
Board of Governors - APPENDIX II - November 26, 1998



1. Academic Space Re-Alignment to Accommodate Instructional Space Requirements

The Property & Finance Committee has approved, subject to Senate approval on December 4, an academic space expansion project and related space realignment projects (described in Annex 3) involving Elborn College, Somerville House, Talbot College, Althouse College and a location on 深夜福利站 Road and a total preliminary budget estimate of $4.4 million.

A memorandum from the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) and the Vice-President (Administration) [directed to the Senate Committee on University Planning, November 17, Annex 2], describes the urgent need to increase and improve 深夜福利站's undergraduate teaching facilities and to have the new facilities available for students in the Fall of 1999.

Because the Property & Finance Committee and the Board do not meet in December, the urgency of obtaining the required approvals before initiating the project made it necessary to present the proposal to Property & Finance before obtaining Senate approval.

The Provost has invited members of Senate and Board, Deans, Associate and Assistant Deans, Department Chairs, Directors of Research Centres, Senior Directors, and Directors of administrative units to a consultative meeting with the university community to be held on November 25 at 9:30 a.m. in The Great Hall. His letter of invitation appears in Annex 1.

Policy: Approval Authorities for Construction and Maintenance Projects (Policy 2.15) authorizes the Property & Finance Committee to approve individual construction and maintenance projects, including any changes to buildings or building systems, with a total estimated project budget in the range of $1,000,000 to $5,000,000. The Board must approve projects exceeding $5,000,000.

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2. Costing by Faculty

Following on a submission to the Campus & Community Affairs Committee at its October 5 public meeting about the expenditures and revenues attributed to Faculties, the administration provided the Property & Finance Committee with the final figures for 1997-98, by Faculty. Mr. Ruban Chelladurai, Director of Institutional Planning and Budgeting, explained how revenues and expenditures were calculated. His presentation is summarized in Annex 4.

During discussion, Dr. Davenport noted that Dean McMurtry is preparing a document with alternative approaches to the individual costs and teaching students outside the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. This document, once prepared, will be the subject of discussion at a future meeting of the Deans which will be chaired by the Provost & Vice-President (Academic).

3. Scholarships/Awards/Bursaries/Prizes

Annex 5 (below) lists the new and revised terms of reference for scholarships, awards, bursaries, and prizes that have been approved by the Property & Finance Committee on behalf of the Board.

1. Scholarship/Prize/Award Conditions

On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property and Finance Committee has approved the following Terms of Reference for new scholarships, bursaries and awards.

Frank Manning Bursary (Faculty of Social Science)

Awarded to an international undergraduate student from a country in the West Indies who demonstrates the greatest financial need. Candidates must be registered in the Faculty of Social Science and have completed at least one course in Caribbean or Latin American Studies. Applications can be obtained from the International Student Office in the Student Development Centre and must be submitted by January 31. This bursary was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by donations from family and friends in memory of Professor Frank Manning, a faculty member in Anthropology.

Value: $200

Effective: May 1998

Dr. C.A. Thompson Ophthalmology Research Day Prize (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)

Awarded to the most outstanding Research Day Presentation by a Resident at the Annual Ophthalmology Research Day. The recipient will be selected by the panel of judges presiding on Research Day. This prize was made possible by a generous donation from Dr. C.A. Thompson.

Value: Up to $250

Effective: May 1999

Interfraternity Council Academic Excellence Scholarship (Any Faculty)

Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student in any year beyond year one who is a member in good standing of an IFC-sanctioned Fraternity who has demonstrated academic excellence (minimum 80% average) and who excels in at least three of the following areas: leadership, community involvement, arts and athletics. This scholarship was created to foster and reward excellence among fraternity men at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario and was made possible by the generosity of the U.W.O. Interfraternity Council.

Students must apply for this Scholarship. Applications are available through each IFC-sanctioned fraternity and from the Office of the Registrar. Completed applications, accompanied by an essay (maximum 500 words) explaining how the applicant has excelled in at least three of the specified areas, must be returned to the Office of the Registrar not later than March 1st. Final selection will be made by the Office of the Registrar in consultation with the Interfraternity Council's Awards Committee.

Value: $500

Effective: May 1998

John A. Lusk Award in Medicine (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)

Awarded annually to an undergraduate student in any year of Medicine who is in the top 5% of the Dean's Honor List and demonstrates the greatest financial need. Application forms can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar. Completed forms must be returned to the Office of the Registrar by October 31st. This award was made possible by a gift from John A. Lusk (MD '52) through Foundation 深夜福利站.

Value: $2,500

Effective: May 1999

This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program.

Government of Ontario - A.M. Cuddy Graduate Research Scholarships in Neuroscience (3) (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Biosciences Division)

Awarded annually to graduate students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents and enrolled full-time in an approved graduate program who are engaged in neuroscience research. The scholarships are based on overall academic excellence. To be eligible, students must have maintained a minimum A- (80%) average in each of the last two years of study at the post secondary level. In addition, applicants will be evaluated on research ability or potential, communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership abilities. These latter will be assessed by a research proposal written by the student, demonstrated research productivity, thesis advisor's assessment, faculty reference letters specifically requested for this purpose, and the graduate program's assessment of the candidate. Students must also meet the criteria set by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to fit the OGSST guidelines. Final selection will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee.

Students must apply for these scholarships. Application forms are available in the Research Office of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry and in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and must be completed and returned along with reference letters to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by April 30th. These scholarships have been created to encourage and recognize excellence in neuroscience research at the graduate level and were made possible through the generosity of Mitchell A. Baran.

Value: $15,000 per year (3 terms)

Effective: 1998

These funds will qualify for a 2:1 match under the Ontario Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology (OGSST) Program for a maximum of 10 years.

Lynne-Lionel Scott Fellowship in Canadian Studies (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Social Sciences Division, History)

Awarded to a graduate student registered full-time in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, enrolled in the Graduate Program in History with a demonstrated interest in Canadian studies and a minimum 78% academic average. PhD candidates have priority, but MA candidates are also eligible. All continuing graduate students in Canadian history are automatically considered, as well as applicants for admission who indicate a primary interest in Canadian history and whose applications are complete by March 15 of each year. The recipient will be selected by the Faculty of Social Science on the recommendation of the Chair, Department of History in consultation with a committee. This fellowship was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by a bequest from Rose Lynne Scott (BA '62) to encourage studies in the area of Canadian History.

Value: $2,000

Effective: September 1998

Harold Brett Memorial Fellowship in Neuroscience (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Biosciences Division, Neuroscience)

Awarded to a full-time graduate student showing the most proficiency in research in Neuroscience as evidenced by publications and scholarly presentations as well as academic achievement in course work. The research is to be carried out at UWO and within the Department of, or under the supervision of a member of, the Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences.

Selection will be made by the Chair of the Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences in consultation with the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.

This Fellowship is made possible by a generous donation from Doris Brett Jones to honor her son, Harold Brett, who died tragically of a brain tumor.

Value: Up to $700

Effective: May 1998

2. Scholarship/Bursary/Award/Prize Revisions

On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property and Finance Committee has approved the following revisions to the Terms of Reference of scholarships, bursaries and awards.

Foundation 深夜福利站 Alumni OSOTF Bursaries (3) (Any Faculty)

Increase in number from 3 @ $1,000 to 27 @ $1,000

Effective: May 1998

[Funds from the previously approved Alumni OSOTF Bursaries to be absorbed by the new bursaries. This revision was erroneously reported in September as changing to 2 rather than 27 bursaries.]

Class of '43B Award (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)

Change in value from $175 to $400

Effective: May 1998

MacKay-Lassonde Awards in Computer Engineering (Faculty of Engineering Science)

Change in effective date from May 1999 to May 1998

Grant and Peggy Reuber Merit Scholarship (Faculty of Social Science)

Change in Name and Number to: Grant and Peggy Reuber Merit Scholarships (2)

Change in terms from: Awarded to a fourth year honors student who (I) is majoring in Economics or History or in a combined honors program of the two subjects or in a combined honors program of Economics or History with Political Science, Mathematics or Statistics, and (ii) has achieved an 'A' average in the third year of the honors program and (iii) has financial need. Recipients will be selected on the basis of their potential as scholars and their promise for distinguished achievement after graduation as reflected by demonstrated leadership and other personal qualities. The scholarship will alternate between the departments of History and Economics. If no student from the scheduled recipient department qualifies for the scholarship in any one year, the scholarship will be offered to a student from the alternate department. Application forms are available in the Office of the Registrar and in the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Social Science and must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar not later than October 31st. Final selection will be made jointly by the Chairs of the Departments of Economics and History in alternate years and the Dean of Social Science.

To: Awarded to two (2) fourth year honors students who (I) are majoring in Economics or History or in a combined honors program of the two subjects or in a combined honors program of Economics or History with Political Science, Mathematics or Statistics, and (ii) have achieved an 'A' average in the third year of the honors program and (iii) have financial need. Recipients will be selected on the basis of their potential as scholars and their promise for distinguished achievement after graduation as reflected by demonstrated leadership and other personal qualities.

Students must apply for these scholarships. Application forms are available in the Office of the Registrar and in the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Social Science and must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar no later than October 31 in any given year. Final selection of the recipient(s) will be made by the Chairs of the Departments of Economics and History, respectively, and the Dean of Social Science. Established through the generosity of Grant and Peggy Reuber.

Change in value from: Up to $2,700

To: May 1999-2000: up to $2,500 each

May 2000-2001: up to $3,000 each

May 2001-2002: up to $3,500 each

Mervin Wass Bursaries (2) (Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics)

Increase in number from 2 to 4.

Ross and Jean Clark Scholarships (2) (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Physical Sciences Division, Engineering Science)

Change in terms from: "Awarded to graduate students specializing in Environmental Engineering who have achieved the highest academic average. The recipients.."

To: Awarded to graduate students specializing in Environmental Engineering who have achieved a minimum 80% academic average and demonstrate financial need. Successful candidates must meet OSOTF eligibility requirements. The recipients will be selected by the Graduate Committee of the Faculty of Engineering Science on the recommendation of the Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies. This Scholarship was made possible by the generosity of Ross and Jean Clark to assist graduate students specializing in Environmental Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering Science at 深夜福利站.

This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program."

Lillian Margaret & Walter David Jackson Scholarship in Physics (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Physical Sciences Division, Physics)

Increase in value from $1,000 to $1,250

Effective: May 1998

Martin J. Bass - P.S.I. Foundation OSOTF Awards (3) (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Biosciences Division, [Family Medicine])

Change from: "...awarded annually to part-time graduate students..."

To: "Awarded annually to part-time or full-time graduate students in the Master of Clinical Science Program offered by the Department of Family Medicine who have their Family Practice Certification (or equivalent certification from another country), have a minimum B average or equivalent, and demonstrate the greatest financial need. Application forms can be obtained from the Department of Family Medicine, Graduate Studies Program, and must be completed and returned by August 15. Selection will be made by the Director of Graduate Studies in Family Medicine in consultation with a committee. These awards have been made possible by a generous contribution from The Physicians' Services Incorporated Foundation in honor of the late Dr. Martin J. Bass (MSc '76)."

George Humphries Bursary (Faculty of Engineering Science)

Increase in value from $2,000 to $2,400 effective May 1998

Charlie Box Bursary (Faculty of Health Sciences, Kinesiology)

Increase in value from $800 to $900 effective May 1999

Marilyn Ernest Scholarship (Faculty of Health Sciences, Occupational Therapy)

Increase in value from $1,500 to $1,700 effective May 1999

Baldwin Family Scholarships in Honors History (2) (Faculty of Social Science)

Increase in value from $600 to $700 effective May 1999

Baldwin Family Scholarships in Honors English (3) (Faculty of Arts)

Increase in value from $600 to $700 effective May 1999

Katherine Kingsmill-Burdick Bursary (Faculty of Arts)

Increase in value from $500 to $700 effective May 1999

Marion and Arthur Knight Bursaries (3) (Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering Science)

Increase in value from $600 to $800

Helen Hetherington Bursaries (Any Faculty)

Increase in number from 5 to 6

Dorothy Emery Awards (2) (Faculty of Education)

Increase in value from $200 to $350 effective May 1999

F.C. Biehl Award (Faculty of Education)

Increase in value from $600 to $700 effective May 1999

UWO Law Alumni Association Presidents' Award (Faculty of Law)

The OSOTF designation for this award, originally named UWO Law Alumni Award, should be retained.

Smith Lyons Entrance Scholarship (Faculty of Law)

Increase in value from $700 to $800 effective May 1999

Carswell Company Limited Entrance Scholarship (Faculty of Law)

Increase in value from $700 to $800 effective May 1999

Diana Majury-Cheryl Waldrum Award (Faculty of Law)

Increase in value from $700 to $800 effective May 1999

UWO Law Alumni Association Bursary (Faculty of Law)

Increase in number from 1 to 2 effective May 1998

Pioneer Jamie Smibert Award (Faculty of Social Science, History)

Increase from $1,000 to $1,600 effective May 1999

3. Discontinued Award

Frank Manning Humanistic Award in Education (contingent on approval of the introduction of the above-noted Frank Manning Bursary)