The Hockey Fans in Training (Hockey FIT) Project

PhD Candidate Brendan Riggin and Dr. Karen Danylchuk are teaming up with researchers across ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ as part of an interdisciplinary project to improve the health of overweight and obese male ice hockey fans. The two are involved in a recently funded CIHR project grant entitled, “Hockey Fans in Training (Hockey FIT): A pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial of a gender-sensitized weight loss and healthy lifestyle program for men who are overweight or obese”. Riggin and Danylchuk have used the program as a research context for assessing the social impact of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative implemented within sport and have examined how social and organizational value can be generated, thereby creating shared value. The researchers also conducted a program evaluation to ensure stakeholder needs are met and to assist in optimizing the Hockey FIT program. Further information can be found on the

A brief summary of the report can be accessed here (pdf).