Serge Provost
Office: WSC 280
Phone: 519-661-2111 x83624
Ph.D. McGill University
Research Areas
- Multivariate statistical analysis
- Probabilistic models in environmental sciences
- Serial correlation
- Inference with incomplete data
- Distribution theory, special functions
- Quadratic forms, theory and applications
- Functional linear models
- Iterative techniques in actuarial science
- Tests of exponentiality
Graduate Students Supervision
- Cong Nie (PhD)
- Zhaoqi Yang (PhD)
- Yishan Zang (PhD)
- Provost, S. B. and Ha, H. -. . (2016). Distribution approximation and modelling via orthogonal polynomial sequences. Statistics, 50 (2): 454-470.
- Saboor, A., Provost, S. B. and Pogány, T. K. (2015). The Marshall–Olkin exponential Weibull distribution. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 44 (6): .
- Provost, S. B. and Ha, H. -. . (2015). Differentiated logdensity approximants. Statistical Methodology, 26: 61-71.
- Provost, S. B., Ahmad, M. and Saboor, A. (2015). A confluent hypergeometric generalized inverse Gaussian distribution. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 31 (1): 21-32.
- Provost, S. B. and Jiang, M. (2014). A hybrid bandwidth selection methodology for kernel density estimation. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 84 (3): 614-627.
- Ren, J., Provost, S. B. and Jin, T. (2014). Moment-based density approximations for aggregate losses. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, .
- Provost, S. B. and Mohsenipour, A. A. (2013). On approximating the distribution of quadratic forms in uniform and beta order statistics. Metron, 71 (2): 123-138.
- Provost, S. B. and Mathai, A. M. . (2013). Generalized Boltzmann factors induced by Weibull-type distributions. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 392 (4): 545-551.
- Provost, S. B. and Mabrouk, I. (2013). The exact density function of a sum of independent gamma random variables as an inverse Mellin transform. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 41 (11): 1-14.
- Provost, S. B. and Ha, H. -. . (2013). An accurate approximation to the distribution of a linear combination of non-centralchi-squarerandomvariables. Revstat Statistical Journal, 11 (3): 231-254.
- Jiang, M. and Provost, S. B. (2012). Orthogonal polynomial density estimates: Alternative representation and degree selection. International Journal of Computational and Mathematical Sciences, 6 (1): 17-24.
- Sanjel, D., Sheng, S. Z. and Provost, S. B. (2012). On the distribution of the Peña -Rodríguez portmanteau statistic. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 8 (3): 415-432.
- Provost, S. B., Ahmad, M. and Saboor, A. (2012). The moment generating function of a bivariate gamma-type distribution. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218 (24): 11911-11921.
- Provost, S. B. and Mohsenipour, A. A. (2012). Approximating the distributions of singular quadratic expressions and their ratios. Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society, 11 (2): 147-171.
- Provost, S. B., Ahmad, M. and Saboor, A. (2011). The gamma-weibull distribution. IEEE Transactions on Reliability , 27 (2): 111-131.
- Provost, S. B. and Jiang, M. (2011). Orthogonal polynomial density estimates: Alternative representation and degree selection. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 55: 1074-1081.
- Provost, S. B. and Jiang, M. (2011). Improved orthogonal polynomial density estimates. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 81 (11): 1495-1516.
- Provost, S. B., Khan, H. and Singh, A. (2010). Predictive inference from a two-parameter rayleigh life model given a doubly censored sample. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods , 39 (7): 1237-1246.
- Provost, S. B. and Mabrouk, I. (2010). A generalized exponential-type distribution. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 26 (1): 97-110.
- Ha, H. -. ., Jiang, M. and Provost, S. B. (2009). Moment-based approximations of probability mass functions with applications involving order statistics. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods , 38 (12): 1969-1981.
- Provost, S. B. and Tae Ha, H. (2009). On the inversion of certain moment matrices. Linear Algebra and Its Applications , 430 (10): 2650-2658.
- Stanford, D., Yu, K. and Provost, S. B. (2009). An accurate approximation for distance distributions arising in airtanker positioning and related problems. Forest Science, 55 (4): 293-309.
- Provost, S. B. (2009). On approximating the distribution of indefinite quadratic forms. Statistics, 43 (6): 597-609.
- Provost, S. B., Stanford, D. and Yu, K. (2008). On approximating the distribution of random distances within and between certain regions of space. INFOR (Information Systems and Operational Research) , 45(2) 51-64.
- Provost, S. B., Faysel, M. A. . and Khan, H. (2008). A Bayesian approach to measure mRNA quality levels for microarray experiments. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 1 125-133.
- Provost, S. B. (2008). A biographical sketch of Professor Mir Maswood Ali. Journal of Statistical Research, 42 (2) 1-5.
- Sanjel, D., Ha, H. -. . and Provost, S. B. (2008). On the distribution of a statistics for detecting first order serial correlation. The Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, 10(1) 87-95.
- Provost, S. B. and Jiang, M. (2008). A gravitational approach to density estimation. Journal of Statistical Research, 42(2) 181-194.
- Khan, H., Hegele, R. A. . and Provost, S. B. (2007). Bayesian applications in cytogenetic studies. Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2 157-172.
- Provost, S. B. and Ha, H. -. . (2007). A viable alternative to resorting to statistical tables. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 36(6) 1135-1151.
- Provost, S. B., Haddad, J. N. . and Sanjel, D. (2007). A relationship between the Yule-Walker and the maximum likelihood estimator of the AR(1) coefficient. International. International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science , 2(1) 11-24.
- Provost, S. B. and Rudiuk, E. M. . (2007). An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Inference. Custom Course Textbook No. M8602, The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario. 100 pages, .
- Khan, H., Haq, M. S. . and Provost, S. B. (2006). Predictive inference for future responses given a doubly censored sample from a two parameter exponential distribution. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136(9) 3156-3172.
- Mathai, A. M. . and Provost, S. B. (2006). On q-logistic and related models. IEEE Transactions on Reliability , 55(2) 237-244.
- Khan, H., Haq, M. S. . and Provost, S. B. (2006). Bayesian prediction for the log-normal model under type II censoring. Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, 5(2) 141-160.
- Mathai, A. M. . and Provost, S. B. (2006). Generalizations to the type-1 and inverted Dirichlet distributions: properties and applications. Statistical Methods, 8(2) 142-163.
- Khan, H., Haq, M. S. . and Provost, S. B. (2005). Predictive inference for future responses from two component systems. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 21(1) 27-41.
- Provost, S. B. (2005). Differentiated logdensity approximants. Proceedings of the 2007 Joint Statistical Meetings. Salt Lake City. Section on Nonparametric Statistics, 1606-1609.
- Provost, S. B. (2005). Density Estimation and Orthogonal Polynomials. Chapter 2, Lecture Notes of the Third SERC School on Special Functions and Functions of Matrix Arguments: Recent Developments and Applications in Statistics and Astrophysics, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Pala, 55-70.
- Provost, S. B. (2005). Moment-based density approximants. The Mathematica Journal , 9 727-756.
- Sanjel, D., Provost, S. B. and MacNeill, I. B. . (2005). On approximating the distribution of an alternative statistic for detecting lag-k serial correlation. Journal of Probability and Statistical Science , 3(2) 229-239.
- Provost, S. B. and Cheong, Y. -. . (2005). On approximating the distribution of the Durbin-Watson test statistic from its moments obtained recursively.. American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences , 25 207-220.
- Provost, S. B. and Mathai, A. M. . (2005). Some complex matrix-variate statistical distributions on rectangular matrices. Linear Algebra and Its Applications , 410 198-216.
- Sanjel, D. and Provost, S. B. (2005). Inference about the 1rst-order autoregressive coefficient. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods , 34 1183-1201.
- Haq, M. S. ., Khan, H. and Provost, S. B. (2005). Predictive inference for future responses from two component systems. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 21 (1) 27-41.