Board of Governors - APPENDIX V - October 29, 1998
Recommended: That the Board of Governors authorize the establishment of a program, administered by the Department of Pensions and Benefits, under the guidance of the Academic and Administrative Staff Pension Boards and Pacific & ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Group of Companies, that provides Life Income Funds, Registered Retirement Income Funds and Spousal Registered Retirement Savings Plans (as detailed in Annex 1). Investments for these retirement savings products will have an investment and administrative structure that is similar to that which is currently offered under the Pension Plan for Academic Staff and the Pension Plan for Administrative Staff.
The booklet "Proposals for Expansion of Retirement Savings Products under UWO Pension Investment Structure" (October 7, 1998), prepared by the Department of Pensions & Benefits, is attached [to agenda materials for Board Members -- not available at this Website].