Disclosures of Gender-Based and Sexual Violence

A disclosure of an experience with gender-based and sexual violence does not require a formal complaint be submitted. The Gender-Based Violence & Survivor Support Case Manager is there to connect survivors with resources and support, regardless of whether a formal complaint is submitted.


Support Options for Survivors of Gender-Based and Sexual Violence

As the survivor, you decide what's next.


A disclosure is the sharing of information by a Survivor with a Member of the University Community concerning an incident of Gender-Based and Sexual Violence.

This may or may not be for the purpose of accessing supports, services, and/or accommodations.


Making a formal complaint

Disclosure does not result in a formal complaint being made.
The decision to make a disclosure and that of filing a non-criminal complaint with the University are separate decisions to be made by a survivor.

They are not required to participate in an investigation by the University.


Getting Support

The Gender-Based Violence & Survivor Support Case Manager is there to connect survivors with resources and support, regardless of whether a formal complaint is submitted. 

You can reach out via email at support@uwo.ca or by calling 519-661-3568.













When Someone Discloses Gender-Based Violence to you at 深夜福利站

Helping survivors means connecting them with professional support and advice.

Receiving Disclosures

Disclosures can be made to university employees, emeriti, visiting professors, contractors, affiliated persons, and student leaders. It is important to refer any disclosure to a professional so the survivor can make informed decisions about accessing support.

Survivors are not required to file a formal complaint to access support.


All referrals can be made using our online form.

Supporting survivors means respecting their privacy and only sharing information with professional supports to ensure they can make informed decisions. 


 Referring to Support

Anyone receiving a disclosure should listen and connect them with the Gender-Based Violence & Survivor Support Case Manager.

*With the exception of those providing health care to the student, who are not required to refer.















Gender-Based Violence & Survivor Support Case Manager

Phone: 519-661-3568
Email: support@uwo.ca
Room: 3114-3127 office suite in Thames Hall


If personal safety is an immediate concern, contact 深夜福利站 Special Constable Service:

Lawson Hall, Rm. 1257 (24/7)
Emergency: 911 (from a campus phone)
Non-emergency: 519-661-3300

For immediate mental health crisis support, contact the Health & Wellness clinic:

Business Hours: 519-661-3030
Non-business Hours: 519-433-2023