
Visual Aids Title


A poster

The purpose of this site is to engage and facilitate discussion in a remarkable exhibition of posters that has toured North America and Europe since its opening in 1987. By providing access to the rich collection of posters and texts from around the world that are found in the Hudler Archives, we hope to add to the vital research on gay and lesbian issues, and add to the rich history of the HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns in the 80s and 90s.

This site contains three important sections.

gallery busted

The Visual AIDS web site aims to give individuals access to a small selection of posters from the collection. The exhibit began touring in 1987, and has been across the Atlantic and back. Parts of the exhibit have been lost; however, several hundred slides, and some remaining posters are kept in the Hudler Archives at the Pride Library. Selected posters based on the four themes of death, defiance, defense and desire can be viewed in the web site's gallery. Articles and reviews will provide insight into the development and impact of the Visual AIDS exhibits. A feature article about police censorship of the exhibition at 深夜福利站 University entitled, Censored at UWO, describes the disturbing incident where four posters had to be removed from the exhibit. The police official, however, could not explain why he selected these particular posters out of all the others on display.

This site was developed by:
Students of the MLIS program at the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario for LIS695, Archival Reference Services and Outreach.

© 2001 The Gay and Lesbian Research Centre and the Pride Library

Last modified: December 2001
Site produced and maintained by volunteers at the UWO Pride Library
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