1. 125th Anniversary Campaign Financing
Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the proposed budget for the 125th Anniversary
Campaign, including the 1% levy on endowments and the 5% levy on all tax receiptable gifts beginning on
May 1, 1998, detailed in Annex 1.
Mr. Ted Garrard, Vice-President (External), and Mr. Kevin Goldthorp, Director of the 125th Anniversary Campaign, will elaborate on the proposal at the Board meeting.
This report has been approved by SCUP and Property & Finance, and will be presented to Senate for approval on June 19, 1998. It is proposed that the procedure leading up to final approval of the "Update of the Campus Master Plan (1998)" follow the same consultative procedure proposed for making major decisions on land use, as described in the final section ("Consultation") of the draft Update (Annex 2).
3. New Stadium Operating Agreement (BG.97-242)
Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the Memorandum of Understanding (attached as
Annex 3) which sets out the proposed agreement between the City of London and The University of 深夜福利站
Ontario related to the use and operation of the University's stadium. [Paper copies of this memorandum of
understanding are available from the University Secretariat. It is unavailable for the Web.]
The Board of Governors' approval of the stadium project in November 1997 (BG.97-242) was contingent on reaching an agreement with the City of London concerning the use and operation of the University stadium including the City's undertaking to provide up to $100,000 annually to offset any annual operating deficit. The attached Memorandum has been negotiated between the offices of the City Solicitor and the Vice-President (Administration) & General Counsel.
The current Student Fees Policy appears as Annex 5.
In the fall of 1996, acting on the Board's advice during a Retreat, a review of Board of Governors operations was commenced with a view to focusing the Board on policy and reducing the number of routine approval items that are referred to Board committees and the Board. Two major policies were identified as needing revision: Policy 2.15 - Approval Authorities for Construction and Maintenance Projects, and Policy 2.4 - Student Fees. Major revisions were made to Policy 2.15 in March 1997. Review of the Student Fees Policy by representatives of the Department of Financial Services, Office of the Registrar, and University Secretariat spanned several months.
Features of the proposed Student Fees policy are:
Each type of student fee is defined
There is a distinction between ancillary fees that are governed by the Protocol and those that are not
Where appropriate, specific fees are listed
The new Procedure section states clearly which fees require approval by the Board of Governors (tuition and ancillary fees) and which may be approved by the President and reported to P&F annually. (This is particularly useful for minimizing the number of small "fee approvals" that have in the past been referred to P&F and the Board throughout the year.)
Web references to the University Calendar are provided to direct the reader to up-to-date information.
[For World Wide Web users see http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/mapp/section2/policy-24.html]
5. Tuition Fees for Medical Residents
Recommended: That:
(i) A tuition fee of $1,500 be levied for students entering Medical Residency programs in 1999-2000;
(ii) Students currently enrolled and enrolling in 1998-99 will not pay fees for the duration of their Residencies;
(iii) The Board will set the fee each year, effective July 1 the following year. The standard "grandparenting" clause will apply: for students continuing in a Medical Residency program, the maximum increase in fees will be no greater than 20% in any one year.
Medical Residents are full-time post-graduate students whose enrolment counts for 2.5 BIUs in the funding formula. They are the only students who have not been charged fees, because universities in Ontario have not permitted by government to charge fees in years past. The situation has changed: control over fees for Medical Residents has been granted to university Boards of Governors by the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training. Medical Residents currently pay fees in the provinces of Quebec, Nova Scotia and Alberta; correspondent "registration fees" are collected from Medical Residents in Manitoba, Alberta, Newfoundland, and at some universities in Ontario.
In addition to their status as students, Medical Residents provide valuable services within the hospitals and serve in certain contexts as instructors. For these services, they are paid by the Ministry of Health, according to provincial guidelines, annual salaries ranging from $37,974 (PGY1) to $53,738 (PGY5) The $1,500 fee is considerably less than the average fee charged to graduate students (about $4,800 in 1998-99) and is intended to be a contribution to the cost of the education these students receive from clinical faculty in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. The University pays approximately 25% of the compensation (salary and benefits) of the clinical faculty.
In addition to access to clinical education, services provided to Medical Residents by the University include a number of administrative services through the Office of Postgraduate Medical Education in the Faculty of Medicine &Dentistry, including:
Admission screening to ensure that the prospective Resident meets provincial guidelines regarding citizenship, legal status, funding, etc., and issuing an annual Letter of Appointment as a Resident. This Letter of Appointment is one component of the application for a Certificate of Registration for Postgraduate Education from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Ongoing assessment to ensure that the educational training requirements, as set out by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the College of Family Physicians of Canada, are met and maintained.
Information technology services (e-mail account)
Access to UWO library services
Career counselling and related support services
6. Dental Kit Fees - 1998-99
Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the following Dental Kit fees for 1998-99:
1997-98 $6,046.00
1998-99 Recommended $6,700.00
% Increase (Decrease) 10.8%
1997-98 $5,878.00
1998-99 Recommended $6,919.00
% Increase (Decrease) 17.7%
1997-98 $3,250.00
1998-99 Recommended $3,386.00
% Increase (Decrease) 4.2%
1997-98 $ 472.00
1998-99 Recommended $ 451.00
% Increase (Decrease) (4.4%)
Qualifying Program
1997-98 $3,638.00
1998-99 Recommended $3,448.00
% Increase (Decrease) (5.2%)
Dental kit fees apply to each of the four years in the DDS program. The kits, which are retained by the students, meet MET guidelines of non-tuition related compulsory ancillary fees.
The Qualifying Program was introduced in 1997. The purpose of the two-year Qualifying Program is to provide an academic and clinical experience for graduates of non-accredited programs so that they become eligible to take the examinations of the National Dental Examining Board of Canada (NDEB).
7. Purchase Agreement with VWR Canlab and Fisher Scientific for
Scientific Supplies and Chemicals
Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the awarding of a systems contract to VWR Canlab
and Fisher Scientific to provide general laboratory supplies for a three-year term starting May 1, 1998, at
approximately $1,000,000 per year.
VWR Canlab and Fisher Scientific have been selected on a competitive basis to be the University's System Contract Vendors for laboratory supplies. The total value of the contract is approximately $1,000,000 per year. The contract will be for a minimum term of three years and may be extended for two additional one year terms by mutual consent of the parties.
Twelve companies were asked to bid for the laboratory supplies; eight responded.
The selection was made on the basis of price and service by Laboratories Contract User's Group that consisted of laboratory supplies users who represented over 65% of the total annual expenditures on laboratory supplies.
2. Report on Investments
See Annex 7. [Paper copies of the report are available from the University Secretariat.]
3. Report on Environmental Incidents and/or Safety Incidents
Fire - Sydenham Hall
At 7:30 p.m. on June 2, 1998, a fire occurred on the roof of the Sydenham Hall residence. The fire is believed to have been caused by a member of the roof repair contractor's staff who was using a propane torch on roofing materials earlier in the day. High winds may have also contributed to the spread of the fire. The fire alarm was activated from a heat detector in the attic. The building was not occupied at the time. Quick action by the fire department helped to minimize the cost of the damage, which is estimated at about $25,000. The contractor has accepted responsibility and has committed to repair all the damage at his cost.
Inspections of UWO Operations
During the past month the University has had inspection visits from the following organizations:
the Atomic Energy Control Board re: Radioisotope Licence inspection;
The Ministry of Labour re: Construction Safety;
the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labour re: Occupational Safety measures within Middlesex College and Weldon Library during construction.
All inspections resulted in favourable reports.
4. Report on Scholarships
See Annex 8 below.
Board of Governors - June 25, 1998 - APPENDIX III, Annex 1
Campaign Office - Memorandum
To: Property & Finance Committee
From: Ted Garrard, Vice-President (External)
Kevin Goldthorp, Campaign Director
Date: June 11, 1998
RE: Campaign Financing Proposal
The University is nearing completion of planning for its first institution-wide fundraising campaign since the Renaissance Campaign in 1994. This memo summarizes campaign progress to date, outlines plans for the campaign, and proposes a self-financing model that is responsible and effective.
Activity to Date
Planning began in April 1997 and encompasses an unparalleled level of consultation with faculty members from all units of the University. All faculty members have had an opportunity to identify projects that meet the strategic direction of departments, Faculties, or units, and which require private-sector support to generate required financial resources. Projects have been assessed at Faculty-wide meetings, and then taken to external groups of volunteers for additional review and suggestions. Once completed, these steps have provided sufficient input to form a first-round list of campaign projects and preliminary estimate of a fundraising goal for each Faculty/unit. This process is complete for Engineering Science and Law; it is in various states of progress for all other units of the University.
Policy and planning work is also ongoing to provide the staffing model, volunteer support, procedural blueprint and policy recommendations that will guide us through the Campaign.
Significant success has already been realized:
$2 million endowment from the Richard and Jean Ivey Fund for a Chair in Molecular Toxicology;
US$1 million for the Joseph Weider Chair in Exercise Nutrition;
Approximately $1 million pledged to date to fund the Weldon Library renovation project;
the first $100,000 personal gift secured to our Canada Foundation for Innovation bid;
three volunteer chairs recruited to lead our campaign efforts:
Claude Pensa, Chair, Library Campaign;
Virginia Dybenko, Chair, Engineering Science Campaign;
Peter Lockyer, Co-Chair, Law Campaign.
The campaign will encompass all of the University's fundraising initiatives, including our $15 million fundraising partnership with the Host Society, Canada 2001 Games for the Stadium/Games initiative and the $75 million Richard Ivey School of Business campaign. Preliminary estimates of our campaign projects total $179 million, which when combined with the Ivey and Stadium/Games projects, suggest a final campaign goal of $269 million, or more accurately, a goal between $250 and $300 million. While this is not the final campaign target (extensive work must still be done before this is determined), an objective of this size represents a very significant target that will be substantially greater than the Renaissance Campaign achievement. Moreover, this target represents tax receiptable gifts only, and excludes government matching funds and contract research funds.
Financing Proposal
To effectively resource an undertaking of this scope and magnitude, it is imperative that the University invest in its fundraising infrastructure. This investment must be predicated on a model that provides a cost-efficient yet effective and stable means of supporting the campaign. The following model addresses this need.
Three forms of financial support are requested:
An increase of the levy on University-held endowments from 0.5% to 1.0%;
Commencement of a 5% fundraising levy on all tax receiptable gifts to the University, effective May
1, 1998;
The use of interest on all fund balances held by advancement services before transfer of funds to
specific projects.
The 1% endowment levy is comparable with that in place at Foundation 深夜福利站 and at many other universities in Canada. The 5% fundraising level is comparable with the first-year charge levied by Foundation 深夜福利站, and is reasonable in light of much higher fundraising costs at other Canadian non-profit institutions.
It is anticipated that these fundraising levies will generate, approximately, between one and two million dollars annually, depending upon cash flows, to support fundraising requirements (see Appendix 1). [Copies are available from the University Secretariat .]
Principal expenses associated with the Campaign will be salaries and benefits, totaling 71% of projected costs. Built into the funding model is a margin of comfort to accommodate variations in revenue and cash flows. Overall, the model is designed to ensure that there is no impact on the operating budget of the University, and that after all pledges are collected, the campaign will be completely self-financing. Finally, all positions associated with the campaign are slated to wind down at the end of fiscal year 2003/04. At that time, the University has the option of exploring ways to continue the campaign level of development and alumni relations support to its Faculties.
We look forward to your support, and a successful campaign.
Board of Governors - June 25, 1998 - APPENDIX III, Annex 2
- identify the principles and values which should guide the physical development of the campus;
- forecast long range requirements for campus land;
- develop a strategy for the disposition and acquisition of University land; and
- identify a process by which these plans would be used to guide campus planning.
Consonant with the academic mission of the University, the Master Plan urged fundamental commitment to a physical environment that would enrich the quality of campus life: the attraction of the University's physical environment was recognized as an important element in positioning The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario as a desirable destination for post-secondary students. To this end, the authors created a conceptual framework for land use planning and capital development and oriented their report around the following planning principles:
In overview, the Campus Master Plan seeks to:
- provide direction for University growth and change;
respond to changes in academic mission and technological innovations;
- invest in the quality of the campus;
- preserve existing natural features and maintain and enhance landscaped open spaces;
- preserve and enhance the architectural integrity of the campus;
- achieve a balanced movement system for all forms of transportation;
- enhance University/City relationships;
- increase residential accommodation on campus;
- encourage mixed use development;
- achieve barrier free accessibility; and
- ensure safety and security.
These principles were supported by recommendations for land use, capital development, and traffic flow (pedestrian and vehicular), followed by a series of Design Guidelines which define 深夜福利站's architectural identity. Suggestions about specific projects illustrated the effect that application of the strategies would have on the overall integrity of the campus.
The fluidity apparent in the Master Plan thus established a framework for University planning that made allowance for changes in operational requirements and reassessment of land use priorities: decision makers confronting changing conditions could rely on the Plan's principles in advancing or rejecting development proposals.
The 1997-98 Year
In 1997, an unusual amalgam of obstacles and opportunities propelled the Campus Master Plan into prominence for just these reasons: changing conditions required assessment and rejection of development options. Significantly, The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario is now the principal venue for an Athlete's Village and multi-use stadium which will accommodate participants in the next century's first Canada Games. In our own realm, 深夜福利站's popularity as a preferred destination for University studies has been evident in this year's increases in applications and enrolment. (So many first year students took up the offer of residence accommodation in 1997-98 that on-campus housing was filled to capacity.) Admission data for 1998-99 indicate that this situation will continue until the new University Drive residence is opened in September 1999. Classroom, multi-purpose and storage space are in short supply, and there is need for technological enhancement of most scholastic settings. The need for funding of deferred maintenance and reconfiguration of existing facilities continues to outpace the ability or willingness of the provincial government to provide it.
It is in the context of these challenges that the University reaffirms its commitment to the themes espoused in the 1994 Campus Master Plan. The Board of Governors intends to honor its obligations to ensure responsible management of capital planning and overall growth of the University.
But today's snapshot of suggested campus development projects differs from the images presented in 1994. Alternate strategies are now necessary to enable the University to adjust to changing conditions.
A brief synopsis of the forces that have triggered the need for change, is set out below.
Economic Pressures
Grants to The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario by the provincial government have declined by 25% in the past five years and now contribute only 49.4% of the University's total operating budget. Ontario ranks a disappointing tenth amongst the provinces in university grants per capita.
Employer/employee relationships at 深夜福利站 are entering a new phase as the University begins first contract negotiations with its staff and faculty associations.
Competition in recruiting first year applicants is stiff and it is imperative that the University continue to offer true and perceived value for every student dollar invested.
Deferred maintenance is estimated to be in excess of $100 million.
Enrolment Trends and Academic Challenges
Figure 2 depicts full-time employment at 深夜福利站, which has declined from a high of 3,922 employees in 1989-90 to 3,031 in 1997-98. Figure 3 depicts student enrolment patterns, which peaked in 1992-93 at slightly more than 23,000 students. Projected enrolments are expected to remain steady, at the current level of 21,600.
The high demand for places in the 1997-98 first-year class occurred, in part, because of the offer of guaranteed residence accommodation to incoming first year students. This enthusiastic response strained existing residence facilities (including the 508 single rooms at Essex Hall), and required the use of supplementary accommodation at two affiliated colleges (Huron and King's), at Westminster College and at The King's Inn downtown.
Community disgruntlement with construction of the University Drive residence was founded in dissatisfaction with the site selected and the perceived acceleration of the decision making process. Nonetheless, community groups continue to express a preference for University leadership in the provision of on-campus housing.
85% of applicants to The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario live in communities outside the London-Middlesex region. In presenting the University to potential applicants and their families, the University emphasizes a sense of community within the campus; the integrity of the physical environment is therefore an important asset. Promotion of the University through positive presentation of the campus has been a successful recruitment strategy.
Academically, there is increasing need for additional classrooms equipped with the best technology to support teaching and learning. Recent amalgamations of Faculties have also prompted reconfiguration of teaching, research and office space in many buildings.
There is need to find additional space for the Faculty of Engineering Science and the Ivey School of Business and a strong desire to accommodate the Faculty of Education on the central campus. The D.B. Weldon Library will undergo some renovation and expansion in 1998, but will continue to require storage space and technology enhancements to the year 2000.
The Faculty of Health Sciences has expressed interest in the building of a new Centre for Health Sciences. Other capital projects are likely to be proposed as the University's teaching and research programs develop.
Abolition of the OAC year (projected for 2002-03) raises the prospect of artificially increasing enrolments with the influx of a double cohort of qualified applicants. This change will introduce greater numbers of younger students to the campus, possibly increasing the need for on-campus housing and renewing emphasis on promoting a safe campus.
Demographic profiles for the next decade indicate that a significant percentage of Canadians will retire from the workforce. This group represents a broadening market for lifelong learning and should stimulate changes in academic programming.
Land Management Practices
Availability of land is a dynamic issue which affects campus development and the University's relationship with neighboring landowners and the City of London.
The University's land holdings are located generally east of 深夜福利站 Road, north of Wharncliffe Road and south of London Health Sciences Centre (University Campus). Land holdings east of 深夜福利站 Road total approximately 110 hectares (272 acres). Land ownership west of 深夜福利站 Road is more fragmented. Here, the University owns a total of approximately 83.8 hectares (207 acres). The 1994 Campus Master Plan oriented new development to the west of 深夜福利站 Road.
Alternate use or sale of the Althouse College property is an option if the Faculty of Education could be moved to the main campus. Elsewhere, existing landowners are not presently inclined to extend right of first refusal to the University. It is consequently unlikely that significant land holdings will be acquired along the western boundary of the campus in the medium term.
A City of London provisional traffic plan expanding 深夜福利站 Road to a 6-lane arterial road is cause for delay in any redefinition of the campus border. Concern continues relative to traffic safety and parking issues on campus. These issues were identified in the original Master Plan and warrant additional consideration in the near to medium term.
Reconciling Principles With Pressures
Construction of the Canada Games Stadium is the most ambitious capital development project confronting the University in the next five years. Alongside our desire to furnish the stage for the best Games ever, the University is committed to construction of a long-term facility which will provide extended use for both the University and residents of the City of London.
In 1994, the Althouse College site was recommended as a desirable location for construction of such a stadium; in 1998, the preferred site is an acreage of marginal value property south of the Huron Flats Parking Lot.
Relocation of the Stadium would recognize the academic value of the land now occupied by the J.W. Little Stadium and afford an opportunity to reconfigure other facets of the campus community. (The existing stadium occupies a 10 acre parcel of land in a central campus location.) This will become prime space for academic buildings with badly needed large classrooms that will draw students to the centre of the campus.
The growth anticipated within Engineering Science and the Ivey School of Business may support relocation of these Faculties through expansion or new construction. Relocation by either of these Faculties or an alternate would create an opening to move the Faculty of Education to the core campus. A shift of this nature would align the majority of UWO buildings located to the west of 深夜福利站 Road in the northern half of the campus, contiguous with Huron College and the largest student residences.
The Fram Lands, situated west of Brescia College, were initially acquired as a buffering zone between residential properties and the University's 深夜福利站 Road holdings. These lands continue to lie dormant but offer potential for sale or development. Any such decision would be taken only after consultation with the City of London and our neighbors.
A smaller parcel of dormant land lies to the south, surrounding Grosvenor Lodge. (Some years ago, the University transferred ownership of Grosvenor Lodge to the City of London but retained ownership of surrounding lands fronting on Platt's Lane and 深夜福利站 Road.) This site is considered suitable for housing families and/or graduate students given its proximity to the housing complex known as Platt's Lane Estates. Again, any such decision would be taken only after consultation with the City and the community.
To the east, stadium construction on the Huron Flats would reduce greenspace and the number of playing fields in the vicinity. The University proposes to offset the resulting shortfall with a revised configuration of open space and more intensive use of the Stadium infield. The University does not presently intend to develop access to the area known as the Baldwin Flats and there is no current proposal to develop athletic playing fields east of the Thames River. Any future consideration for use of the Baldwin Flats for light recreational purposes would also occur only after consultation with the City of London and the surrounding neighborhood. In the face of all present factors, the University intends to accommodate the requirements of Campus Recreation and other field athletics needs on lands located on the western side of the river.
Announcement of the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and the Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund (ORDCF) by the federal and provincial governments respectively has created an opportunity for the University to seek funds for research-related initiatives. Construction of a 70,000 square ft building for use as an Advanced Research Institute may be possible on the site of the existing Bio-Engineering Building if adequate funding is available.
Statement of Intention
The 1994 Campus Master Plan was adopted by the University's Board of Governors on January 26, 1995. Considered a pivotal policy, the Master Plan has been a reference point for administrative decision making since that time -- a living document, as its authors intended. In the intervening years, the Master Plan has indeed provided a "framework for future development of The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario".
This Master Plan identifies the planning principles which will guide future decision making at the University. These are supported by recommendations for land use, building, architectural, transportation, circulation and landscape strategies, along with detailed Design Guidelines for implementation. The principles are illustrated by a range of project-specific developments and initiatives. The latter represent articulations of the effect of the applications of the strategies outlined in the Master Plan, rather than an obligation by the University Administration to implement individual projects in a particular way.
This amendment to the Campus Master Plan is consistent with its predecessor and is drafted to record the academic and operational changes which are influencing campus development.
First and foremost, the University endorses the principles set out in the 1994 Campus Master Plan and affirms their continuing validity. The University confirms its preparedness to apply the principles in matters of capital development and to strive for optimal balance when reconciling competing pressures. As before, the siting of buildings portrayed in this amendment is illustrative only. The University asserts its intention to govern effectively, and to do so in a fashion which advances the academic and professional needs of its students and employees. These perspectives will prevail, but they will not operate to the exclusion of information appraisal of the impact of development on those who reside in neighborhoods adjacent to the campus.
The Subcommittee on Capital Allocations (SUCA) has been reconstituted and assumes responsibility for examination of capital development projects which require the approval of the University's Senate and Board of Governors. Revised Terms of Reference are appended.
Consultation on the potential development of major projects involving land use, or amendment to the Campus Master Plan, will initially be the responsibility of the Administration which will discuss proposals informally with the community and the City of London. Formal broad consultation under the direction of the Chair of the Board of Governors will then take place.
* * * * * * * * * *
Terms of Reference
To provide critical appraisal and recommendation of the capital plan to SCUP
To recommend to SCUP budget allocations for the capital plan and on an annual basis to establish the
distribution of available funds between rehabilitation and facility adaptation
To be responsible for adherence to or amendment of the Campus Master Plan
To receive detailed reports from architects, consultants and others relative to any capital project affecting the
Campus Master Plan
To review any capital building addition or external modification exceeding expenditures of $500,000; any
landscape project in the core campus exceeding 5,000 square ft in area or expenditures of $100,000; any
other project considered by the Administration or the Subcommittee to have significance for the campus as a
Four members appointed by SCUP, at least two of whom are members of SCUP
Ex officio:
Chair of SCUP
Vice-President (Administration)
Senior Director, Physical Plant and Capital Planning Services
Planning Analyst, Institutional Planning and Budget
Manager, Occupational Health and Safety
Executive Officer, SCUP (non-voting)
Associate Director of Physical Plant
Supervisor, Special and Capital Funds
Membership Cycle: July 1 - June 30
Officers: Chair and Vice-Chair elected at the first meeting following election of new members
Meetings: Once monthly, or as required
(Subject to approval by Senate, June 19, 1998)
Board of Governors - APPENDIX III - Annex 8
Alumni OSOTF Bursaries (Any Faculty)
Awarded to undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need. Applications can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar. Selection of the students will be made by Financial Aid Services. These bursaries were established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by donations from UWO alumni.
Value: $1,000
Effective May 1998: 24
Effective May 1999: 32
Effective May 2000 and thereafter: 40
These bursaries will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund.
Catherine Mary Bowie Traveling Award (Faculty of Arts [French])
Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student entering third or fourth year of a French honors program. Students must have a minimum academic average of 75%, and must enroll in a course of study for which departmental approval has been received. Students receiving any other travelling scholarships, awards or fellowships are not eligible to receive this award. Applications can be obtained from the Department of French and must be submitted by students prior to the last day of classes to the Chair of the Department. The recipient will be selected by the Department of French. This award was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Margaret and George Bowie to honor the memory of their daughter, Catherine Mary Bowie (BEd '83, HBA '82, BA '80).
Value: $1,250
Effective: May 1998
W.A. McKenzie OSOTF Bursary (Any Faculty)
Awarded to any student who can demonstrate financial need. Established by W.A. McKenzie through Foundation 深夜福利站.
Value: Up to $1,200
Effective: May 1998
This bursary will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund.
W.K. Kellogg Foundation Award in Medicine (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry [Family Medicine])
Awarded to a medical student in Year I or Year II who is progressing satisfactorily in the "Health, Illness & Society" curriculum and can demonstrate financial need. To be eligible, Year I students will have demonstrated exceptional potential in the area of population health, community health, or social health issues and satisfactorily completed a related community-based activity. Year II students will have satisfactorily completed a community-based project in the core curriculum. This award was made possible by a generous donation from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
Students must apply for this award. Application forms are available at the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry and in the Office of the Registrar. Completed applications must be accompanied by a short essay (maximum 500 words) describing the student's interest and participation in population health, community health, or social health issues. Applications must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by February 28. Final selection will be made by the Department of Family Medicine.
Value: $1,400
Effective: May 1998
This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund.
Broda Prize in Occupational Therapy (Faculty of Health Sciences [Occupational Therapy])
Awarded annually to the student enrolled in the Occupational Therapy program who achieves the highest combined mark in the OT 341a and OT 342b courses. The student will be selected by the Awards Committee of the School of Occupational Therapy. The prize was made possible through the generosity of Broda Seating.
Value: $200
Effective: May 1998
Centre for Communicative and Cognitive Disabilities (CCCD) Awards (2) (Faculty of Education)
Awarded annually to full-time students pursuing a Bachelor of Education degree at any teaching level who are enrolled in an Educational Psychology or Special Education course, based on academic performance in the course and skill in practicum. Candidates for the award will be nominated by their course instructor or faculty practicum supervisor, and selected by the Director of CCCD in consultation with a committee. Nomination forms are available from the Undergraduate Education Office, Faculty of Education. Deadline for submission of nominations is the last day of the academic year.
Value: $100
Effective: May 1998
Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) - London Club Award (Any Faculty)
Awarded to a full-time undergraduate female student entering second year studies in any faculty who has been admitted to 深夜福利站 as a mature student and whose average falls within the 70-79% range after Year I. The student may retain this award until graduation provided that her academic average does not fall below 70%. This award was created through the generosity of the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) - London Club.
Value: Up to $1,000 (minimum $750)
Effective: May 1997
Special Initiative Award in Computer Science (Any Faculty)
Awarded to any undergraduate student with a year 1 average of at least 70% entering the second year of any program in computer science, or in a double area of concentration or joint honors program involving computer science and any other program.
Value: $500 to be applied toward tuition
Effective: June 1998
The recently approved UWO budget plan included a proposal to expand enrolment in software engineering programs and specializations in Computer Science and in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Coincident with the approval of 深夜福利站's plan, the Ontario government, in its own budget, announced the "Access to Opportunities" program aimed at increasing the number of graduates across the province in areas of computing and information technology, including computer science and electrical, computing, and software engineering. Once their plans are approved by the government, universities that substantially expand enrolment in these programs will receive sizeable continuing base budget allocations ($5000 and $3500 per additional engineering and computer science student, respectively) and will be eligible for private-sector/government matched one-time grants for infrastructure investment. In addition to students enrolled solely in such programs, eligible enrolment increases will include students in double areas of concentration and joint honors program that include computer science.
Given the compatibility of the Access to Opportunities program and 深夜福利站's own plans in this area, proposals are now being developed to attract support under this government program. These plans will include allocations of funds to support additional faculty and staff appointments and one-time equipment support for the enlarged programs based on anticipated funds from the Access to Opportunities program. In addition, areas outside of the Departments of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering will be allocated funds based on increased enrolment in double areas of concentration and joint honors programs with computer science (both BSc and BA programs). These plans are being developed with the relevant Chairs and Deans and have been presented in preliminary form at SCUP.
One aspect of these plans will be to pass on some portion of the additional funding to the students in these programs. Discussions with the Deans and Chairs involved indicate that it is feasible to put in place a Special Initiative Award for Computer Science for the fall of 1998, but that further discussion will be necessary in order to develop an appropriate parallel program for students in Engineering Science. A formal proposal for these students will be brought forward in the fall of 1998 for implementation in 1999-00. This Special Initiative Award is possible only because of this program-linked government funding opportunity.
Eve Harp and Judith Wiley Classical Studies Travel Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Arts Division [Classical Studies])
Awarded annually based on academic achievement to a graduate or undergraduate student in Classical Studies, to assist with travel costs for research at libraries or sites anywhere in the world, but especially Greece or Italy. Preference will be given to graduate students. The recipient will be selected by the Faculty of Arts Scholarship Committee in consultation with the Graduate Chair of Classical Studies. This award was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Eve Harp (BA '92) and Judith Wiley.
Value: $500
Effective: May 1997
Martin J. Bass - P.S.I. Foundation OSOTF Awards (3) (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Biosciences Division, [Family Medicine])
Awarded annually to part-time graduate students in the Master of Clinical Science Program offered by the Department of Family Medicine who have their Family Practice Certification (or equivalent certification from another country), have a minimum B average or equivalent, and demonstrate the greatest financial need. Application forms can be obtained from the Department of Family Medicine, Graduate Studies Program, and must be completed and returned by August 15. Selection will be made by the Director of Graduate Studies in Family Medicine in consultation with a committee. These awards have been made possible by a generous contribution from The Physicians' Services Incorporated Foundation in honor of the late Dr. Martin J. Bass (MSc '76).
Value: $2,000
Effective: May 1998
These awards will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program.
Leola E. Neal Memorial Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Biosciences Division [Psychology])
Awarded each Fall for the most outstanding MA thesis in any of the following subject areas in the Graduate Psychology Program: clinical, developmental, education, industrial/organizational, measurement, personality or social psychology. Students who are graduating in the Fall or who graduated in the Spring of the same calendar year will be eligible for consideration. After graduation the recipient must be immediately continuing as a full-time student in a doctoral program in Psychology at any university. The Graduate Studies Committee in the Department of Psychology will select the recipient. This award was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by family and friends of the late Leola E. Neal, a former faculty member and Dean of Women.
Value: $450
Effective: May 1998
Ross and Jean Clark Scholarships (2) (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Physical Sciences Division [Engineering])
Awarded to graduate students specializing in Environmental Engineering who have achieved the highest academic average. The recipients will be selected by the Graduate Committee of the Faculty of Engineering Science on the recommendation of the Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies. This Scholarship was made possible by the generosity of Ross and Jean Clark to assist graduate students specializing in Environmental Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering Science at 深夜福利站.
Value: $1,000
Effective: May 1998
Local Government Program Alumni Bursary (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Social Sciences Division [Public Administration])
Awarded to a graduate student who is registered part-time or full-time in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and is enrolled in the Master of Public Administration program, who demonstrates the greatest financial need. Selection of the recipient will be made by the Admissions Committee for the MPA program. This bursary was made possible by the generosity of Local Government Program alumni and supporters through Foundation 深夜福利站.
Value: $250
Effective: May 1998
This bursary will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program.
Paul de Mayo Award for Excellence in Chemical Research (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Physical Sciences Division [Chemistry] )
This award is to recognize achievement and potential in research work in Chemistry among graduate students at UWO. Candidates must have satisfactorily completed all requirements for the PhD degree including oral examination during a twelve-month period prior to the annual competition. Normally candidates would be enrolled in the graduate program in Chemistry, however, students enrolled in a cognate discipline such as Physics or Biochemistry may be eligible if their research director is a regular faculty member in the Chemistry Department. Details of the nomination procedure are available from the Department of Chemistry. This award was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by the family and friends of Paul de Mayo.
Value: Medal, certificate and a cash amount (determined annually by the Chemistry Endowment Committee in conjunction with Foundation 深夜福利站).
Effective: 1996
Barbara Brown Commemorative Scholarship (Faculty of Health Sciences [Kinesiology])
Change in value from: $200
To: $300
Effective: May 1998
Newton Rowell Entrance Scholarships (3) (Faculty of Law)
Change in wording from: "...Applicants should provide details and appropriate documentation in a letter to the Associate Dean (Academic) in early September..."
To: "...Applicants should provide details and appropriate documentation in a letter to be submitted along with their application for admission to first year of the Law program..."
County of Bruce Admission Scholarships (2) (Any Faculty)
Change in value from: $1,000
To: $600
Peat Marwick Thorne Bursary in Medicine (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry [Medicine])
Change in name to: KPMG Bursary in Medicine
Peat Marwick Thorne Bursary in Business (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Change in name to: KPMG Bursary in Business
Greek Ladies' Philoptochos Society Award (Any Faculty)
Change in name to: Greek Ladies' Philoptochos Society Bursary
Change in terms from: Awarded annually to a student of Greek descent.
To: Awarded annually to a student of Greek descent who demonstrates financial need.
Change in value from: $300
To: $200
Toronto 深夜福利站 Alumni Branch Bursary (Any Faculty)
Revise: This bursary, approved in April 1998, should not have been listed as receiving matched funding from the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund.
John A. Thomas Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Biosciences Division, Medicine)
Change in value from: $1,000 and a plaque
To: $1,500 and a plaque
Canada Wide Science Fair Scholarships (Faculty of Science)
Change in Name to: Canadian Science Fair Scholarships
Change in Number to: 30 (number previously undefined)
Change in terms from: Awarded to any member of Team Canada in the Canada Wide Science Fair who has an A average in their final year of high school. The award may be won once by students entering first year studies in the Faculty of Science at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario.
To: Awarded to students selected to participate as members of Team Canada in the International Science and Engineering Fair and to students awarded Gold Medals at the Canada Wide Science Fair. If the total number of scholarships awarded in the first two categories is less than thirty, the remaining scholarships will be offered to those candidates not selected to attend the International Fair because of insufficient funds. The award may be won once by students who enroll in the Faculty of Science. To be eligible, students entering first year at 深夜福利站
must have an A average in their final year of high school; students transferring to second year at 深夜福利站 must have an A average in their first year at another university.
Effective: July 1998