
Minutes of the Board of Governors Meeting:
March 26, 1998

As approved at the April 23, 1998, meeting of the Board of Governors. The "in camera" portion of the minutes have not been included herein. Copies of Appendices which have not included on the World Wide Web are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.

The meeting was held at 3:30 p.m. in Room 330, Stevenson-Lawson Building.

PRESENT: Mr. W.W. Peel, Chair

Ms. J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary

Mr. S. Adams, Mr. R Bateman, Dr. W.A. Bridger, Mr. S. Castiglione, Dr. R. Colcleugh, Dr J.V. Collins, Dr. P. Davenport, Mr. J. Etherington, Mr. T. Garrard, Mr. W. Gibson, Ms. R. Ivey Thom, Prof. M. Lennon, Warden D. McDonald, Dr. P. P. Mercer, Mr. H. Rosen, Mr. M. Rubinoff, Prof. J. Starkey, Dr. J.L. Stokes, Mr. H. Taylor, Dr. A. Weedon, Ms. C. Weldon.

BG.98-027 Introduction of New Board Member

Mr. Peel, on behalf of the Board of Governors, welcomed Mr. Stephen Adams to his first meeting of the Board.

BG.98-028 Resignation

Mr. Peel advised that since the last meeting, Ms. Sue Desmond resigned from the Board. A by-election will be conducted to elect a member of the administrative staff of the University to fill the vacancy.

BG.98-029 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes from the meeting of January 29, 1998, were approved as circulated.

Business Arising from the Minutes

BG.98-030 Guarantee for the Bank of Nova Scotia [BG.98-07]

Responding to Professor Starkey's request that the Board receive a loan repayment schedule for the debt relating to the Guarantee for the Bank of Nova Scotia, Dr. Mercer replied that the repayment schedule will be provided next month.


Dr. Davenport reported on the following topics; details appear in Appendix I:

Dr. Davenport advised that the Ontario universities await the provincial government's designation of "professional" programs for which tuition fees can be set by individual university Boards of Governors. This news is vital to University budget preparation because it is a determinant of institutional revenues. He stated that if a government decision is not available by the first day or two in April, it will probably be necessary to delay Board consideration of the University budget until the May meeting.

BG.98-032 Single-Source Beverage Contract

Asked about the negotiation of a single-source beverage contract and possible use of funds gained from such a venture, Mr. Garrard advised that currently 深夜福利站 is in the seventh year of a ten-year contract with Coca Cola. This contract was negotiated primarily by Intercollegiate Athletics and the Department of Housing and Food Services. Preliminary discussions about renegotiating the beverage contract have begun. The administration met recently with the USC President, President-Elect, and General Manager at which time it was agreed that 深夜福利站 would be more effective in negotiating a new agreement by partnering with the USC. The amount of revenue gained from a renegotiated contract is unknown at this time; therefore, it is too early to say how the proceeds from the contract would be allocated. Neither the students nor the administration have formally articulated their preferences in this regard.

BG.98-033 Spring and Summer Session Fee Bills

Dr. Davenport reported that normally at this time of year tuition fee levels are known, and spring and summer session fee bills are issued to students by the Registrar's Office with a covering letter stating that the fees are "subject to approval by the Board". As noted earlier, fee levels for 1998-99 cannot be set pending the provincial government's decision on which programs are "professional" and thus eligible for deregulated fees. Spring and summer session fee bills must be issued within the week. In the absence of definitive tuition fees, the fees will be as follows: a 10% tuition fee increase for undergraduates and a 5% tuition fee increase for graduate students across the board for the spring/summer session. The covering letter will state that if the Board approves a lower fee for a particular program, the difference will be refunded to the student. However, if the Board approves a higher fee for the program, it will be implemented in September and the student will be charged no additional amount for spring/summer session tuition. Dr. Davenport contended that given the deadlines faced by the administration this route seems the most fair.


BG.98-034 Sydenham Hall Residence HVAC and Electrical Systems Upgrade: Approval of Project

The Board was informed that a project to upgrade the heating, ventilating, air conditioning and, electrical systems in Sydenham Hall residence, with a budget of $1,250,000 was approved. Funding for this project will be provided by the Division of Housing and Food Services. The planned construction start date for this project is May 4, 1998, with an anticipated completion date of August 15, 1998.

BG.98-035 Weldon Library Renovation: Award of Contract

The Board was advised that the construction contract for renovations to The D.B. Weldon Library was awarded to Norlon Builders London Limited at a cost of up to $1.48 million, exclusive of GST.

BG.98-036 Recommendations of the Campus & Community Affairs Committee

The Board was advised that at its meeting of March 16, 1998, the Property & Finance Committee received the report of the Campus & Community Affairs Committee which is included in this Board agenda as Appendix III. The report contains four recommendations to the Property & Finance Committee; three from the Annual Report of the Student Services Committee and the fourth from the University Students' Council.

The first recommendation concerns non-tuition-related compulsory ancillary fees for 1998-99. This recommendation will be taken into consideration when the committee is presented with the 1998-99 operating budget and fee proposals.

The second recommendation was that the Property & Finance Committee approve and recommend to the Board of Governors that a specific account for services rendered by the Fowler-Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic be presented to Intercollegiate Athletics for the 1998-99 year. The terms of the Agreement between the University and the London Health Sciences Centre concerning the Fowler-Kennedy Clinic do not require this type of accounting and therefore a resolution of the Property & Finance Committee or the Board cannot compel the Clinic to undertake these activities. Property & Finance therefore agreed with the suggestion that the Vice-President (Administration) should consult the Clinic administration to see if they would be willing to respond to the request for accounting for services rendered to Intercollegiate Athletics for 1998-99.

The third recommendation, also relating to the Fowler-Kennedy Clinic, is that the flow-through from Campus Recreation to the Fowler-Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic be phased out over a three year period. This recommendation will be taken into consideration when P&F is presented with the 1998-99 operating budget which will include the 1998-99 budget for Campus Recreation.

The fourth recommendation is for the establishment of a mandatory universal bus pass for full-time undergraduate students. It originated with the University Students' Council, based on a recent student referendum. Since the universal bus pass will be one component of the USC fee for 1998-99, the CCAC recommendation to approve the fee will be considered in the context of the overall USC fee which will come forward in May.

BG.98-037 New Stadium Operating Agreement [BG.97-242]

In November 1997, the Board of Governors approved the commencement of the design of the new stadium to meet the 2001 Canada Games requirements, conditional upon reaching a stadium operating agreement with the City of London. Since that time, a consultant has been retained to carry out an environmental assessment of the Huron Flats site before a detailed site selection and design are undertaken.

Some progress has been made between the City of London and other members of the 2001 Canada

Games Alliance with regard to the development of an agreement. However, as of March 16, the terms of agreement for the operation of the stadium have been agreed to, but have not been submitted to and ratified by the City Council. Members of the University administration continue to work with the City to get this agreement in place before further activities occur, in accordance with the conditions of approval from The Board of Governors. Dr. Mercer advised that he is meeting with the City Solicitor on March 27th to discuss the terms of the agreement.

BG.98-038 Report on Investments

The report on investments was provided as Annex 3 to Appendix II.

BG.98-039 Report on Scholarships

Annex 4 to Appendix II contains the report on new and revised scholarships, awards, and prizes.


BG.98-040 Open Meeting of the Campus & Community Affairs Committee

Mr. Etherington reported that the CCAC held a public meeting on Monday, March 9, 1998, in the Great Hall. There were four presentations on three topics:

Annual Report of the Student Services Committee, presented by Mr. Ryan Parks, Chair of the Student Services Committee

University Students' Council Organization and Scope of Operations, presented by Ms. Lucy Pinheiro, Vice-President Finance of the University Students' Council

Universal Bus Pass for Undergraduate Students, presented by:

Mr. Ryan Parks, President of the University Students' Council, speaking in favor

Ms. Sarah McLennan-Stapleton, speaking against

A full report on the proceedings is provided in Appendix III, circulated with the agenda. The recommendations of the Committee were forwarded to the Property & Finance Committee as reported earlier in the meeting [see BG-98.036 above].


BG.98-041 Schedule Change - June Property & Finance Committee Meeting

It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by J. Stokes,

That the Property & Finance Committee meeting scheduled for 2:00 p.m., Monday June 15, 1998, be changed to Thursday, June 18, at 2:00 p.m.


BG.98-042 Campus & Community Affairs - 1999 Meeting Schedule

It was moved by M. Rubinoff, seconded by W. Gibson,

That the Board of Governors approve the 1999 meeting schedule for the Campus & Community Affairs Committee as follows:

Campus & Community Affairs Committee - 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. latest

January 11
February 15
March 8 (Open Meeting)
April 5
May 3
June 7
September 7 (Tuesday)
October 4 (Open Meeting)
November 8
December 6 (Open Meeting)

(Any meeting may be cancelled if there is insufficient business to be conducted.)


BG.98-043 Strategic Issues Meetings, 1998

It was moved by J. Collins, seconded by H. Taylor,

That the Board of Governors approve the schedule of Strategic Issues meetings as shown in Appendix IV, Annex 1. The meetings will be held on the following Board days, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.: May 21, June 25, September 24, October 29, and November 26.


BG.98-044 Committee Appointments

The Senior Operations Committee, on behalf of the Board, has made the following appointments to external bodies: Professor Syd Usprich reappointed to the Appeal Board, Student Disciplinary Code; Dr. Brian Hennen appointed to the Southwest Middlesex Health Centre Board of Directors; Dr. Peter Mercer appointed to the Siebens-Drake Research Institute Board of Directors; and Ms. Carol Weldon reappointed to the Brescia College Advisory Board.

BG.98-045 Board By-Election Schedule - Member from the Administrative Staff

A by-election will be held during the months of March and April 1998 to elect one full-time member of administrative staff to complete the term of S. Desmond who has resigned (term: April 17, 1998, to November 14, 2000), in accordance with the provisions of the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Act (1982) and Board Election Procedures. The election schedule is provided in Appendix IV.

ITEMS REFERRED BY SENATE [Appendix V and Addendum]

BG.98-046 A Reorganization of Continuing Studies, Mediated Learning, and Instructional Technology Resources

On behalf of Senate, it was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by W. Gibson,

That the responsibility for the activities of the Division of Continuing Studies and for University-wide instructional technology support be removed from the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning, as approved by Senate (March 20).


That academic responsibility for the development, offering, and ongoing monitoring of all diploma and certificate programs currently managed by the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning be transferred at the earliest opportunity to the relevant Faculty or Faculties. These programs should be developed and reviewed by Faculty EPCs. Non-credit courses should be coordinated through and offered by Continuing Studies. Enrolment in Certificate and Diploma program courses will be included in Faculty statistics for planning purposes and Enrolment Contingent Funding. Where no Faculty wishes to assume responsibility for a program, it will be discontinued.

Removal of Continuing Studies and University-wide instructional technology support from the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning will result in the following:

a) The 深夜福利站 Centre for Continuing Studies will be established as a cost-recovery unit reporting to the Vice-Provost with responsibilities for non-degree-credit courses, the Trois-Pistoles French Immersion Program, and, in cooperation with academic Faculties, certificate and diploma programs (where such programs are not offered solely by the Faculty)

b) The Instructional Technology Resource Centre (ITRC) will be established within Information Technology Services (ITS) as a University-wide support service with responsibilities for:

development and support of information technology applications as components of on-campus courses, e.g. Web-based supplements including course web-sites, course shells, asynchronous conferences, discussion groups, etc.

development and support of information technology applications in distance courses, e.g., developing courseware and delivering courses based wholly or in part on the Web, developing CD-based courses, etc., in collaboration with the Coordinator of Summer and Distance Studies and/or Faculties.

provision of support to the Educational Development Office and the Coordinator for Summer and Distance Studies for instructional programs regarding the application of information technology to on- and off-campus courses.

c) A single position of Coordinator of Summer and Distance Studies will be established, reporting to the Vice-Provost, with the following responsibilities:

Liaison with Faculties, Departments, Schools, and the Office of the Registrar regarding the review, development, and scheduling of distance and summer courses and the appointment of instructors.

Coordination with ITRC for the development and support of Web-based courses.

d) Use of the term "Mediated Learning" will be ended and replaced with "Distance Studies" and the responsibilities for Distance Studies will be allocated as follows:

Administration (fees, registration, advertisements, exam arrangements, etc.), distribution of course material (with the exception of the delivery of Web-based courses), and related student enquiries to be performed by the Office of the Registrar.

Development and support of Web-based courses will be provided by the ITRC in ITS.

Academic coordination will be the responsibility of the Coordinator of Summer and Distance Studies .

The relevant Faculty, Department, or School will continue to have responsibility and authority for the approval and monitoring of courses and the assignment of instructors, academic counselling of students, and handling of course/instructor related problems.

The instructor, as for all other courses, will continue to be responsible for grading, course content-related questions and consultation.


Mr. Bateman asked to what extent have the Continuing Studies programs been subsidized by the University operating budget. Dr. Davenport agreed to refer this question to the Provost. He stated that the restructuring of the Faculty set out two fundamental operating principles for Continuing Studies: they must be self-funded and there must be a connection to an academic Faculty.

BG.98-047 Change of the Name of the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning to the Faculty of Information and Media Studies

It was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by C. Weldon,

That the name of the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning be changed to the Faculty of Information and Media Studies, effective immediately, given the elimination of the responsibility for the activities of the Division of Continuing Studies and for University-wide instructional technology support as approved by Senate (March 20).


Asked if the change of the name of the Faculty will have an impact on enrolment, Dr. Davenport advised that no problems are envisioned. The new name, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, is the result of consultation among students and faculty and more accurately describes the unit.

BG.98-048 Code of Behavior for Use of Computing Resources and Corporate Data

It was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by R. Ivey-Thom

That the current Policy 1.13 -- Code of Conduct re University Data and Physical Resources -- be withdrawn and replaced by a new Code of Behavior for Use of Computing Resources and Corporate Data shown in Appendix V, Annex 1, as recommended by Senate.


BG.98-049 New Operating Principles for Continuing Studies at 深夜福利站

Dr. Davenport reported that the following Operating Principles for Continuing Studies were established by Senate on March 20, 1998:

A New Set of Operating Principles for Continuing Studies

1. Continuing Studies operations must be self-funding.

The Centre for Continuing Studies will be funded entirely from its own revenues. Individual programs may for a period require subsidization from other elements of the Continuing Studies area but money losing programs should not be maintained.

2. All Continuing Studies courses and programs must have a connection with the academy.

This connection could involve advocacy and partnership with a Faculty, Department, or School (e.g. professional continuing education) or individual member of faculty (e.g. special interest courses in the arts or social sciences). Such involvement should be on-going and not limited to consultation the time the program is developed.

Even in the case of general interest courses, the Dean(s) or Chair(s) in the related disciplines should be consulted at the time the course is developed and when instructors are appointed.

Where the program is a partnership involving considerable investment by an academic unit (e.g. professional continuing education, certificate and diploma programs), revenue will be shared. Although the negotiation of particular arrangements is likely to be appropriate in most cases, net revenue (gross revenue - expenses) will always be distributed in a manner that provides direct financial benefit (no less than 50%) to the participating academic unit.

BG.98-050 1997-98 Winners of The Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching

The winners of The Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching for 1997-1998 are: Mark A. Cheetham, Department of Visual Arts, Faculty of Arts; Rebecca Coulter, Division of Educational Policy Studies, Faculty of Education; Jane M. Howell, Richard Ivey School of Business; and Don Morrow, School of Kinesiology, Faculty of Health Sciences.

BG.98-051 1997-98 Winner of The Marilyn Robinson Award for Excellence in Teaching

Dr. Davenport advised the Board that the winner of The Marilyn Robinson Award for Excellence in Teaching for 1997-98 is Jane E. Leney, Department of French, Faculty of Arts.

BG.98-052 Senate Information Items

The Board received for information the following items from Senate, details of which can be found in

Appendix V and an Addendum that was distributed at the meeting:

1998-99 Admission Policy and Practices [Appendix V, Annex 2]
Rate of Promotion/Tenure and Time to Promotion/Tenure [Appendix V, Annex 3]
LLB/BESc Concurrent Degree Program
HBA/LLB Concurrent Degree Program
BSc Honors Program in Computer Science with Software Engineering Specialization
"Communicative Disorders" Program and Courses Renamed "Communication Sciences and Disorders"
Withdrawal of the Post Diploma (Degree Completion) Program in Physical Therapy
Report of the Academic Colleague [Annex 4 - 239th meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities]
1998 Honorary Degree Recipients [Addendum, distributed at the meeting]

Signed by:

W.W. Peel, Chair

J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary of the Board