As approved at the April 24, 1997, meeting of the Board of Governors. The "in camera" portion of the minutes have not been included herein. Copies of Appendices are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS March 27, 1997 The meeting was held at 3:30 p.m. in Room 330, Stevenson-Lawson Building. PRESENT: Mr. W.W. Peel, Chair, Ms. J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary, Mr. R. Bateman, Dr. W.A. Bridger, Dr. J.V. Collins, Dr. P. Davenport, Ms. S. Desmond, Mr. T. Garrard, Mr. W. Gibson, Mayor D. Haskett, Mr. C. Keith, Dean R.M. Mathur, Dr. P.P. Mercer, Dr. G. Moran, Mr. R. Parks, Ms. J.M. Potter, Prof. J. Starkey, Dean J.L. Stokes, Mr. H.W. Taylor, Mr. T. Vine, Ms. C. Weldon. BY INVITATION: J. Duncan, K. Gee, L. Koza, R. Wirick BG.97-42 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT [Appendix I] The Report of the President, contained in Appendix I, included information on the following topics:  Budget Priorities for 1997-98  Government Policies on Tuition, Student Aid, and Research  Canada Foundation for Innovation  Student Recruitment and Enrolment Contingent Funding  深夜福利站's 125th Anniversary Campaign  Full-Cost Recovery MBA Program Dr. Davenport highlighted his presentation with the use of overheads, copies of which are attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes. COORDINATING COMMITTEE [Appendix II] BG.97-43 Amendment to By-Law No. 1: Terminating the Membership of Members Who Become Inactive On behalf of the Coordinating Committee, it was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by W. Gibson, That By-Law No. 1, section C.4, be amended as follows: 4. Pursuant to section 12.(3) of the UWO Act (1982), where within any membership year a member of the Board, other than an ex officio member, who has not been granted leave of absence attends less than 50 per cent of the regular meetings of the Board, the Board may by resolution declare such membership vacant. (a) The Chair of the Board may grant a leave of absence to a member, but, with the exception of an ex officio member, a member who expects or finds an inability to fulfill responsibilities as a member of the Board for six consecutive months or more should resign membership on the Board. (b) The Chair of the Board shall contact any member who does not meet the requirements of section 12.(3) of the UWO Act and termination of Board membership may be recommended to the Board. (c) Section 12.(4) of the UWO Act (1982) requires that the Board, by resolution, declare a membership vacant if the member fails to attend less than 25% of the regular meetings of the Board in a membership year. CARRIED BG.97-44 Restructuring the Committees of the Board BG.97-44a Audit Committee It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by J. Stokes, That the terms of reference and composition of the Audit Committee - Special Resolution No. 1-L -be amended as shown in Appendix II, Annex 1. CARRIED BG.97-44b Coordinating Committee It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by J. Stokes, That the Coordinating Committee be disbanded, effective April 25, 1997. CARRIED BG.97-44c By-Laws Committee It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by W. Gibson, That a By-Laws Committee of the Board be established as detailed in Special Resolution No. 1-A, as shown in Appendix II, Annex 2. CARRIED BG.97-44d Campus and Community Affairs Committee It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by J. Starkey, That the terms of reference of the Campus and Community Affairs Committee -Special Resolution No. 1-D - be amended as shown in Appendix II, Annex 3-A. CARRIED BG.97-44e Development and Fund Raising Committee It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by W. Gibson, That the terms of reference of the Development and Fund Raising Committee -Special Resolution No. 1-C - be amended as shown in Appendix II, Annex 4. CARRIED BG.97-44f Property and Finance Committee It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by J. Starkey, That the terms of reference of the Property and Finance Committee -Special Resolution No. 1-B - be amended as shown in Appendix II, Annex 5-A. CARRIED BG.97-44g Senior Operations Committee It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by J. Starkey, That the terms of reference of the Senior Operations Committee - Special Resolution No. 1-M - be amended as shown in Appendix II, Annex 8A. CARRIED Mr. Taylor asked if the Senior Operations Committee has sufficient breadth to deal with the issues that come before it, given the membership is restricted to four people. Ms. Weldon replied the Committee does not act as an executive committee, it reviews senior administration salary and personnel issues. The four external Board members appointed to the Committee provide a diversification of background and experience. The Committee is small in number because of the confidentiality aspect related to human resources issues with which it deals and its size addresses the need for flexibility in terms of scheduling meetings. The Secretary explained that the Coordinating Committee was a surrogate executive committee -- it had executive powers such as approving items during the months when the Board did not have regularly scheduled meetings. However, the proposed revisions to By-Law No. 1 with regard to Delegation of Authority (Appendix II, Annex 7, page 6, item I), show that it will not be proposed that this power be conferred upon to the Senior Operations Committee. Special Board meetings will be called to deal with issues when regular Board meetings are not scheduled. The only executive power left with the Senior Operations Committee is one that deals with personnel issues when the appropriate selection committee process has been finalized. BG.97-45 Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by W. Gibson, That the following Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Committees be appointed for terms ending January 29, 1998: Property & Finance: Chair Bob Colcleugh Vice-Chair Carol Weldon Audit: Chair Janet Collins (reappointment) Vice-Chair Howard Taylor (reappointment) Campus & Chair Jim Etherington (reappointment) Community Affairs: Vice-Chair Lin Whittaker (reappointment) CARRIED BG.97-46 Membership of Standing Committees of the Board It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by J. Starkey, That the Board approve the appointment of members to standing committees of the Board as shown in Appendix II, Annex 6, subject to any changes made by the Board through additional nominations at the Board meeting. CARRIED The following changes were made at the meeting:  By-Laws Committee: Madeline Lennon was removed from the By-Laws Committee membership, which leaves two vacancies -- one member of the administrative staff and one other  P & F Committee: Bill Bridger [not Bill Peel] will attend as an ex officio non-voting member in his capacity as VP (Research) BG.97-47 Appointment to External Boards and Committees The Board received for information the appointments to external boards and committees detailed in Appendix II, Information item 1. It was agreed that the activity level of the Joint Relations and Liaison Committees to which Board members are appointed will be reviewed to determine whether annual appointments warranted. BG.97-48 Committee Vacancies Each year the Board appoints members to the Standing Committee on Campus Recreation and the Standing Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics -- both committees within the Faculty of Kinesiology. Members interested in serving on one or both of these Committees were invited to contact the Secretary of the Board. BG.97-49 Notice of Motion: Amendments to By-Law No. 1 The Board received the notice of a motion to amend By-Law No. 1 [Appendix II, page 4] which is to be considered at the next meeting of the Board. Most of the changes proposed are editorial or update the by-law in keeping with changes previously approved by the Board. Several amendments are consistent with changes to terms of reference of committees of the Board which were approved at this meeting. BG.97-50 Attendance at Committee Meetings At the Board meeting in January 1997, it was noted that the Senate recently adopted a regulation concerning regular attendance at committee meetings to the effect that membership can be terminated if a member is absent from three meetings in a membership year. As requested, the Coordinating Committee has considered whether a similar regulation would be appropriate for attendance at Board committee meetings, and determined that it would not be appropriate, for reasons detailed in Appendix II, information item 4 (page 6). BG.97-51 New Board Member: Administrative Staff The Board welcomed Tom Vine, recently elected to the Board of Governors by the administrative staff of the University to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of George Robinson (term to November 14, 1998). Mr. Vine is a Purchasing Manager in the Department of Purchasing. PROPERTY & FINANCE COMMITTEE [Appendix III] BG.97-52 Approval Authorities for Construction and Maintenance Projects (Policy 2.15) On behalf of the Property & Finance Committee, it was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by S. Desmond, That Policy 2.15 - Approval Authorities for Construction and Maintenance Projects - as detailed in Appendix III, Annex 1. CARRIED BG.97-53 Canadian University Study Abroad Program It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by D. Haskett, That the Board approve The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario's participation in the Canadian University Study Abroad Program as described in Appendix III, item 2., and as approved by the Senate. CARRIED BG.97-54 Retail Facility in Thames Hall - "The Wreck Room" It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by S. Desmond, That the Board authorize the establishment of a retail facility in Thames Hall, called the "Wreck Room", to be operated by the London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) in cooperation with the Faculty of Kinesiology under the arrangements highlighted below:  The retail outlet is called the "Wreck Room" and is located in Room 3100 of Thames Hall  There will be a lease signed which outlines rents for the occupied space, requires LHSC to pay any business taxes and requires LHSC to indemnify UWO against any claims arising out of LHSC's negligence.  LHSC will be the sole operator  The "Wreck Room" will primarily provide products for patients of the Fowler/Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic, e.g., knee braces  The Faculty of Kinesiology can request that certain products, such as clothing, recreational team shirts and sports-related products be offered for sale, primarily for students of the Faculty of Kinesiology  Operating and start up expenses will be shared by the Faculty of Kinesiology and LHSC  The agreement will terminate at April 30, 1997, and may be renewed for one year periods by mutual agreement. CARRIED BG.97-55 Social Science Animal Quarters: Award of Contract The Board was advised that the contract for the Social Science Centre Alterations to Animal Facilities and Research Space has been awarded to Norlon Builders London Limited in the amount of up to $1,017,500 plus GST [See Appendix III, Information Item 1]. BG.97-56 Report on Environmental Incidents and/or Safety Incidents The Board received for information the report on Environmental Incidents and/or Safety Incidents, detailed in Appendix III, Information Item 2. The following environmental incidents and/or safety incidents were reported: Thames River flooding; a minor fire in the Engineering Science Building; PCB contamination incidents; and an asbestos release incident in Alumni Hall. BG.97-57 Report on Investments See Appendix III, Annex 2. BG.97-58 Report on Scholarships See Appendix III, Annex 3. CAMPUS & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE [Appendix IV] BG.97-59 Student Endowment Fund Initiative (SEFI) BG.97-59a SEFI Agreement between 深夜福利站 and the USC On behalf of the Campus & Community Affairs Committee, it was moved by J. Starkey, seconded by S. Desmond, That the Student Support Fee of $50 per full-time undergraduate student (prorated on a per course basis for part-time undergraduate students) be eliminated, on the condition that the University Students' Council establish an additional $50 endowment fee under the terms of reference set out in the Agreement shown in Appendix IV, Annex 2. CARRIED The Board was informed that the Agreement was approved unanimously by the USC at a meeting held on March 20, 1997. BG.97-59b SEFI Agreement between 深夜福利站 and the SOGS It was moved by J. Starkey, seconded by C. Keith, That the Student Support Fee of $50 per full-time graduate student represented by the Society of Graduate Students (prorated on a per course basis for part-time graduate students) be eliminated, on the condition that the Society of Graduate Students establish an additional $50 endowment fee under the terms of reference set out in the Agreement shown in Appendix IV Annex 3, subject to ratification by the Society of Graduate Students. CARRIED [Secretarial Note: The Agreement was approved by the SOGS at its meeting held the evening of March 27th.] BG.97-59c SEFI Agreement between 深夜福利站 and the MBAA It was moved by J. Starkey, seconded by C. Weldon, That the Student Support Fee of $50 per student represented by the MBA Association be eliminated, on the condition that the MBA Association establish an additional $50 endowment fee under the terms of reference set out in the Agreement shown in Appendix IV, Addendum, page 2 (distributed at the meeting), subject to ratification by the MBA Association. CARRIED BG.97-60 Policy on Naming of Campus Buildings, Roads, Etc. It was moved by J. Starkey, seconded by M. Mathur, That the Board of Governors approve revisions to Policy 1.9 - Naming of Campus Buildings, Roads, Etc. as shown in Appendix IV, Annex 4A. CARRIED BG.97-61 Expanded Role for the Campus and Community Affairs Committee The Report of the Campus and Community Affairs Committee describes, in Appendix IV, Information Item 1, details about the expanded role for the Campus and Community Affairs Committee. As provided in the Committee's new terms of reference, approved at this meeting, "the Committee may receive recommendations, proposals, or submissions from individuals or components of the University, from campus organizations, or from the general community where the Committee is of the view that such proposals or submissions may assist it in dealing with matters under the purview of the Board." The Committee has determined that three meetings each year should be scheduled to hear presentations from the campus and general community: March, October, and December. In order that submissions may influence the budgeting process for the forthcoming fiscal year, the October meeting will focus particularly on budgetary issues, such as ancillary fees. Sections 9. and 10. of the revised terms of reference have been added to describe the way in which submissions may come before the Committee. BG.97-62 Regular Meetings of the Campus and Community Affairs Committee In addition to public meetings for the purpose of receiving submissions and proposals, as noted above, the Campus and Community Affairs Committee will meet monthly (except July and August) to conduct regular business, but meetings may be cancelled if there is insufficient business. BG.97-63 Annual Report on Activities within the University Community Centre The Annual Report on Activities within the University Community Centre, prepared by the University Students' Council, was provided for information (Appendix IV, Annex 6). PENSION BOARDS [Appendix V] BG.97-64 The Report of The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Academic Staff and Administrative Staff Pension Boards [R. Wirick and J. Duncan were present to respond to questions concerning the report of the Pension Boards] The Board received for information The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Academic Staff and Administrative Staff Pension Boards Report detailed in Appendix V. The report covers the events and activities of the Pension Boards in the calendar years 1995 and 1996. Both plans are "defined contribution" arrangements where the amount of funds set aside each year by both the employee and the University is defined by formula. The formulae differ among employee groups due to negotiations between the University and the respective groups. By agreement, the two Boards pool their investments and share in the administration and communication efforts associated with the pension plans. During the discussion of the Report, it was clarified that the responsibility of the Board is to ensure from year to year that the pension plans are properly administered and that the Pension Boards maintain a proper reporting mechanism to the Board of Governors. There is no objective standard of adequacy under a defined contribution plan. In terms of the University's liability, communication to the members of the defined contribution plans is key to educating members in selecting investment options and levels of contributions. SENIOR OPERATIONS [Appendix VI] BG.97-65 Statement of the Role of the Board of Governors The proposed statement of the role of the Board as set out in Appendix VI was discussed. With the consensus of the Board, a new item was inserted at the top of the list (item 1. below). On behalf of the Senior Operations Committee, it was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by W. Gibson, That the Board approve the following statement of the role of the Board of Governors: Role of the Board of Governors 1. To provide stewardship and ensure that University actions support University objectives. 2. To participate in setting the mission and strategic plan of the University, and to focus on the strategic plan, once formulated. 3. To appoint and support the President; to monitor the President's performance 4. To protect and defend the University's autonomy 5. To ensure the University's future 6. To advocate on behalf of the University: to understand the University, its mission, its strategic plan, and its culture, and to explain them to the external community. 7. To identify risks and internal controls 8. To ensure adequate resources and financial solvency 9. To set policy 10. To ensure good management 11. To assess Board performance CARRIED BG.97-66 Statement of Responsibilities of a Board Member With the consensus of the Board, amendments to the proposal in Appendix VI were made: Item 5: addition of references to "Board Chair" Item 9: addition of reference to "the staff" It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by M. Mathur, That the Board of Governors approve the following statement of the responsibilities of Board members: Responsibilities of a Board Member 1. To support the mission of the University 2. To help enhance the public image of the University and the Board of Governors 3. To strengthen and sustain the President while being an active, energetic, and probing Board member exercising critical judgment on policy matters 4. To understand that the Board's role is policy making and not involvement in administration or the management process 5. To communicate promptly to the Board Chair or President, as appropriate, any significant concern or complaint and then let the Board Chair or President deal with it 6. To defend the autonomy and the independence of the University 7. To maintain an overriding loyalty to the entire University rather than to any part of it or constituency within it 8. To seek to be fully informed about the University and its role in the province and in higher education and to be responsive to the changing environments which affect it 9. To foster openness and trust among the members of the Board, the administration, the faculty, the staff, the students, provincial government and the public 10. To maintain a decent respect for the opinions of one's colleagues and a proper restraint in criticism of colleagues and officers 11. To speak one's mind at Board meetings but to support policies and programs once established 12. To recognize that authority resides only with the Board as a whole and not in its individual members 13. To recognize that the President is the primary spokesperson for the University and the Chair of the Board is the only other person authorized to speak for the Board 14. To recognize that no Board member shall make any request or demand for actions that violate the written policies, rules, and regulations of the Board of the University 15. To maintain the highest ethical standards and never allow any personal conflict of interest to exist It was clarified that all members of the Board will be bound by the provisions in the Statement of Responsibilities, once approved by the Board. The motion was called and CARRIED. BG.97-67 Guidelines for the Identification and Appointment of External Board Members It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by W. Gibson, That the Board of Governors approve the Guidelines for the Identification and Appointment of External Board Members as shown in Appendix VI, Annex 1. CARRIED ITEMS REFERRED BY THE SENATE [Appendix VII] BG.97-68 Establishment of a Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry On behalf of Senate, it was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by D. Haskett, That there be created, effective July 1, 1997, a Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry; and That the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry be disbanded as of June 30, 1997, and that the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry emerge as a fully functioning Faculty as of July 1, 1997. CARRIED BG.97-68b Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry It was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by D. Haskett, That the incumbent Dean of Medicine continue as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. CARRIED BG.97-68c School of Dentistry and Appointment of Director It was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by D. Haskett, That the School of Dentistry within the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry be headed by a Director who will be responsible directly to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, and who will be appointed according to the same process used in the selection and appointment of Departmental Chairs. Until such time as a Director is appointed, there shall be an Acting Director appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. It is hoped that the new Director will be in place by July 1, 1997, and a Search Committee will be struck immediately. CARRIED BG.97-69 Bachelor of Health Sciences Program It was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by W. Gibson, That the Faculty of Health Sciences introduce a general three-year or four-year Bachelor of Health Sciences program, effective September 1, 1997. CARRIED BG.97-70 Bachelor of Arts in Media, Information and Technoculture It was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by S. Desmond, That the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning introduce a three-year Bachelor of Arts with an Area of Concentration in Media, Information and Technoculture (MIT), and a Combined Honors BA in Media, Information and Technoculture, effective September 1, 1997. CARRIED BG.97-71 Appointments Procedures: Director of a School within the Faculty of Health Sciences It was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by J.L. Stokes, That a new section, detailed below, be added to Appointments Procedures dealing with the terms of reference and composition of a selection committee to select a Director of a School within the Faculty of Health Sciences: U. DIRECTOR OF A SCHOOL WITHIN THE FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES Composition of Selection Committee A committee to select a Director of a School within the Faculty of Health Sciences shall be: (a) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) (b) the Dean of the Faculty who shall be Chair (c) the Dean of Graduate Studies (d) 4 persons elected by those members of the School concerned who hold the rank of Assistant Professor or higher, or by Senate. Where the members of the School favor by at least a two-thirds vote the election of members by the School, the School shall elect the members; otherwise, the Senate shall elect the members. In either case, persons elected to the Committee may or may not be members of the School concerned, as the appointing body may determine. (e) 4 persons elected by Faculty Council who shall not be faculty, staff or students of the School concerned. Procedure 1. The Chair shall convene the Committee. 2. The Chair shall undertake negotiations with prospective candidates. 3. The Chair of the Committee shall report to Senate through the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) and the President & Vice-Chancellor. Terms The term for Director of a School is three to five years and may be renewed. CARRIED BG.97-72 Discontinuation of the Position of Vice-Provost Health Sciences It was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by W. Gibson, That the position of Vice-Provost Health Sciences be discontinued effective July 1, 1997. CARRIED BG.97-73 Change of Name: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering It was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by M. Mathur, That the Department of Civil Engineering be redesignated the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. CARRIED BG.97-74 Faculty of Health Sciences: A New Structure for a New Faculty The new Faculty of Health Sciences brings together two new Faculties that currently are non-departmentalized (Kinesiology, Nursing) and one that is departmentalized (Applied Health Sciences). The proposed structure is a hybrid of these two models that seeks to combine the advantages of both. This concept will preserve the discipline-based identity required for accreditation, fundraising, possible merger with Medicine and Dentistry, graduate and undergraduate programs, faculty morale and prestige. In February, in addition to the Bachelor of Arts Program in Media, Information and Technoculture, the Senate approved the Constitution of the Faculty of Health Sciences which is to consist of the following Schools: Communication Sciences and Disorders, Kinesiology, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy. BG.97-75 1996-97 Winners of The Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching The 1996-97 Winners of The Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching were provided for information as follows: Victor W. Elias, Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Science; Duncan H. Hunter, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science; Alexander Mikalachki, Richard Ivey School of Business; and Barry A. Onslow, Division of Curriculum Studies, Faculty of Education. BG.97-76 1996-97 Winner of The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Award for Excellence in Teaching by Part-Time Faculty The 1996-97 Winner of The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Award for Excellence in Teaching by Part-Time Faculty was provided for information as follows: Debra Dawson, Division of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education. BG.97-77 Honorary Degrees to be Awarded - Spring 1997 See Appendix VII, Information Item 4. BG.97-78 Order of Convocation - Autumn 1997 See Appendix VII, Information Item 5. BG.97-79 Allocation of Seats on Senate - Application to the LGIC See Appendix VII, Information Item 6. BG.97-80 Alternate Methods of Graduate Study See Appendix VII, Information Item 7. BG.97-81 School of Dentistry: Certificate of Qualification See Appendix VII, Information Item 8. BG.97-82 Change of Name: International Centre for Olympic Studies The Board was informed that the name of the Centre for Olympic Studies has been renamed the International Centre for Olympic Studies. This change in name was pursued in view of the age of the Centre, its world-recognized initiatives, and for implications related to external funding initiatives in the future. BG.97-83 Report of the Academic Colleague See Appendix VII, Annex 7. BG.97-84 Annual Report: University Council on Animal Care See Appendix VII, Annex 8. BG.97-85 Annual Report: Senate Sabbatical Leave Committee See Appendix VII, Annex 9. BG.97-86 Annual Report: Senate Sabbatical Leave Appeal Committee There were no appeals to the Senate Sabbatical Leave Appeal Committee in 1996-97. BG.97-87 Appointments See Appendix VII, Information Item 14. _____________________ ____________________ W.W. Peel J.K. Van Fleet Chair Secretary