
Board of Governors Minutes - Meeting of
January 29, 1998

As approved at the March 26, 1998, meeting of the Board of Governors. The "in camera" portion of the minutes have not been included herein. Copies of Appendices are available from the University Secretariat,Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.

The meeting was held at 3:30 p.m. in Room 330, Stevenson-Lawson Building.

PRESENT: Mr. W.W. Peel, Chair, Ms. J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary

Mr. R Bateman, Dr. W.A. Bridger, Mr. S. Castiglione, Dr. R. Colcleugh, Dr. P. Davenport, Ms. S. Desmond, Mr. J. Etherington, Mr. T. Garrard, Mr. W. Gibson, Ms. R. Ivey Thom, Prof. M. Lennon, Warden D. McDonald, Dr. P. P. Mercer, Dr. G. Moran, Mr. T. O'Neil, Mr. M. Pickard, Mr. H. Rosen, Mr. M. Rubinoff, Prof. J. Starkey, Mr. H. Taylor, Mr. T. Vine, Dr. A. Weedon, Ms. C. Weldon, Ms. L. Whittaker.

BY INVITATION: Mr. D. Riddell, Mr. T. Tillmann and Mr. Gordon Robinson

BG.98-01 Introduction of New Board Members

Mr. Peel welcomed Ms. Rosamond Ivey Thom, Warden Dave McDonald, Mr. Mark Pickard, and Mr. Michael Rubinoff to their first meeting of the Board.

BG.98-02 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meetings of November 27 and December 10, 1997, were approved as circulated.


BG.98-03 Key Issues in Government Relations

Dr. Davenport gave a presentation on the key issues in government relations including provincial grants, student aid, support for research and tuition fee policy. He highlighted his report with the use of overheads, copies of which are found in Appendix 1 to these minutes.

BG.98-04 Team Canada Mission to Latin America

Dr. Davenport reported on his participation in the Prime Minister's Team Canada mission to Latin America, January 11 - 21, in his dual capacity as Chair of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) and as President of 深夜福利站. He accompanied the delegation to Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina. The listing of events was included in the "Activities of the President" report.

BG.98-05 Annual Report on Research

Dr. Bridger presented the Annual Report on Research. He highlighted his presentation with the use of overheads, copies of which can be found in Appendix 2 to these minutes. [Unavailable for Internet Users.]


BG.98-06 New Residence: Project, Budget and Design Approval [BG.97-243, BG. 97-263]

[Mr. Tom Tillmann and Mr. Gordon Robinson were present to respond to questions.]

On behalf of the Property & Finance Committee, it was moved by R. Colcleugh, seconded by

W. Gibson,

That the Board of Governors approve the design of a new residence on the north side of University Drive at a cost of no more than $20 million.

Dr. Colcleugh recalled that at the special meeting on December 10, 1997, the Board of Governors approved: (a) the site for the construction of a new 380 to 450 bed residence on the north side of University Drive; (b) proceeding with the detailed design of the residence (subject to approval in January 1998, of the exterior design); and (c) that the project budget be less than $20 million. Events subsequent to those approvals are detailed in the Report of the Property and Finance Committee, Appendix II.

Distributed at the meeting was a letter to the Chair of the Board addressing arguments advanced by city residents who object to the University Drive siting and listing the numerous meetings that have been held to deal with concerns of neighbors most affected by building a residence there. Dr. Mercer elaborated on the following concerns:

(1)that the University Drive site is not the right site

Dr. Mercer referred to a letter from Mr. Joe Berridge, the consulting architect at the time the Master Plan was developed, in which he described the University Drive site as an extremely attractive location for a residence and stated he was in favor of development there for urban design reasons. The site accommodates the appropriate number of students, provides continuous green space, and will become the welcome and academic orientation centre for the University.

(2)that the planning and consultation process was insufficient

Dr. Mercer explained that the administration consulted with the community as soon as possible, but the compressed schedule surrounding the project was created by a series of events that began last Spring. It is the opinion of those associated with the planning process that consultation extended over a significant period of time and involved review and comments on the design, landscaping of the property, siting, and how to best accommodate the residence to the neighborhood.

(3) that the University has acted in bad faith

Dr. Mercer recalled that at the Board meeting of December 10, 1997, with many members of the Broughdale and North London communities present, he asked that the community accept that the University is acting in good faith. He stated his regret that the request was not and is not accepted. Throughout the process there has been no acknowledgment of the challenges that the University faces, much less any agreement that the University was facing the challenges in the right way. 深夜福利站, a few years ago, was seen to be in a very dangerous spiral because first year enrolment was declining, as was the academic averages of entering students. 深夜福利站 operates in an extremely competitive environment and must recruit students from outside the London area.

Dr. Mercer asked if the City of London can afford to have 深夜福利站 do anything other than flourish. 深夜福利站 has more than 3,000 employees, 25,000 students and the economic value to the City of London and area contributed by 深夜福利站 is $750 million. He stated that the Board must consider the legitimate interests of 深夜福利站's neighbors and their need to live in a peaceable way with the University, but over the next 30 years, 12,000 students also will need a place to live in that residence. 深夜福利站 must consider the students' interests and must ensure that 深夜福利站 can offer the very best experience. The Board must take into account a vast range of interests, not all of which can be readily reconciled.

Dr. Mercer again asked 深夜福利站's colleagues in the community to accept that the University is acting in good faith and pledged that the University will continue to consult with the community during the progress of the project.

Mr. Riddell, Senior Director of Physical Plant an Capital Planning, Mr. Tom Tillmann of Tillmann, Ruth Mocellin, and Mr. Gordon Robinson of Moffat Kinoshita spoke in support of the design and site of the new residence. Reference was made to the exterior and interior design of the building detailed in Appendix II, Annex 1. They stressed the following points:

The proposed design has been developed as a result of consideration of zoning requirements and input from the local residents, the City Planning Department and the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. The design evolved through a number of iterations to address regulatory requirements and several concerns of the neighbors.

The University Drive site was recognized as an excellent site at the time the Master Plan was developed.

The proposed design incorporates two five storey wings with a two storey centre. The design allows the centre of the building to become the welcoming centre. The Housing offices and summer academic counselling will also be housed in that part of the building.

Mr. O'Neil presented a petition on behalf of the Broughdale Community Association to the Chair. The petition that urged the Board of Governors "to uphold the principles of the Campus Master Plan and reconsider the site for the new student residence." The petition goes on to say that those who signed the petition are "strongly opposed to the placing of yet another residence on University Drive where it will destroy the beauty of that entrance to 深夜福利站, take up valuable recreational space for students, remove attractive green space, encroach upon the Sherwood Fox Arboretum, increase traffic congestion at the University Bridge and have a negative impact on the surrounding community of Broughdale."

The Chair of the Board clarified that the petition deals with the site location which was approved by the Board on December 10, 1997.

Mr. Taylor expressed concern about the shading effects of the building. He asked why the architects did not consider building the east wing lower and the west wing higher which would reduce the shading impact. Mr. Tillmann replied that the zoning by-law regarding the flood plain line stipulates a set back requirement relative to the flood line. By adding another storey at the west end, the building would have to be set back to almost the sidewalk on University Drive in order to meet the requirements. The City zoning by-laws stipulate a minimum set back and as the height of the building increases, additional set back is required.

The question was called and CARRIED.

BG.98-07 Guarantee for the Bank of Nova Scotia

It was moved by R. Colcleugh, seconded by W. Gibson,

That the Board of Governors authorize The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario to guarantee the indebtedness and liability of the Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation, in the amount of $7.8 million. Such guarantee shall be issued to the Bank of Nova Scotia and the signing authorities under Special Resolution 4 (Investments) are authorized to sign any related agreements on behalf of the Board of Governors.

[Note: The signing Officers under special resolution 4 are: Any one of group "A" [President, Vice-President (Administration), Provost, Secretary of the Board] plus any one of group "B" [Senior Director - Financial Services Division, Manager of Financial Analysis and Budget Administration, Manager - Corporate Accounting, Treasury Analyst]

Asked about the loan repayment schedule, Dr. Mercer agreed to provide that information to Professor Starkey. He stated that with transfer of the lease of the property to the Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation, repayment of the debt becomes the responsibility of that Foundation and its enterprises.

The question was called and CARRIED.

BG.98-08 Renewal of Lease of the Graphics Building to the Weldon Park Academy

[Conflict of Interest declared by P. Davenport and C. Weldon; both left the meeting during this discussion.]

It was moved by R. Colcleugh, seconded by H. Taylor,

That the Board of Governors approve the extension of the lease of the Graphics Building to the Weldon Park Academy for a period of one year, to June 1999, subject to the successful negotiations related to the cost sharing of the maintenance of the facility during that period.

Professor Starkey asked by how much the University has kept expenses relating to the operation and maintenance of the building below the revenue from the rent. Dr. Mercer replied that a reasonable margin exists; in one year the revenue was $37,000 above while in the other year it was $20,000. It is important to note that a greater degree of responsibility for funding the repair of major building systems will be transferred under a lease extension which reduces the risk to the University.

The question was called and CARRIED.

BG.98-09 Preferred Corporate Travel Agencies

The Board received for information a report relating to Preferred Corporate Travel Agencies, detailed in Appendix II, Information Item 1.

BG.98-10 Report on Investments

The Board received for information the Report on Investments detailed in Appendix II, Annex 2.

BG.98-11 Environmental and Safety Incidents

There were two fires on campus since the last reporting of environmental and safety incidents; one in the chemistry teaching laboratory in Althouse College and one in Room 308 of the Chemistry Building. In general, the responses to the events were considered to be effective. The details, however, are continuing to be reviewed with the aim of prevention, improving response and operational procedures.

BG.98-12 Report on Scholarships

The Board received for information the Report on Scholarships detailed in Appendix II, Annex 3.


BG.98-13 Board Committee Chairs, Vice-Chairs, and Members

It was moved by H. Taylor, seconded by W. Gibson,

That the Board of Governors approve the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Board committees for 1998 as shown in Appendix III, Annex 1.

That the Board of Governors appoint members of Board committees for 1998 as shown in Appendix III, Annex 2, with the addition of Mr. M. Pickard to the membership of the Property & Finance Committee.

The question was called and CARRIED.

BG.98-14 Board and Committee Meeting Dates 1999

With the consensus of the Board, the meeting schedule for the Campus and Community Affairs Committee was withdrawn.

It was moved by J. Etherington, seconded by W. Gibson,

That the Board of Governors approve the 1999 meeting schedule for the Board of Governors and committees, as shown in Appendix III, Annex 3, excluding the schedule for Campus and Community Affairs.


BG.98-15 Appointments to Committees and Boards

Mr. Peel advised that Mr. T. Vine will serve on the Standing Committee on Campus Recreation (term to February 1, 2000).


BG.98-16 The Institute for Advanced Research

On behalf of Senate, it was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by L. Whittaker,

That the Board of Governors endorse the concept of the Institute for Advanced Research Appendix IV, Annex 1, as approved and recommended by the Senate.

Dr. Davenport advised that the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), provides a unique opportunity to capitalize on 深夜福利站's strengths across a variety of disciplines in the Sciences, Health Sciences, Medicine & Dentistry and Engineering. The University's response to the CFI initiative has brought together several major research areas in collaborative approaches to secure broad-based support for a multidisciplinary Institute for Advanced Research. The recommendation seeks approval of the concept of the Institute as a focus for such collaborative research.

Ms. Ivey Thom suggested that 深夜福利站's Institute for Advanced Research might be confused with the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. Dr. Bridger replied that he had not made any connection between the two institutes but agreed to consider this point.*

The question was called and CARRIED.

*[Secretary's Note: The name has been changed to the Advanced Research Institute.]

BG.98-17 Appointments Procedures

It was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by R. Bateman,

That the following sections of Appointments Procedures be amended as underscored, as recommended by the Senate:


7.All Selection Committees shall meet in camera and their deliberations shall be strictly confidential. Wherever possible, at least twelve months, but not longer than twenty months, prior to the end of any term of office the appropriate Selection Committee shall be established. The Committee will assume the incumbent to be a candidate unless the Selection Committee is informed otherwise.


10.The cost of a study leave will be borne by the Faculty (or other budget unit) in which the study leave eligibility was earned. Where this would place an undue burden on the budget of the Faculty, the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) may recommend

to the Senate Committee on University Planning a special one-time allocation to assist in the financing of the leave.


That the following sections of Appointments Procedures be amended as underscored, as recommended by the Senate:



The term for the Dean of Graduate Studies is five years, renewable. In the case of renewal of an appointment where the incumbent takes a Study Leave between the first and second term, the term of appointment will be six years.



The term for Deans of other Faculties is five years, renewable. In the case of renewal of an appointment where the incumbent takes a Study Leave between the first and second term, the term of appointment will be six years.


BG.98-18 Senate Information Items

The Board received for information the following items from Senate, details of which can be found in Appendix IV:

Convocation Dates - June 1999
Integrated Engineering Program
BA in Honors Business Administration - BESc Concurrent Degree Programs
Huron College: Combined Honors Program in International and Comparative Studies
Combined Honors Program in Anthropology and French Linguistics
Faculty of Law - Extended Time LLB Program
Concurrent BESc/LLB Programs
Report of the Academic Colleague



Professor Starkey asked when the Board will receive the report on the Research Park. Dr. Bridger advised that it is expected that the consultant's report on the Research Park will be presented to the Board in March.

BG.98-20 Procedures for the Review of Undergraduate Programs [BG.97-169]

Asked about the Undergraduate Program audit process referred to in the Report of the Academic Colleague (Appendix IV, Annex 2), Dr. Moran replied that the program, which the Council of Ontario Universities began last year, determines whether or not a particular university is following its own review procedures to ensure that the undergraduate programs are of good quality. In the Spring of 1997, Senate and the Board approved an undergraduate program review process which included the establishment of the Provost's Committee on Undergraduate Program Review. This Committee, whose membership includes two students, monitors the reviews of the undergraduate programs. The Board will receive a summary of the reviews of all undergraduate programs when they become available.

Signed by:

W.W. Peel, Chair

J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary of the Board