The meeting was held at 2:30 p.m. in Room 330, Stevenson-Lawson Building.
PRESENT: Mr. W.W. Peel, Chair, Ms. J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary
Mr. S. Adams, Dr. W.A. Bridger, Mr. S. Castiglione, Dr. R. Colcleugh, Dr. J.V. Collins, Dr. P. Davenport, Ms. S. Grindrod, Mr. J. Etherington, Mr. W. Gibson, Mayor D. Haskett, Prof. M. Lennon, Mr. D.J. McDougall, Dr. P. P. Mercer, Mr. M. Rubinoff, Prof. J. Starkey, Mr. T. Vine, Ms. C. Weldon, Ms. L. Whittaker.
At the last meeting a question arose about the status of negotiating a single-source beverage contract. During that discussion, Mr. Garrard stated that neither the students nor the administration had formally articulated their preferences as to how the proceeds from such a contract would be allocated. Mr. Castiglione clarified that the University Students' Council had earlier corresponded with the administration indicating that the USC wants the proceeds to be used for student financial aid.
BG.98-071b Fowler-Kennedy Clinic [BG.98-036]
Mr. Castiglione referred to the recommendation of the Student Services Committee that a specific account for services rendered by the Fowler-Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic be presented to Intercollegiate Athletics for the 1998-99 year. At the March Board meeting, it was reported that the Vice-President (Administration) would consult the Clinic administration to see if they would be willing to respond to this request. Mr. Castiglione asked for a status report on this matter.
Dr. Mercer reported that he has written to Dr. Fowler, the Medical Director of the Clinic. In Dr. Fowler's absence, the Manager of the Clinic acknowledged the letter. Initial indications are favorable; Dr. Mercer and the Clinic administration will meet to work out the details.
BG.98-071c Universal Bus Pass [BG.98-036]
The Chair advised the Board that he recently received a letter from Ryan Parks, President of the University Students' Council, expressing concern about deferral of approval of the universal bus pass for full-time undergraduate students until May when the University's budget and fees will be presented for approval. The bus pass is one component of the USC ancillary fee.
Dr. Mercer confirmed that there are many details to be worked out in order that the bus pass be available to all eligible students on September 1. On behalf of the President of the USC, he asked the indulgence of the Board to allow the USC to begin investigating the mechanics of issuing a bus pass even though the pass has yet to be approved by the Board. He explained that the USC officers do not want to appear contemptuous of the Board by moving ahead on the assumption that the Board will give its approval. They recognize that formal approval of the bus pass will be connected to approval of the budget in May.
There was no objection from members to the USC proceeding to investigate details of implementing the bus pass plan.
Dr. Davenport noted that the administration typically publishes the proposed tuition fees in advance of presenting the formal budget. On April 22, the President and Provost met with the President and a vice-president of the University Students' Council and of the Society of Graduate Students to present the list of proposed fees. A memorandum from the Provost dated April 22, including the tables of proposed fees, was distributed at the meeting.
Dr. Davenport reviewed the list of fees with the Board. He explained that in the absence of a formal announcement from the Ministry defining professional programs, the proposed fees are based on a "fair understanding" of the Provincial Treasurer's announcement last December.
Dr. Davenport stressed that the amount funding available internally for student aid is growing extremely rapidly. For example, in the area of bursaries and Work Study, we have progressed from under $1 million in 1995-96 to nearly $4 million in 1997-98 and approximately $6.5 million will be available in 1998-99. "Financial Aid for Undergraduate Students at 深夜福利站: Current Status and Plan for 1998-99" was attached to the Provost's April 22 memorandum. This shows sources of funding and the strategy that will be employed to ensure that the funds reach students who are most in need of the assistance.
In response to a question from Mr. Rubinoff, Dr. Davenport clarified that a student enrolled at 深夜福利站 who enters Year 3 of the Honors Business Administration Program (the first year of the professional program) would be charged the new fee of $8000, and would not be grandparented. However, the tuition fee increase of a student advancing from Year 3 of the HBA program to Year 4 in 1998-99, will not exceed 20%.
Dr. Colcleugh asked if the Board will be kept informed about what other universities are charging for their deregulated programs, the level of financial assistance available, and preferential loan arrangements available. Dr. Davenport confirmed that information about tuition fees can be provided; however, it is not as easy to track and compare financial aid and availability of loans. In terms of the volume of student aid available, all Ontario universities are being driven by the same requirement that 30% of additional tuition revenue must be set aside for student aid. To the degree that 深夜福利站 is more aggressive on fees than other universities, the student aid funds will increase more quickly.
That the Board of Governors approve that a total of $10 million be allocated from the undistributed investment returns account for non-endowed funds for expenditures related to the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and the Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund (ORDCF). Such funds shall be set aside at April 30, 1998, as internally restricted net assets for allocation to the operating budget according to the following schedule:
Year cumulative allocation
1998/1999 $ 2.5 million
1999/2000 $ 5.0 million
2000/2001 $ 7.5 million
2001/2002 $10.0 million.
Dr. Davenport stated that the University must make every effort leverage CFI and ORDCF funds. It is important that the University get the maximum benefit from the CFI, the largest single federal initiative in research in recent years. CFI funds total $800 million, and ORDCF will provide $50 million per year for the next ten years. Private funding will also be sought to leverage the federal and provincial funds; the proposed $2.5 for four years will facilitate this fund raising.
Dr. Bridger reported that June 1, 1998, is a major institutional deadline. 深夜福利站 now has 15 separate components of what will be part of the Integrated Research Institute that will be submitted. The total project costs of the 15 applications amount to approximately $10 million. On April 24, an internal steering committee will meet to vet all of the applications to ensure that they are as good as they can be and that they fit the overall institutional initiative. The decision to submit an application involves a commitment to support it. Following that decision, there will be a window of opportunity to raise the money from donors, industrial partners, or foundations.
Dr. Mercer noted that what is being proposed is that there be an internal restriction on the net assets of $10 million and that the funds be taken out at the rate of $2.5 million per year. The investment return in March was 3.6% for the month. Even if $10 million were taken in one year, the ratio of investments to obligations, as at the end of March, of 1.23, and the average over the two quarters is 1.25.
The question was called and CARRIED.
Near the end of March, an inspector from the Ministry of the Environment came to the University to inspect the hazardous material transfer facility adjacent to the Thompson Recreation and Athletic Centre and the biological waste incinerator in the Medical/Dental Sciences complex. The inspector was impressed with the operation of both facilities and considered them to be operated well within environmental requirements.
That the following changes be made to the Strategic Issues schedule:
May 21, 1998 - noon - 3:00 (lunch provided): A session on salary negotiations with 深夜福利站's employee groups; process and strategies for negotiating first contracts with the UWO Faculty Association and UWO Staff Association; the Professional & Managerial Association (non-unionized). Members of the Board who are in any bargaining unit will not attend.
September 24, 1998 (regular time, 1:30 - 3:00): "Curriculum, Academic Programs, and the Future of the Three-Year Degree" - Jeff Stokes to moderate a panel discussion. Panel: Roma Harris, David Bentley, USC Vice-President Education
1999: Postpone "The Ontario University System" to a date to be determined later.
That the composition of a selection committee for Director of Libraries (Section O, Appointments Procedures) be amended as shown below:
(a) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic), who shall be
(b) the Vice-President (Research)
(c) the Dean of Graduate Studies
(d) the Chair of the University Library Council
(e) 2 members of the full-time library staff, one of whom must be a professional librarian, elected by the
full-time library staff
(f) 2 members of faculty and 1 graduate student, elected by Senate
This year the Senate Subcommittee on Priorities in Academic Development (a subcommittee of the Senate Committee on University Planning) reviewed 59 applications for funding under Category A of the ADF, an increase over the previous year when 51 applications were received. Of the 59 applications, 16 were recommended for funding. The total amount requested by these 59 applicants was $4,172,860; of this, $3,230,846 was requested for 1998-99.
The total amount of the awards approved for 1998-99 is $825,648, excluding approved multi- year projects totalling $49,190 for 1999-2000 and $49,190 for 2000-2001. Details are provided on the attached Annex 1 to Appendix IV.
This program is the first of its kind between 深夜福利站 and Fanshawe. Dr. Davenport remarked that innovative programs such as this, which capitalize on the strengths of both Fanshawe and the University, will be attractive to students.
6.02 Research with Human and Animal Subjects
Research involving human and animal subjects is governed by federal and provincial regulations, and regulations approved by the University Senate, for the protection of researchers, human subjects, the public, and for the welfare of the animals used in research. Researchers are expected to adhere to such regulations. Allegations of a breach of these regulations will be dealt with according to the procedures established therein and will not normally involve the procedures associated with this policy.
All research involving human subjects conducted by UWO faculty, staff or students must be approved by a UWO-sanctioned review board. Two review boards have been established by Senate for the purpose of reviewing all such research: in the health sciences, and in the humanities/social sciences. Researchers should contact the Ethics Review Board Office for information.
All research, teaching and testing involving animals conducted by UWO faculty, staff, students or post-doctoral fellows must be approved by a UWO-sanctioned review board. The Animal Use Subcommittee has been established by Senate for the purpose of reviewing all such research.
All faculty, staff, students and post-doctoral fellows who are involved with research, teaching and testing using animals are encouraged to take the course offered by the Department of Animal Care and Veterinary Services (ACVS). More information is available from the ACVS.
There were no Sabbatical Leave appeals in 1997-98, and therefore, no Annual Report from the Senate Sabbatical Leave Appeal Committee.
Signed by:
W.W. Peel, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary of the Board