The meeting was held at 3:30 p.m. in Room 330, Stevenson-Lawson Building.
PRESENT: Mr. W.W. Peel, Chair, Ms. J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary,
Mr. R. Bateman, Dr. W.A. Bridger, Mr. S. Castiglione, Dr. R. Colcleugh, Dr. J.V. Collins, Dr. P. Davenport, Ms. S. Desmond, Mr. J. Etherington , Mr. T. Garrard, Mr. W. Gibson, Mayor D. Haskett, Dr. J.D. Hewitt, Mr. C. Keith, Prof. M. Lennon, Dr. P.P. Mercer, Dr. G. Moran, Mr. T. O'Neil, Mr. H. Rosen, Prof. J. Starkey, Dean J.L. Stokes, Mr. H.W. Taylor, Mr. T. Vine, Dr. A. Weedon, Ms. C. Weldon, Ms. L. Whittaker
BY INVITATION: P. Bowman, S. Grindrod, R. Harris, J. Irwin, D. Riddell, L. Tapp
Mr. Peel welcomed, on behalf of the Board, Mr. Sam Castiglione and Dean Alan Weedon to their first Board meeting. Mr. Castiglione was elected by the undergraduate student constituency for a two-year term, November 15, 1997, to November 14, 1999. Dean Weedon was elected by the Senate for a four-year term, November 15, 1997, to November 14, 2001.
On behalf of the Board Mr. Peel thanked Dr. Jean Hewitt, whose term on the Board ends December 31, 1997, for her contributions to the deliberations and work of the Board of Governors since 1990.
BG.97-240 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the meeting of October 29, 1997, were approved as circulated.
BG.97-241a Chancellors' Summit
Dr. Davenport reported that 深夜福利站's Chancellor, Mr. Peter Godsoe, hosted Ensuring Excellence: a Summit on the Future of Ontario Universities on November 19 in Toronto. Participants in the summit included the Premier of Ontario; the Minister of Education; Chancellors, Board Chairs, and Presidents of Ontario universities; and leaders from the business and government sectors. The purpose of the summit was to discuss the future of Ontario's universities, including the importance of universities to Ontario's economy, culture, and well-being. The university presidents urged the Premier and the Minister of Education to adopt the directions of the Smith Report with regard to the key areas of government grant, student loans, tuition fees, and research.
BG.97-241b Update on Student Loans and Student Debt
Dr. Davenport provided an update on student loans and student debt. At the national level, discussions have involved all stakeholder groups in a National Round Table dealing with student assistance. Some consensus was achieved in identifying "key elements" to be addressed in renewing student assistance in Canada. These should form the basis for representations to the federal government during the budget-building process and for encouraging necessary coordination between federal and provincial student assistance programs.
BG.97-241c Update on Leadership in Learning
In accordance with the requirement in the Strategic Plan, approved by the Board in November 1995, a progress report outlining the University's responses to recommendations contained in Leadership in Learning was provided in Appendix I.
Mr. Bateman asked for clarification of the policy concerning the direction of support of entrance and continuing scholarships referenced to in recommendation 2.1 of the update on Leadership in Learning. Dr. Davenport explained that 75% of the new revenue derived from tuition fees is to be directed to the awards budget of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Dr. Moran advised that initially, when the Strategic Plan was approved, the policy stated that 80% of all fees in the non-professional programs would be directed to support entrance and continuing scholarships. Since the Plan was approved, dramatic changes have occurred in the graduate program, such as the full cost-recovery MBA plan. As a result of a re-evaluation of the policy, 75% of all graduate student fees, excluding the full-cost recovery program, is directed toward graduate scholarships.
Asked if the Graduate Exit Survey, noted in 2.6, will be presented to the Board for discussion, Dr. Weedon advised that a report based on the Exit Survey for 1996-97 is available from the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
BG.97-241d Activities of the President for the month of November
The President's activities for the month of November, contained in Appendix I, were received for information. A supplement concerning his trip to Hong Kong from November 21 to 25, was distributed at the meeting.
BG.97-241e Student Recruitment Initiatives
Dr. Harris gave a presentation on 深夜福利站's student recruitment initiatives. She highlighted her presentation with overheads, copies of which are attached as Appendix 1. This past year's recruitment efforts were extremely successful: enrolment is up 10% and the proportion of Ontario Scholars in the first-year class is now 55%. In addition, the number of out-of-province and international students has increased. This year, 深夜福利站's recruitment efforts included a new video for high schools, a print campaign aimed at the metro Toronto market, updated recruitment Fact Sheets and viewbooks, and a telephone campaign supported by faculty and staff. The guarantee of a space in residence and assurance of the availability of first-year courses are important recruitment tools.
Asked what effect the Maclean's survey has on 深夜福利站 relative to recruitment, Mr. Garrard replied that a market research project was recently conducted which involved the polling of students, alumni, parents to determine what motivators attract students to 深夜福利站 and help parents encourage students to attend 深夜福利站. The top two reasons for students in selecting a university are a referral from a family member, friend, or personal connection and the availability and quality of programs. It can be concluded that the impact of the Maclean's ranking is not the key determining factor in whether or not students choose to go to a particular university.
Asked about the success of the Centre for New Students, Dr. Harris replied that the Centre is successful and experiences much traffic because it is located on the first floor of the Stevenson-Lawson Building, directly below the Office of the Registrar. The staff is responsible for developing programming and answering questions posed by first-year students to assist them in making the transition from secondary to post-secondary education.
BG.97-241f Annual Report on Research
The presentation of the annual Report on Research was deferred to the Board meeting of January 29th.
BG.97-241g First-Year Enrolment
Mr. Castiglione asked about 深夜福利站's future enrolment plans, given that this year 深夜福利站's first-year enrolment exceeded 4,000 which exceeds the Senate-approved policy which set first-year enrolment at 3,750. Dr. Moran advised that in the last two years during the planning for enrolment for 1996-97 and 1997-98, SUEPP, the Senate Subcommittee on Enrolment Policy and Planning, discussed the enrolment planning process. Rather than starting from the point of an enrolment target, the Subcommittee started from a point of maintaining admission standards. The primary goal of the admission process each year is to ensure that entering students have the qualifications necessary to ensure success. The first-year admission average was set at 75% across undergraduate programs (with the exception of those having a performance-based component). SUEPP will review this issue through the budgeting process this spring.
BG.97-242 Construction of New Stadium and Fund Raising Plan
[P. Bowman, Co-Chair of the Canada Games Host Committee was present to respond to questions]
On behalf of the Property & Finance Committee, it was moved by R. Colcleugh, seconded by W. Gibson,
That the Board of Governors approve the following, conditional on reaching a Stadium Operating Agreement with the City of London:
a) commencement of the design of a new stadium on the Huron Flats to meet the 2001 Canada Games requirements;
b) the proposed joint University of 深夜福利站 Ontario/2001 Canada Games Host Committee agreement for fund raising to support construction of the new stadium and other Canada Games activities.
Dr. Mercer highlighted the project and fund raising plan, detailed in Appendix II, item 1. He acknowledged concerns about the displacement of the playing fields, but noted that it would be possible to develop new playing fields in the area just south of the existing ball diamond, across the river on the Baldwin Flats. The new stadium will be built on the fringe of the flood plain and because of the standard of construction of the new stadium, the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority has confirmed that it will not contravene environmental regulations. Relocating the stadium on that site will free up central campus space that could accommodate three large academic buildings. The Board must consider, in the calculation of the value of this project, that if the University had to acquire that central space, the value on the free market is probably in the order of $3 million. Making prime space available has its own value that further narrows the gap between the cost of a refurbished stadium and the cost of a new stadium. Dr. Mercer emphasized that the J.W. Little Stadium could be refurbished, and this would extend its usefulness by about 20 years. The new facility would last for 50-70 years. Consequently when one looks at the economics and the advantages to the academic functioning of the University and the potential for land use planning -- which did not exist at the time of the Campus Master Plan -- in concert with the information gathered about fund raising prospects, building a new stadium is by far the better choice.
Mr. Taylor voiced concern that the entire risk of construction overruns and the campaign shortfall might rest with the University. Mr. Garrard acknowledged the risk, but reported that early indications are that financing will be far easier to secure than perhaps otherwise might have been the case had the University tried to raise funds on its own. Even before mounting an official campaign, approximately $1.2 million in contributions has been raised. Based on discussions with other corporations and alumni there is reason to believe that the climate to support this project is very good. With respect to design changes and cost overruns that result from design changes, Mr. Garrard stated his understanding from the Canada Games committee is that the basic design has been established and that cost overruns should not occur.
Dr. Mercer added that the configuration of the new stadium is relatively straightforward. It does not have large technical or mechanical requirements that might lead to cost overruns. The design has been fully costed and the requirements of the Games were the prime agent in determining the design, including artificial turf, lighting, track requirements and stands. There will be some embellishments to the facility relative to the current stadium, such as better change facilities and facilities for the press, but it is not believed that this is the type of project that will incur cost overruns.
It was requested that the two parts of the motion be considered separately:
BG.97-242a That the Board of Governors approve commencement of the design of a new stadium on the Huron Flats to meet the 2001 Canada Games requirements, conditional on reaching a Stadium Operating Agreement with the City of London.
BG.97-242b That the Board of Governors approve the proposed joint University of 深夜福利站 Ontario/2001 Canada Games Host Committee agreement for fund raising to support construction of the new stadium and other Canada Games activities, conditional on reaching a Stadium Operating Agreement with the City of London.
Professor Starkey stated that he would vote on the recommendation on the understanding that the question of a new stadium versus a refurbished stadium could be revisited if at a future point it was determined that fund raising was not bringing in the required level of support for a new stadium. Dr. Davenport interpreted Dr. Starkey's opinion as meaning that if in a year's time fund raising does not seem to be going well, Dr. Starkey would prefer the option of renovating the existing stadium. Dr. Davenport reminded the Board that 深夜福利站 has a commitment to provide a stadium for the 2001 Canada Games, and this fact cannot be reconsidered. He stated his preference to build a new stadium because spending $5 million to refurbish the current stadium is not a good investment.
The question was called and CARRIED.
BG.97-243 New Residence: Site Selection
It was moved by R. Colcleugh, seconded by W. Gibson,
That the Board of Governors approve:
a) the use of the north side of University Drive as the site for the construction of a 380 to 450 bed new residence;
b) that the detailed design of the residence proceed, subject to approval in January 1998 of the exterior design and that the maximum project budget be less than $20 million.
Dr. Colcleugh reviewed the background of the proposal detailed in Exhibit I, page 3. He assured the Board that much consideration has been expended in developing the project. Dr. Davenport agreed and reported to the Board that the administration, along with the Chair of the Property & Finance Committee have explained in detail each of the options with regard to a site, both before and after the meeting with the Broughdale Community Association. Dr. Davenport acknowledged that the project is controversial and that the senior administration has been asked on a number of occasions that the Broughdale Community Association be given another chance to state their case.
It was therefore moved by P. Davenport, seconded by C. Weldon,
That the Board postpone the vote on the recommendation on the site of a new residence to a special meeting of the Board to be held in early December, after the Campus & Community Affairs Committee meeting of December 8, and that the Board have an initial discussion of the issues involved in siting a new residence at this November 27 meeting.
Dr. Davenport stressed that it is extremely important to the goals of the University that a new residence open in September 1999. This fall was very difficult. On the one hand 深夜福利站 experienced extraordinary success in student recruitment, but on the other hand, with the guarantee of residence space, 深夜福利站 was unable to accommodate in the residences on campus all of the students who accepted admission offers. This situation caused much concern among students and their parents. The University received severe criticisms from some parents based on the fact that their child would not be in one of the main residences on campus. Currently plans are being made to avoid this difficulty in 1998 by reducing the number of upper year students in the residences in the 1998-99 academic year. This solution is far from ideal; there is an urgent need to build another residence to allow upper year students places in residence. The senior administration is convinced that ultimately there will be much community support for the new residence for all the reasons heard in the past which focus on getting as many of 深夜福利站's students -- particularly first year students -- living on campus, rather than in the neighbouring community. It is critical that the Board not delay its decision beyond the week of December 8th, because a decision after that time might result in the September 1999 opening date being missed.
Mayor Haskett spoke in support of postponing the decision on the residence site and expressed appreciation for the responsiveness of the administration to the neighbourhood's request for further consultation. She objected, however, to the Board discussing the substance of the project without the benefit of further consultation with the neighbourhood, and for this reason she asked that the motion to defer be split. Speaking in favor of postponement, she said the Campus Master Plan, which was done with extensive consultations, contains a number of principles such as the University is not an isolated island, but exists within a web of relationships with the surrounding neighbourhood, and the City and region. It is appropriate to invite involvement of those outside parties. She added that she believes that building the new residence on the campus is going to alleviate many problems in the North London neighbourhoods.
It was moved by D. Haskett, seconded by J. Hewitt,
That the recommendation be split into two parts.
Dr. Davenport advised that the recommendation is linked. Almost the entire Board is assembled at this meeting and a full turnout of Board members at a special meeting called next week cannot be guaranteed. He contended that it makes good sense to have Dr. Moran, who was heavily involved in the development of the Master Plan, present his perspective at this meeting about what the Campus Master Plan means and for Mr. Riddell to review all of the sites considered. He reiterated that the Board will postpone its decision until after the December 8th open meeting of CCAC.
Dr. Hewitt supported the Mayor's request to split the motion because if the discussion about the site leads to some kind of position before the issue is considered at the open meeting, it makes the whole point of a presentation suspect.
The motion to SPLIT THE MOTION was called and was DEFEATED.
The motion to POSTPONE THE VOTE on the main motion was called and CARRIED.
Dr. Moran stated that the Campus Master Plan, developed by a committee which he chaired, is not intended to be a rigid blueprint. The illustrations contained in the Plan are not positions carved in stone because it would be presumptuous to make that kind of prediction. Instead, the Campus Master Plan is intended to be a framework for decision making, a touchstone for discussions. The Master Plan contains principles that have already served the University well in the development of several major building projects approved by the Board. Each time a major project is considered, the principles are examined to determine to what extent the project is consistent with those principles. Section 1-1 of the Campus Master Plan reads:
"It provides a framework for administrative decision making over the long term. ... The latter, that is the illustration, represent articulations of the effect of the application of the strategies outlined in the Master Plan rather than an obligation by the University administration to implement individual projects in a particular way."
Section 4-48 of the Campus Master Plan reads:
The Approval and Amendment Section of the Campus Master Plan reads:
Dr. Moran reiterated that in considering any development it is important that the Board remember what the plan is intended to be and that specific locations in those illustrations are simply illustrations.
Mr. Riddell reviewed the assessments of the sites considered: the Research Park site, Glenmore/Saugeen complex site, Springett Lot site, Althouse College site, Essex Phase 2 site, Stadium site, Visual Arts site, Arts Parking Lot site, and the University Drive site. Details of the analysis of the suitability of these sites for the residence are contained in Appendix II, Annex 4, page 2.
Dr. Davenport referred to a letter from the President of the Broughdale Community Association that addressed six concerns -- the site is not on the Campus Master Plan, the negative impact the residence would have on the neighbourhood, impact on the Sherwood Fox Arboretum, the loss of recreational space, the impact of wind conditions along University Drive, and the effect on the entrance to 深夜福利站 off Richmond Street. He advised that a full and frank discussion of these concerns occurred at the November 15, 1997, meeting between the members of the University and the Broughdale Community Association.
In response to a number of questions and concerns, the following information was provided:
Mr. Bateman asked what impact the existing residences, i.e., Medway, Sydenham, and Alumni House, have on the neighbourhood community. Mayor Haskett replied that the area residents believe that there has been a devastating impact on the residential community located south of those residences. She advised that there is some disagreement about the cause because the University's administration holds that the impact is related to absentee landlords, while the neighbourhood residents believe that the predominant reason relates to the close proximity to the residences and the noise.
Dr. Davenport stated that his interaction with the neighbourhood has been rather different. Since his arrival in July 1994, he has met with representatives of that neighbourhood on a number of occasions and it is they, not the administration, who have referred many times to the problem of absentee landlords. The neighbourhood groups have asked that new residences be built on campus so that a smaller proportion of the students will be housed in the neighbourhoods.
Asked if there are rules of behaviour for students in residences, Ms. Grindrod advised that there are rules of behaviour and they are enforced by staff in the residences. She speculated that the neighbours refer to the comings and goings of students from on- and off-campus bars, a common complaint received by the Housing Mediation Office.
Professor Starkey asked why the Campus Master Plan did not include a residence on this site. Dr. Moran replied that during the drafting of the Campus Master Plan a residence footprint was placed on the University Drive site. However, the Broughdale Community Association urged 深夜福利站 to reconsider this proposal. Dr. Moran stressed that the absence or presence of a footprint should not be taken as a guarantee: project decisions will be weighed against the principles of the Campus Master Plan.
In closing discussion, the Chair asked that further concerns be made known to the senior administration before the CCAC meeting of December 8th. He encouraged all Board members to attend the CCAC meeting which will be held at 5:00 p.m. on December 8 in the Great Hall, Somerville House. Resource people from 深夜福利站 and the architects will be present to respond to questions. A special meeting of the Board to consider the open motion will be held at 5:00 p.m. on December 10, 1997, in Room 330, Stevenson-Lawson Building. The Secretariat was asked to obtain a list of all unanswered questions from the Broughdale Community Association prior to December 5th.
BG.97-244 Organizational Structure for Ivey Management Services, The Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation, and The Richard Ivey School of Business (Asia) Limited
It was moved by R. Colcleugh, seconded by C. Weldon,
That the Board of Governors approve the arrangements with the Richard Ivey School of Business, as outlined in the following contracts:
Appendix II, Annex 6 - UWO and Ivey Management Services
Appendix II, Annex 7- UWO and Richard Ivey School of Business (Asia) Limited
Appendix II, Annex 8- UWO and Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation
Appendix II, Annex 9 - UWO and Bank of Nova Scotia and Richard Ivey School of Business
Appendix II, Annex 10 - Lease - UWO and Richard Ivey School of Business
Foundation (re Spencer Hall)
In reply to Mr. Taylor's question about the financial impact of these arrangements, Dr. Mercer stated that they are structured so that Ivey's success is 深夜福利站's success. The Financial Arrangements detailed in Appendix II, page 5, show that Ivey will contribute to 深夜福利站 6% of revenues in 1997-98 increasing to a level of 12% by 2002.
Dr. Moran stated that Ivey's faculty members will continue to be held accountable to the University's Conditions of Appointment and remuneration policies. Some of Ivey's faculty will continue to be involved in Executive Programs above and beyond their duties within the University and will be paid for that work through Ivey Management Services as has been done in the past. The same holds true for regular full-time staff employed by Ivey.
The question was called and CARRIED.
BG.97-245 Emergency Planning Policy
It was moved by R. Colcleugh, seconded by M. Lennon,
That Policy 1.4 - Policy on Emergencies - be renamed "Policy on Emergency Planning & Response" with the revised text shown in Appendix II, Annex 11.
BG.97-246 Lease of Space on University Roofs
It was moved by R. Colcleugh, seconded by M. Lennon,
That the Board of Governors authorize the Physical Plant and Capital Planning Services Division to enter into agreements with outside organizations for the use of building roof tops to mount communications antennae.
BG.97-247 Supplementary Fees: Office of the Registrar
It was moved by R. Colcleugh, seconded by M. Lennon,
That the Board of Governors approve the following adjustments to the schedule of supplementary fees in the Office of the Registrar:
With photo
Current: $14.00
Proposed: $20.00
Without photo
Current & proposed: $6.00 (no increase)
Regular service
Current: $5.00
Proposed: $8.00
Rush service
Current: $8.00
Proposed: $10.00
Current: $8.00
Proposed: $10.00
Current: $35.00
Proposed: $40.00
Current: $35.00
Proposed: $40.00
Dr. Moran explained that these services are supplementary to the primary services of the Office of the Registrar. Processing these requests requires a considerable amount of staff time, and, at present, the fees assessed for these services is lower than at a number of other Ontario universities.
The question was called and CARRIED.
BG.97-248 Report on Scholarships
The Board received for information a report on new awards and changes in existing awards, prizes and bursaries, as well as discontinued awards, detailed in Appendix II, Annex 14.
BG.97-24 Board Committee Membership
On the recommendation of the Senior Operations Committee, Sam Castiglione was appointed to the Property & Finance Committee and the Campus & Community Affairs Committee (to the end of January 1998).
BG.97-250 Board Member - Representative of the Undergraduate Students
The Board was advised that in accordance with the Board's policy on filling vacancies, Michael Rubinoff, first runner up in the fall 1997 elections of undergraduate representatives to the Board, will complete the term of Christopher Keith who has resigned. Mr. Rubinoff's term will begin on January 1, 1998, and end on November 14, 1998.
BG.97-251 Ivey Advisory Board
The Board was advised that the Senior Operations Committee has acknowledged the resignation of the several members from the Ivey Advisory Board (formerly called the Business School Advisory Committee). The following have been appointed to the Ivey Advisory Board on the recommendation of the Ivey School of Business:
George A. Cope, President and CEO, Clearnet Communications
Clare R. Copeland, President and CEO, Peoples Jewellers Corporation
Ronald G. Gage, Chairman and CEO, Ernst & Young (Toronto)
Donald K. Jackson, Chairman, Parkview Capital Corporation
Donald K. Johnson, Vice-Chairman, Nesbitt Burns (Toronto)
Arkadi Kuhlmann, President and CEO, ING Trust Company of Canada
Gilles Lamoureux, Founding Partner and Managing Director, Orenda Corporate
Finance Ltd.
Chris R. Matthews, Chairman and CEO, Hay Group (Washington, DC)
Dipak K. Rastogi, Executive Vice-President, Citibank NA (New York)
William Shurniak, Group Finance Director, Hutchison Whampoa (Hong
Donald L. Triggs, President and CEO, Vincor International Inc.
Honorary Member: Allan R. Taylor (past Chair, Ivey Advisory Board)
BG.97-252 Engineering Science Advisory Council
On behalf of the Board, the Senior Operations Committee has approved the following renewed terms and new appointments to the Engineering Science Advisory Council, as recommended by the Faculty of Engineering Science [(I) indicates "Industry"; (F) indicates "Faculty"]:
Heinz Greve, Vice President, Technology, Bayer Rubber Inc. (Sarnia) (I),
Exp. June 30 01
Fred Hassan, Director Delivery Services Transition, Union Gas (Chatham)
(I), Exp. June 30 01
Dave Southwell, Group Vice President, Bell Canada (Toronto) (I), Exp.
June 30 01
Mark E. George, President, Bay Networks Canada, Inc. (North York) (I),
Exp. June 30 01
John Winston, Director of Business Development and
Corporate Affairs, Diamond Aircraft (I), Exp. June 30 01
Judit Puskas, Director, Macromolecular Engineering Research Centre and
Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Chemical/Biochemical Engineering (F), Exp.
June 30 00
Sara Shortreed (I), Exp. June 30 01 (renewal)
Marvi Ricker (I), Exp. June 30 01 (renewal)
Bill Peel (I), Exp. June 30 01 (renewal)
Henry Yip (I), Exp. June 30 01 (renewal)
BG.97-253 Annual Report from the University's Representatives to the 深夜福利站 Fair Association
The Board received for information the Annual Report from the University's representatives to the 深夜福利站 Fair Association (Appendix III, pp. 2-3).
The Board received for information the following items from Senate, details of which can be found in Appendix IV:
Annual Reports of the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I, II, and the Senate Committee on Appeals
Report of the Academic Colleague on the 237th Meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities the Order of Convocation for Spring and Fall Convocations 1998
Dr. Davenport referred to an inaccurate statement in the Report of the Academic Colleague (Appendix IV, Annex 4, page 1) to the effect that OUSA "supports the deregulation of tuition fees, within limits...". At the November meeting of Senate, the President of the University Students' Council advised that OUSA (Ontario University Student Alliance) is not, in any manner, in support of differential fees. OUSA does support bringing Ontario up to the national average of funding, but rejects deregulation of tuition and opposes the combination of tuition and ancillary fees that is recommended in the Smith Commission Report.
Signed By:
W.W. Peel, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary