
Report of the Property & Finance Committee

Board of Governors - APPENDIX II - March 26, 1998


  1. Sydenham Hall Residence HVAC and Electrical Systems Upgrade: Approval of Project

    The Property and Finance Committee has approved the implementation of a project to upgrade the Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, and Electrical Systems in Sydenham Hall Residence, with a budget of $1,250,000. The funding for this project will be provided by the Division of Housing and Food Services. The project budget is shown in Annex 1.

    The mechanical and electrical systems in Sydenham Hall are now over 30 years old. Many of the major system components are either unreliable or obsolete, and thus need to be replaced. Major components in this upgrade include replacement of the existing chiller (currently operating at only 60% capacity due to operational problems), replacement of air handling units, refurbishment of a portion of the induction supply air units, replacement of deteriorated domestic cold water piping, and upgrading of the electrical power systems to suit new equipment.

    The planned construction start date for this project is May 4, 1998, with an anticipated completion date of August 15, 1998.

    Policy: Under Sec. 2.00 of Policy 2.15 -- Approval Authorities for construction and Maintenance Projects -- the Property & Finance Committee may approve projects Individual construction and maintenance projects with a budget in the range of $1,000,000 to $5,000,000.

  2. Weldon Library Renovation: Award of Contract

    The Property and Finance Committee approved the award of the construction contract for renovations to The D.B. Weldon Library to Norlon Builders London Limited at a cost of up to $1.48 million, exclusive of GST.

    In May of 1997, renovations to the Weldon Library at a total project cost of $2.5 million were approved as part of the Canada Ontario Infrastructure Works Program. Funding for the construction was to come from the following sources: infrastructure funding $272,000, and the remaining $2,228 million from fundraising. Excluding infrastructure funds, the total raised to date is approximately $400,000 with up to an additional $600,000 strongly committed. Efforts to raise the remaining funds will continue and it is expected that the target will be met. However, since all funds will not be received prior to completion of the project, carrying costs of $250,000 have been added to bring the budget to $2.75 million, as shown on the project budget attached as Annex 2.

    This is considered to be an essential project in support of the academic mission. For this reason, the University will proceed with this project and any shortfall in fundraising will be made up through a contribution from the Capital Fund Reserve and a reduction in the scope of the project (up to $100,000). Work is scheduled to commence in April 1998 and will be completed in October 1998.

    Eleven bids were received, but two were withdrawn. The nine bids considered ranged from $1,726,500 to $1,477.050 (Norlon). The estimated budget allowance for the project is $1,632,000

    Policy: The President or the Vice-President (Administration) may approve the award of a contract in the range of $500,000 - $2,000,000 under the terms of Policy 2.15. In this case, Property & Finance approval was sought in light of funding raising shortfalls to date.

  3. Recommendations of the Campus & Community Affairs Committee

    At its meeting of March 16, 1998, the Property & Finance Committee received the report of the Campus & Community Affairs Committee (included in this Board agenda as Appendix III). The report contained four recommendations to the Property & Finance Committee. The first three came from the Annual Report of the Student Services Committee; and the fourth from the University Students' Council.

    The first recommendation concerns non-tuition-related compulsory ancillary fees for 1998-99. This recommendation will be taken into consideration when the committee is presented with the 1998-99 operating budget, which includes these fees.

    The second recommendation was that the Property & Finance Committee approve and recommend to the Board of Governors that a specific account for services rendered by the Fowler-Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic be presented to Intercollegiate Athletics for the 1998-99 year. The Committee learned that the terms of the Agreement between the University and the London Health Sciences Centre concerning the Fowler-Kennedy Clinic does not require this type of accounting; a resolution of the Property & Finance Committee or the Board cannot compel the Clinic to undertake these activities. The Committee therefore agreed with the suggestion that the Vice-President (Administration) should consult the Clinic administration to see if they would be willing to respond to the request for accounting for services rendered to Intercollegiate Athletics for 1998-99.

    The third recommendation, also relating to the Fowler-Kennedy Clinic, is that the flow-through from Campus Recreation to the Fowler-Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic be phased out over a three year period. This recommendation will be taken into consideration when the Committee is presented with the 1998-99 operating budget which will include the 1998-99 budget for Campus Recreation.

    The fourth recommendation is for the establishment of a mandatory universal bus pass for undergraduate students. It originated with the University Students' Council, based on a recent student referendum. Since the universal bus pass will be one component of the USC fee for 1998-99, the CCAC recommendation to approve the fee will be considered in the context of the overall USC fee which will come forward in May.

  4. New Stadium Operating Agreement


    In November of 1997, the Board of Governors approved the commencement of the design of the new stadium to meet the 2001 Canada Games requirements, conditional upon reaching a stadium operating agreement with the City of London. Since that time, an environmental consultant has been retained to carry out an environmental assessment of the Huron Flats site before a detailed site selection and design are undertaken.

    The Property & Finance Committee was informed that some progress has been made between the City of London and other members of the 2001 Canada Games Alliance with regard to the development of an agreement. However, as of March 16, the terms of agreement for the operation of the stadium have been agreed to, but have not been submitted to and ratified by the City Council. Members of the University administration will continue to work with the City to get this agreement in place before further activities occur, in accordance with the conditions of approval from The Board of Governors.

  5. Report on Investment

    [Annex 3]

    Report of the Investment Committee

    For Information

    This report outlines the recent activities of the Investment Committee.


    The portfolio returned 16.7% for the 12 month period ending December 31, 1997. The performance can be summarized as follows:

    				Investment Returns (%)
    		12 Months	Annual		Annual         	Annual		to Dec 31,	Dec 31,		Dec 31,		Dec 31,
    Asset Class	1997		1996		1995		1994
    Bonds		9.7%		12.2%		21.7%		(4.4)%
     equities	14.7		27.1		13.0		 2.2
    Non North 
       equities	 7.0		10.4		10.4		(5.7)%
    U.S. equities	39.2		23.5		34.2		 4.2
    Total		16.7%		18.7%		18.3%		(1.0)%
    Return for the 
       Median fund*	15.3%		18.9%		17.4%		(1.0)%

    * The return for the median fund is from the Frank Russell sample of 76 investment portfolios.

    A comparison of 深夜福利站's investment performance with all other funds in the Frank Russell Canada universe, shows it to be in the second quartile for the 12 months ending December 31, 1997, in the second quartile for 1996, in the second quartile for 1995 and at the median for 1994.

    For the 5 years ending December 31, 1997, the annualized real rate of return for the portfolio was 13.9%, which consisted of a nominal (actual) annualized return of 15.2% less 1.3% for inflation, as measured by the CPI (Consumer Price Index). For the four years ending December 31, 1997, the annualized real rate of return was 11.7%, consisting of a nominal return of 12.9% less inflation of 1.2%. These returns exceed the Investment Committee's performance objective of a real rate of return of 5%.

    Book and Market Value of the Portfolio

    As at December 31, 1997, the operating and endowment portfolio had a book value of $141,764,000 and a market value of $164,755,000.

    		Book Value	Market Value	Actual		Target
    		($000's)	($000's)	Asset Mix	Asset
    Bonds		$63,517	         $65,282	 39.6%		40.0%
       equities	 37,992	          48,259	 29.4		30.0
    Non North 
       equities	 14,500	          15,881	  9.6		10.0
    U.S. equities	 25,755	          35,333	 21.4		20.0
    Total		$141,764        $164,755	100.0	        100.0

    Manager Review

    At the meeting on March 5, 1998, the committee interviewed Beutel Goodman. The committee has had concerns with the performance of Beutel, however it has been improving and the committee agreed to continue with this manager.

    Additional Information

    The attached pages 3 and 4 show the amounts held by each manager at December 31, 1997 as well as the annual annualized returns by manager over the 5 years ending December 31, 1997. [These attachments are unavailable for Web users.]

  6. Report on Scholarships

    [Annex 4]


    1. Scholarship/Award Conditions

      On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property and Finance Committee has approved the following terms of reference for new scholarships, bursaries, and awards:

      Faculty of Science Students' Council Awards (4) (Faculty of Science)

      Available to a full-time undergraduate student registered in any year beyond year one in the Faculty of Science who has a minimum 'B' average. Preference will be given to a student who has demonstrated leadership in both university and community activities. These awards have been established to recognize and assist a good student in the Faculty of Science and have been made possible by generous contributions from the Faculty of Science Students' Council and the Faculty of Science.

      Students must apply for these awards. Applications are available in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Science and in the Office of the Registrar. Completed applications must be accompanied by an essay (maximum 500 words) describing how the applicant has demonstrated leadership in university and community activities and must be returned to the Office of the Registrar, Rm. 190 Stevenson-Lawson Building not later than November 30th in any given year. Final Selection will be made by the Office of the Registrar in consultation with the Awards committee, Faculty of Science Students' Council.

      Effective:May 1998

      Edward Kernaghan HBA Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)

      Awarded to a student entering the first year of the HBA program based on financial need and minimum 'B' average. The award will be renewed for year two for students maintaining the defined criteria in HBA year one. If a student does not meet these requirements, year two students will have an opportunity to apply for this award.

      The HBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review and select each award recipient. Application forms for these awards are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business.

      These awards are made possible in recognition of a generous donation made by Edward Kernaghan (HBA '65) through Foundation 深夜福利站.

      Effective:May 1998

      This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program.

      Joan and Geno Francolini HBA Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)

      Awarded to a student entering first year of the HBA program based on financial need and minimum 'B' average. The award will be renewed for year two for students maintaining the defined criteria in HBA year one. If a student does not meet these requirements, year two students will have an opportunity to apply for this award.

      The HBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review and select each award recipient. Application forms for these awards are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business.

      These awards are made possible in recognition of a generous donation made by Joan (HBA and Secretarial Science '55) and Geno (HBA '54) Francolini through Foundation 深夜福利站.

      Effective:May 1998

      This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program.

      Thomas Brent HBA Awards (2) (Richard Ivey School of Business)

      Awarded to students entering first year of the HBA program based on financial need and minimum 'B' average. The award will be renewed for year two for students maintaining the defined criteria in HBA year one. If a student does not meet these requirements, year two students will have an opportunity to apply for this award.

      The HBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review and select each award recipient. Application forms for these awards are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business.

      These awards are made possible in recognition of a generous donation made by Thomas Brent (HBA '59) through Foundation 深夜福利站.

      Effective:May 1998

      This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program.

      Bruce Birmingham HBA Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)

      Awarded to a student entering first year of the HBA program based on financial need and minimum 'B' average. The award will be renewed for year two for students maintaining the defined criteria in HBA year one. If a student does not meet these requirements, year two students will have an opportunity to apply for this award.

      The HBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review and select each award recipient. Application forms for these awards are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business.

      These awards are made possible in recognition of a generous donation made by Bruce Birmingham, Chair of The Ivey Campaign, through Foundation 深夜福利站.

      Effective:May 1998

      This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program.
      Dez Windischmann Memorial Bursaries (2) (Faculty of Law)

      Awarded annually to students in the Faculty of Law demonstrating financial need. These bursaries were established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by family, classmates and friends in memory of Dez Windischmann (LLB '68).


      Effective:May 1998

      This bursary will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program.

      First Nations Entrance Scholarship (Faculty of Law)

      Awarded to a Native or Inuit student entering first year of the Law program based on a demonstrated record of public service in the Native or Inuit community. Selection will be made by the Admissions committee of the Faculty of Law. This scholarship was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Professor Bruce Feldthusen, the Faculty of Law, and members of the Native community.


      Effective:May 1998

      Mary Warner Prize in Human Rights (Faculty of Law)

      Awarded annually to a student completing the Human Rights course in Law who best exemplifies Mary Warner's commitment to the anti-discrimination ideals of Human Rights Law in Canada. Recipient will be chosen at the end of the course by means of a secret ballot vote by students enrolled in the course. This prize was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Professor Bruce Feldthusen in honor of Mary Warner.


      Effective:May 1998

      Michael Allen Harte Award (Faculty of Law)

      This award, given to a second year student in Law, is to honor the life of the late Michael Allen Harte (LLB '88). In addition to demonstrating academic ability, the recipient will have made significant contributions to the life of the Law school, his/her classmates and the community. The student will also reflect Michael's generosity of spirit, his humour and zest for life and his wonderful capacity for unfailing and enduring friendship, shared with so many. Candidates will be nominated by their peers and chosen by special committee. This award was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Michael's brother Paul E. Harte (LLB '92) and their parents Norma and Graeme Haill.


      Effective:May 1998

      David S. Simmonds HBA Awards (Richard Ivey School of Business)

      Awarded to a student entering the first year of the HBA program based on financial need and minimum 'B' average. The award will be renewed for year two for students maintaining the defined criteria in HBA year one. If a student does not meet these requirements, year two students will have an opportunity to apply for this award.

      The HBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review and select each award recipient. Application forms for these awards are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business.


      Effective:May 1998

      This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program.

      Parents' Fund Ontario Student Bursaries (11) (Any Faculty)

      Available to any undergraduate student who is progressing satisfactorily and has demonstrated financial need. These bursaries were made possible by generous contributions from 深夜福利站 parents and the Government of Ontario through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund.

      Value:Up to $1,000

      Effective:May 1998

      This bursary will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program.

      L. Maxwell Forsythe Scholarship in Medicine (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Medicine)

      Awarded annually to a student entering first year of the MD program who has achieved the highest applicant score, based on current admission criteria. This scholarship was made possible by Mary C. Forsythe in memory of her late husband Maxwell Forsythe.

      The recipient will be selected by the Admissions Committee within the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario.


      Effective:May 1998

      Jean Winnifred Forrest Scholarships (2) (Faculty of Health Science, Nursing)

      Awarded annually to undergraduate students who have completed year 3 of the basic undergraduate Nursing program, have a minimum 'A' average and demonstrate an interest in and commitment to family and community nursing. The recipient will be selected by the Scholarships and Awards Committee of the School of Nursing. This scholarship was made possible by a bequest from the late Jean W. Forrest through Foundation 深夜福利站.


      Effective:May 1998

      Nabisco Scholarship (Any Faculty)

      Awarded annually to the student with the highest standing in Foods and Nutrition 025a/b. Tenable only by students enrolled at the constituent university.


      Effective:May 1998

      County of Grey Scholarship (Any Faculty)

      Awarded to the top first-year student entering in the Fall from the County of Grey with a minimum average of at least 80%.


      Effective: 1998-99 only.

    2. Scholarship/Award Revisions

      On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property and Finance Committee has approved the following revisions to the terms of reference for existing scholarships, bursaries, and awards:

      Norman B. Keevil Award in Earth Sciences (Faculty of Science)

      Change in wording from: Awarded annually to a full-time student entering third year in the Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science. This award will be made to a student in the top quarter of the class who demonstrates a long-term interest in the discipline of Geophysics or Geology through academic or extra-curricular activities. The award will be continuing for two years, provided the student remains in the program and continues to be in the top quarter of the class.

      To: Awarded annually to a full-time student entering third year of an Earth Sciences program who is in the top quarter of the program and who demonstrates a long-term interest in the discipline of Geophysics or Geology through academic or extra-curricular activities. The award will be continuing for two years provided the student remains in an earth sciences program and continues to be in the top quarter of the program.

      Elizabeth A. Fowler Bursary (Any Faculty)

      Change in name to: Libby McAskile Fowler Bursary

      Change in wording from: Awarded to any student who demonstrates financial need. This bursary was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 in recognition of Elizabeth A. Fowler's contribution to The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario during her term as Chair of the Board of Governors.

      To: Awarded to any undergraduate student who demonstrates financial need. Preference will be given to students from Oxford County. This bursary was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 in recognition of Libby Fowler's contribution to The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario during her term as Chair of the Board of Governors.

      MacKay-Lassonde Awards in Computer Engineering (2) (Faculty of Engineering Science)

      Change in wording from: Awarded annually to two students enrolled in either the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering with a computer engineering option, or in the concurrent Electrical Engineering and Computer Science program who demonstrate financial need.

      To: Available to students enrolled in either a computer engineering option in Electrical and Computer Engineering or in the concurrent Electrical Engineering and Computer Science program who demonstrate financial need. Recipients will be selected based on their potential for leadership and other qualities likely to result in distinguished achievement in the future. Final selection will be made by the Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Science. Established through the generosity of Pierre Lassonde and Claudette MacKay-Lassonde.

      This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund.

      Change in effective date: 1 available in 1999 and 2 available in 2000.

      Scotiabank Continuing Awards (12) (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences Division/Business Administration)

      Change in name and number to: Scotiabank Continuing MBA Awards (2)

      Change in wording from: Awarded to students in the MBA programs who have a minimum 'B' average and an interest in pursuing a career in the financial services industry, with a particular interest or background in the Americas or entrepreneurship who demonstrate financial need. Renewable upon application for students who continue to the criteria outlines. Contact the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business or the Office of the Registrar. Deadline August 15. Selection to be made by the MBA Scholarship Committee.

      To: Awarded to students in the MBA programs who have a minimum 'B' average and an interest in pursuing a career in the financial services industry, with a particular interest or background in the Americas or entrepreneurship who demonstrate financial need. The award will be renewed for year two students, ranking in the top 50% of year one who maintain the above criteria. If a student does not meet these requirements, year two students will have an opportunity to apply for this award. Application forms are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business. Deadline August 15. Selection to be made by the MBA Scholarship Committee.

      Scotiabank Continuing Awards (10) (Richard Ivey School of Business)

      Change in name and number to: Scotiabank Continuing HBA Awards (4)

      Change in wording from: Awarded to students in the HBA program who have a minimum 'B' average and an interest in pursuing a career in the financial services industry, with particular interest or background in the Americas or entrepreneurship who demonstrate financial need. Renewable upon application for students who continue to the criteria outlined. Application forms are available from the Office of the Registrar and from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business and must be completed and returned to the Office of the Registrar not later than August 15th. Final selection will be made by the HBA Scholarship Committee.

      To: Awarded to students in the HBA program who have a minimum 'B' average and an interest in pursuing a career in the financial services industry, with particular interest or background in the Americas or entrepreneurship who demonstrate financial need. The award will be renewed for year two students who maintain a minimum 'B' average. If a student does not meet these requirements, year two students will have an opportunity to apply for this award. Application forms are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business. Deadline August 15th. Final selection will be made by the HBA Scholarship Committee.

      Change in value from: $10,000 each

      To:$5,000 each

      Baldwin Family Scholarships (5) (Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Social Science)

      Change in name to: Baldwin Family Scholarships in Honors English (3), Baldwin Family Scholarships in Honors History (2)

      Change in wording from: Awarded to three students entering the second year of Honors English (or those in combined programs) and to two students entering second year of Honors History (or those in combined programs) who have achieved minimal 'A' averages at the end of their first year, and who will not be the recipients of any other scholarship of $1,000 or above. These scholarships were established by Mr. B. I. and Lorna Baldwin, and Mr. W.C.P. and Lucile Baldwin through Foundation 深夜福利站.

      To: Awarded to three students entering the second year of Honors English (or those in combined programs) who have achieved minimal 'A' averages at the end of their first year, and who will not be the recipients of any other scholarship of $1,000 or above. These scholarships were established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by (the late) Bentley (HBA '35) and Lorna (BA '36) Baldwin, and William (LLD '78) and Lucile (BA '31) Baldwin

      and: Awarded to two students entering the second year of Honors History (or those in combined programs) who have achieved minimal 'A' averages at the end of their first year, and who will not be the recipients of any other scholarship of $1,000 or above. These scholarships were established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by (the late) Bentley (HBA '35) and Lorna (BA '36) Baldwin, and William (LLD '78) and Lucile (BA '31) Baldwin.

      Dow Chemical of Canada Limited Award (Faculty of Engineering Science)

      Change in wording from: Awarded to an undergraduate student entering the final year in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering who has a sincere interest in the Chemical Industry, who stands in the upper half of the class, demonstrates leadership in extra-curricular activities, and does not hold another award or scholarship.

      To: Awarded to an undergraduate student entering the final year in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering who has a sincere interest in the Chemical Industry, who stands in the upper half of the class, demonstrates leadership in extra-curricular activities.

      Thomas N. Guinsburg Bursary (Faculties of Arts, Science, Social Science and Communications & Open Learning)

      Change in value from:minimum $500

      To:up to $200

      Gudewill Entreprenuerial Awards (2) (Richard Ivey School of Business)

      Change in effective date to: May 1997

      UWO Board of Governors Bursary (Any Faculty)

      Change in name and number to: UWO Board of Governors Bursaries (2)

      Bonnie (McGregor) Brannan Award (Any Faculty)

      Change in value from:$325

      To: $550

      Effective: May 1998

      The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Award in Cardiology (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)

      Change in value from:$200


      Benjamin Weidenbaum & Cecelia Rotstein Scholarship (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)

      Change in value from:$550 and $350

      To:$600 and $400

      Effective: May 1998

      Meds Class of 1961 Bursary (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)

      Change in value from:$600


      Effective: May 1998

      Archie & Alma Etherington Family Scholarship (Any Faculty)

      Change in value from:$1,500


      Effective: May 1998

      Suzanne Hermann Award (Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing)

      Change in value from:$700


      Helen Reid Bursaries (5) (Any Faculty)

      Change in name and number to: Helen Reid Bursaries (50)

      Change in value from:$500


      Carswell Company Limited Entrance Scholarship (Faculty of Law)

      Change in value from:$500


      Smith Lyons Entrance Scholarship (Faculty of Law)

      Change in value from:$500


      Bruce County Admission Scholarships (2) (Any Faculty)

      Change in value from:$1,000


      Herstmonceux Scholarship (Any Faculty)

      Change in name to: Richard Ivey Foundation Scholarships for the Canadian University Study Abroad Program at Herstmonceux Castle (2) - [3 awards will be available in the year 2000]

      Masonville Place True North Bursary (Any Faculty)

      Change in wording from: Awarded annually to a London area student entering first year of studies at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario on the basis of proven financial need. Preference will be given to students fulfilling the following conditions:

      Must be a permanent resident of the City of London or Middlesex County in the year prior to beginning first year studies at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario;

      Financial need must be evident and applicants must agree to confidentially submit information about personal finances to the selection committee for verification.

      To: Awarded annually to a London area student entering first year of studies at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario. Preference will be given to students fulfilling the following conditions:

      Must be a resident of the City of London or Middlesex County in the year prior to beginning first year studies at 深夜福利站;

      Must demonstrate financial need.

      Communicative Disorders Grad Pact Bursary (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Biosciences Division, Communicative Disorders)

      Change in value from:$250


      Change in effective date to: May 1999.

      Lillian Margaret & Walter David Jackson Scholarship in Physics (Faculty of Science)

      Change in value from:$1,000


      Stephen Watchorn Memorial Award (Faculty of Law)

      Change in value from:Gold Medal

      To:$200 plus Gold Medal

      Jeffery Bertrand PhD Dissertation Research Fellowship [Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Sciences Division/Business)

      Change in value from: $6,000

      To: $5,000

      [Erroneously, a recommendation was made to the last meeting of Property & Finance that the award be increased from $5,000 to $6,000. The proposed change will allow the single award (previously 3 awards) to revert to the former $5,000 value.]

    3. Discontinued Awards

      The Property & Finance Committee was informed of the following discontinued awards:

      Effective 1997/98:

      Part-Time and Mature Students' Association (PTMSA) Bursary

      Local 27 CAW Bursary