
Board of Governors - APPENDIX II - January 28, 1999



1. Academic Space Realignment Projects

On November 16, 1998, at the Property and Finance Committee, a series of urgent academic space requirements were identified and a proposal for space realignment, with a very preliminary cost estimate of $4.4 million, was put forward and approved in principle.

The Committee requested that the design concepts and estimates be refined. Since that time, a design team, headed by Malhotra Nicholson Architects Inc., was retained to evaluate and design the renovations to Somerville House and Physical Plant and Capital Planning Services Division, Institutional Planning and Budgeting, and Information Technology staff have refined the plans and budget estimates. The proposed plan is similar to that proposed earlier, except that it is proposed to retain the Peacock Room and Café Somerville activities in Somerville House and to locate the expanded Faculty of Health Sciences in Somerville House rather than in Elborn College. In addition, it is now planned to create one 36 station and two 45 station computer labs in the basement of Somerville House and a new 240 seat classroom in Talbot College in the space to be vacated by McIntosh Gallery. These additions ($1,000,000) and refinements of estimates ($600,000) have led to an increased budget.

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the Academic Space Realignment Projects summarized below and on the attached drawings (Annex 1), at a cost of $6 million. [These drawings are available on paper in the University Secretariat but are unavailable on the Web.]

1. Renovate and assign the upper floor and the main floor space of Elborn College to the Faculty of Engineering Science to provide faculty offices, classrooms, and instructional computer labs (50 to 70 stations).

2. Convert Somerville House, a central building on campus, to academic space and use the converted space to accommodate the needs of the Richard Ivey School of Business and the University's overall classroom requirements. This renovation will provide three 85 seat classrooms, one 200 seat classroom, and three 45 seat computer laboratories.

The conversion of Somerville House will require the following actions:

3. Accommodate relocated offices from Somerville House as follows:

4. In Talbot College, create a 240 seat classroom in the space vacated by the McIntosh Gallery offices.

The funding sources for these projects are as follows:

ATOP funding $1,500,000
Provost Academic Support Fund $250,000
Capital Fund $3,700,000
Fund Raising - McIntosh Gallery $250,000
Richard Ivey School of Business $300,000

This project is on an extremely tight time line and any delays in moving the project forward will jeopardize completion of the work in Somerville House by September 1999. It is noted that, in order to meet the time lines, a tender for Elborn College renovations will be called in mid-January and the contract must be awarded by the end of January to permit the vacating of Somerville House by April 1, 1999, and subsequent renovations therein.



Renovations $ 970,000

Computer and Office Furnishings $ 69,000

ITS $ 111,000




Renovations $2,165,000

Computer Labs $ 275,000

ITS $ 300,000




Renovations $ 760,000

Columns, Shaft, Asbestos $ 310,000

ITS $ 80,000




McINTOSH GALLERY (Including Althouse College) $ 375,000




2. Co-Generation Project

Recommended: That the Board of Governors give approval to proceed to the final design stage and call tenders for the installation of a nominal 5 Megawatt co-generation system at the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Power Plant at an estimated cost of $8 million. The cost to tender is approximately $70,000. Final approval of the project will be sought after tenders are received and reviewed with the consultant.

Co-generation principle:

Co-generation involves the use of a natural gas-fired turbine engine to generate electricity and to use the exhaust heat to produce steam. If an institution can use both the steam and electrical power output, then substantial cost savings can be achieved.

This is a proven process. Several universities (Toronto, Windsor and York) and local industries (Labatt's and Casco) are already in production. Some have been in operation for several years.


Increased steam supply and decreased electricity costs. Present boilers are over thirty years old and can generate up to 180,000 pounds of steam per hour. On very cold days, there is inadequate backup capacity if the highest capacity unit should fail. Increased demand is expected over the next few years due to expansion both on campus and at the University Hospital campus of the London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC). Power cost savings for the University will occur after deregulation of Ontario's electric generation slated to begin in the Year 2000. Lifespan


A small group from the Physical Plant Department has been working on this proposal for the past three years. Several manufacturers initially provided reports that analyzed steam/power usage/machine size and predicted the costs and savings over the twenty year life span of the system. Since then, the following actions have occurred:


Options for future activity:

Benefits of proceeding:

3. The Richard and Jean Ivey Fund Chair in Molecular Toxicology

Recommended: That, subject to Senate approval (January 22, 1999), the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the Richard and Jean Ivey Fund Chair in Molecular Toxicology, based on a $2 million gift from the Richard and Jean Ivey Fund to The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, as detailed below.

The Richard and Jean Ivey Fund Chair in Molecular Toxicology

The donation shall be used to support the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry's Program in Drug and Environmental Safety, specifically by establishing The Richard and Jean Ivey Fund Chair in Molecular Toxicology.

The donation will be endowed in perpetuity. Income from the endowment will be allocated in accordance with The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario's Investment Payout Policy.

A Search Committee will be established by the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry to identify the individual to be appointed to The Richard and Jean Ivey Chair in Molecular Toxicology. The Faculty has invited the Richard and Jean Ivey Fund to appoint an observer to the Committee.

The academic appointment of the individual appointed to this Chair will normally be at the rank of Professor, in accordance with the procedures established by the Senate and Board of Governors.

4. The Dr. Earl Russell Chair in Pain Management

Recommended: That, subject to Senate approval (January 22, 1999), the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the Dr. Earl Russell Chair in Pain Management, based on a $1 million gift from Dr. Earl S. Russell to The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, as detailed below.

The Dr. Earl Russell Chair in Pain Management

The donation shall be used to support the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry's Program in Pain Management by establishing the Dr. Earl Russell Chair in Pain Management.

The term the Chair will be for a minimum of 10 years, with allocations made from investment income and a portion of capital for a total maximum annual allocation of $100,000. It is anticipated that matching funds will be attracted during the University's 125th Anniversary Campaign Anniversary Campaign from several sources to endow this Chair in perpetuity.

The donation will be for the sole purpose of advancing the understanding and management of pain. Proposals will be invited from individuals and/or groups interested in developing a program in the area of pain management. The proposal leader or program director will hold primary affiliation with the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.

The appointment to this Chair will be for a specific term, which may be renewable, at the rank of Professor or Associate Professor, in accordance with the procedures established by the Senate and Board of Governors.

A Search Committee will be established by the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry to identify the individual to be appointed to the Dr. Earl Russell Chair in Pain Management.


1. Quarterly Financial Report (Operating Budget)

See Annex 3. [Not available on the Web. Paper copies are available in the University Secretariat.]

2. Report on Environmental Incidents and/or Safety Incidents

Fire in Platt's Lane Townhouse

On Thursday, December 24, 1998, at 2:00 a.m., a fire causing approximately $10,000 damage occurred in a townhouse at Platt's Lane Estates. The fire is believed to have been caused from the ignition of a mattress that was in contact with a night light in a child's bedroom. It is fortunate that the occupants of the townhouse, and the adjacent townhouses, escaped without injury. The occupants of the townhouse were accommodated in a vacant apartment throughout the Christmas season.

Occupants of the residences and townhouses/apartments will be advised of the dangers associated with night lights.

3. Report of the Investment Committee

See Annex 4. [Not available on the Web. Paper copies are available from the University Secretariat.]

4. Report on Scholarships

See Annex 5. [shown below]

Board of Governors Agenda, January 28, 1999 - APPENDIX II, Annex 5




On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property & Finance Committee has approved the following terms of reference for new scholarships, bursaries, awards and prizes:

Canvasback Publishing Prize in Administrative Law (Faculty of Law)

Awarded annually to a student who achieves a high standing in Administrative Law and, in the opinion of the faculty members who taught Administrative Law during that academic year, has demonstrated a keen interest in the field of Administrative Law.

Value: Book prize of Brown & Evans' Judicial Review of Administrative Action in Canada
Effective date: May 1999

George Gordon Paterson Awards (2) (Any Faculty)

Awarded annually to undergraduate students who have completed one year at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario who have demonstrated financial need, academic achievement (minimum 70% average) and leadership qualities as a current member of an intercollegiate athletic team. Preference will be given to students in intercollegiate football. Application forms can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar and must be completed and returned by October 31. These awards were made possible by Scott Paterson, BA '85, in honor of his grandfather Gord Paterson, BA '34 who was the captain of the hockey team and a member of the football and rugby intercollegiate athletic teams, as well as a Director for the University Students' Council.

Value: $1,500
Effective date: May 1998

These awards will receive matched funding through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF) program.

Henry Wu Memorial Scholarships (10) (Faculty of Health Sciences, Any Faculty)

Awarded annually to ten full-time undergraduate students who are registered in any year beyond year one. At least five of the qualifying students must be registered in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Students must demonstrate high academic achievement (minimum 80% average) and leadership qualities, and must be a current member of an intercollegiate athletic team. Applicants must be in compliance with current OUA and CIAU regulations. These scholarships were created to encourage and recognize overall excellence in students by David Wu (The Athletic Club of London) in loving memory of his grandfather Henry Wu.

Value: $1,500
Effective date: May 1999

T. Albert East Award (Any Faculty)

Awarded annually to an undergraduate student in any faculty, who demonstrates financial need and a minimum B+ average and attended Sarnia Collegiate Institute and Technical School (SCITS). Applications can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar and must be returned by October 31. The selection of recipient will be made by Financial Aid Services. This award was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by a generous gift from Mr. T. Albert East (BA '40).

Value: 1 at $1,250 effective May 1999
2 at $1,250 effective May 2000 and thereafter

These awards will receive matched funding through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF) program.

Victoria Hospital Awards in Health Services Research (2) (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)

Awarded to students in years I - III of the undergraduate Medicine program who submit the best essay on a topic in the general area of Health Services Research. Essays are to be submitted to the Undergraduate Office, Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry by June 1. A faculty committee will adjudicate and announce the recipients in September. For more details of the competition, please contact the Undergraduate Office, Medicine.

Value: $700
Effective date: May 1999

R. Allan Every Memorial - Fair Rental Policy Organization HBA Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)

Awarded annually to a full-time student entering the first year of the HBA program. The student must have a minimum 90% average in 10 courses in year 1 & 2 of university, demonstrated community and/or extra-curricular involvement and financial need. This award is made possible as a result of a generous donation from the Fair Rental Policy Organization of Ontario (FRPO).

Students must apply for this award. Application forms are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business and must be completed and returned, along with a current resumé, to the Admissions Office by March 31. Final selection will be made by the HBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business.

Value: $1,500
Effective date: May 1999

William L. Jeffries HBA Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)

Awarded to a student entering the first year of the HBA program with a minimum "B" average. The award will be renewed in year two if the student maintains a minimum "B" average. If a student does not meet this requirement, other year two students will be considered for this award. The HBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will select each award recipient. This award was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by a generous donation from Jean Jeffries in memory of her husband William L. Jeffries (HBA 1932).

Value and effective date:
May 1999 HBA Year 1 - $3,000
May 2000 HBA Year 1 - $3,000
& after HBA Year II - $3,000

Jean Fraser Campbell Award in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology)

Awarded to a postgraduate student completing his/her residency requirements, who is specializing in Obstetrics and Gynaecology within the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario. The award is based on academic proficiency, and applicants must demonstrate financial need. Application forms can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar or the Dean's Office in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. Completed forms must be returned to the Office of the Registrar by April 30. Final selection of the student is to be made by the Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in consultation with the Residency Program Director and the Residency Training Program Committee. This award was made possible by a bequest from Jean Fraser Campbell through Foundation 深夜福利站

Value: Up to $2,000
Effective: May 1998

This award will receive matched funding through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF) program.

Scholarship/Award Revisions

On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property & Finance Committee has approved the following revisions to the terms of reference for new scholarships, bursaries, awards and prizes.

Canada Wide Science Fair Scholarships (Faculty of Science)

Revision in Terms from: Awarded to any member of Team Canada in the Canada Wide Science Fair who has an A average in their final year of high school. The award may be won once by students entering first year studies in the Faculty of Science at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario.

To: Awarded to those students who win gold, silver or bronze awards in the Canada Wide Science Fair and who have an A average in their final year of high school. The award may be won once by students entering first year studies in the Faculty of Science at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario.

Effective: January 1998
[Value remains at $2,000]


The purpose of this revision is to expand the number of student eligible to receive this scholarship. Currently it is available only to the 10 finalists selected to represent Canada in the international competition in the United States each year. This revision will open it up to include many more qualified participants in the Canada Wide Science Fair (up to 78 each year). This revision has been recommended by Professor Patrick Whippey of the Department of Astronomy and Physics as a strong asset to the recruitment of secondary school students, especially in the junior grades, to the Faculty of Science.

William Ware Tamblyn Scholarship (Faculty of Arts, English)

From: Awarded to the student entering fourth year of honors English and Drama who, on the recommendation of the Department of English, has shown the highest degree of academic excellence in English and Drama. Endowed by Mrs. Victoria Tamblyn Egeler in memory of her father who was from 1866 to 1903 a teacher of English and Modern Languages in Ontario Schools.

To: Awarded to the student entering fourth year of honors English who, on the recommendation of the Department of English, has shown the highest degree of academic excellence in English and achievement in Drama. Endowed by Mrs. Victoria Tamblyn Egeler in memory of her father who was from 1866 to 1903 a teacher of English and Modern Languages in Ontario Schools.

Sociology Award Undergraduate (Faculty of Social Science, Sociology)

Increase in value from $250 to $350

Themadel Foundation Entrance Scholarship for Students from Atlantic Canada (Any Faculty)

Change in title to: T. R. Meighen Foundation Entrance Scholarship for Students from Atlantic Canada

3. Discontinued Award

County of Grey Scholarship (Any Faculty)