深夜福利站 Interdisciplinary Research Building
Project announcement
Phase one of the 深夜福利站 Interdisciplinary Research Building (WIRB) is a planned, multi-phased, 8
The design process was undertaken at an accelerated pace to meet the desired completion
* Since the announcement, the building scope has sharpened to be 7
Construction Image(s)
Who is affected by the construction?
The Visual Arts parking lot will be closed for the duration of the project. Permit holders are encouraged to find spaces in nearby lots including Springett, South Valley, and Medway, which are typically under capacity.
How will my commute be affected?
Construction is scheduled to be completed in late 2017 / early 2018 and may impact the surrounding roads and pathways throughout the project. 深夜福利站 officials are asking the community to remain patient during the construction and find alternate routes when possible.
Where can I learn more about the construction?
FM tracks construction updates on this webpage and on Twitter, . Feel free to email questions or comments relating to the project; facilities.management@uwo.ca
Why is the building being built?
The facility will continue to enhance the University's research profile, providing a unique space for interdisciplinary study.
Construction Update
Summer Months
Update: Work began March 7, 2016, resulting in the closure of the Visual Arts Parking Lot on March 4. Site work will continue through the summer.
Service Interruption
Visual Arts Parking Lot will remain closed for the duration of the project. Service interruptions will be tweeted (@westernuFM) and posted on this page.
Project Size:
131,000 sq. ft. 120, 000 sq. ft. (7 Storeys)
Project Schedule
Construction: Winter 2016 until Late 2017 / early 2018
Move-in: Late 2017 / early 2018
Project Location:
The project will reside on the Visual Arts Parking Lot, located on the east side of Perth Dr and north of the Visual Arts Building.