(a) the Acting Assistant Vice-Provost (Academic Affairs), Dr. Donald Janelle, be authorized to serve on behalf of the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) on committees mandated under Conditions of Appointment, effective October 1, 1998; and
(b) that the Associate Deans of Graduate Studies, Dr. N. Kuiper and Dr. W. Flintoff, be authorized to serve on behalf of the Dean of Graduate Studies on the Senate Committee on Promotion & Tenure when necessary.
The "Definitions" section of the Preamble to Conditions of Appointment states:
11. Provost shall mean the Provost (Vice-President Academic) or other senior academic administrative officer designated by Senate and the Board of Governors to carry out those duties specified in these Conditions of Appointment.
12. Dean of Graduate Studies shall mean the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies or other senior academic administrative officer designated by Senate and the Board of Governors to carry out those duties specified in these Conditions of Appointment.
In the past this has been interpreted to mean that the Senate and Board of Governors must designate any senior academic administrative officer by name. Since September 1995, Dr. Roma Harris, Vice-Provost & Registrar, has served on behalf of the Provost. Because Dr. Harris will be involved in negotiations of the first union contract with the UWO Faculty Association, some of her duties will be assigned to Dr. Don Janelle, Acting Assistant Vice-Provost (Academic Affairs). It is recommended that Senate and the Board authorize Dr. Janelle to act on behalf of the Provost on committees mandated under Conditions of Appointment. The Senate Promotion & Tenure Committee, the Senate Sabbatical Leave Committee, and the Senate Grievance Committee are the committees on which the Vice-Provost has served in the past and which the Acting Assistant Vice-Provost (Academic Affairs) will participate as required. As has been the case with Dr. Harris, the Provost will work closely with Dr. Janelle in all of his areas of responsibility.
Dr. Alan Weedon, Dean of Graduate Studies, will also be participating in negotiations of the UWOFA contract. As time permits, he will continue to participate as a member of the Senate Committee on Promotion & Tenure I and as an Alternate on the Senate Committee on Promotion & Tenure II, but will delegate his responsibilities to one of the Associate Deans of Graduate Studies when necessary. Any given case, however, will be handled by only one of the three individuals.
2. Appointments Procedures: Selection Committees for Chairs of Departments
and Directors of Schools within the Faculty of Health Sciences
Recommended: That, for the duration of negotiations of a first contract with the UWO Faculty Association, the
Dean of Graduate Studies be permitted to name an Associate Dean of Graduate Studies to serve on a selection
committee where the Dean of Graduate Studies is identified as an ex officio member.
The Dean of Graduate Studies is an ex officio member of selection committees for Chairs of Departments and for Directors of Schools within the Faculty of Health Sciences. Dean Weedon will continue to serve on those committees whose work began prior to the fall of 1998, but in order that he be able to carry out his responsibilities associated with the negotiation of the first union contract with the Faculty Association, it will be necessary for him to assign one of the two Associate Deans of Graduate Studies to serve on some new selection committees.
3. Appointments Procedures: Section V - Director of Industry Liaison
Appointments Procedures sets out the composition and terms of reference of Selection Committees for senior
academic and administrative officers of the University. Currently section V is entitled "Director of Industry
Liaison & Director of the UWO Research Park". The following recommendation is made in light of the fact that
the two positions --Director of Industry Liaison and Director of the UWO Research Park -- will be filled by two
Recommended: That Section V of Appointments Procedures -- currently entitled Director of Industry Liaison & Director of the UWO Research Park -- be renamed and amended to remove reference to "Director of the UWO Research Park.
4. MClSc Program in Occupational Therapy to Replace the BSc (OT)
Recommended: That subject to Senate approval (September 18, 1998) that effective September 1, 1998, a Master of Clinical Science (MClSc) Program in Occupational Therapy be introduced, and,
That the Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy [BSc(OT)] Program be withdrawn as a result.
The proposed program is an initiative of the School of Occupational Therapy. The proposed program is a two year professional program that will provide a post-baccalaureate, graduate level qualification at the masters level for those wishing to seek accreditation as practising Occupational Therapists. It will replace the current post-baccalaureate, second degree program leading to the degree of BSc (OT), which in turn has recently replaced the first degree program leading to the BSc (OT). This reflects changes in practice that require that Occupational Therapists receive a graduate level education that qualifies them as independent, self-directed practitioners capable of evidence based practice. Approval of this program will mean that 深夜福利站 will be the first University in Canada to offer to professional masters level education in Occupational Therapy. Other Universities are planning move their Occupational Therapy programs to the graduate level, and this has already occurred in the U.S.A.
To be eligible for admission into the program students must possess a four year undergraduate degree which includes senior undergraduate courses and completion of prerequisite courses in Biology, Sociology or Anthropology, Statistics/Methodology, Abnormal Psychology, Normal Growth and Development, and Physiology.
The faculty resources available to the program are the eleven faculty members in the School of Occupational Therapy. Nine of these already have membership in the Faculty of Graduate Studies as a result of their participation the MSc program in Occupational Therapy.
The anticipated enrolment in the program will be the same as in the current BSc (OT) program, which is approximately 47 in each year of the two year program.
The proposed program was approved by the Internal Appraisals Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies (May 1998), the Graduate Planning and Policy Committee of Senate (May 1998), the Ontario Council on Graduate Studies (June 1998) and SCUP (July 1998). SCAPA has also been consulted about the withdrawal of the undergraduate program and informed that there will be no further graduates of the BSc(OT) program.
5. PhD Program in Rehabilitation Sciences
Recommended: That effective September 1, 1998, a PhD Program in Rehabilitation Sciences be introduced.
The proposed program is a joint initiative of the Schools of Communications Sciences and Disorders, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy with the collaboration of the Schools of Nursing and Kinesiology. The proposed program seeks to establish a multi-disciplinary, research-based, academic program which links disciplines in the area of health sciences known as Rehabilitation. There are only two other such doctoral programs in Canada, one at McGill University and the other at the University of Alberta.
The program objectives are to educate students to a level that they can contribute to the advancement of research and scholarship in Rehabilitation Sciences, and to provide society with graduates qualified as academic scholars and researchers, advanced scientists-practitioners in treatment facilities, highly qualified researchers in private industry, and expert research consultants to government ministries.
To be eligible for admission into the program students must possess a masters degree in Communicative Disorders, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, or Rehabilitation Science, or related discipline. Exceptional students may be considered for admission after completion of one year in these masters programs provided they demonstrate evidence of outstanding research ability.
The faculty resources available to the program include 25 faculty members from the Faculty of Health Sciences with interests in the three fields of the program, namely Impairment, Disability and Handicap. These faculty already have extensive experience in graduate teaching and supervision, primarily in masters programs.
The anticipated enrolment in the program will be 5 new students a year leading to a steady state total enrolment of approximately 20 students.
The proposed program was approved by the Internal Appraisals Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies in (July 1997), the Graduate Planning and Policy Committee of Senate (August 1997), the Ontario Council on Graduate Studies (June 1998) and SCUP (July 1998).
2. Honorary Degree Recipients - Fall Convocation 1998
The Honorary Degrees Committee of the Senate announces that the following persons will be honored by
conferment of honorary degrees at the morning and afternoon ceremonies to be held on Thursday, October 22
and Friday, October 23, 1998.
Thursday, October 22, 1998 at 3:30 p.m.
Faculties Graduating: Faculty of Graduate Studies, Faculties of Education, Engineering Science, Health Sciences, Law, Medicine & Dentistry, Music, and the Richard Ivey School of Business
Friday, October 23, 1998 at 10:00 a.m.
Faculties Graduating: Faculties of Arts and Science, Brescia College, Huron College, King's College
Friday, October 23,1998 at 3:30 p.m.
Faculties Graduating: Faculties of Information and Media Studies and Social Science.
3. Convocation Dates 1999
Spring 1999 Convocation Dates will be:
April 24, 1999 Graduate Studies: Richard Ivey School of Business (MBA)
May 6, 1999 Huron College (theological degrees)
May 14, 1999 Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (MD degree only)
June 8-11, 1999 All Faculties and Affiliated Colleges
Fall 1999 Convocation Dates will be:
October 21-22, 1999 All Faculties and Affiliated Colleges
4. Appointments
Acting Assistant Vice-Provost
D. Janelle, September 1, 1998 - August 31, 1999
Richard Ivey School of Business
J. Gandz, Associate Dean, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999
J. Howell, Associate Dean, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2001
Faculty of Engineering Science
R.V. Patel, Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2003
Faculty of Graduate Studies
W.F. Flintoff, Associate Dean, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999
N. Kuiper, Associate Dean, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2002
Faculty of Health Sciences
C. Iwasiw, Acting Director, School of Nursing, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999
Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
D. Banting, Associate Dean, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999
R.W. Teasell, Acting Chair, Dept. of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999
N.A.M. Paterson, Assistant Dean - Research, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999
Faculty of Music
R.E. Toft, Chair, Dept. of Music History, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2001
A. Heard, Chair, Dept. of Music Theory and Composition, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 2001
Faculty of Social Science
B. Timney, Acting Dean, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999
The University Research Board (URB) was formally established by Senate "to advise the Vice-President (Research) on matters relating broadly to research". It meets as required and reports to Senate through the Operations/Agenda Committee. The deans of the Faculties of Arts, Engineering Science, Graduate Studies, Medicine & Dentistry and Social Science are permanent members of the Board. Membership also includes six faculty members, appointed by Senate, who have strong records of research achievement and a broad interest in research administration, at least one of whom occupies a senior position in a Type III research centre. In making these appointments, every effort is made to ensure broad, disciplinary representation.
With the introduction and implementation of both the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and the Ontario Research and Development challenge Fund (ORDCF), 1997-98 has been an eventful year. A primary activity of the University Research Board has been to provide advice for the development of 深夜福利站's strategies for accessing these new and profoundly important sources of new research revenue. this has resulted in the establishment of a CFI Steering Committee and a supporting infrastructure for both CFI and ORDCF applications.
The University Research Board facilitated communication and provided advice on other issues affecting research. These included the following:
William A. Bridger
Vice-President (Research)
Chair, University Research Board