Against Women and Children (to be approved by SCAPA, including detailed terms of scholarships) - two scholarships of $3,250 to be awarded annually for 10 years.
• $350,000 to the Scotiabank Community Research Fund for Studies in Violence Against Women and Children. This fund will be expended over 10 years to support the research activities of the Centre for Violence Against Women and Children
The Senate and Board of Governors must approve the establishment of Academic Chairs and Professorships. The Professorship will be funded on a term basis over a period of 10 years, as permitted under the policy.
A selection committee will be established by the Centre for Women's Studies and Feminist Research. It is expected that the appointment will be at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor, on a Limited Term basis unless a Faculty is prepared to commit to a tenure track appointment. Under the latter circumstances, a Joint Appointments Committee will be appointed and the standard Senate-approved procedure for making joint appointments will be followed.
Policy: The Property & Finance Committee, under the provisions of Policy 2.15 - Approval Authorities for Construction and Maintenance Projects - to award contracts for construction or maintenance projects costing $2.0 million and above.
Tenders on the Somerville House renovations related to the Academic Space Realignment Projects approved by the Board in January 1999 close on March 23, 1999. The bids are expected to exceed $2.0 million, and thus fall within the authority of Property & Finance to approve. However, in light of the timing of the close of tenders, rather than holding a special Property & Finance meeting to deal with this one item, the Committee has asked that the recommendation be presented for Board approval on March 25. [The proposal presented at the Board meeting appears below.]
Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the award of the construction contract for renovations to Somerville House to Tonda Construction Ltd. in the amount of $2,225,949, exclusive of GST.
Background (presented at the Board meeting):
On January 28, 1999, the Board of Governors approved the Academic Space Realignment Projects at a cost of $6 million. This included the conversion of Somerville House, a central building on campus, to academic space and the use of the space to accommodate the needs of the Richard Ivey School of Business and the University's overall classroom requirements. This renovation will provide three 85 seat classrooms, one 200 seat classroom, and three computer laboratories.
Bids from pre-qualified contractors were received on March 23, 1999; they ranged from a low of $2,225, 949 (Tonda Construction Ltd.) to $2,595,000 (Bonnenco Construction Ltd.)
At its meeting of March 15, 1999, on behalf of the Board, the Property & Finance Committee approved the establishment of The Rotman Family Fellowship in Neuroscience, described below, based on a generous gift from the Rotman Foundation. [This approval is subject to Senate approval on March 19.]
Mr. Joseph Rotman, BA, '57, is a Toronto businessperson and investor. He has held the position of Chairman and Director of many companies, including Barrick Gold Corporation, Clairvest Group Inc., Petro Partners, Livent, and Paragon Entertainment Corporation, among others. He has had a long career of financial and business accomplishment. Mr. Rotman is also a member of the Order of Canada (1995), and is a well-known and generous philanthropist in the areas of arts, education, and medical research. He is a member of the University of Toronto's Governing Council and, through his contributions, has re-named the university's Faculty of Business as the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management. Mr. Rotman has also established the Rotman Research Institute at the Baycrest Centre, which specializes in neuroscience research. He is a National Council member of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs. He is also a Trustee and Past President of the Art Gallery of Ontario and has been credited with bringing the successful Barnes Collection Exhibit to Toronto. The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario thanks Mr. Rotman for his generosity.
The Rotman Family Fellowship in Neuroscience
Under the terms of an Agreement between The Rotman Family Foundation and The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario, the University will establish "The Rotman Family Fellowship in Neuroscience".
The Rotman Family Foundation and the University recognize and agree that one of the goals of the Fellowship is to develop a research program in Neuroscience based at the University in collaboration with the Rotman Research Institute of the Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care. For greater clarity, the Fellowship is to be under the direction and supervision of Dr. John Girvin, the Head of the Neurosurgery Division, Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences at the University.
Terms of Reference
Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuroscience
I. Qualifications:
a) Has completed an M.D. or Ph.D. with a primary focus in neuroscience. The individual may come from any of the neuroscience disciplines (neurology, neurosurgery, neuroimaging, neuropsychology, and neuropsychiatry).
b) Has demonstrated potential for research productivity in an academic career in neuroscience with peer reviewed publications of excellent quality.
c) Has demonstrated commitment to the study of neuroscience.
II. Duties:
a) Develop a research program by assisting in ongoing research in the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario and/or the Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, University of Toronto.
b) Develop an independent research program.
c) Initiate and maintain a consistent publication record in excellent peer reviewed journals.
d) Serve as a catalyst to foster interactive research in neuroscience.
III. Interactions:
Develop, as a primary responsibility, significant interactions that have been initiated between Department of Clinical Neurosciences of The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario and the Rotman Foundation Research Institute, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care.
IV. Reporting Relationships:
Report to Dr. John Girvin, Head of the Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario.
V. Recruitment:
The candidate will be recruited by an international search. To facilitate this, the recruitment may be done in conjunction with the postdoctoral fellowship recruitment of the Rotman Research Institute.
VI. Contract:
Postdoctoral fellowships will be for the duration of two years, with a possible extension based upon excellent performance during the first two years. There will be an annual review of the progress of the Fellow.
Policy: The Property & Finance Committee is authorized by the Board to "approve the establishment of scholarships, fellowships, prizes, bursaries and other awards, as may be recommended by the Senate.
See Annex 1. [Paper copies are available in the University Secretariat.]
3. Report of the Investment Committee
See Annex 2. [Paper copies are available in the University Secretariat.]
See Annex 3. [See below]
March 25, 1999 Annex 3
Scholarship/Prize/Award Conditions
On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property & Finance Committee has approved the following terms of reference for new scholarships, bursaries, awards and prizes:
G. Murray Fraser Memorial Awards in Pharmacology & Toxicology (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Biosciences Division/Pharmacology & Toxicology)
Awarded to full-time graduate students registered in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and enrolled in the Graduate Program in Pharmacology & Toxicology to enable them to present research papers to learned societies. The Graduate Studies Committee in the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology will select the recipients on the basis of financial need. Applications will be accepted throughout the year as need arises. Please contact the Department for application details. These awards were established through Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ by the family of the late G. Murray Fraser.
Value: The number and value of awards will vary to a maximum of $1,500 annually or as funds permit.
Effective immediately
Grad Club Graduate Student Awards (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded annually to full-time graduate students (Masters or Doctoral level) who have demonstrated an individual contribution to the University community as achieved through involvement in departmental activities, committees, volunteer organizations, etc. and who have demonstrated financial need. These awards were created to recognize and assist graduate students by the Society of Graduate Students and are sponsored by the Grad Club.
Students must apply for these awards. Applications are available at the office of the Society of Graduate Students. Completed applications must be accompanied by a statement (max. 250 words) describing the student's contribution to the University community and must be returned to SOGS by March 31. Assessment of financial need will be completed by the Office of the Registrar - Financial Aid Services. Final selection will be made by a committee of the Society of Graduate Students.
Value: 2 at $500 for doctoral students, 2 at $500 for masters students
Effective May 1999
Graduate Student Research Scholarships in Nursing (4) (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Social Sciences Division/Nursing)
Awarded to full-time or part-time Masters of Science in Nursing students from those who meet eligibility criteria. Eligibility criteria include (a) completion of a minimum of 3.5 full course equivalencies; (b) a minimum 80% overall grade average; (c) a well developed plan to pursue a research project or thesis in workplace empowerment (nursing administration stream), curriculum evolution or nursing student empowerment/self-efficacy (nursing education stream), health promotion in health and illness or empowerment/self-efficacy in clinical practice (clinical practice stream). To be considered for one of these scholarships, applicants must forward a summary of their research proposal (maximum 3 pages) to the Director of the School of Nursing by May 1, 1999. Recipients will be selected by the Graduate Studies Committee in Nursing.
Value: 4 one-time scholarships of $500 each will be made in June 1999
Society of Graduate Students OSOTF Bursaries (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded three times annually to full-time students who are members of the Society of Graduate Students (Masters or Doctoral levels) who have demonstrated financial need. These bursaries were created to recognize and assist graduate students and were made possible through the generosity of the Society of Graduate Students (SOGS) and the Government of Ontario.
Students must apply for these bursaries. Applications are available at the office of the Society of Graduate Students. Completed applications must be accompanied by a statement (max. 250 words) describing the extent of financial need and must be returned to SOGS by March 31 for the winter term, November 30 for the Spring term or July 31 for the Fall term. Assessment of financial need will be completed by the Office of the Registrar - Financial Aid Services. Final selection will be made by a committee of the Society of Graduate Students.
Value: $1,000
15 to be awarded in 1998-99 (7 - winter term; 8 - spring term)
Up to 40 to be awarded in May 2000 and thereafter (13 - fall term, 13 - winter term, 14 - spring term)
These bursaries will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario student Opportunity Trust Fund program.
Society of Graduate Students Bursaries (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Awarded three times annually to full-time students who are members of the Society of Graduate Students (Masters or Doctoral levels) who have demonstrated financial need. These bursaries were created to recognise and assist graduate students and were made possible through the generosity of the Society of Graduate Students (SOGS).
Students must apply for these bursaries. Applications are available at the office of the Society of Graduate Students. Completed applications must be accompanied by a statement (max. 250 words) describing the extent of financial need and must be returned to SOGS by March 31 for the winter term, November 30 for the Spring term or July 31 for the Fall term. Assessment of financial need will be completed by the Office of the Registrar - Financial Aid Services. Final selection will be made by a committee of the Society of Graduate Students.
Value: 3 at $1,000 (2 - winter term; 1 - spring term) effective only in 1998-1999
Nortel William Silverman MBA Continuing Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Social Sciences Division/Business)
Awarded annually to a student entering the first year of the MBA program. Available to Canadian MBA students currently enrolled full time in the MBA Graduate Program at the Richard Ivey School of Business with an interest in pursuing a career in supply management who have demonstrated success professionally and academically. The award will be renewed for year two for students maintaining the defined criteria in MBA year one and finishing in the top 50% of their class. If a student does not meet these requirements, year two students will have an opportunity to apply for this award. This award is made possible as a result of the generosity of Nortel through the Canadian Purchasing Research Foundation.
Students must apply for this award. Applications are available at the MBA Program Services office at the Richard Ivey School of Business and must be completed and returned by April 1. The MBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will select and provide a short list of applicants to Nortel for final approval.
Value: 1998 - MBA Year 1 - $5,000 + summer internship
1999 and thereafter - MBA Year 1 - $5,000 + summer internship
MBA Year 2 - $5,000
Weir & Foulds Writing Prize (Faculty of Law)
Awarded annually to a student who demonstrates excellence in writing and legal research in the area of information or technology law and/or intellectual property. A paper written for the law school course, for a seminar or as an individual research paper, or which has already been accepted for publication by a legal journal, will be considered for the prize. Essays must be submitted to the Associate Dean (Academic) by the end of classes in April to be eligible. Final selection will be made by the Scholarship Committee in the Faculty of Law. This prize is made possible by the generosity of Weir & Foulds.
Value: $200
Effective January 2000
Ogilvy Renault Award (Faculty of Law)
Awarded to a student entering third or final year of study at the Faculty of Law who has achieved academic excellence in the first two years of law school, has contributed to the academic life of the school and demonstrated an ability to work well with others. Students are invited to submit a letter of application to the Associate Dean (Academic) by the end of classes in April. Nominations from faculty and students will also be solicited. Final selection will be made by the Scholarship Committee in the Faculty of Law. This award has been created by a generous donation from Ogilvy Renault.
Value: $500
Effective May 1999
Dr. Gerald Z. Wright Entrance Awards (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Dentistry)
Awarded to entering dental students on the basis of academic excellence who demonstrate financial need. Having determined eligibility through Financial Aid Services, selection of student recipients is to be the responsibility of the Director of the School, upon the recommendation of the Chair of the Admissions Committee. Applications for financial aid will be supplied to students along with the offer of admission to the School of Dentistry. These awards were established through Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ in honor of Dr. Gerald Z. Wright; donations received from School of Dentistry alumni, faculty and staff.
Value: 2 at $1000 will be available as of May 1999. 3 at $1000 will be available as of May 2000 and thereafter
These awards will receive matched funding from the Province of Ontario through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program.
3M Canada Company HBA Bursaries (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Awarded to full-time undergraduate students in the HBA program at the Richard Ivey School of Business based on financial need. These bursaries are made possible by the generosity of 3M Canada Company.
Value: 3 at $1,000 effective in 1998-1999 only, 2 at $1,000 effective May 1999 and thereafter
3M Canada Company Bursary In Science (Faculty of Science)
Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student in any program offered by the Faculty of Science who demonstrates financial need. This bursary is made possible by the generosity of 3M Canada Company.
Value: 2 at $1,000 for 1998-1999 only, 1 at $1,000 effective May 1999 and thereafter.
3M Canada Company Award In Engineering Science (Faculty of Engineering Science)
Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student entering his or her graduating year in any program in Chemical or Mechanical Engineering who has a minimum 75% average and demonstrates financial need. This award is made possible by the generosity of 3M Canada Company.
Value: 2 at $1,000 for 1998-1999 only, 1 at $1,000 effective May 1999 and thereafter.
Laura Stakiw Memorial Award (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Dentistry)
Awarded annually to a student in Year II who has excelled in Periodontics during the second year of the undergraduate program. Selection of the recipient will be made by the Examinations Committee of the School of Dentistry on the recommendation of the Division of Periodontics. This award was established by friends and family in memory of Laura Stakiw through Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾.
Value: A textbook and gift to the value of $300
Effective May 1998
BACS Diamond Jubilee Alumni Scholarships (Faculty of Social Science, Administrative & Commercial Studies)
Awarded annually to students entering the final year of the BACS Finance and Administration stream who have the highest overall average in year three. Established in 1984 by the alumni to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of the Department of Secretarial Science and the Department of Secretarial and Administrative Studies (which offered the Administrative Office Management Studies program)
Value: 4 at $500
Effective May 1998
Dr. Donald P. Swartz Bursary (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)
Awarded to students in Year IV of the undergraduate Medicine program based on demonstrated financial need. This bursary was established through Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ by Dr. Donald P. Swartz (MD '51).
Value: 1 at $2,400
Effective May 2000
This bursary will receive matched funding from the Province of Ontario through the OSOTF program.
London & District Dental Society Entrance Award (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Dentistry)
Awarded to entering dental students on the basis of academic excellence who demonstrate financial need. Applications for financial aid will be supplied to students along with the offer of admission to the School of Dentistry. Having determined eligibility through Financial Aid Services, selection of student recipients is to be the responsibility of the Director of the School, upon the recommendation of the Chair of the Admissions Committee. This award is made possible by the generosity of the London & District Dental Society.
Value: 1 at $1,000
Effective May 1999
Dr. Gerald Z. Wright Award (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Dentistry)
Awarded annually to a graduating student in the Qualifying Program who achieved the highest academic standing over the two years of the program. The recipient will be selected by the Qualifying Program Committee, School of Dentistry. Established through Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ and named by the School of Dentistry in recognition of the contributions of the founding Director of the Qualifying Program.
Value: Engraved Plaque
Effective May 1998
Medico Dental Media International Award (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Dentistry)
Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Division of Oral Medicine & Radiology to a First Year student who excels in Oral Medicine in the School of Dentistry. Final selection of the recipient will be made by the Examinations Committee of the School of Dentistry. This award is made possible by the generosity of Medico Dental Media International, Inc.
Value: Textbook valued at $100 (U.S.)
Effective May 1998
On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property & Finance Committee has approved the following revisions to the terms of reference for new scholarships, bursaries, awards and prizes.
Richard Ivey School of Business Plan for Excellence Doctoral Fellowship (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Change in value from "Up to $10,000 per year" to "Up to $15,000 per year".
Reginald and Verena Mayo Medicine Awards (2) (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)
Increase in value from $600 to $800 effective May 1999
Sigma Chi - Brother Tom Merry Award (Any Faculty)
From: Awarded to an active member of the Epsilon Omicron Chapter of the Fraternity of Sigma Chi who is an undergraduate student at UWO enrolled in any year beyond year one. Candidates must have achieved a minimum B+ average and have contributed significantly to the fraternity during the previous year. Applicants will submit a one page essay stating the reasons why the member believes he should win the award, along with his grade point average for the previous academic year. Applications must be submitted to the Fraternity Chapter by October 31st. Selection will be made by the Financial Aid Office in conjunction with a Fraternity committee.
To: ... This award is to be available to students registered at the affiliate colleges as well as the constituent university.
Effective May 1998
A. Grace Crawforth Bursary (Faculty of Arts)
Increase in value from $500 to $750 effective May 2000
D. Maxine Thompson Bursary (Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing)
Increase in value from 1 at $700 to 2 at $600 effective May 1999
Albert O. Jeffery Scholarship in Plant Sciences (Faculty of Science)
From: Awarded to the highest ranking student entering third year of the BSc Biology, or BSc Biology and Environmental Science Program who is registered for a minimum of one full course or equivalent from those offered solely by the Department of Plant Sciences.
To: Awarded to the highest ranking student, based on principal courses taken, entering third year of the BSc Biology, or BSc Biology and Environmental Science Program who is registered for a minimum of one full course or equivalent from those offered solely by the Department of Plant
Albert O. Jeffery Scholarship Honors Plant Sciences (Faculty of Science)
From: Awarded to the highest-ranking student in the third year of the BSc Biology program who is registered for the honors program in the Department of Plant Sciences.
To: Awarded to the highest-ranking student, based on principal courses, in the third year of the BSc Biology program who is registered for the honors program in the Department of Plant Sciences.
Albert Abel Memorial Prize (Faculty of Law)
Change in value from $200 to $100
Effective May 1999
Alfreda Simons Kartha Award (Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing)
Change in terms from: Awarded annually to a student entering their second year of Nursing in the Faculty of Health Sciences, who has demonstrated academic achievement and most reflects Professor Kartha's warmth, compassion and interest in gerontology and chronic illness. The recipient will be nominated by faculty members in the School of Nursing, and final selection will be made by the Nursing Scholarships and Awards Committee. This award was made possible by the generous donations of family and friends in memory of Alfreda Simons Kartha, a distinguished faculty member in the School of Nursing.
To: Awarded annually to a student entering their second year of Nursing in the Faculty of Health Sciences, who has demonstrated academic achievement and most reflects Professor Kartha's warmth, compassion and interest in gerontology and chronic illness. Self-nominated or faculty nominated candidates must submit a letter of application with a resume and supporting documentation to the Chair of the Nursing Scholarships and Awards Committee by March 15. Final selection will be made by the Nursing Scholarships and Awards Committee. This award was made possible by the generous donations of family and friends in memory of Alfreda Simons Kartha, a distinguished faculty member in the School of Nursing.
Effective May 1998
Jahnke Family Bursaries (Any Faculty)
Note that: These bursaries will receive matched funding through the OSOTF program.
Effective May 1998
Helen Reid Bursaries (50) (Any Faculty)
Change in number from 50 at $1,000 to 65 at $1,000
Effective May 1998
Sam Katz OSOTF Bursary (Any Faculty)
Change in value from 1 at $400 to 1 at $500
Effective May 1998
McKenzie, Nash, Bryant Award (Faculty of Law)
Change in title to: McKenzie Lake Corporate and Commercial Award
Effective May 1998
Ross, Bennett & Lake Award (Faculty of Law)
Change in title to: McKenzie Lake Award
Effective May 1998
Fraser and Beatty Scholarship (Faculty of Law)
Change in title to: Fraser Milner Scholarship
Effective May 1998
AOMS Diamond Jubilee Alumni Gold Medal (Faculty of Social Science, Administrative & Commercial Studies)
Change in name from: AOMS Diamond Jubilee Alumni Gold Medal
To: BACS Diamond Jubilee Alumni Gold Medal
Change in terms from: Awarded annually to the graduating student with an overall "A" average and the highest average in AS 340E and AS 380E. Established in 1984 by the alumni to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of the Department of Secretarial Science and the Department of Secretarial and Administrative Studies (which offered the Administrative Office Management Studies program)
To: Awarded annually to the graduating student in the BACS program in Finance and Administration who has the highest overall average. Established in 1984 by the alumni through Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of the Department of Secretarial Science and the Department of Secretarial and Administrative Studies (which offered the Administrative Office Management Studies program)
Effective May 1998
Gillespie Chapman Scholarship (Faculty of Social Science, Administrative & Commercial Studies)
Change in terms from: Awarded annually to the student entering the third year of the ACS program. In memory of the late Miss Mary Gillespie and the late Mrs. Elaine Chapman who devoted many years to teaching at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾.
To: Awarded annually to the student entering the third year of the BACS program with the highest overall average in year two. In memory of the late Miss Mary Gillespie and the late Mrs. Elaine Chapman who devoted many years to teaching at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾.
Change in value from: 1 at $1,000
To: 4 at $500
Effective May 1998
Gillespie Chapman Bursary Fund (Faculty of Social Science, Administrative & Commercial Studies)
Change in terms from: Awarded to a student entering the second or third year of the ACS:AIS program. This bursary fund honors the late Miss Mary Gillespie and the late Mrs. Elaine Chapman who devoted many years to teaching at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾.
To: Awarded to a student entering the third or fourth year of the BACS program demonstrating financial need. This bursary honors the late Miss Mary Gillespie and the late Mrs. Elaine Chapman who devoted many years to teaching at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾.
Effective May 1999
B. Kymlicka Gold Medal (Faculty of Social Science, Administrative & Commercial Studies)
Change in title to: Bohuslav Kymlicka Gold Medal
Change in terms from: Awarded to the graduating student who has achieved the highest academic standing in third year of the B.A. Administrative and Commercial Studies program. This medal is established by members of the Faculty of Social Science community in recognition of Professor Kymlicka's contribution to the Faculty of Social Science during his tenure as Dean from 1976 to 1982. It was during this time, and at his initiative, that the Administrative and Commercial Studies program was established. Since its inception in 1980, the program has come to be recognized by all members of the university community for its exceptional quality.
To: Awarded to the graduating student in the BACS program from a stream other than Finance and Administration who has the highest overall average. This medal is established by members of the Faculty of Social Science community in recognition of Professor Kymlicka's contribution to the Faculty of Social Science during his tenure as Dean from 1976 to 1982. It was during this time, and at his initiative, that the Administrative and Commercial Studies program was established. Since its inception in 1980, the program has come to be recognized by all members of the university community for its exceptional quality.
Sir Arthur Currie Memorial Scholarship (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Change in value and number from: 1 at $900
To: 3 at $1,000 effective in 1998-1999 only
To: 1 at $1,200 effective May 1999
American Association of Public Health Dentistry Award (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Dentistry)
Change in terms from: Awarded annually to a student in year 2 who, over the first two years of the undergraduate program, has excelled in community dentistry.
To: Awarded annually to a student in Year III who has excelled in Community Dentistry. Selection of the recipient will be made by the Examinations Committee of the School of Dentistry on the recommendation of the Division of Community Dentistry. This award is made possible by the generosity of the American Association of Public Health Dentistry.
Effective May 1998
Michael Brooke Award In Oral Medicine (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Dentistry)
Change in value from: a plaque
To: a plaque and $100 gift certificate for a textbook
Effective May 1999
Robert & Ruth Lumsden Graduate Awards in Science (3) (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Value: 3 awards at $2,500 (approved Oct. 29/98) corrected to read 3 awards at $1,000
Effective May 1998
James Edward Melborne Flinn Award in Kinesiology (Faculty of Health Sciences, Kinesiology)
Increase in value from: 1 at $2,500
To: 1 at up to $3,000
Effective May 1998
Discontinued Awards:
Effective May 1999, the following awards will be discontinued:
3M Canada Inc. Bursaries (2) (Faculty of Engineering Science, Richard Ivey School of Business)
3M Company Canada Fellowships (2) (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Effective May 1998, the following awards were discontinued:
Sam Katz Bursary (Any Faculty)
The Lorne E. MacLachlan Award in Removable Prosthodontics (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry,
The Zonta Club of London Area Bursary in Engineering Science (Faculty of Engineering