1. New Residence: Project, Budget and Design Approval
Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the design of a new residence on the north side of University Drive at a cost of no more than $20 million.
At a special meeting on December 10, 1997, the Board of Governors approved:
a) the use of the north side of University Drive as the site for the construction of a new 380 to 450 bed residence, and
b) that the detailed design of the residence proceed, subject to approval in January 1998, of the exterior design, and that the maximum project budget be less than $20 million.
Subsequent to that approval, numerous meetings have been held to discuss the site selection and design of the proposed residence. This included three meetings with the Planning Committee of the London City Council, where Broughdale community and Tower Lane residents attended and expressed their views. In addition, two meetings were held with local residents to discuss the design -- one on January 6 and another on January 20, 1998. The site plan was submitted to the City for approval on January 25, 1998, and will be the subject of a public review meeting prior to the approval by the City in February 1998.
The proposed design has been developed as a result of consideration of zoning requirements and input from the local residents, the City Planning Department and the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. While the design evolved through a number of iterations to address regulatory requirements and a number of concerns from the neighbors, the construction and size of the building remain a concern to some of the neighbors. Every effort is being made to minimize the effect of the building on the Tower Lane residents, and they will continue to be consulted. The exterior and interior design of the facility has also been developed with consideration of the principles identified in the Campus Master Plan. The exterior and interior design of the building are shown in Annex 1. Additional drawings and a rendering will be available for viewing at the Board meeting.
The proposed residence will provide approximately 400 new bedrooms, in keeping with the University's goal of providing on-campus accommodation for its first year student population. In addition, Housing offices and summer academic counselling will be accommodated in this 185,000 square foot structure.
The building's siting conforms with the principles of the Campus Master Plan. The importance of University Drive is acknowledged by the placement of the major part of the building facade along the road, creating a strong urban edge. Tree planting and landscaping will buffer the building from our neighbors. The mass of the building is stepped down from five stories on each wing to two in the middle. The layout of the building also creates an outdoor courtyard for informal recreation and for organized activities, in keeping with the campus tradition of well-defined outdoor spaces.
The architectural treatment of the building's exterior is also in accordance with the guidelines of the Campus Master Plan. The form, characteristic of many of the University's buildings, has been created to improve the main entry to the University. Facades have been given rhythmic vertical articulation by emphasizing the corner window projection of each suite's common room and by the vertical grouping of the bedroom windows within each bay. Masonry is the prime exterior material, in colors matching the natural stone of the other residences on University Drive.
The typical suite, similar to those in Essex Hall, provides each resident with a bedroom/study, which includes a window. Bedrooms are arranged in pairs, two sharing a bathroom. The suite's common room features an open servery area with an eating counter. Also, specially designed suites will be provided for the disabled, and typical suites will include improved accessibility features, such as wider doors and hallways.
The project remains on an extremely tight schedule and budget. Current information indicates that prices in the construction industry are volatile and difficult to predict. While making allowance for some inflation, it is believed that the project can be completed at a cost of $20 million. The detailed budget will be presented in the confidential session of the Board of Governors meeting. This project will be self-funded through the Division of Housing and Food Services.
It is proposed to call tenders in April 1998 and complete the project by the summer of 1999.
2.Guarantee for the Bank of Nova Scotia
Recommended:That the Board of Governors authorize that the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario guarantee the indebtedness and liability of the Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation, in the amount of $7.8 million. Such guarantee shall be issued to the Bank of Nova Scotia and the signing authorities under Special Resolution 4 (Investments) are authorized to sign any related agreements on behalf of the Board of Governors.
[Note: The signing Officers under special resolution 4 are: Any one of group "A" [President, Vice-President (Administration), Provost, Secretary of the Board] plus any one of group "B" [Senior Director - Financial Services Division, Manager of Financial Analysis and Budget Administration, Manager - Corporate Accounting, Treasury Analyst]
The South Wing addition of Spencer Hall was completed in September 1992 at a cost of $8.06 million; it has been financed by short term borrowing from the Bank of Nova Scotia. The Board of Governors guaranteed the repayment of this loan in the amount of $8.0 million on behalf of Spencer Hall Foundation in January 1994. Now that the operations, assets and liabilities of Spencer Hall Foundation have been transferred to the Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation and the Bank of Nova Scotia is no longer a direct partner in the operations of this facility, the Bank of Nova Scotia has requested that the University transfer the guarantee from Spencer Hall Foundation to the Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation and include in the guarantee all loans related to these operations.
The guarantee relates to the following loans:
South Wing addition $7,500,000
Previous renovation loan 150,000
Operating loan 150,000
Total guarantee $7,800,000
The plan for the repayment of these loans will be included in the annual plan for the Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation.
3. Renewal of Lease of the Graphics Building to the Weldon Park Academy
Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the extension of the lease of the Graphics Building to the Weldon Park Academy for a period of one year, to June 1999, subject to the successful negotiations related to the cost sharing of the maintenance of the facility during that period.
In 1996, the Board of Governors approved the lease of the Graphics Building to the Weldon Park Academy for a period of up to two years at an annual rent of $140,122.60 per year, exclusive of GST. The University has kept expenses related to the operation and maintenance of this facility below the revenue from the rent.
The Weldon Park Academy is in the process of searching for a permanent site for the school. Due to the time required to review and assess sites, the school has indicated that it will not be ready to relocate before the 1998/99 academic year. As a result, they have requested a one year extension to the lease.
Prior to the initiation of the lease with the Weldon Park Academy, it was proposed to demolish the Graphics Building because there was no beneficial use by the University for this aging facility. At present, there is no identified University use for the facility and/or the land beneath it. The relationship with the Weldon Park Academy during the past year and a half has been good and it is proposed to renew most terms of the current lease, with the exception that changes will be proposed related to the maintenance of facilities. These changes will involve transferring a greater degree of responsibility for funding the repair of major building systems, should they fail, to the Weldon Park Academy and, therefore, reduce the risk to the University.
1. Preferred Corporate Travel Agencies
In March of 1992 the Purchasing Department approached 18 travel agencies requesting proposals on how they would provide "travel services" to the University.
The successful travel agencies were P. Lawson Travel and Ruse Travel. The use of the preferred travel agents could not be mandated and therefore no firm commitment was made with respect to annual expenditures. As a result an agreement was established between the University and these agencies based on the proposal that they submitted. This agreement took effect in June 1992 with the two preferred travel agencies providing travel services under the same terms and conditions which included, among other things, a rebate of 3% on all airfare. Consolidation provides leverage in dispute resolution and achieves a high level of service. Sharing the business between two suppliers allows some flexibility to travellers.
Over the past five years the use of the preferred travel agencies has steadily grown. This, however, has not been without considerable investment by both Purchasing and the travel agents to encourage the use of the preferred agencies. Currently 60% of all travel arrangements are booked through one of the preferred agencies.
In 1995, P. Lawson Travel was taken over by Carlson Wagonlit and in 1996 Ruse Travel became associated with Carlson Wagonlit. These mergers basically now give the University one preferred travel agency with two branch offices.
In accordance with Board policy related to the purchase of material and services, (policy 2.8 section 6.02), the following reasons are sighted to support the continued use of the current relationships:
1. User compliance would be difficult if not impossible to mandate.
2. In the absence of mandatory use of a given agency, the transition from the current agent to another agent would be very slow. In addition, it would require investment of considerable Purchasing resources with no perceived benefit especially in light of the new commission caps being imposed on travel agents.
3. The present compliance rate indicates that there is a high degree of user satisfaction with the current agencies.
The University currently spends approximately $750,000 per annum with the preferred agencies under these arrangements and, as a result, the applicable budget units have received rebates in excess of $21,000 per year.
For the above reasons, the University will continue to use Carlson Wagonlit / Ruse Travel and Carlson Wagonlit Travel as the preferred corporate travel agencies for the next five years.
See Annex 2. [Copies in paper format are available from the University Secretariat.]
3. Environmental and Safety Incidents
There were two fires on campus since the last reporting; each is detailed below. In general, the responses to the events were considered to be effective. The details, however, are continuing to be reviewed with the aim of prevention, improving response and operational procedures.
Fire - Althouse College
On December 3, 1997, at approximately 2:00 p.m., a fire occurred in a chemical storage and mixing room adjacent to the chemistry teaching laboratory in Althouse College. Due to the mislabelling of a chemical, two incompatible chemicals were mixed together, which caused a fire. As a result of the compartmentalization of the other chemicals stored in the room, the impact of the fire was minimized. The individual who mixed the chemicals received only minor injuries. Chemical information sheets posted at the door to the room assisted the Fire Department in coping with the fire.
Damage was confined to the room, the roof deck and the roofing above the room. Subsequent to the fire, a restoration crew was contracted and the clean up was commenced such that classes could be given the following morning. The total clean up and damage repair is estimated at approximately $90,000 and will be covered by the University's self-insurance fund.
Fire - Chemistry Building
On January 16, 1998 at approximately 2:30 p.m., a fire occurred in Room 308 of the Chemistry Building. A graduate student was working with chemicals in a fumehood when a small fire occurred. At that time, a beaker was dropped with one of the chemicals in it and the liquid caught fire. A second graduate student heard screams and came running from the next lab.
Injuries to the first student were confined to the upper left leg. The second student suffered burns to fingertips on both hands. Both were treated at University Hospital Emergency. Damage was minimal and consisted mainly of damage from the safety shower water and some floor stains.
See Annex 3 [outlined below].
Board of Governors - APPENDIX II - January 29, 1998 - Annex 3
1. Scholarship/Award Conditions
On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property and Finance Committee has approved the following Terms of Reference for new scholarships, bursaries and awards:
Irene Dewdney Art Therapy Award (Faculty of Communications and Open Learning)
Awarded annually to a student in the final year of a Diploma in Art Therapy who has demonstrated creativity, innovation and skill in the practical component of the program. Completion of an application form will not be necessary. Art therapy supervisors will nominate deserving students and a special committee will be responsible for the final selection of the recipient.
Value: $150
Effective: May 1997
Legacies for Tomorrow Entrance Scholarships (2) (Any Faculty)
Awarded annually to first-year undergraduate students with a minimum 85% average. The selection of the students will be made by the Student Awards Office at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario. These scholarships were established through the generosity of planned giving donors who, through their estate, made an unrestricted gift to Foundation 深夜福利站.
Effective:May 1997
Reinhard Konrad Memorial Bursaries (2) (Any Faculty)
Awarded to students who meet the OSOTF eligibility requirements for financial need. Preference for one of the bursaries will be given to a student with an identified disability such as a hearing impairment, visual impairment, learning disability or physical disability. These bursaries were established by Richard Konrad in memory of his father, Reinhard Konrad, through Foundation 深夜福利站.
Effective:May 1999
This bursary will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Fund.
Hugh McKellar Award (Any Faculty)
Awarded to an undergraduate student in any course of study at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario who meets the OSOTF criteria for financial need and has maintained a minimum "B" average. Preference will be given to students beyond year one, and to those who attended Lambton Central Collegiate. The award recipient is not precluded from applying for the award in subsequent years. Application forms are available at the Office of the Registrar and must be returned by October 31st. This award was established by Mr. Hugh D. McKellar through Foundation 深夜福利站 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his graduation from Lambton Central Collegiate.
Effective:May 2000
This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Fund.
Edwin R. Jarmain Entrance Scholarship (Any Faculty)
Awarded annually to a full-time student entering first year from the City of London or County of Middlesex with a minimum average of 85%. This scholarship was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Trojan Technologies Inc. and the family and friends of Edwin R. Jarmain in recognition of his service to Trojan Technologies and the London Community.
Effective:May 1998
Mervin Wass Bursaries (2) (Faculty of Science/Mathematics)
Awarded annually to full-time students registered in the Department of Mathematics in the Faculty of Science who have a minimum average of 75% and demonstrate financial need. Established by Mervin Wass (BA '33) through Foundation 深夜福利站.
Value:up to $2,500
Effective:May 1998
Catherine Michelle Newton Memorial Bursary (Faculty of Science)
Awarded to an undergraduate student who is registered in any year in the Faculty of Science and demonstrates financial need. This bursary was created by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), London Chapter, through the generosity of Domino's Pizza and Nationwide Gourmet, in memory of Catherine Michelle Newton, a young woman whose attitude, character and actions enriched the lives of those who knew her.
Effective:May 1997
2. Scholarship/Award Revisions
On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property and Finance Committee has approved the following changes in existing scholarships, awards and bursaries:
Bob Gage Awards (2) (Any Faculty)
Change in wording from: Awarded annually to two students who have completed one year at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, who have demonstrated financial need and academic achievement (minimum 70% average). One must have demonstrated leadership qualities as a current member of the intercollegiate football team and the other as a current member of an intercollegiate basketball team. In the event that two students meeting these criteria cannot be identified, consideration may be extended to members of an intercollegiate Track and Field team who meet the other established criteria. This award was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Bob Gage, a sports journalist and longtime advocate of youth and Canadian interuniversity sport.
To: [Change last sentence to the following 2 sentences]... These awards were established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Bob Gage, a sports journalist and longtime advocate of youth and Canadian interuniversity sport. Application forms are available at the Office of the Registrar (Rm. 190), Stevenson-Lawson Building and the Athletics Office (Rm. 120), Thames Hall. Deadline to apply is October 31.
Dorothy Thompson Awards (12) (Any Faculty)
Change in wording from: Awarded to students who have completed one year at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario who have demonstrated financial need, academic achievement (minimum 70% average) and have demonstrated leadership qualities as a current member of an intercollegiate athletic team. Preference will be given to students in the intercollegiate football program. These awards were established through Foundation 深夜福利站 in honor of Dorothy Thompson whose three sons played football at three different CIAU institutions (The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, Carleton University and the University of Ottawa).
To: [Add to the end]... Application forms are available at the Office of the Registrar (Rm. 190), Stevenson-Lawson Building and the Athletics Office (Rm. 120), Thames Hall. Deadline to apply is October 31.
The June Burr Bursary (Any Faculty)
Change in name to: June Burr Award
Change in wording from: Available to an undergraduate student in the second, third or fourth year of any faculty who has demonstrated financial need, academic achievement, and athletic leadership, in that order. Established by the "W" Club through Foundation 深夜福利站.
To: [Add to the end]...Application forms are available at the Office of the Registrar (Rm. 190), Stevenson-Lawson Building and the Athletics Office (Rm. 120), Thames Hall. Deadline for application is October 31.
Sociology Award Undergraduate (Faculty of Social Science/Sociology)
Change in value from: $250
To: $300
Effective: May 1997
The James Emerson Miles Bursary in Engineering Science (Faculty of Engineering Science)
Change in wording from: Awarded annually to a student in the Faculty of Engineering Science who demonstrates financial need. Preference will be given to students who are sons or daughters of Building Trade Artisans.
To: [Add to the end}...This bursary was established to honor the memory of James Emerson Miles, a mason who worked on the erection and repair of the fabric of the University from 1914 to 1973. It was his proud boast that every building at the University, including Brescia Hall, St. Peter's Seminary and Huron College had benefited from his skill as a mason during that time.
James D. McNabb Scholarship in Chemistry (Faculty of Science/Chemistry)
Change in wording from: Awarded to the student registered in fourth year Honors Chemistry who has the best overall record in the third year of the Honors chemistry program. The winner will not have won any other major academic award in the same year. Established by James D. McNabb, through Foundation 深夜福利站.
To: Awarded to the student registered in fourth year Honors Chemistry who has the best overall record in the third year of the Honors chemistry program. Established by James D. McNabb, through Foundation 深夜福利站.
Elizabeth Bush Bursary (Faculty of Health Sciences/Nursing)
Change in value from:$300
To: $400
Effective: May 1997
Meyer R. Solomon Scholarships (2) (Faculty of Law)
Change in name from: Meyer R. Solomon Scholarships (2)
To: Meyer R. Solomon Scholarship
Change in value from: $500
To: $1000
Change in number from: 2
To: 1
Change in name from: Meyer R. Solomon Scholarship
To: Meyer R. Solomon Scholarships (2)
Change in number from: 1
To: 2
Change in value from:$1000
Effective May 1998
A. Dorothy Turville Undergraduate Language Travelling Fellowships (Faculty of Arts)
Change in value from: $2,000
To: $2,500
Effective: May 1997
American Dental Society of Anesthesiology Award (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry/Dentistry)
Change in terms from: Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dentistry to a third-year student who is judged to be most proficient in anaesthesiology. A Certificate.
To: Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dentistry to a second-year student who is judged to be most proficient in anaesthesiology. A Certificate.
The Ontario Dental Association Proficiency Award (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry/Dentistry)
Change in terms from: Awarded annually to a fourth-year student who is a current member of the Ontario Dental Association and who, on the recommendation of the Dean and Faculty, shows the greatest proficiency in general dentistry.
To: Two awards presented annually, on the recommendation of the Examinations Committee to a fourth-year student and to a third-year student who are members of the Ontario Dental Association and who have demonstrated proficiency in general dentistry and made meaningful contributions to the School or the University.
Change in Number from: 1
To: 2
Change in Value from: $500 and a Certificate
To: $500 and a Plaque to each recipient
W.B. Saunders Book Award (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry/Dentistry)
Change in name to: Harcourt Brace & Co. Canada Health Sciences Award
Norman B. Keevil Award in Earth Sciences (Faculty of Science/Earth Sciences)
Change in wording from: Awarded biannually to a full-time student entering third year in the Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science. This award will be made to a student in the top quarter of the class who demonstrates a long-term interest in the discipline of Geophysics or Geology through academic or extra-curricular activities. The award will be continuing, provided the student remains in the program and continues to be in the top quarter of the class.
To: Awarded annually to a full-time student entering third year in the Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science. This award will be made to a student in the top quarter of the class who demonstrates a long-term interest in the discipline of Geophysics or Geology through academic or extra-curricular activities. The award will be continuing for two years, provided the student remains in the program and continues to be in the top quarter of the class.
Albert O. Jeffery Scholarship in Plant Sciences (Faculty of Science/Plant Sciences)
Change in wording from: Awarded to the highest ranking student in the third year of the BSc Biology, or BSc Biology and Environmental Science Program who is registered for a minimum of one full course or equivalent from those offered solely by the Department of Plant Sciences.
To: Awarded to the highest ranking student entering the third year of the BSc Biology, or BSc Biology and Environmental Science Program who is registered for a minimum of one full course or equivalent from those offered solely by the Department of Plant Sciences.
Gillespie/Chapman Scholarship (Faculty of Social Science/Administrative and Commercial Studies)
Change in wording from: Awarded annually to a student entering the third year of the ACS: AIS program. (In memory of the late Miss Mary Gillespie and the late Mrs. Elaine Chapman who devoted many years to teaching at 深夜福利站.)
To: Awarded annually to a student entering the third year of the ACS program. In memory of the late Miss Mary Gillespie and the late Mrs. Elaine Chapman who devoted many years to teaching at 深夜福利站.
Albert Whitlow Choral Award (Faculty of Music)
Change in wording from: Awarded in consultation with the senior choral conductor in the Faculty of Music, to a choral conductor of promise.
To: Awarded to an undergraduate student in their second year or beyond who has demonstrated promise as a choral conductor and demonstrates financial need. The student will be chosen by the Faculty of Music Scholarship Committee in consultation with the Senior Choral Conductor.
Change in value from: $650
To:up to $900
Effective May 1997
This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund.
Rosie Robinow Awards (3) (Faculty of Music)
Change in name to: Rosie Robinow Award
Change in wording from: Awarded in consultation with the Dean of the Faculty of Music, to promising students (preferably in piano) entering or registered in any year except the graduating year of the Faculty of Music.
To: Awarded to promising students (preferably in piano) in any but the graduating year in the Faculty of Music. Students will be chosen by the Scholarship Committee of the Faculty of Music based on performance, academic achievement and financial need.
Change in number and value from: 3 at $350 each
To: 1 or more awards at $1,200
This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund
Mary G. Lawrason Admission Scholarship (Any Faculty)
Change in name to: Douglas and Mary Gladys Lawrason Admission Scholarship
Wilfred and Zeta O'Donnell Travelling Fellowship (Faculty of Arts)
Change in number from: 1 at $2,000 for study in Europe and 1 at $500 for
study in Quebec
To: 2 at $2,000 for study in Europe and 2 at $500 for study in Quebec
David H. Carr Bursaries in English (9) (Faculty of Arts/English)
Change in value from:up to $500
To: Up to $750
Christina MacKerracher Admission Scholarships (Any Faculty)
Change in number from: 4
To: 5
The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Award in Cardiology (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry/Medicine)
Change in value from:$200
G.F. England Family Bursary (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry/Medicine)
Change in value from:$1,000
Effective May 1998
Dickson-Laird Bursaries (2) (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry/Medicine)
Change in value from:$1,500
Allison H. Johnson Scholarship in Philosophy (Faculty of Arts/Philosophy)
Change in value from:$1,000
Effective May 1998
Esme Walker Prize in Physiology (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Biosciences Division/Physiology)
Change in value from:$150
Effective May 1995
John A. Thomas Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Biosciences Division)
Change in value from:$500 and a plaque
To:$1,000 and a plaque
George W. Stavraky Teaching Scholarship in Physiology (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Biosciences Division/Physiology)
Change in value from:Equivalent to 1/2 teaching assistantship
To:$500 plus 1/2 teaching assistantship
Jeffery Bertrand PhD Dissertation Research Fellowships (3) [Faculty of Graduate Studies/Social Science Division/Business Administration]
Change in Name/Number: Jeffery Bertrand PhD Dissertation Research Fellowship
Change in value from:$5,000
[The following 14 revised and 2 discontinued awards were to have been sent to the Property & Finance Committee and the Board of Governors in January 1997. They have now been approved retroactively.]
The Meds '50 Bursary (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry/Medicine)
Change in Name To:The Meds Class of 1950 Bursaries
Change in Number From: 1
To: 2
Change in Value From: $700
To: Up to $750
County of Dufferin Scholarship (Any Faculty)
Change in Value From: Range between $1000 for one year and $2000 for four years depending
on the candidate's academic performance.
To: $1000
Ateena Brookes Award (Faculty of Music)
Change in Value From: $500
To: $1000
The Memorial Bursary (Richard Ivey School of Business)
Change in Value From: $400
To: $500
The Lisa Gilmer Award (Faculty of Arts)
Change in Name To: Lisa Gilmer Memorial Award
Change in Wording From: Awarded annually to a student registered in the Faculty of Arts, entering third or fourth year in an Honors or 3-year BA program in English or English in combination with another subject. The applicant will be involved in resident life or off-campus life. The applicant should be an active participant in the University Students' Council as a counsellor, commissioner, committee member, or a writer for one of the campus newspapers (The Gazette or The 深夜福利站 News). However, students who have demonstrated a strong desire or willingness to get involved with student life may also be considered. Applications are available in the Office of the Registrar, Room 190 Stevenson-Lawson. The deadline to apply is March 29.
To: Awarded annually to a student registered in the Faculty of Arts, entering third or fourth year in an Honors or 3-year BA program in English or English in combination with another subject. The applicant will be involved in resident life or off-campus life. The applicant should be an active participant in the University Students' Council as a counsellor, commissioner, committee member, or a writer for one of the campus newspapers (The Gazette or The 深夜福利站 News). However, students who have demonstrated a strong desire or willingness to get involved with student life may also be considered. Lisa's friends and family established this award through Foundation 深夜福利站 as a tribute to her warmth, humour and breadth of character. Applications are available in the Office of the Registrar, Room 190 Stevenson-Lawson. The deadline to apply is March 29.
Women's Caucus Essay Award (Any Faculty)
Change in Value From: $150
To: $200
Faculty of Education Students' Council Award for Practice Teaching (Faculty of Education)
Change in Wording From: Established by the Students' Council, five annual awards to encourage and reward excellence in Practice Teaching will be made in the program division of: Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate, Intermediate/Senior, PEMSTEP/Waterloo Co-op, and Technological Studies.
To: Established by the Students' Council, five annual awards to encourage and reward excellence in Practice Teaching will be made in the program division of: Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate, Intermediate/Senior and Technological Studies.
Dr. George Lachapelle Scholarship in Family Medicine (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry/Medicine)
Change in Value From: $6000
To: $8000
The Shaw Family Foundation Scholarship (8) (Any Faculty)
Change in Value From: $1500
To: $1000
Rachel Borwein Memorial Prize (Faculty of Science)
Change in Name To: The Borwein Memorial Prize
Change in Wording From: Awarded annually to the student with the highest standing in Mathematics 207a/b (Real Variables I.) Endowed by the Borwein family and friends in memory of Professor David Borwein's mother.
To: Awarded annually to the student with the highest standing in Mathematics 207a/b (Real Variables I.)
Change in Value From: $150
To: $100
Ontario Hydro Electrical Engineering Award (Faculty of Engineering Science)
Change in value From: $1700
To: $2400
Elizabeth Joan Barrington Scholarship in Medicine (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry/Medicine)
Change in Wording From: Awarded annually to a student entering first year in the Faculty of Medicine, from a program in The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, who has demonstrated the highest scholarship for admission to the medical program based on highest applicant score.
To: Awarded annually to a student entering first year in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry/Medicine, with preference to be given to a student who has taken prerequisite courses from The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, who has demonstrated the highest scholarship for admission to the medical program based on highest applicant score.
Ontario Medical Association Electives Bursary Program (2) (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry/Medicine)
Change in Wording From: Available to medical students to financially assist them in taking up elective programs. Further details and application forms are available through the Faculty of Medicine.
To: Available to students in the Phase IV of Medicine to assist them financially while completing an elective in an under serviced area. Further details and application forms are available through the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.
Ontario Medical Association Grant-In-Aid Fund (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry/Medicine)
Change in Name To: Ontario Medical Association Loan
3. Discontinued Awards
Effective 1996/97:
B'Nai Brith Bursaries (Any Faculty)
John H. Chapman Memorial Award (Faculty of Engineering Science)
Effective May 1997:
Times Mirror Professional Publishing Award (Faculty of Medicine &
Charles M. Carmichael Prize (Faculty of Science)
Effective 1997/98:
CFUW Memorial Award - Canadian Federation of University Women
This is a correction. The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) - London Club (Bursary - External) was erroneously reported as being discontinued in the last Report to the Board.
4. Consistency in Naming
In order to provide greater consistency in naming and reduce redundancies, the Office of the Registrar and the Faculty of Graduate Studies will be making what are considered to be editorial amendments to a number of awards to remove "The" as part of the name of the award. For example, "The" Adelaide Robinson Bursaries (6) (Any Faculty) and "The" Kathleen and Alex Raymond Bursaries (15) (Any Faculty) will be changed