As approved at the April 22, 1999, meeting of the Board of Governors. The "in camera" portion of the minutes have not been included herein. Copies of Appendices not included herein are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.
The meeting was held at 3:30 p.m. in Room 330, Stevenson-Lawson Building
PRESENT: Mr. W.W. Peel, Chair, Ms. J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary
Mr. J. Adams, Mr. S. Adams, Mr. R. Bateman, Dr. W.A. Bridger, Dr. J.V. Collins, Dr. P. Davenport, Mr. J. Etherington, Mr. W. Gibson, Mr. T. Garrard, Ms. S. Grindrod, Ms. R. Ivey Thom, Prof. M. Lennon, Mr. D.J. McDougall, Dr. P.P. Mercer, Dr. G. Moran, Prof. H. Murray, Mr. M. Pickard, Mr. M. Rubinoff, Dr. J.L. Stokes, Mr. H. Taylor, Mr. T. Vine, Dr. A. Weedon, Ms. C. Weldon.
The Board met initially in closed session to receive and discuss the recommendations of the Selection Committees for the Dean of Arts, Dean of Medicine & Dentistry, and Dean of Science.
The Board approved the following appointments:
The appointees joined the meeting to receive the congratulations of the Board of Governors. Each addressed the Board with a brief statement.
During the initial closed session of this meeting, the Board received the report and unanimous recommendation of the Selection Committee for Provost & Vice-President (Academic) that Dr. Greg Moran be reappointed for a second five-year term, July 1, 2000 - June 30, 2005. The report became public following this meeting.
The Board congratulated Dr. Moran on his very successful first term and on his reappointment. Dr. Moran thanked the Board for their support.
The minutes of the meeting of January 28, 1999, were approved with the inclusion of the following correction [shown in italics] to BG.99-19: Board Membership:
Mr. Adams has been a member of Senate for three years (1996-97, 1997-98, and 1998-99).
The Report of the President focused on a discussion of the issues and implications of the Double Cohort of students who will be seeking admission to post-secondary institutions in Ontario in 2002-03, due to changes in the province's secondary school structure and curriculum. Dr. Davenport's report included the role of the new MET steering Committee on Double Cohort and Post-secondary Capacity and the MET-COU Working Group on University Capacity and 深夜福利站's approach to the Double Cohort.
Dr. Davenport highlighted his presentation with overheads, copies of which are attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes.
Dr. Davenport announced that a number of researchers at 深夜福利站 were recently recognized for important achievements and distinctions. The list is contained in Appendix I, distributed with the agenda.
A list of activities of the President during February and March 1999 was distributed with the agenda, for the information of the Board.
On behalf of the By-Laws Committee, it was moved by H. Taylor, seconded by W. Gibson,
That the Board approve the following amendment to the composition of the Investment Committee, as recommended by the Property & Finance Committee:
Membership and Procedure
It was moved by H. Taylor, seconded by W. Gibson,
That the Board of Governors rescind Special Resolution No. 5 - Safety Deposit Box.
It was moved by H. Taylor, seconded by W. Gibson,
That the By-Laws Committee recommend to the Board of Governors that Special Resolution No. 3 - Banking - be amended as detailed in Appendix II, Annex 1
It was moved by H. Taylor, seconded by W. Gibson,
That Board resolution BG.91-220 concerning signing authorities for research contracts be amended as follows:
That the Vice-President (Research) or the Director of the Office of Research Services or the Director of the Office of Industry Liaison be authorized to execute on behalf of the University research-related contracts, agreements, and other documents, and that such action shall legally bind the University without the need of affixing the University's corporate seal thereto.
The Board received the Notice of Motion to amend Section E of By-Laws No. 1, detailed in Appendix II. The proposed amendments will be debated and voted upon at the April 22 meeting of the Board of Governors.
On behalf of the Property & Finance Committee, it was moved by D. McDougall, seconded by S. Grindrod,
That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of The Scotiabank Professorship in Research on Violence Against Women and Children funded by a gift of $1,000,000 from the Bank of Nova Scotia. The Professorship will be funded for 10 years, at which time the gift will be fully expended.
It was moved by D. McDougall, seconded by H. Taylor,
That the Board of Governors approve the award of the construction contract for renovations to Somerville House to Tonda Construction Ltd. in the amount of $2,225,949, exclusive of GST.
The Board was advised that at its meeting of March 15, 1999, the Property & Finance Committee approved, on behalf of the Board, the establishment of The Rotman Family Fellowship in Neuroscience, described below, based on a generous gift from the Rotman Foundation. The terms of reference and criteria are detailed in Appendix III, pages 2-3.
The quarterly financial report on the Operating Budget is provided in Appendix III, Annex 1.
The report of the Investment Committee appears in Annex 2 of Appendix III.
Annex 3 to Appendix III, contains the report on new and revised scholarships, awards, and prizes that have been approved by the Property & Finance Committee on behalf of the Board of Governors.
The status of implementations report on the Human Resources System (HRIS), Financial System, Student Administration System (HE) and Advancement System (AS), detailed in Appendix IV, was provided for information.
The Y2K Contingency Committee Report, detailed in Exhibit IV, page 3-4, was received for information.
The CCAC held a public meeting on Monday, March 8, 1999, in the Board Room. There were five presentations:
1. Student Services Committee Submission on Non-Tuition-Related Ancillary Fee Levels for 1999-2000, presented by Ian Armour, Chair of the Student Services Committee
2. Graduate Students and Intercollegiate Athletics (IA), presented by Kelly Barrowcliffe, President of SOGS, and Carolyn Stoyles, VP Student Services, SOGS
3. Proposed Amendments to the Student Disciplinary Code, presented by Brennan Carroll (USC Justice Commissioner) on behalf of the Supervisory Board, Student Disciplinary Code [see recommendation below - BG.99-56]
4. Tuition Fees for Medical Students, presented by Herbert Brill, VP-External Jr., Hippocratic Council, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
5. The Future of Medical Residency at 深夜福利站: A Financial, Academic, and Social Pitfall, presented by John Gillis, MD Class of 1999, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
A full report on the proceedings is provided in Appendix III, circulated with the agenda. The recommendations of the Committee were forwarded to the Property & Finance Committee and to the administration for consideration as they prepare the 1999-2000 budget.
On behalf of the Campus & Community Affairs Committee, it was moved by J. Etherington, seconded by T. Vine,
That the Board of Governors approve the amendments to the Student Disciplinary Code shown in the document attached as Appendix V, Annex 1.
The Annual Report of the Student Services Committee, detailed in Appendix V, was received for information. The Report contains four recommendations which are shown in their original form on page 3 of Appendix V. These dealt with, in brief:
1) Mandate of the Student Services Committee: The SSC asks for an external interpretation of certain sections of the Student Services Committee protocol, specifically whether the SSC Protocol prohibits recommendations to reduce ancillary fees.
2) Intercollegiate Athletics Fee: In the absence of any determination that it is precluded from recommending fee reductions, the SSC recommended that the fee for Intercollegiate Athletics be reduced by $3.00 in 1999-2000, by $4.00 in 2000-2001, and by $5.00 in 2001-2002, for a total $12 reduction over the three years.
3) Non-Tuition-Related Compulsory Ancillary Fees for 1999-2000: The SSC recommends $1.00 increases to fees that support two ancillary units, the Student Development Centre and the Student Health Services, for reasons outlined in their brief. With the exception of the Intercollegiate Athletics fee (noted above), all other fees remain at 1998-99 levels.
4) Inflationary Factors: The SSC recommended that members of the Financial Analysis and Budget Administration section of the Division of Financial Services meet with the SSC to discuss inflationary factors anticipated within each of the ancillary units and forecast for student services as a whole, at the beginning of the budgeting and planning cycle, commencing 1999-2000.
After considering the information provided by the Student Services Committee in support of its four recommendations, the CCAC referred the recommendations to the Property & Finance Committee and to the administration for consideration as they prepare the final proposals for ancillary fee levels for 1999-2000.
Mr. J. Etherington was appointed to the McIntosh Gallery Committee.
BG.99-59a Standing Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics (School of Kinesiology)
Prof. M. Murphy was reappointed to the Standing Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics (term to February 1, 2001).
BG.99-59b Thompson Recreation and Athletic Centre Advisory Committee
Mr. T. Vine was reappointed to the Thompson Recreation and Athletic Centre Advisory Committee (term to February 1, 2000).
BG.99-59c Josephine Spencer Niblett Endowment Fund
Dr. J. Collins was reappointed to the Josephine Spencer Niblett Endowment Fund (term to February 1, 2000).
BG.99-59d Student Services Committee
Mr. W. Gibson was reappointed to the Student Services Committee (term to April 1, 2001).
BG.99-59e London Museum of Archaeology
Ms. C. Brown, Dr. J. Collins, and Mr. I. McIntosh were appointed to the London Museum of Archaeology on the recommendation of the Board of the Museum.
On behalf of Senate, it was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by W. Gibson,
That the Board of Governors, approve the implementation of Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments (1999), effective July 1, 1999, under the terms of section 15 of Conditions of Appointment "Exclusions".(1) This document will replace the current Conditions of Appointment: Clinical Departments and Clinical Appointees in Basic Science Departments (1988) for physicians in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.
Dr. Moran provided an overview of the document Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Department and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments (1999). The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry and the London Teaching Hospitals have been working to redefine the relationships between medical faculty members, the University and the Hospitals. The issues are complex and, to a major degree, driven by fiscal realities. There was increasing recognition by all faculty and leadership that valuable contributions by medical faculty are not adequately recognized nor rewarded by peers, the University or the Hospitals, yet these activities are key to University and Hospital academic missions. Under existing "Conditions of Appointment", a part-time faculty member may make valuable academic contributions but receive no remuneration, while a full-time faculty member making similar contributions is paid a full base salary. The University and the Hospitals have committed significant resources to this process, with the goal of creating a working environment that recognizes and rewards the diverse contributions of faculty members. The proposed system is fair, consistent, transparent and promotes equality. The new document was approved by all parties concerned. Dr. Mercer explained that the 21% negative vote is not a reflection of the merits of the proposal but rather that the proposal is so complicated that a number of individuals believed they were not "up to speed" on the issue and could not vote for change.
The question was called and CARRIED
As recommended by Senate, it was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by W. Gibson,
That a PhD Program in Education Studies be introduced effective May 15, 1999.
Clinical Academic members of the academic staff of the University appointed under Conditions of Appointment: Physicians Appointed in Clinical Departments and Clinical Divisions of Basic Science Departments (1999) will be deemed to be "Faculty" of the University as defined under section 1(1)(g) of the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Act, 1982:
(g) "Faculty" means the full-time members of the academic staff of the University including the Vice-Chancellor and academic Deans and such of the part-time members of the academic staff of the University as the Senate may from time to time determine;
Under Conditions of Appointment: Clinical Departments and Clinical Appointees in Basic Science Departments (1988), clinicians were appointed as "University Full Academics" ("UFA") or "University Part-Time Academics" ("UPTA") and were recognized as "Faculty" of the University as defined under section 1(1)(g) of the Act. The new Conditions of Appointment document has eliminated these appointment categories. Instead, all appointees will be appointed as "Clinical Academics".
Senate has affirmed that Clinical Academic members of the academic staff of the University will continue to be "Faculty" of the University, and therefore will be eligible for election to both the Senate and the Board, and to vote in elections to the Senate and Board, subject to any eligibility requirements set out in the University Act or Senate and Board election procedures. They will also be eligible to sit on University committees whose composition requirements include "faculty".
The response of The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario and Affiliated Colleges to the Ministry of Education memorandum of February 1, 1999, attached as Appendix VII, Annex 2, was received for information.
A report concerning first-entry undergraduate enrolment for 1999-2000, detailed in Appendix VII, Annex 3, was provided for information. First-entry undergraduate enrolment for 1999-2000 will be affected as follows:
a) First-entry undergraduate enrolment objective for 1999-2000 will be set at 4150 students and the approximate program-specific objectives will be as described in Annex 3 (far right column).
b) Entrance requirements will be set by the Provost to achieve these objectives as a function of final admission numbers, qualifications of applicants, and estimates of the rate of offer confirmations in each program
c) No program-specific entrance requirement will be set below 75% except where performance is a major element of the selection process. Final admission will be contingent upon a final average of no less than 72%.
Details on the implementation of the recommendations can be found in Appendix VII, page 4.
The Four-Year General BSc Program in Computer Science with Software Engineering Specialization will be introduced in the Faculty of Science, retroactive to September 1, 1998.
The Faculty of Social Science will introduce a Commercial Aviation Management Stream to the Four-Year General Bachelor of Administrative and Commercial Studies program.
While the main focus in the stream is on Commercial Aviation Management, students will also have the opportunity to pursue a commercial aviation license through one of the partners (Empire Aviation), thereby making this program unique in Canada -- the only one of its kind operated from a major university. By contrast, similar highly esteemed and successful aviation-related programs already are in place at many major American universities.
The report of the Honorary Degrees Committee of Senate announcing the honorary degree recipients for Spring Convocation 1999, detailed in Appendix VII, was received for information.
The new residence video was shown to the members.
Signed by:
W.W. Peel, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary of the Board
1. Section 15 of Conditions of Appointment, under "Exclusions", states: "Where a Faculty or Department wishes to institute alternative procedures, such a Faculty or Department may petition Senate to supplant Senate procedures, in whole or in part, with the alternative procedures. Such a petition shall be accompanied by a full description of the alternative procedures, together with a complete statement of the special reasons justifying the departure from the established Senate procedures...."