Liliana Alvarez, PhD
Associate Director – Graduate Chair and Associate Professor (on Sabbatical)
Room 2581, EC519 661-2111 x88957
- Postdoctoral Fellowship (深夜福利站)
- PhD (Alberta)
- MSc (Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia)
- BScOT (Universidad del Rosario, Colombia)
Graduate Program Supervision
- Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Research In Profile
Professor Alvarez’ program of research examines the community mobility of at-risk populations, including their fitness to drive, driving performance, access to and use of public transportation, and road safety. Her research seeks to uncover the personal, social, economical, political, and environmental factors that shape the access to and safety of community mobility for people with illness, injury, or impairments, drivers under the influence, and drivers across the life span. In her i-Mobile Driving Research Lab, she has and continues to work with inspiring students who are advancing community mobility as a human right, while contributing to enhanced safety. Her background in assistive technology and occupational therapy shapes her specific interests regarding the use of in-vehicle technologies, and vehicle automation, as well as issues of technology and transportation equity and justice. As a dual citizen of Colombia and Canada, professor Alvarez brings an occupational lens into her work and is passionate about the diverse ways in which people across the world want and can navigate their communities.
Featured Publications and Projects
- Barrett, Coppola, Alvarez, Eds. (2020). . AOTA Press.
Chapters and Reports
- Alvarez, L., Cook, A., & Polgar, J. (2022). Assistive technology. In Mihailidis, A., Smith, R. (eds) Rehabilitation Engineering: Principles and Practice (p. 43-71). First edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press. ISBN. 9781315270487.
- Classen, S., Alvarez, L. (2020). Driver Capabilities in the Resumption of Control. In Fisher, D., Horrey, W.J., Lee, J.D., Regan, M.A., (Eds.): Handbook of Human Factors for Automated, Connected and Intelligent Vehicles (p. 213-243). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Vander Veen, A., Cammarata, M., Renner, S. & Alvarez, L. (2023). The Clinical Usefulness of the Practice Resource for Driving after Stroke (PReDAS), Occupational Therapy In Health Care, 31(1): 119-144. DOI: 10.1080/07380577.2021.2018751.
- Colonna, R., Tucker, P., Holmes, J., Wilson, J., & Alvarez, L. (2022). Mobile-based brief interventions targeting cannabis-impaired driving among youth: A Delphi Study. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 141. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2022.108802
- Alvarez, L., Colonna, R., Kim, S., Chen, C., Chippure, K., Grewal, J., Kimm, C., Randell, T., Leung, V. (2021). Young and under the influence: A systematic literature review of the impact of cannabis on the driving performance of youth. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 151: 105961.
- Alvarez, L., Colonna, R. (2020). Characteristics of a technology-based intervention for young drivers' hazard perception: A Delphi study. Journal of Transport and Health, 19: 1-10.
Visit for a comprehensive list of publications.
Current Grants and Research Projects
- #dontdrivehigh: Establishing Youth’s Risk Profiles for Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis (CIHR Project Grant)
- #imgonnadoit: Understanding user generated social media discourse around cannabis and driving (SSHRC Insight Development Grant)
- Where the rubber hits the road: Uncovering the determinants of positive driving retirement conversations among older adults and healthcare professionals (COTF Innovation Research Grant)
Featured Graduate Student Projects
High Alert: Cannabis & Driving Mobile Brief Intervention for Youth
- Colonna, Robert (in progress). PhD, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Health Promotion Field
Driving after stroke: Developing an acute care screening process to provide evidence-informed recommendations
- Vander Veen, April (in progress). PhD, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Occupational Science Field
Newcomers’ experiences of community mobility barriers to employment in Canada
- Medhizadah, Shabnam (in progress). PhD, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Occupational Science Field
Driving Performance of Healthcare Shift Workers with Insufficient Sleep
- Knott, Melissa (in progress). PhD, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Occupational Science Field
- Sultania, Anupradi. MSc, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Rehabilitation Field Field
Visit for a list of completed student theses and dissertations in the repository.
Graduate Student Opportunities
Our lab is currently seeking potential MSc and PhD students interested in any of the following areas:
- Driving Simulator Assessments in older adults and the use of automated vehicles
- Establishing Youth’s Risk Profiles for Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis
- Understanding user generated social media discourse around cannabis and driving
- Determinants of positive driving retirement conversations among older adults and healthcare professionals
For graduate opportunities in the i-Mobile Research Lab, email professor Alvarez ( a copy of your CV and a letter of intent.
Additional Information
Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations
- Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health, University of Saskatchewan
- Member, CIHR College of Reviewers
- Programme Coordinator of Research, World Federation of Occupational Therapists (2016-2022)
- Merit Award, World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT). (2022)
- Certificate of Appreciation, Board of Trustees of the American Occupational Therapy Foundation. In recognition and appreciation for contributions to the profession, New Orleans, Louisiana. (2019).
- Excellence in Teaching Award, School of Occupational Therapy, 深夜福利站. (2018).
- Invited Member, World Health Organization (WHO) Global Cooperation on Assistive Technology Summit, Geneva, Switzerland. (2017).
- Keynote Speaker, International Breakfast, American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) 95th Annual Conference, Nashville, Tennessee. (2015).
Professional Activities
- Principal Delegate - Colombia, World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) (2012-2021)