
Report of the Property & Finance Committee - Appendix II

Board of Governors - APPENDIX II - May 21, 1998


1. Operating and Capital Budgets

Recommended: That the University's Operating and Capital Budgets for 1998-99 and supporting Tuition and Fee schedules be approved as shown on Annex 1 and Annex 2.

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2. Student Fee Funded Units, Ancillaries, and Academic Support Units

Recommended: That the 1998-99 budgets for Ancillaries, Academic Support Units, Student Fee Funded Units and related Activity Fee rates, be approved as summarized in Annex 3.

Additional Information:

Student Fee Funded Units, Ancillaries, and Academic Support Units

  1. Table 1 in Annex 3 includes a summary of the budgets for Student Fee Funded Units, Ancillaries and Academic Support Units.

  2. In March 1998, the Campus & Community Affairs Committee reported to the Board that the Student Services Committee endorsed the ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Student Ancillary Fee schedule detailed in Tables 2-4 in Annex 3, including the change to the fee relating to the Student Development Centre, from $63.20 to $66.35, an increase of $3.15 or 5%. The Student Development Centre provides numerous services to students, including psychological counselling, career counselling, job placement, and academic counselling such as learning skills. The reason for the fee increase is that the number of students utilizing the services of the Centre has increased and, as a result, salary costs have increased.

    The overall Student Ancillary Fees will increase 14.3% for full-time undergraduate students. This is due principally to the introduction of a universal bus pass which forms part of the undergraduate student organization fees, based on the results of a student referendum. As reported by CCAC in its March report to the Board, the current cost of a September through April bus pass is $400 per student. The University Students' Council has negotiated with the London Transit Corporation (LTC) a $75 mandatory fee for all full-time undergraduate students, subject to approval by the Board of Governors. The $75 fee will give students unlimited ridership on all regularly scheduled LTC services from September through April. Based on a presentation by the USC to the CCAC in March, the CCAC recommended to Property & Finance that the universal bus pass proposal be approved as part of the 1998-99 student organization (USC) fee for full-time undergraduate students.

  3. The budgets for Glenmore & Lambton Hall Apartments and the Residences, along with their schedules of rates, have been reviewed and are recommended by the University Council on Student Housing.

Associated Companies (For Information)

  1. Annex 3, Table 1, includes a summary of the budgets for the University's Associated Companies.

  2. The 1998-99 budget for Platt's Lane Estates Inc. will be presented for approval at their next Board meeting.

  3. The budgets for the Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation, Ivey Management Services, and Richard Ivey School of Business (Asia) Limited have been approved by the Finance Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business.

  4. The 1997-98 actual results and 1998-99 budget for the UWO Research and Development Park and Windermere Manor Ltd. will be presented to the Board of Governors at a later date with an updated long term financial plan.

  5. The 1997-98 actual results and 1998-99 budget for the London Museum of Archaeology will be presented to the Board of Governors at a later date.