As approved at the October 28, 1999, meeting of the Board of Governors. The "in camera" portion of the minutes have not been included herein. Copies of Appendices not included herein are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.
The meeting was held at 3:30 p.m. in Room 330, Stevenson-Lawson Building
PRESENT: Mr. W.W. Peel, Chair, Ms. J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary
Mr. J. Adams, Mr. S. Adams, Mr. R. Bateman, Dr. W.A. Bridger, Dr. R. Colcleugh, Dr. J.V. Collins, Dr. P. Davenport, Mr. J. Etherington, Mr. T. Garrard, Mr. W. Gibson, Ms. S. Grindrod, Mayor D. Haskett, Ms. R. Ivey Thom, Prof. M. Lennon, Mr. D. McDougall, Dr. P.P. Mercer, Dr. G. Moran, Prof. H. Murray, Mr. T. O'Neil, Mr. M. Rubinoff, Dr. J.L. Stokes, Mr. T. Vine, Dr. A. Weedon, Ms. C .Weldon, Ms. L. Whittaker
The Board met initially in closed session to deal with a recommendation of the Property & Finance Committee for the award of contract for the new stadium. That part of the meeting is recorded in the minutes of the closed meeting (BG.99-191).
The minutes of the meeting of June 24, 1999, and September 10, 1999, were approved as circulated.
On behalf of the Property & Finance Committee, it was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by M. Rubinoff,
That the Board of Governors Election Procedures be revised as shown in Appendix II, Annex 1, to allow Internet Voting for Graduate and Undergraduate Students.
The Secretary of the Board outlined the procedure to be used for Internet voting and the steps that will be taken to inform students of the elections. During debate on a parallel motion at Senate the previous week, the most apprehension came from graduate students. They did not object to the idea of Internet voting, but expressed concern about the timing of its introduction, based on a Society of Graduate Student election that had to be conducted twice last year, due to procedural errors in the first instance. Special efforts will be made to inform graduate students about the elections, how to get their PIN numbers, and when to vote. By next fall, the Secretariat expects that administrative staff and faculty-at-large elections to the Senate and Board can also be conducted via the Internet.
Mr. Bateman asked what will be done if something goes wrong with the new voting system or if voter participation drops below previous levels. Ms. Van Fleet responded that if the electronic system were to fail, the elections would be conducted as in the past, using paper ballots. It is possible that graduate student seats on Senate and/or the Board may be acclaimed, in which case Internet voting will not be used until the undergraduates vote. Although it is expected that voter participation will increase, this is not something that can be or should be influenced by the Secretariat. There is a good deal of enthusiasm for Internet voting on the part of the students, and they are committed to marketing the elections.
The question was called and CARRIED.
It was moved by R. Colcleugh, seconded by M. Lennon,
That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of The Robert and Ruth Lumsden Professorship in English, as detailed in Appendix III, based on a $1,000,000 donation to Foundation 深夜福利站 from the estate of Ruth Lumsden.
It was moved by R. Colcleugh, seconded by M. Lennon,
That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the J.J. Wettlaufer Faculty Fellowship with the terms of reference detailed in Appendix III, Annex 1.
It was moved by R. Colcleugh, seconded by M. Lennon,
That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of The David G. Burgoyne Faculty Fellowship with the terms of reference detailed in Appendix III, Annex 2.
It was moved by R. Colcleugh, seconded by M. Lennon,
That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the F.W.P. Jones Faculty Fellowship with the terms of reference detailed in Appendix III, Annex 3.
It was moved by R. Colcleugh, seconded by M. Lennon,
That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the Walter A. Thompson Faculty Fellowship with the terms of reference detailed in Appendix III, Annex 4.
It was moved by R. Colcleugh, seconded by S. Adams,
That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) as a Type 4 Research Institute and two industry Chairs -- The Chair in Severe Weather and Earthquakes and The Chair in Policy for Catastrophic Loss Reduction -- according to the terms of reference and agreement for affiliation as contained in Appendix III, Annex 5.
Referring to the background information on page 3 of Appendix III, Dr. Bridger advised the Board that the insurance companies of Canada recently created the Insurance Council of Canada, of which the Insurance Board of Canada is a member. It is the Insurance Council of Canada that is 深夜福利站's partner in the creation of the Institute of Catastrophic Loss Reduction, not the Insurance Bureau of Canada.
Questions from members brought the following responses:
The question was called and CARRIED.
The Board received for information the Research Park Annual Report (Annex 6 to Appendix III).
The University's Operating Budget contains references to four important indicators: Carryforward Reserve, Operating Reserve, Operating Revenue, and Student Aid, along with preliminary estimates of those figures for the fiscal year just ending. The Board received for information, as part of the first quarter report, the final values for these indicators for 1998-99 and historical data back to 1983-84 (Appendix III, Annex 7).
The Board received the quarterly financial report on the Operating Budget (Appendix III, Annex 8).
The Report of the Investment Committee (Appendix III, Annex 9) was provided for information.
The Board received for information the Report on scholarships, detailed in Appendix III, Annex 10.
The Board received reports on the following environmental incidents and/or safety incidents, details of which are contained in Appendix III, pages 4-5: an ammonia leak in the Thompson Recreation and Athletic Centre; odors of undetermined source in the Chemistry Building; and an accident involving an employee of a subcontractor.
The following were elected to the Selection Committee for Vice-President (Administration):
S. Grindrod, D. McDougall, B. Peel, and L. Whittaker. Mr. Peel explained that the first phase of the Committee's business will be to conduct a review of the incumbent's performance.
Rosamond Ivey Thom was appointed Chair of the Development & Fund Raising Committee and Stephen Thomas was appointed to membership on the committee. In response to a question from Mr. Etherington, Ms. Ivey Thom explained that although the 125th Anniversary Campaign is one of the interests of the Development & Fund Raising Committee of the Board of Governors, there is a separate committee whose focus is specifically the Campaign.
The Senior Operations Committee, on behalf of the Board, has appointed Magistrates to the Student Court as listed in Appendix IV.
On behalf of the McIntosh Gallery Committee, it was moved by J. Etherington, seconded by J. Collins,
That the Board approve the statement of financial transactions (Appendix V, Annex 1) for the year ended April 30, 1999, in respect to income received by The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario from the McIntosh Estate.
It was moved by J. Etherington, seconded by R. Bateman,
That the Board approve appropriations from the McIntosh Estate funds for the year ending April 30, 2000, as follows (details are shown in Appendix V, Annex 2):
I. Prizes and Scholarships
- Geography $ 1,050
- Business Administration 750
- Public Speaking 1,500
II. Promotion of Music 7,300
Pictures 4,100
TOTAL $14,700
Mr. Etherington advised that other sources of funding for the McIntosh Gallery include the Canada Council and the Ontario Arts granting council.
Ian Tripp, Dalin Jameson, and Dino Bidinosti were reappointed to the McIntosh Gallery Committee as members at large.
As of December 31, 1998, there were 2,500 works in the McIntosh Gallery Collection, with an appraised value for insurance of $8,268,763.
Professor Lennon advised that one of the ongoing problems for the McIntosh Gallery is that it is not accessible to the handicapped. Recently a class of Visual Arts students visited the gallery as part of its course work, but one student who is wheelchair-bound was unable to attend. She acknowledged that to make the gallery wheelchair accessible is an expensive proposition. Dr. Mercer advised that the student involved was in contact with his office and was advised that she could file a formal complaint with Ms. Arlene Kennedy, Director of the McIntosh Gallery, in order that Ms. Kennedy be able to bring the problem forward to the senior administration. The solution is not a simple one: the gallery operates on three levels, so the only way to provide full access would be the installation of an elevator. Dr. Mercer assured the Board that the complaint was not only received, but that an effort is being made to formalize the complaint in order that it be confronted.
In response to a question about which other buildings used for teaching purposes are not wheelchair accessible, Dr. Mercer stated that he is not aware of any others. The McIntosh Gallery is anomalous in that it is not primarily a teaching building, but does facilitate the activities of some classes.
Dr. Mercer introduced the recommendations of the Pension Boards. Although the University does not have a pension surplus, there are some Special Members of the pension plans whose participation is on a different basis. They are guaranteed, by the terms of their pension, 70% purchasing power level. It is in respect of these people, and the surplus generated by that portion of the plan that applies to them, that the requests are made.
It was moved by S. Adams, seconded by M. Lennon,
That the Board of Governors authorize an ad hoc improvement, effective January 1, 1999, to all retirees under the Administrative Staff Pension Plan who retired on or before December 31, 1984, as Special Members of the Pension Plan, and surviving spouses, to be funded from the surplus funds in the Administrative Staff Pension Plan. The schedule for the increases would be:
Maintain 70% Purchasing Power:
For those who retired in 1983 or earlier, 5.322%
For those who retired in 1984, 1.9748%
The projected costs for these improvements total $199,000.
It was moved by S. Adams, seconded by M. Lennon,
That the Board of Governors authorize an ad hoc improvement, effective January 1, 1999, to all retirees under the Academic Staff Pension Plan who retired on or before December 31, 1984, as Special Members of the Pension Plan, and surviving spouses, to be funded from the surplus funds in the Academic Staff Pension Plan. The schedule for the increases would be:
Maintain 70% Purchasing Power:
For those who retired in 1983 or earlier, 2.3131%
For those who retired in 1984, 1.9758%
The projected costs for these improvements total $140,900.
On behalf of Senate, it was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by M. Lennon,
That for the duration of negotiations of a first contract with the UWO Faculty Association:
that the Associate Deans of Graduate Studies, Dr. N. Kuiper and Dr. M. Kreiswirth, be authorized to serve on behalf of the Dean of Graduate Studies on the Senate Committee on Promotion & Tenure when necessary.
Guidelines for the Appraisal of New Undergraduate Programs, detailed in Appendix VII, were provided for information. Dr. Moran clarified that the guidelines will be used by the Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Admissions (SCAPA) to evaluate new program proposals.
The terms of reference of the University Research Board require that the URB report to Senate annually, through the Operations/Agenda Committee. The 1998-99 report, detailed in Appendix VII, Annex 1, was provided for information.
In September 1999, the Faculty of Music, in partnership with the 深夜福利站 Centre for Continuing Studies, will begin offering a program leading to a Certificate in Piano Technology.
The University has been informed by the Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services that three programs will be withdrawn effective December 31, 1999: Certificate programs in General Police Studies and in Advanced Police Studies and a Diploma program in Police Management Studies. These programs, introduced at the Aylmer Police College in 1980, combined professional police training and university studies at 深夜福利站.
The Board was advised that the following persons will be honored by conferment of degrees honoris causa at the 273rd Convocation of the University:
Convocation in 2000 will take place on the following dates:
April 29 Graduate Studies: Richard Ivey School of Business (MBA)
May 2 Huron College (Theological Degrees)
May 12 Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (MD degree only)[To Be Confirmed]
June 6 - 9 All Faculties and Affiliated Colleges
October 26 -27 All Faculties and Affiliated Colleges
The announcement of senior academic appointments were provided for information on page 5 of Appendix VI.
Dr. Collins asked whether the Thursday publication date for 深夜福利站 News is by decree or whether it might be published on Monday to reflect in timely fashion actions take by the Board. By anyone's recollection, Thursday had long been the standard publication date for the newspaper, and it was remarked that a Monday publication date would require staff to work on weekends.
The Secretary remarked that media notices are sent to unit directors via e-mail. Those notices are forwarded by the Secretary of the Board to members of the Board by electronic mail and fax. As well, the Daily News Service which appears on the University's Internet home page, carries stories of events within hours of their occurrence.
Upon his return from the media event to announce the construction of the new stadium, Dr. Davenport reported that the event went well. Libby Fowler spoke about the design of the stadium and how it will serve not only the 2001 Canada Games, but also the community. Mayor Haskett gave a wonderful speech about the importance of 深夜福利站 to the London community, and how the stadium is one of many ways in which the University contributes to the greater society around us. The questions from the press were all positive.
The Report of the President, detailed in Appendix I, covered the following:
Referring to his report on his priorities for 1999-2000, Dr. Davenport drew attention to two changes made at the suggestion of Board members at the April 22, 1999, meeting:
Under "4. Strengthening Ties with the External Community":
A phrase was added to the tenth "bullet" (as indicated in italics):
A new "bullet" was added (top of p. 5):
Dr. Davenport reviewed a number of performance indicators, with the use of overheads. The first six are mandated by the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities, and the data come from the Ministry:
Dr. Davenport reviewed, as well, thirty-four performance indicators that have been developed at 深夜福利站. He asked members to let him know within the month if others should be added or if any of the thirty-four provided today should be removed or refined.(1)
Signed by:
W.W. Peel, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary of the Board
1. [A copy of the overheads shown were sent to Board members subsequent to the meeting and a copy shall be attached as Appendix 1 to the official minutes of the meeting.]