
Report of the Property & Finance Committee

Board of Governors - APPENDIX II - November 27, 1997


1. Construction of New Stadium and Fund Raising Plan

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the following, conditional on reaching a Stadium Operating Agreement with the City of London:

a) commencement of the design of a new stadium to meet the 2001 Canada Games requirements on the Huron Flats;

b) the proposed joint University of 深夜福利站 Ontario/2001 Canada Games Host Committee agreement for fund raising to support construction of the new stadium and other Canada Games activities.


In August 1996, the Board of Governors approved that the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario take a leadership position in the London and area bid for the 2001 Canada Games, subject to a list of conditions that were accepted by the Canada Games Host Committee. One of the conditions of the bid indicated that the budget for the Games would include a $5 million renovation to J.W. Little Stadium, which would be funded by $2.5 million from the University and $2.5 million from the Host Society. The University undertook to expand the use of the stadium by community groups, provided that it received a reasonable compensation for use of the stadium. The University also reserved the right to build an entirely new stadium on a new site on campus, in which case the Host Society would provide $2.5 million of the estimated new construction cost of approximately $10 million.

Subsequent to the submission of the Bid, the University presented a set of proposed guiding principles for the shared use of the stadium to the City's Commissioner of Community Services. These principles were accepted by City staff as being reasonable and were to be reviewed for further discussion. University staff have continued to work to refine the options available to the University with the possible siting of a new stadium in the area of Huron Flats.

Discussions have been held with the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority and it is expected that the siting of a new stadium on the "flood fringe" area of Huron Flats is suitable and acceptable. This site is considered to be more appropriate than rebuilding on the site of the existing stadium, as set out in the 1993 Master Plan, or building in proximity to Althouse College, as set out in the Strategic Plan of 1995.

Reparing J.W. Little Stadium or Building a New Stadium:

Both facilities provide a much needed all-weather surface that could be used up to sixteen hours per day by the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario and community groups.

Repair J.W. Little Stadium:

Build a New Stadium:

It should be noted that the Strategic Plan suggests a new stadium on lands adjacent to Althouse College. However, as a result of discussions with the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, it is expected that a stadium would be permitted on the "fringe" of the flood plain on the Huron Flats (see Annex 2).

Ketchum Fund Raising Feasibility Report

The report indicated that there is strong support for building a new stadium in the context of the 2001 Games, and a belief that the community of London sorely needs a facility of this type. Although there was support for a fund raising campaign for a stadium, the respondents invariably indicated that they would give first consideration to making a donation toward the 2001 Games. A joint fund raising campaign - for the stadium and the 2001 Games - was favoured and seen as the only way sufficient funds for the stadium could be raised. Giving intentions ranged from gifts from individuals to major gifts of $4 to $5 million.

Based on their findings, Ketchum recommends that the University participate in a community-based joint campaign for the 2001 Games and the stadium. Several of the corporations consulted during the review have indicated that an "ask" for the stadium/2001 Games should not preclude the University from approaching them again at a later date for other appeals. In the context of a joint fund raising effort, the stadium can be positioned as a community project. On this basis, the proposed fund raising plan was developed. Attached as Annex 3 is the 2001 Friends of the Games Campaign - Campaign Strategy and Plan.

Fund raising for the stadium will be presented as a community project. Eighty percent of the current usage in the J.W. Little Stadium is by non-University groups. The amount of non-University use can triple with the provision of artificial turf and lighting and still allocate more-than-sufficient time access for all University-based uses. A joint-use operating agreement with the City is being drafted, and there is every reason to believe that the cooperative arrangements being contemplated will work well.

2. New Residence: Site Selection

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve:

a) the use of the north side of University Drive as the site for the construction of a 380 to 450 bed new residence;

b) that the detailed design of the residence proceed, subject to approval in January 1998 of the exterior design and that the maximum project budget be less than $20 million.


On October 2, 1997, the Board of Governors authorized a feasibility study, including preliminary design considerations, for additional University residence space. Expressions of Interest from consultant/design were received and a short list of candidates were interviewed. Based on an evaluation against numerous criteria, the Selection Committee unanimously agreed to recommend that the design team headed by the firm of architects TillmannRuthMocellin, with Moffat Kinoshita as design consultants, be retained to carry out the design of the new residence.

At the October 20, 1997, Property and Finance Committee meeting, information was presented based on a review by University staff. The internal University study indicated that a 400 bed residence is financially achievable provided that the total project costs are less than $20 million. A review of off- and on-site locations and the extremely tight schedule for completion in August 1998 indicated that the best site for the construction is on University Drive.

The design team was requested to independently review the possible sites for the new residence related to feasibility and compatibility with the principles of the Campus Master Plan. A summary of the review, attached as Annex 4, supports the recommendation that the University Drive site be used.

Discussions have been held with a neighbour on Tower Lane who will be most affected by the new residence.

In response to a submission from the Broughdale Community Association (see Annex 5), representatives of the University met with a delegation of the Association, led by President Susan Bentley on Saturday, November 15. Representatives from the University included Dr. R. Colcleugh, Chair of the Property & Finance Committee; Dr. Paul Davenport, President; Dr. Peter Mercer, Vice-President (Administration); Dr. Roma Harris, Vice-Provost & Registrar; Ms. Susan Grindrod, Senior Director, Student Housing & Food Services; and Mr. Dave Riddell, Senior Director of Physical Plant and Capital Planning Services. Following the meeting with the Broughdale Community group, the University representatives reconvened to review their position in light of concerns raised by the Broughdale residents. They remained convinced that the University Drive site is the best choice for the new residence.

At its meeting of November 17, 1997, in addition to approving the site location for recommendation to the Board, the Property and Finance Committee, under authority delegated to it under Policy 2.15, appointed the firm of architects TillmannRuthMocellin, in conjunction with Moffat Kinoshita, to design the new residence at a fee of less than 5.1% of the construction cost.

The design team has been advised of the importance of an appropriate design of the building at the primary entrance to the University. The proposed exterior design of the facility will be brought forward for approval in January 1998.

3. Organizational Structure for Ivey Management Services, The Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation, and The Richard Ivey School of Business (Asia) Limited

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the arrangements with the Richard Ivey School of Business, as outlined in the contracts attached as:

Annex 6 - UWOand Ivey Management Services
Annex 7- UWO and Richard Ivey Schoolof Business (Asia) Limited
Annex 8- UWO and Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation
Annex 9 - UWO and Bank of Nova Scotia and Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation
Annex 10- Lease - UWO and Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation (re Spencer Hall)


The Administration has been working with the Richard Ivey School of Business to design appropriate corporate structures that will permit the School to operate with more independence in the areas of corporate training and consulting and yet remain accountable to the Board of Governors.

Corporate Structure

The proposed corporate structure involves the establishment of:

Board Membership

The Board of Governors of the University will appoint all members to the Board of Directors of Ivey Management Services and to the Board of Directors of the Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation. Each Board will consist of five ex officio members (consisting of the Dean and Associate Dean of the Richard Ivey School of Business, the President, the Provost, and the Vice-President (Administration) of the University) and seven members whose membership is recommended by the Dean of the Business School. The names of initial Board members are included in the attached contracts.

The Board of Governors will also appoint the majority of members to the Board of Directors of the Richard Ivey School of Business (Asia) Limited. This Board will initially consist of the Associate Dean (Larry Wynant), the Director of Financial Resources (John Irwin) and a Faculty Member (Paul Beamish) from the Richard Ivey School of Business and Jonathan Wong, a Hong Kong business person.

Administration and Budget Review

All administrative activities (including purchasing, accounting, budgeting and human resources) will be looked after by the new entities. Their budgets and business plans will be reviewed by the Administration and reported to the Property and Finance Committee as part of the annual budget cycle for all University activities.

The accounts of the new entities will be consolidated with the University's accounts for year end financial reporting. (Note: This was done at April 30, 1997).

Financial Arrangements

Ivey Management Services will contribute 6% of revenues to the University in 1997/98 increasing to a level of 12% by 2002. The Richard Ivey School of Business (Asia) Limited will contribute 6% of revenues to the University starting in 1999/00 and increasing to a level of 12% by 2004. Revenues from publications, as well as revenues from new programs during their first 2 years of operation, will be excluded from the calculation.

The Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation, which will operate Spencer Hall over a 20 year lease period, will contribute 2% of revenue (subject to a minimum of $80,000 per year and a maximum level which starts at $100,000 and escalates to $160,000 after 15 years) to the University in lieu of administrative fees.

Fund raising

All fund raising for the Business School and for the corporate entities will continue to be done under the direction of the Dean and under the general control of the University. With the exception of the Richard Ivey School of Business (Asia) Limited, all income tax receipts will be issued by the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario.

4. Emergency Planning Policy

Recommended: That Policy 1.4 - Policy on Emergencies - be renamed "Policy on Emergency Planning & Response" with the revised text shown in Annex 11.


The Emergency Planning Committee recommends the proposed revisions to the University's existing Policy on Emergencies (Policy 1.4), as detailed in Annex 11, to reflect the current mandate and processes.

Master Emergency Plan

The Emergency Planning Committee has set March 15, 1998, as the target date for the completion of the Master Emergency Plan. The appendices, including the Communications Plan, will follow as time permits. This will continue to be an evolutionary process and the Plan should be updated regularly. It should be noted that the Emergency Planning Committee worked with Telecommunications to include Emergency Procedures in the front of the recently published Campus Telephone Directory.

The current policy is shown in Annex 12.

5. Lease of Space on University Roofs

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve that the Physical Plant and Capital Planning Services Division be given the authority to enter into agreements with outside organizations for the use of building roof tops to mount communications antennae.


A number of organizations have expressed interest in using University building roof tops, including but not limited to, the Social Science Centre, to mount communications antennae. There is potential revenue in leasing these areas to commercial organizations without interference with the University's own operations.

Interested parties wish to install low-power, unobtrusive, commercial communications equipment. There is also the possibility that police, fire and ambulance services may seek a campus location to improve their communications capabilities in the University area.

The Physical Plant and Capital Planning Services Division currently maintains the campus two-way radio and paging installations and it is important that the integrity of these facilities be preserved. Concerns such as safety, appearance, adherence to University building standards, as well as electrical code, grounding and lightning considerations must be addressed.

The Physical Plant and Capital Planning Services Division will ensure that the University's needs are foremost and that approved installations will not impede the possible installation of University-owned or leased wireless voice and data communications technologies.

6. Supplementary Fees: Office of the Registrar

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve that the schedule of supplementary fees in the Office of the Registrar be adjusted as proposed below:


With photo
Current: $14.00
Proposed: $20.00

Without photo
Current & proposed: $6.00 ( no increase)


Regular service
Current: $5.00
Proposed: $8.00

Rush service
Current: $8.00
Proposed: $10.00


Current: $8.00
Proposed: $10.00


Current: $35.00
Proposed: $40.00


Current: $35.00
Proposed: $40.00


Among many other things, the Office of the Registrar assists students by replacing lost items, such as photo ID cards, and by preparing duplicate fees deduction certificates. The Office also produced official transcripts when they are requested by students and graduates. "Regular" transcript service normally involves a one-week turnaround. "Rush" service normally guarantees the transcript will be available within 24 hours of the receipt of a request.

These services are important to students and graduates. The staff in the Office of the Registrar attempt to provide this support in as prompt and courteous a manner as possible. However, processing these requests requires a considerable amount of staff time and, at present, 深夜福利站's fee assessment for the provision of these services is lower than in a number of other Ontario universities. The relatively minor adjustments proposed will ensure that these services will continue to be offered in an efficient and effective way to meet the needs of students.

The Office of the Registrar also assesses penalty fees when students write N.S.F. cheques and for late payment of fees.

Approval is sought from the Board of Governors for a number of minor fee adjustments for services provided by the Office of the Registrar. The requested increases bring 深夜福利站's fees in line with those charged in other Ontario universities (see Annex 13). In approving the above-noted proposal for recommendation tothe Board, the Property & Finance asked that the administration look into the possibility of a reduced transcript fee for bulk orders.



1. Scholarship/Prize/Award Conditions

On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property and Finance Committee has approved the following Terms of Reference for new awards:

Lynn Fordham Awards in Science and Engineering (4) (Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering Science)

Awarded annually to students in Science or Engineering Science who demonstrate financial need, academic excellence (full course load and minimum 75% average) and possess leadership qualities. One award will be given to a student entering first year, one to a student entering second year, one to a student entering third year and one to a student entering fourth year. This award may continue until graduation; however, the student must reapply each year and demonstrate financial need. Application forms are available at the Office of the Registrar and must be submitted not later than October 31. A statement outlining leadership qualities must be attached.

Value: Up to $2,500 each
Effective: May 1999 - First and Second Year at $2,500 each
May 2000 - Third and Fourth Year at $2,500 each

This award will receive matched funding from the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund program.

2. Scholarship/Prize/Award Revisions

On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property & Finance Committee has approved the following changes in existing scholarships, awards, and bursaries:

Carl F. and Margaret E. Klinck Scholarship in English (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Arts Division - English)

Change in Value from: $650
To: $1,300
Effective: May 1998

Ruth Horner Arnold Fellowship in Plant Science (Faculty of Graduate Studies/Biosciences Division - Plant Sciences)

Change in Number and Value from: 1 fellowship @ $1,300
To: 2 fellowships @ $1,000
Effective: May 1998

Dr. Glynn A. Leyshon Award (Any Faculty)
J.C. Hawlik Award (Any Faculty)
James G. Farmer Award (Any Faculty)

[The following will be added as the last two sentences to the above three awards.] Application forms are available at the Office of the Registrar (Rm. 190), Stevenson-Lawson Building and the Athletic Office (Rm. 120), Thames Hall. Deadline to apply is October 31.

Gordon J. Spylo Award in Physiology (Faculty of Science)

Change in value from: $300
To: $400
Effective: May 1998

Lorraine Ivey Shuttleworth Continuing Awards Program (Any Faculty)

Change in number from: 25
To: 6 available each year

Robert H. Betts Bursary (Faculty of Science)

Change in effective date from: May 1999
To: May 1998

3. Discontinued Awards

The Property & Finance Committee has been advised of the following discontinued bursary:

Effective 1997/98: Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) - London Club (Bursary - External)