Simon Bonner
Office: WSC 276
Phone: 519-661-2111 x88205
Department of Statistical and Actuarial Science
- SS2857A: Probability and Statistics I (Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020)
- SS3858B: Mathematical Statistics (Winter 2021)
- SS9055B: Generalized Linear Models (Winter 2016, Winter, 2017, Winter 2018, Winter 2020, Winter 2021)
- SS9155B: Statistical Modelling II (Winter 2016, Winter 2018)
Department of Biology
- BIO4259F/G: Research Hypothesis Testing (Winter 2017, Fall 2018)
- BIO9915A/B: Analytical Methods and Study Design (Winter 2017, Fall 2018)
Master of Management of Applied Science
- MMASC9252Y: MMASc Colloquium Series (Fall/Winter 2017, Fall/Winter 2018)
- MMASC9254B: Data Analytics for Professional Scientists (Winter 2020)
- MMASCBIO9800B: Applied Biostatistics (Winter 2020)
Graduate Student Supervision
- Johanna de haan Ward (2019-Present, Co-supervised with D. Woolford)
- M. Alexandru Draghici (2018-Present)
- Han Na Kim (PhD 2017-Present)
- Braedan Walker (2021-present)
- Hutton, J.M., Price, S.J., Bonner, S.J., Richter, S.C., and Barton, C.D. (2020). Occupancy and abundance of stream salamanders along a specific conductance gradient. Freshwater Science. Accepted.
- Zhang,W. and Bonner, S. (2019). On continuous-time capture-recapture in closed populations. Biometrics. In press.
- Palumbo, M.D., Petrie, S., Schummer, M., Rubin, B.D., and Bonner, S. (2018). Mallard resource selection trade-offs in a heterogeneous environment during autumn and winter. Ecology and Evolution, 9:1798–1808.
- Price, S.J., Freytag, S.B., Bonner, S.J., Drayer, A.N., Muncy, B.L., Hutton, J.M., and Barton, C.D. (2018). Mountaintop removal mining alters stream salamander population dynamics. Diversity and Distributions, 24(9):1242–1251.
- Kelly, T.R., Bonner, S.J.,MacDougall-Shackleton, S.A., andMacDougall-Shackleton, E.A. (2018). Exposing migratory sparrows to Plasmodium suggests costs of resistance, not necessarily of infection itself. Journal of Experimental Zoology, Part A, 329(1):5–14.
- Whitney, T., Sitvarin, M., Roualdes, E., Bonner, S., and Harwood, J. (2018). Selectivity underlies the dissociation between seasonal prey availability and prey consumption in a generalist predator. Molecular Ecology, 27(7):1739–1748.
- Westneat, D., Mutzel, A., Bonner, S., andWright, J. (2017). Experimental manipulation of brood size affects several levels of phenotypic variance in offspring and parent pied flycatchers. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 71(6):91 – 103.
- Roualdes, E. A., Bonner, S., Whitney, T. D. and Harwood, J. D., (2016). Formal modelling of predator preferences using molecular gut-content analysis. Environmental and Ecological Statistics , 23 (2): 317-336.
- Schofield, M. and Bonner, S. (2015). Connecting the latent multinomial. Biometrics, 71 (4): 1070-1080.
- Bonner, S., Augustine, B. C. and Tredick, C. A. (2014). Accounting for behavioural response to capture when estimating population size from hair snare studies with missing data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5 (11): 1154-1161.
- Bonner, S. and Schofield, M. (2014). MC(MC)MC: Exploring Monte Carlo integration within MCMC for mark-recapture models with individual covariates. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5 (12): 1305-1315.
- Bonner, S., Barton, C. D., Muncy, B. L. and Price, S. J. (2014). Mountaintop removal mining reduces stream salamander occupancy and richness in southeastern Kentucky (USA). Biological Conservation, 180: 115-121.
- Bonner, S., Heckman, N. E. and Newlands, N. K. (2014). Modeling regional impacts of climate teleconnections using functional data analysis. Biometrics, 21 (1): 1-26.
- Bonner, S. and Holmberg, J. (2013). Mark-Recapture with Multiple, Non-Invasive Marks. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 69 (3): 766-775.
- Bonner, S. (2013). Implementing the trinomial mark-recapture-recovery model in program mark. Biometrics, 4 (1): 95-98.
- Chamberlain, J. L., Hiebert, E. B., Ness, G., Small, C. J. and Bonner, S. (2013). Modeling below-ground biomass to improve sustainable management of Actaea racemosa, a globally important medicinal forest product. Forest Ecology and Management , 293: 1-8.
- Bonner, S. (2013). Response to: A new method for estimating animal abundance with two sources of data in capture-recapture studies . Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4 (6): 585-588.
- Schwarz, C. J. and Bonner, S. (2011). Smoothing Population Size Estimates for Time-Stratified Mark-Recapture Experiments Using Bayesian P-Splines. Biometrics, 67 (4): 1498-1507.
- King, R., Morgan, B. J. T. and Bonner, S. (2010). Continuous Covariates in Mark-Recapture-Recovery Analysis: A Comparison of Methods . Biometrics, 66 (4): 1256-1265.
- Calvert, A. M., Jonsen, I. D., Taylor, P. D., Walde, S. J. and Bonner, S. (2009). A hierarchical Bayesian approach to multi-state mark-recapture: Simulations and applications. Journal of Applied Ecology , 46 (3): 610-620.